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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 282 KB, 821x732, Screenshot from 2024-05-15 20-24-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
983526 No.983526 [Reply] [Original]

it's so over bros

>> No.983527

>Smoothly around the cuticle and nail bed, ensuring proper deformation for animation
Ahhh, what exactly is going to be animated here? Sounds painful

>> No.983530

I hope AI can retopo for me soon, I've been avoiding diving deep into it

>> No.983531

It’s just stolen AI art, nothing new.

>> No.983532

tesla trunk test

>> No.983541

>tris and ngons galore
Is this bait Cris?

>> No.983544

>Automating purely monotonous procedural labor is now AI
fuck 2024
Also word generators have no understanding of concepts, you can see that where edges are half transparent or fade in/out into existence.

>> No.983547

The cope ITT is how a lot of hold-outs are gonna react til these things runs everything.
Constantly moving the goalposts and downplaying what they see despite it being obvious how coherent it's understanding is growing.
I told you lot 'Sora' was representative of the AI growing a visual cortex and here you have it, this is what it really was about no longer a toy.
Just imagine the sort of automated training they can conduct now that we have LLM's that understands contexts presented in the visual space.
You're witnessing generation one AGI emerge.

>It doesn't understand X! it just looks like it understands X!
>It doesn't take your job. it only looks like it takes your job.
>It doesn't run society... it just looks like it runs society...

>> No.983553

More like AGP

>> No.983554

>steal image from actual artist
>several thousand if then statements later
>heres shitty AI slop version

>> No.983560


>> No.983561

kek i love how it looks like it was decimated, triangulated, then converted to quads and decimated again

>> No.983562

No, it's theft

>> No.983565

I used this topology today for my work and I got fired, the technical director said that was subpar.
I quote
> Even the retopo in blender can do a better job, this is unacceptable.

Thanks chatgpt.

>> No.983594 [DELETED] 

>you care a product that cannot function without the labor of another
>you take the fruits of that person's labor without giving them any credit
>you make money from the resulting product
That's theft

>> No.983595

>you create a product that cannot function without the labor of another
>you take the fruits of that person's labor without giving them any credit
>you make money from the resulting product
That's theft

>> No.983622

Leftoids don't understand the meaning of work

>> No.983707

Most of AI was trained on public domain paintings and data.

>> No.983717

is inspiration theft?

>> No.983723


>> No.983734

Looks like you need an AI to help with your reading comprehension

>> No.983739

Ai helped me with the text, and it says it's theft

>> No.983740

the ai just bing'd that

>> No.983748
File: 90 KB, 198x249, IMG_20240517_204348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims it has good topology
>zooms in
>dafuq is this.jpg

>> No.983785

not everything needs to be a quad bro, just leave a few ngons and triangles here and there

>> No.983788

I rest my case.
no I don't, ask /ic/.

>> No.984410

go back to your aijeet containment generals.

>> No.984457

Finally we have confirmed that piracy is theft.

>> No.984527

Factually wrong.

AI art these days is awesome because it stole a lot of work from a lot of people without their consent.