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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 186 KB, 1244x901, picanha-grelhada1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5218298 No.5218298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /ck/, brazilian here. Why do americans put so much sauce on their meat? I spent a weekend in Florida and everywhere i went to eat meat it was dripping in some sort of sauce, i could barely taste the meat itself. Here in Brazil we just put some salt and if we dare, pepper, It's really rare to see anyone using any kind of sauce.

Also, for a short time i will be answering any questions you might have on Brazilian food.

>> No.5218308

why is Brazilian food so fucking delicious?

>> No.5218310


Because we have to do at least 2 things right.

>> No.5218322

There are many people who know nothing about Brazilian food. Lecture us about Brazilian food.

>> No.5218333
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What do you want to know? Brazilian food is very regional, it changes a lot depending on the state you are in. The only thing that is true for the whole country is rice and beans. Rice and beans is eaten by everyone, everywhere and in every meal, if possible.

I could hardly go one day without it.

>> No.5218337

not that anon but also have questions. I've had churrascaria as a treat, but how much meat is really in the average brazilian's diet? as in not dirt broke but also not upper middle class.

>> No.5218338


is the restaurant fogo de chao an accurate representation of brazilian food

probably isn't

>> No.5218360
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We eat meat a lot here in Brazil, something you will find everywhere is the "Prato feito", basically a MRE for people who work and and don't have a lot of time. Pic related. Rice, beans, salad, french fries, a steak/pork loin/chicken wing and drumstick, most cheap restaurants make this.

When i was a kid my family wasn't in it's best financial shape and we used to eat chicken feet because they sold it almost for free. I still do and i love it.

Also, churrascaria is the place where you go to eat churrasco (barbecue).

>> No.5218362

It's just different sometimes. Though I will say Brasilian style is awesome too, a friend from Brasil turned me on to Rodizio Churrascaria in NYC and that's mega good...

One place in NYC, it's closed now, got busted by the US Secret Service for swiping people's credit card numbers, if a person pays by anything other than cash, keep the card in view, no matter who runs the place, Brasilian or not.

>> No.5218368
File: 45 KB, 699x411, Picanha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fogo de chão is an accurate representation one type of brazilian barbecue, the "rodizio", and that's it. Don't expect a lot more than the meat and the rice and feijoada. Most brazilian steak houses use the "rodizio", they just keep sending you meat until you flip the little thing in your table to red. We also do this with pizza.

If you want to eat regional brazilian food you have to come here.

Also, every time you see this put it in your plate. Picanha is the best they have to offer in Fogo de chão.

>> No.5218379

i'm pretty sure brazil uses pasture meat, that why it tastes better (and cosequently why the rainforest is going gone

>> No.5218380

>implying there's anything in between

>> No.5218384


So you guys just use a whole bunch of sauce to hide taste of bad meat?

>> No.5218387


I'm going to an eatery here in Cardiff soon called La Brazilia or some shit, they use this system. Constant meat until you can't eat anymore.

>> No.5218388

No. Sometimes a sauce is nice, like a red wine reduction with mushrooms, that goes very nicely with quality meat. Sometimes Brasilian style with just some salt is nice too.

Though in some cases that's true, some folk drench sauce over crap quality of meat either to mask the flavor or to use the crap quality meat as a sauce carrier.

>> No.5218390


That's the good thing about Brazilian churrascarias. You pay once and eat as much meat as you want.

Going to a pizzeria that also does rodizio is magic. You pay $10 dollars and they keep sending pizza until you are full. Once i ate 21 slices of pizza, man that night was good.

>> No.5218397

Well, i'll be going now. Thanks for the awnsers.

>> No.5218419

Mostly yes, but some places that are of great quality use a nice amount of sauce or seasoning to get the best out of it. We do the condiment soup thing in principle that our shit is really really bad by itself unless we want to go with higher quality meats.

You could always ask for less sauces if you prefer eating the meat.

>> No.5218423

i went to a brazillian restaurant once
I'll i remember is like a little pot that was filled with black beans and sausage.
what the fuck is that called

>> No.5218466 [DELETED] 


>> No.5218469


>> No.5218485

Football and meat?

>> No.5218493

How much is one of those churwhatevers in Brazil itself? I know in the U.S. the prices are basically unaffordable except for special occasions.

The time I went, Fogo de Chao was $60 (plus tax and tip, so it comes out to about $75) per person for dinner. I didn't mind paying it to try it once, but I can eat at a more typical steakhouse (e.g., Lone Star) for around $25 total (including tax/tip), less if I get something small.

>> No.5218499

>going to a chain rodizio
There's a rodizio place place in-ish my area-ish that's $30. And it's actually better than Fogo. The only issue is that they don't have a liquor license so there's no alcohol, but they allow BYO with no corking fee. And there's a wine-and-spirits shop at the corner and a beer distributor across the street, so it's all good.

>> No.5218592

Define "my area" pl0x? I'd like to find one in Chicago or Seattle, although Austin TX is an option for when I have to go to corporate hq.

>> No.5218633
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>Lone Star
>a more typical steakhouse

>> No.5218646
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>the two things Brazil does right

>> No.5218642

What do you guys have for street food?

>> No.5218647

Sorry, Philadelphia. I'd be surprised if none of those three has a non-chain rodizio place.

>> No.5218661
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that must count as "meat", surely

>> No.5218667

>jello asses as far as the eye can see
Why can't brazil into cardiio?

>> No.5218673


Those are lower class whores. I've seen pictures of Brazilian hardbodies, it's just that low body fat and breast size at a B cup or less is mostly an upper class preference and by definition that means there's less of it to go around.

>> No.5218698
File: 80 KB, 500x492, Bella08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's more Brazil.

OP I went to a churrascaria near me. It was pretty good but do you actually have those in your country?

>> No.5218703
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...that's a dude, right?

>> No.5218706
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>> No.5218722

Florida is only good for seafood, they have shit everything else
The question is why are you eating BBQ in Florida to begin with? Because you're a dumb tourist, that's why.

>> No.5218737
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Before this becomes /s...

>> No.5218793


>> No.5218812


>> No.5218973


>> No.5218974

If those asses are wrong, I don't want to be right.

>> No.5218984

>tips olde english fotay

>> No.5219005

The jaw is making me think it's a dude.

>> No.5219039

It's Brazil, both sexes take it up the arse.

>> No.5219048

That's funny because Brazil has one of the most pervasive cases of social homophobia in the world. Men are routinely beaten to death because they might be perceived as gay.
Not all of Brazil is Rio.

>> No.5219059

Same in America, we just keep it hidden and lie about it in public. Create new words like "pansexual" so gay or bisexual people can feel better than other gays/bisexuals.

>> No.5219068

>thinking one state represents the whole united states
>brazilian education
florida is full of old people and spics, they all have damaged taste buds and need things heavily sauced.

>> No.5219091 [DELETED] 

I'm American and have never once put sauce on a steak.

>> No.5219133

because everything is better with sauce on it. quit being a hipster

>> No.5219709
File: 128 KB, 600x800, churras-grego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the biggest cities people eat a lot of Kebab. Popcorn, hot-dogs and ice cream too.

Then there's the more regional street food, in Salvador you eat Acarajé http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acaraj%C3%A9..

In the north eastern part you eat tapioca http://gizmodo.uol.com.br/wp-content/blogs.dir/8/files/2012/01/tapioca2.jpg

And in the northen part of Brazil you eat Açaí.


There's a lot more, but these are the most famous.


It depends, Fogo is really expensive here too. It ranges from R$20 to R$150.


>everything is better with sauce on it

HUE. No it doesn't.

>> No.5219802

Plastic surgery?

>> No.5219813

sauce? On steak? fuck you

>> No.5219857

Nah, people eat açai everywhere now. I'm from Brasilia and it's really popular there, I live in Sao Paulo and it's fucking popular here too.
It's too connected with gym exercises so every /fit/ eats it everyday. It made the price go sky high though, I used to pay R$ 8 for 500ml now it costs R$ 10-13 for 300ml, it's ridiculous.

>> No.5219860

It's a girl full on testosterone.