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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 425 KB, 397x593, Rick Owens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6952353 No.6952353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You've gone on a vacation to Paris.

Wearing your geobaskets at night, you tour the streets until you find a dimly lit alley.

You decide to take a shortcut through the seemingly empty alley,

Halfway through your trip through the alley, out of the shadows, Rick Owens appears.

"hi." he says as he looks down at your feet.

Rick notices your geobaskets, his eyes light up as he quickly glances back at your face making eye contact.

What do you do, /fa/? What do you say?

>> No.6952362 [DELETED] 

>Wearing your cargobaskets at night

i ask him if i can come to his london party

>> No.6952361


"I layered two of your jackets...

I've got an extra sandwich for you, Rick."

>> No.6952370
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That's some heart warming shit, son.

>> No.6952376


>> No.6952377

get outa me way you slimy cunt

>> No.6952385

adjective: slimy;comparative adjective: slimier;superlative adjective: slimiest

covered by or having the feel or consistency of slime.

fucking lel

>> No.6952415
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Hey rick can you name my band?

>> No.6952438
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>> No.6952557

bump owens

>> No.6952575


you forgot 2. fucktard

2. Disgustingly immoral, dishonest, or obsequious.

>> No.6952578

is the little guy wearing a yesstyle jacket?

>> No.6952587

makeout with his wife while u rub her black fingers on ur tits

>> No.6952603

oh god damn tomato if he heard you talking like that about him................................................. hed act passive agressive

>> No.6952640

id pay to watch that

>> No.6952657
File: 589 KB, 300x221, 1351829650621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the stuff of nightmares

>> No.6952680


>> No.6952684


>> No.6952987

honestly id probably cum idk
either way id feel like most fashion designers gotta be judgmental pricks especially if yu wear their product "in a wrong way"
he main reason i say this is because /fa/ made me more unreasonably judgmental based on how people dress - i hate it and i will never forgive any of you

>> No.6953006

stop youre not berry :(

>> No.6953356

fucking lol

>> No.6953360

berry is bisexual as fuck, I wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.6953366

>be judgmental pricks especially if yu wear their product "in a wrong way"
That's the glory of Rick Owens and Ann D, they straight up say that there's no wrong way to wear their shit, but just fucking wear it lol.

>> No.6953401

have you not ever visited the SZ WAYWT thread that's been up for almost a decade?

they'll tell you straight up and down how you're wearing rick owens, ann d, CCP wrong, shit they'll even tell you you're wearing ZAM B wrong

it's just like high school to those kids, first it was all, you wear is Nikolas + mark and a Rick leather

then it was all Damir doma and silent only

then it was CCP head to toe

now it's Yohji head to toe

and if you're not part of the 6-7 member circle jerk you'll get banned in less than 24 hours

>> No.6953407
File: 72 KB, 640x463, fuuma 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but Style Zeitgeist is a complete wasteland of old men trying to regain some semblance of youth and coolness. Faust is impossibly up his own ass, the only cool poster is Fuuma.

>> No.6953416

fuck he looks like that one actor but i have no idea what the actor's name is

someone help this is going to bug me

>> No.6953420

Of course i been to that shit hole, where those mother fuckers try to be "diplomatic with their insults" as some guy said earlier. But I was referring to Rick owens himself, and Ann D herself, not the deprived cunts from SZ.

inb4 anorak shows up and ethers us

>> No.6953431

FUCK, you're right he totally does look like that fucking actor. But what's his god damn name? This shit is not gonna let me sleep.

>> No.6953432
File: 213 KB, 532x800, fuuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethering everybody
So far up his own ass he's started putting real estate signage along his intestinal tract
Also isn't it like 2 AM on the eastern seaboard of Maple-land?
I think I know who you're talking about, but it's slipping my mind as well. This is going to be on my mind all day.

>> No.6953435

Do you have any fits by Anorak?

Do you know who he posts as on SZ?

>> No.6953438

No, and I'm not interested.
I've only seen his posts in the archive, never really be online when he's posting.

>> No.6953437

Passports and Sandwiches

>> No.6953441

justin long

im off to bed now

>> No.6953442

fuck fuck fuck

im "doing" hw right now

but i can't focus on anything else

help someone i

>> No.6953448


thank u so much

night teddy ;)

>> No.6953445


Thanks teddy, I havent talked to you on here yet, but you seem like a swell guy, good night.

>> No.6953447
File: 221 KB, 533x800, WAYWT123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>justin long
fuck lmao

>> No.6953450
File: 17 KB, 290x293, 1368910728670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send shuitsang a message on tumblr because he seems like a nice guy
>its been a week and no reply
>he's still posting
>the fucking faggot ignored me

Fuck stylezeitgeist a bunch of pretentios old fucks who dont know how to invest their money into something useful and were probably bullied from child

>> No.6953459

did someone rustle your jimmies ? ? ?

>> No.6953466

yup I bought your overpriced sneakers, youre welcome

>> No.6953464

i messaged shui and he replied :3 i forgot to reply back tho..................

maybe ur question wasnt really good enough? i talked to him a little bit about the commercialization of high end fashion to.. well the layman and he actually said a lot of wise stuff. wish he spoke better english tho, but his points still get across.

>> No.6953470

he seems like he would act like Justin long's die hard character.

all smart ass and faux witty

but then scared shitless when you shove him

>> No.6953476
File: 116 KB, 374x500, 5931444978_ecde5f67fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its these fucking gooks that are rummaging my johnsons. Think about it man, these are people in their late 20s early 30s even later 30s that got wise got a masters degree then joined the upper middle class, and I guess for whatever reason they were depressed and got artsy and edgy and started spending thousands of dollars on these fucking clothes, have you seen this bitches collection she has like 10k worth of merchandiese on ebay, and as if it werent enough shes modeling all of the pieces herself. SOme say it's because shes trying to fill the hole that she was never a model. BUT thats not the problem.

The problem is that people are so biased for them because they have money to spend on these clothes that they gobble up whatever edgy shit they post and everyone takes it as philosophy, theyre all following these flawed motherfuckers and for waht? because they got their masters in anthropology and almost make 6 figurers or some do.

That shit is just sad as fuck. People need real idols in the fashion industry

>> No.6953479

Thanks for staying on track, I like you.

>> No.6953497


Someone sounds mad jelly.

>> No.6953506
File: 1.44 MB, 330x262, emmastone14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6953519

Honestly it's hard to be jelly, I'm 19 years old and have plenty of time to get rich. That's irrelevant though.

Back to the main point, don't give me shit about them being as good as the designers either. Anyone can put together an avante-garde outfit with money, just buy out the fucking store and layer shit at home til you find something that works. Just spending a week reading SZ will even get you there quick. There shouldnt be anything special about a buncha faggots that throw on some expensive clothes. Actually special is the wrong way to describe it, the clothes that a person wears should not be used in place of a citation that everything they say is right, sure these fuckers argue amongst each other on SZ, but to every other pleb outside who doesnt have money, they look at these guys like their word is the law, all because A) they have money, B) they have expensive clothes. That is very flawed.

>> No.6953520

i think you're a bit obsessed

what i find hilarious is the prices she lists most of that shit for

she tries to get damn near MSRP for used shit that has been sold new by the retailers for over 50% off lol

i saw her list a sleeveless blouse for something like $550 when i copped the sleeved version in the same size for less than $300 over a year ago lol

>> No.6953516
File: 73 KB, 720x960, boydricetarget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get back home, you go to target, where you find Boyd Rice in the frozen food section.

>> No.6953522
File: 145 KB, 381x640, 7674974844_1d3eeab0b9_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is a fucking asian what do you expect, not only that she is fucking taiwanese

you thought kikes were bad, asians are stingy as fuck, all they do is try to get the best deal because they're souless bastards with no consideration for us humans.

and I am pretty obsessed

>> No.6953525

I wonder how rick owen would react if you went up to him while he was wearing geobaskets and told him "nice dream boxes"

>> No.6953533


>Anyone can put together an avante-garde outfit with money, just buy out the fucking store and layer shit at home til you find something that works.

go for it.

go to the store and post fit pics of what you come up with

ill be waiting to see if its good.

>> No.6953542

>Anyone can put together an avante-garde outfit with money
>with money

send me some money and Ill do it.

Do you see the point I'm trying to illustrate. The entire gap here has to do with money, not with taste.

>> No.6953546


which is why all rich people interested in clothing dress well right

>> No.6953552

I tried to wear my dreamboxes on the day I was going to the rick store. My gf made me change because she said it would be too embarrassing.

>> No.6953558

Oh fucking lord 100/10

>> No.6953560

That's irrelevant because we're discussing people interested in avante-garde. Not everyone perceives avante-garde as the epitome of being interested in clothing. Nice try.

>> No.6953562

cool gf.I doubt,Rick remembers what they are called though.

>> No.6953574

Yeah right dude, i bet Rick wakes up from his nightmares yelling out dream boxes

>> No.6953579

Be mexican. Go to my city's local goof store. See some asian dude in standard sz boring black stuff shopping with his girlfriend. Du throws me a dirty look. Hear him mutter to his gf about how this shop was going down the drain. Mfw I just wanted to touch some rick irl. Mfw too beta to do anything.

I know that fuckin racist gook browses sz

>> No.6953585

fuck greentext that shit I thought you were giving me directions to do something, I was like how do I become mexican, but the thing that made me realize these werent directions was the last part because you didnt tell me to punch the asian guy in the face and fuck his bitch

>> No.6953612

>be in seoul walking with my gf
>tell her all day about how awesome Rick is
>finally stumble on the rick store
>see his likelness in the window
>be too scared to go in because I can't afford to cop anything
>she dumps me

Thank you based Rick

>> No.6953619

i was in selfridges yesterday and my gf tried on a rick leather and it was pretty hot

>> No.6953620

rick started out his "amazing" career and refined his craft by knocking off tom ford's Gucci, and marc Jacob's Louis Vuitton purses in LA

Owenslab which was referenced in 1999 as "slab" = around that era

>> No.6953626

Shui's actually really nice, I talked to him over tumblr about Thai fashion and the local scene in Bangkok. There was one designer he couldn't remember the name of that I'm still interested in looking into next time I'm in Bangkok, a thai designer who worked under Carol Christian Poell. Anyone have any idea who I might be talking about?

>> No.6953637

>no consideration for us humans.

idk, i can't say i'm exactly broken up over it because i'm not interested in her leftovers regardless of the price point; even among the parts of her collection that she's not willing to give up, our tastes are too different for me to find any pieces that i particularly like

i guess unreasonable prices are in her best interest if she truly needs the attention that much because the longer it goes unsold, the longer it will be on display

are you sure he said it because of your ethnicity rather than your state of dress?

>> No.6953645

why is it that shit tier Asians are always the most racist?

Thai, chink, Korean

im Japanese and I wouldn't mind a Mexican dude and a Mexican chick in my store.

shit there are some Mexican girls that are hot as fuck.

the only race women I find unattractive are black (beyonce does nothing for me), Jewish, or Asian.

i'd fuck a sand nigger chick, them bitches are hot
especially the Lebanese bitches.


that light sand niggeresque skin, with the almost jade colored eyes, and that hair that is always a motherfucking mess


>> No.6953650

fuck posting on my mobile, that question was for >>6953579

>> No.6953669

Look up china on jews.

An ancient chink gets asked " why do you dislike jews" to which he replies, "they are just too different than us"

>> No.6953699

>tfw half-Lebanese
Lebanese people are fucking horrible.

>> No.6953703

Even Rick couldn't tell they were dreamboxes kek

>> No.6953731
File: 30 KB, 225x300, average Lebanese bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking mmm

>> No.6953781

Holy fuck Lebanese guys are so terrible. All the lame wealth flashing, womanizing, shitty politics about Hamas or whatever, the superiority complex because "we're descendes from phoenicians and are kinda white", the "I'm 2 deepandintelligent4u because I speak 3 languages", the constant need to "protect" lebanese girls from white men....and worst of all, the shitting up of Sydney's fashion scene....seriously dislike a good chunk of stereotypical lebanese people I run into. Like fuck m8, just chill

>> No.6953804
File: 17 KB, 279x279, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generalizing based on race

>> No.6953928
File: 55 KB, 612x612, 229984_1969850368466_291599756_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punch the faggot in the face.

>> No.6955655

you like sports car
come on get in sports car

>> No.6955670

i could just kill him
no tuff guy

>> No.6955675
File: 21 KB, 493x259, 1363376193880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing ol ricky boy

why would you do that

what would you tell his wife

>> No.6956056

to be fair i don't think anyone loves jews

>> No.6956075

nah a lot of the young chinks love em but the old ones hate just about everyone. Guess we will see if china allows multi culturalism within then ext decade