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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.6435340 [View]
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>skill in art matters very little compared to the meaning of the subject.
Pretty pictures i like and can't imagine how to do myself = Art
Porn i can consume = Art
Pictures that pander to my beliefs = Art
Pictures with meaning that i either don't understand or is contrary to my beliefs = cringe and schizo
Pictures that aren't realistically rendered like a photograph or aren't overdetailed chinese cartoons = bad
AI = good because it makes pretty pictures i can consume
Symbolism = BAD
Pictures that are praised by other and are worth millions = good

Art is dead because everyone thinks they're artists and they can't create something beyond kitsch.

>> No.6146346 [View]
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But if i admit that that is a problem then i feel bad about myself and i don't want to feel bad about myself because i must constantly feel good about myself!
Stop asking question and let me consume!
And you must consume as well so we can all consume together!
lmao like without consuming what the hell do you think about all day?
I love products!!!

>> No.5191413 [View]
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>they know nothing of real life and have nothing but contempt for it.
Same goes for the consumers. And it isn't limited to anime/manga.
If you followed the anime trends in the last few years; it's fucking "isekai+power fantasy" with lewd elements, and they're still going strong.
Every 2nd anime is about a loser that dies and gets transferred/reincarnated to another world as a Mary Sue.

Can you even write a good story that deals with the ugly side of life nowadays? No. Because the consumer don't want to feel anything else but arousal and comfort and they never get tired of it.
Sure, you might get a sad scene or a tearjerker or a flashback of how the mc got bullied but it's shallow, always one sided and it's done for the sake of making the consumers engage in the product
because that's what 99% of consumer media nowadays is; a product.

A golden rule of storytelling is to never focus on pleasing the reader.
But since most people now are retarded npcs that can't compute more than one emotion at a time or deal with reality, will cancel you if you dare make them feel bad and we live in an era where everyone pushes out shit just to sell a thing; you get what we have now.

Entertainment is dead. Art is dead.
We only have consumption now.
That's why in art; anything that pleases the consumer is regarded as "superior" and is positively received than anything else.
It isn't a wild guess as to what types of art i'm hinting at.

>> No.4977505 [View]
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>npcs will consume
>but they not consuming my stuff and making me richer so they bad
Let's be completely honest, you're not talking to strive for a higher than yourself ideal, but you're saying these things for your own interest.
Why do you care what others consume?
Yes, most people are consumeristic faggots who gooble up anything like the good goys they are, but why aren't you using it to your advantage?
>inb4 b-b-but thas baaaaad
Then you have no right to talk or even complain.
Do you have a stake in this? Seems like it.
Pyw and i'll tell you if it's worth any money.

>> No.4936759 [View]
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>Why do retards draw things that have the potential of making them lots of money and giving them a fuckton of attention?
Unironically blame money and women.
We wouldn't have so much demand for porn if men could get a gf but you get 80% of women shooting only for the top 10% of men and ignoring the rest or using them as stepstones for their own interests i.e. selling nudes on patreon/onlyfans etcetera.
But most importantly, blame corporations and their marketing agencies.
Also blame the billionaires.

>> No.4922842 [View]
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Everyone's just fixated on themselves and how they're going to get their next hit of instant gratification through getting attention by either committing to stupid shit, virtue signaling or by consuming specific products.
People have been retarded for a long time but fanatiscism is the key word here.
Normies want to indulge and belong, preferable to a circle of like minded people.
Fandoms give them those opportunities.
Then depending on the circle's inner culture, things happen.
Blame social media.

>> No.4328726 [View]
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Yeah, not true. Like art auctions are not for criminal organizations to launder money.
Or that many NGOs are backed by rich people with specific political agendas including their own financial profit by destabilizing a market or an economy.
Or like it's not true that there are social media marketing teams using sockpuppets accounts, pushing for products, controlling a narrative or social engineering an opinion because they are paid by foreign governments to polish or tarnish the global image of a country for financial or cultural benefits or damage control.
Or like it's not true that there are government agencies contracting organizations to post on demoralizing or racially charged propaganda on any social media.
Or it's not true that those who have the most money thus control this shitshow can do what the hell they want and nobody will ever do anything against them.
Or it's not true that the arts play a major role in this social engineering.

The end goal is to create the ultimate slaveconsumer.
You will work to be able to go to work and you will never be able to know or question anything because the brainwashing will be so severe, you'll get a nervous breakdown trying to question your masters.
Having a feeling of deja-vú while writing this. I'm sure i never written anything like this before.

>> No.4111942 [View]
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>muh shills
Who the fuck would infiltrate /ic/ to shill against porn?
I can understand /pol/ being raided constantly because
>muh pole ticks
But It's just some people fed up with every artist and their mothers shilling porn faggotry 24/7 just venting their frustration or just memeing for the sake of it.
If you think the current consumption of porn and open adultery is good and should be left unchecked because
>muh dick
then have fun having your children get sold into sex slavery by homosexual businessPeOplE and not being able to do anything against it, because calling out and preventing a crime will be a crime itself if the criminal identifies itself as one of the 18484368468 made up genders.
Marketing and propaganda are powerful tools always used to control the narrative.
Porn and sexuality is the most powerful and impactful tool of them all, always used to get men to follow blindly because
>i can do no thonk exsept muh dick
It's not just about porn, but think about what you're consuming and how that affects your brain and life in the long run.
Or just be another onion faceless consumer only to be remembered by the money they consumed on things, trapped between an animal and a human, never to reach true sentience at all only to lastly get consumed and governed by the things you consume. A hollow man.
If you don't like your addiction, programming and degeneracy getting called out; gtfo my board, normies.
You can't handle banter, you can't handle criticism. You can only retaliate because
>muh ego is plagued by so much inferiority caused by my oblivious consumption of everything that is spoonfed to me because i have less self-awareness than the average animals that i can't question my own existence
Go idolize some monolith or what the fuck you normalmonkeys do on a daily basis.
shut the fuck up cumbrains

>> No.4094450 [View]
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>Reading your shit makes my braincells die
>thread was already dead
>oh u ruint it
Oh, beautiful, pure (you)s, how i seek the
Stay mush, cumbrain.
Never change.

>> No.4073570 [View]
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His point was based on facetious bullshit. If anon gives a shit, hear the other side out before dropping conjecture.

>not every character is white

We don't give a shit.

Nor do we don't care if a creator goes out of their way to create an original story. Our issue is they continue to remake stories disrespecting the source material replacing European characters with tokens. I just posted a fucking infographic to show the media's singular obsession with replacing redheads. And it isn't just restricted to them.

But keep diverting from this little pattern we picked up on after years of watching this shit unfold.

>comic sales are increasing

Except the articles upon articles stating the exact opposite, all broadcasting Marvel and DCs sales woes in the direct markets. They are reliant on public libraries to make a steady profit after the costs pirates inflict on their digital sales, combined with the death of local comics shops.

Most of the sales were in children's comic books during sales at Scholastic fairs. Issues of recent Marvel and DC comics, however, are on a severe decline. People are going to crowdfunding independent books. The biggest winners being the most vocal against the Big Two's forced diversity practices.

>political comics

Not just comics. And trust me, we are more than happy to raise it to public attention to drop their fucking sales.

Leftwing politics is being shoved down out throats from fucking everywhere. TV remakes replacing roles filled by Europeans with tokens with non justification (see the infographics), video games shoving this nonsense down our throats, Star Wars (which is now suffering the appropriate consequences), children's media, news outlets pouring articles and articles featuring whites celebrating a "childfree, singles life) while featuring the "new Europeans" of minorities with large families, mass migration, etc.

Congrats on biting the hand that fed you. You killed the golden goose.

>> No.4050829 [View]
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>And they add this blatant obnoxious hyperlink through their art which makes me feel unmotivated to masturbate.
donat 2 my patreon
>Why do people approve of this blatant consumerism and materialism ?
dont ask question just consume and get excited for new products
>Imagine looking for an art community and everywhere else is shit.
Even is Anon is baiting, he's right.
/ic/ as shitty has it is, it's still better than 99% of the "art" communities out there. Too bad this shithole is also getting infested by soulless normalshits thinking anime tiddies is the peak of culture and art.

>> No.4024995 [View]
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Welcome to 2019
Everything has been corrupted by marketing and mediocrity reigns supreme

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