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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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>> No.7162738 [View]
File: 214 KB, 3000x3000, mileage may 10th 2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hundreds of these
That's still good mileage - studies help break us out of the muscle memories we've formed so far - studies are a disruption to the homeostasis of how we are used to moving our pencils / our 3D forms we fall back on naturally.
These are insanely difficult copies you're trying to do
We are lucky to have such anons
Saved, god damn it
Anime girl resistant to over 10,000 pounds of ocean pressure
Hundreds of these
Clean shading
Many more thousands of these
GMI - always good to see portraits. Also, fucking painting in color will be the end of me. That shit is esoteric.
I remember a very similar story a few months ago where an anon did this - but it was with a girl, and she got up and left

Horrific color attempt top left, color study top right, yet another memory rep of that Morpho arm + hand, portrait from reference bottom right

>> No.7162743 [View]

>Anime girl resistant to over 10,000 pounds of ocean pressure
nta but isn't she a robot?

>> No.7162747 [View]
File: 808 KB, 1500x1000, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like some feedback. I started drawing about 1.5 years ago, having month long breaks a few times. This is my current level. This is my first finished piece, I did everything from imagination. Up to this point I only did studies. I realise I don't actually know how to use painting software and have no idea what proper lineart is. Apart from those things what do you think I should focus on right now?

The pose is stiff, right hand has no forearm and I never actually did a background, just studied a bit of composition.

What's should be my next step?

>> No.7162750 [View]

... and the tree has no 3rd dimension

>> No.7162761 [View]

he might have meant
"is it okay to *move onto* adding clean lines?"

in which case, it is difficult to say. you will notice by how easy or difficult it is to do clean lines ontop. as a rule of thumb, if you are struggling with the line work, your sketch needs to be developed further. however this applies less to very simple, cartoonish shapes like you have here. but yeah there is nothing that looks way under developed so go ahead

one hand hand your style is very neat. on the other hand you make him look almost too cute. are you working on a boys love mange of yuri x kane? lel

very cool! improve the position / cropping / rotation to make her not look like she is just randomly floating on the canvas. also the legs, while nice themselves, merge into each other in an unfortunate way. keep an eye out for things like this during the initial gesture and adjust the pose if necessary

neck too short, arms too long, shoulders too wide etc. not necessarily an indictment of your skill as drawing clothed figures make it easy to not notice... did you construct (at least roughly) the nude figure before adding clothes? if not, make a habit of doing so! also, children while having smaller bodies have (almost) normal sized heads.

painting itself is very competent, however proportions and accuracy of facial features are much weaker in comparison. yours is not a "polished turd" but be wary of going down the path that leads to polished turds: neglecting fundamental skills while becoming strong in high level skills. also make a habit of not leaving parts of your paintings unfinished (or rendered to a lesser degree) like the hair, this breeds selective weaknesses that drag you down. even a shitty attempt at your weak spots is better than abandoning it - in terms of learning and how nice your pictures look

>> No.7162762 [View]
File: 207 KB, 724x584, boeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't be a complicated picture, so anatomy will be very simplified and so on.
It's more of a shitpost.

>> No.7162765 [View]


>> No.7162767 [View]
File: 384 KB, 800x600, gothgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, i only have like 2 of those saved, heres the other one.

>> No.7162776 [View]
File: 775 KB, 1023x1200, 1714682938833479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very cool! improve the position / cropping / rotation to make her not look like she is just randomly floating on the canvas. also the legs, while nice themselves, merge into each other in an unfortunate way. keep an eye out for things like this during the initial gesture and adjust the pose if necessary
So fucking funny when a no drawing nigger like yourself think you can criticize drawings

>> No.7162782 [View]
File: 640 KB, 840x1080, Ic Cowmaid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really should've made this connection earlier but you're basically using the reference equivalent of Panic Attack in Rock Band 2. There's foreshortening, perspective, and lens distortion.

In other words, this is a really challenging reference if you're not at all comfortable at representing 3D space in 2D form.

That being said, I'm going to try and practice what I preach and give this a shot. Mama didn't raise no bitch.

Is it perfect? Not really, but my first sketch as you saw was absolute dogshit. But once I got a better idea of the assignment I could take into account what I needed to do.

This was a struggle (as you can see). But what helped me is finding landmarks and measuring distances. What this means is finding relationships between landmarks.

That might sound fancy and technical, but that just means noticing that the reference woman's right elbow (her right) ends where ankle joint of the foot. Her left hand stops where her left knee is. Etc.

I could definitely try this again and probably produce something far better, but I'm heading to work soon. But hopefully this is helpful.

In general, I'd recommend less dynamic, foreshortening heavy references. Just get some references with people standing fairly normal.

>> No.7162787 [View]

This is sick. Anon, you're really going to get me to get off my Fighting Game shit and make some Red Alert fanart in unity.

>> No.7162792 [View]

I dont know man I just thought the fella looked cool, maybe my style sorta lends to it lol

Yeah hardcore,Been getting back into the games myself, last I played was years ago.

>> No.7162804 [View]

Be real with me guys. Is ktd actually a meme or the shitposters are just trolling?

>> No.7162805 [View]


that pic has a very pleasant vibe. soulful, clear at first glance, simple, direct, uncomplicated... i like it

at your skill level there is no definitive "next step" as every bit of drawing, from reference or imagination, finished pics or practice sketches, will be beneficial to you. add to that the potential for sucking the fun out of the art process by focusing too hard on exercise routines - and i would recommend you just keep drawing whatever you feel like.

it seems you have fun while drawing, while not technically of high quality, that picture shows imagination and an immediately recognizable "story" - you will grow to be proud of this as time goes on. imagination, creativity and a central unifying theme in an art piece is underappreciated by beginner artists (and a lot of the non artist audience) in my opinion

however if you do want to refine your art at an increased pace and focus at the cost treating (part of) your time spent drawing as "hard" work: in general terms you would create practice sketches/drawings/paintings with the aim of learning rather than creating a finished picture. these practice pieces would focus on *whatever it is you decide to focus on* and sacrifice/ignore most other elements to facilitate quicker and more narrow repetition/trial and error.
these practice pieces would ideally be a mix of a) from imagination to test yourself and push you to the limits of your skill so your weaknesses get exposed to better decide what to to focus on in your practice and b) copies of pictures you admire to gently start nudging your art in a direction you want

but the absolute best thing you could do for your art career paying me a modest $14.99 per week to be your personal art coach :^)

>> No.7162812 [View]

i forgot to mention
(if you do want to practice in a focused way) do NOT replace ALL of your art with practice. you will kill your motivation. even when grinding art you should always keep drawing for the enjoyment of it!

>> No.7162818 [View]

What you draw for "enjoyment" unironic question.

>> No.7162833 [View]

im a hypocrite in that matter... i am not drawing for fun nearly as much as i want to / should :(

even though it is about the mindset while drawing - not caring about flaws just letting whatever you want to see flow onto the canvas - the most reliable way for me to enter this "purely for fun" state of mind is to pick subjects that (for some reason) reliably make me enjoy the process and not worry about the outcome

when i do sketch for fun it is almost always either reference of animals or generic portraits of my waifu. especially my waifu, i dont care about the outcome, (well i do carr, i just stop worrying) because just drawing her (=being in her presence) is fulfilling

>> No.7162839 [View]
File: 380 KB, 1559x1330, 40dd9d5600d0efc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and sometimes just meme pictures like this

>> No.7162840 [View]

>keep drawing for the enjoyment of it
What can you suggest for finding the enjoyment in drawing even when the result is disappointing due to a lack of skill? Or, better yet, for drawing without caring about the quality at all?

>> No.7162851 [View]

Notice how this no-drawing paragraph spouting nigger isn't posting work? Curios.

>> No.7162857 [View]


>> No.7162864 [View]


>> No.7162874 [View]
File: 325 KB, 763x1024, CYMERA_20240510_002009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7162880 [View]

>Hundreds of these
True, sometimes you just wanna relax in your comfort zone of curvy women standing upright however.

>> No.7162902 [View]
File: 752 KB, 1070x1956, Untitled107_20240510160307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look any better?

>> No.7162935 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 1229x683, 3452534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ink practice before bedtime
Then I fucked it up by applying watercolor to them (ink started washing out and blended together with the watercolor, even though speedball india ink should be waterproof)
Maybe I need to wait at least 3 hours before applying colors. Or maybe I just have to switch back to fine liners because I know for a fact that they can handle watercolors easily without the ink going to shit

>> No.7162956 [View]

you shouldnt give criticism when you are this shit. It muddies the water

>> No.7162960 [View]
File: 242 KB, 569x500, 7wlr82 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely easier said than done but getting into the mindset where you're comfortable with the idea that you're going to be making drawings that don't really match your expectations or quality you're striving for. I'm the anon who posted the Akuma RE2 sketch and it really isn't close to what I wanted to convey in terms of quality but I still had fun drawing it even if on some level I wasn't satisfied with it.

Be content with just drawing and letting go of perfectionism, especially if you're learning. Your drawings won't be perfect and they'll have mistakes but that's okay. You're doing it.

Personally, I like having two separate mindsets that you can freely shift between. On one end you have the mentality where you really push yourself and try to strive as close as you can to the quality you want to achieve. This is where you're cleaning up lines and going hard on rendering and really pushing the artwork to reach possibly beyond your own abilities.

On the other side of this is another mentality that I like to call the comfy trash pile. This is where you cut loose and just draw whatever you're into without worrying about if it's good or not. Draw a character from a game or a show, make up your own characters, do quick and loose are studies. The idea is that everything here is going to be kinda bad but you're doing it to have fun and not be too stressed out.

Balance these two sides and don't focus to heavy on one over the other. Sometimes artwork from the quality mindset will end up in the trash pile and sketches from the trash pile might surprise you and end up in the quality mindset pile.

This is how I combat burning out. A few days ago I was stressing over cleaning up lineart and driving myself crazy but then I spent an hour drawing silly caricature doodles of FGC personalities on the drawboard and it was relaxing. They were purposely bad drawings and a few ended up being kinda funny and I actually like them.

>> No.7162977 [View]

i love these so much, do you have a blog anon?

>> No.7162982 [View]

What book would you recommend to learn anatomy in a simplified way? Morpho?

>> No.7163033 [View]

yeah, Morpho is the best, especially the simplified forms book

>> No.7163039 [View]
File: 2.71 MB, 4000x3000, 20240505_183134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to learn how to paint

>> No.7163063 [View]
File: 551 KB, 1161x1040, ninnula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you have any ocs, I would like to draw one of them as a token of gratitude.
ahh im glad you liked it. your art reminds me of a bit of a mix between 2000s anime and doll design from that period which is really fun, been tryna incorporate that stuff into my own style recently too
i never do finished drawings of my oc's so here's one i could find

>> No.7163064 [View]

pretty dumb that there's not an easy way to transfer art from procreate to windows

>> No.7163081 [View]

you can save your art as a PSD. virtually any art program should be able to open a PSD file even if you don’t have photoshop. not sure why’d you need anything else.

>> No.7163103 [View]
File: 422 KB, 1000x1000, maydday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7163111 [View]

absolutely fucking kill yourself, mariel
you derange tranny
when will you fucking leave this place. you are the fucking cancer of 4chan.
nobody fucking cares about your shitty oc
NEVER reply to MarielX
NEVER fulfill any request from this troon
NEVER help him.

>> No.7163169 [View]

Thanks anon.
>recommend less difficult poses
I want to stop drawing flat and insipid boring shit. Wanted to try a more difficult pose and as you can see it went horribly bad.

>> No.7163175 [View]

I love you, Mariel-channnnn uwuwu

>> No.7163177 [View]

You can definitely do more difficult poses, but try some that don't have heavy foreshortening or awkward angles. There's a ton of reference packs that are "figure drawing" focused that try to keep the lens distortion at a minimum.

That being said, you are you. If you really, really want to get these more difficult poses down keep at it. I'm scared of trying them myself but you gave me a good reminder to try to do some more tricky poses.

>> No.7163221 [View]

Can anyone here vouch for Titanium alloy pen nibs? Getting a little tired of the regular Wacom nibs running out so fast despite using low pressure

>> No.7163227 [View]

I do not understand why do you need titanium for that but I imagine metal with scratch surface harder. try use toothpick maybe

>> No.7163275 [View]

Thanks a lot, but I don't
I keep posting here once in a while so someday I might make one

>> No.7163295 [View]

Dear begs and esteemed ints, I am reiterating my request >>7162729 it seems to have been ignored and now high above in the thread.
Pls gib scene to draw.

>> No.7163378 [View]

never used them, and personally i would worry about them wearing through the tablet surface

buy a replacement pen+nibs from some chines brand, maybe even a replacement plastic scratch cover that fits your tablet

wacom is known to make their nibs soft and their tablet surface abrasive to make money on replacements. i have been using an xp pen for over 5 years and have switched my pen nib exactly once... and that was because i bought a whole new xp pen tablet after the first one had issues with the cable lel

dont buy wacom. it is the apple of drawing tablets

>> No.7163379 [View]

three cat girls in various bikinis or swimsuits depending on what designs fit their personalities
sitting side by side on a glass surface eating ice cream
a small close-up shot from below showing their cute little butts compressed on the glass and their thighs flattened under their body weight

>> No.7163385 [View]

On the sliding scale of gesture vs construction, it really comes down to goal of your drawing, style, as well as personal preference. The key is how much of each to use in order to get the look that you want.

If your goal is to draw a character fluid and dynamic, where the lines themselves communicate movement, then it's better to use more gesture than construction in order to emphasize the curves and overall "flow" of the figure. If you are going for a more rigid, yet realistic drawing, use more construction and less gesture to make the proportions more accurate and the pose more "realistic".

Obviously, too much of either will hurt your drawing: All gesture with no regards for construction will cause your forms to be inaccurate and you could lose clarity. All construction with no gesture will make for a perfectly proportioned and anatomically correct figure, but will be quite boring. So it's up to you to find that "middle ground", and decide for yourself where you want it to be.

>> No.7163431 [View]
File: 391 KB, 4096x4096, regret 5 11 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7163443 [View]

Thanks anon, interesting prompt, the shot from below will be very hard but I'm on it.
If anyone else has any other ideas I'll still be checking the thread once in a while.
captcha: MAWMWW almost meow, good premonition

>> No.7163453 [View]

new (old) thread, do not make duplicates