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File: 302 KB, 2560x1707, Wacom-Cintiq-Pro-27-FRONT-VIEW-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6800194 No.6800194 [Reply] [Original]

Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Medium (12-16"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S8/S9 Ultra, used iPad Pro 12.9"
Large (22"+): Wacom Cintiq 22, Cintiq Pro 27 - Make sure they have VESA standard mounting holes.

XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand making Wacom imitations.
Poor build quality, pens with wavy lines, wobbly nibs, broken tilt, issues registering light pressure, terrible customer support, uncalibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Do not be fooled by myths like "Chink companies are just as good as Wacom now" - they've been saying this for over 8 years, nothing has really changed. Consider reading the amazon reviews, particularly the negative spectrum and you will find some very common themes.
Chinese companies have also been proven to shill on 4chan. Someone in the /csg/ general on /g/ once got an email from Gearbest asking him to post positively about them on the "csg chinkshit general thread" on 4chan's /g/ board. You will very likely see dozens upon dozens of posts in this thread seething about a "wacumguzzler" in this thread. These are from the same aggressive shill department.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
More optimized for palm rejection than good quality drawing. Wobbly lines when drawing slow and straight.

>Cintiq 13-16"
Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

Worse than Samsung in every way.

Previous: >>6789703

>> No.6800196

Hey Aaron hows your channel doing? Still disabling comments so they dont call your bullshit?

>> No.6800200
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.

>> No.6800201

Oh hey, nice of you to inform newbies of your favorite slur to be called, wacumguzzler.

Remember anons: hes been doing this shit for 6 years, FOR FREE.

>> No.6800215

Why are you so mad bro?

>> No.6800221


No. It's completely irrelevant.
All drawing software is locked at 60 if not 30 anyway.

>> No.6800226

Higher refresh rate screens generally have better response times, which means less ghosting overall.

But yeah, in general it's a very minimal improvement. I guess if you pan around like a madman it'll look a little nicer?

>> No.6800227

It also looks like touch functionality in general is much smoother and more responsive, like if you're scrolling up and down a page using your finger.
This is something that has always been genuinely terrible on the older Cintiq Pro lines.

>> No.6800234

That's what panning is. A scroll is a type of pan. I hate touch shit and find it just gets in the way anyway, not hard to have a button for rotation and one for zoom.

>> No.6800250

>which means less ghosting overall.
Doesn't matter.

If we're talking about the PC platform you're dealing with laggy input, laggy software, and then stabilizer you just get used to 0.5seconds delay. No matter what you're doing you'll have your brush dragging behind your pen.
>but I am do good i don't use the stabilizer it's a crutch for the stupids
It's built into the drivers by default. That's why Intuos pro don't have the wobble by default but the Osu tablets like Intuos non-pro feel quicker but have the wobbly line. Wacome One also wobbles BTW, it's just a fuck you from Wacom.

>> No.6800251

Very impartial OP.

reminder that Wacom's own Intuos line has also gone to shit. The intuos pro has planned obsolescence in the form of extreme nib wear, a razor and blades business model if you will. This has single-handedly damaged a lot of people's trust in Wacom products that were previously thought to be the gold standard. You do not have to scroll far to find this recurring problem in their Amazon reviews.

Do not follow any brand blindly. Do as much research as possible. Ask other anons who have used your model extensively before buying.

>> No.6800254

>like touch functionality in general is much smoother and more responsive,

If you're using touch that means you took you hand off the keyboard. Photoshop babies wouldn't know that but every proper software has all of the hotkeys located near the bottom eft corner of the keyboard so that you'd never need to move your left hand or lift your pen away from the drawing.

You zoom with ctrl+space and pan with space, resize the brush with Shift+Alt.

Every second spent touching is a second not spent draing.

>> No.6800260

Dunno about pc software nowadays, but there was a positive difference when I went to ipad with the 120hz screen two years ago. Procreate supports it and panning, zooming, fast strokes were noticeably better than on pc photoshop and SAI that I used before. Just a smoother experience overall.

>> No.6800263

>aggressive shill department.
The voices in your head are multiplying now? It's a whole department of shills?

>> No.6800267
File: 78 KB, 720x577, 6539715352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pc and Android CSP is still only 60. They upgraded from 30. Android also feels snappier but for other reason. It's like there's less imput lag from the pen.

>Procreate supports it and panning, zooming,
I hope you have a keyboard, do you?
Seriously get a bluetooth one, even if you're an iToddler it's gonna help drawing faster a lot.

>> No.6800269

I know you are in denial, but 99% of iPad users prefer using the iPad purely with a gesture based workflow and no keyboard.
Using a keyboard for panning and rotation is literally less efficient on iPad. Be in denial all you want, but this is a fact.

>> No.6800270

Last thread had 85 poster which means 84 changs and he alone is heroically saving the 4chan from them.

>> No.6800273

I think he's seen the writing on the wall with the latest line of Wacom junk scams that even he can't manage to defend.

>> No.6800276

Dude the android has the same exact workflow.

You literally need to stop drawing to use the gestures. The Apple user are known for being stupid. Imagine not being able to just hold E to switch to an eraser for one stroke and then be back to your brush when you let go of the key, or picking the color from the drawing with an Alt, scaling the brush right on the drawing with shift+ctrl etc.

>> No.6800277

I actually have a keyboard but I use it for writing. As for drawing it doesn't click with me like it does on pc. I may be slower and less efficient but I just fancy touch over the keyboard for ipad. Probably because most of the shit there is made with touch in mind.

>> No.6800280

they aren't even paying him.

He is a failed youtuber that got shat on by his own viewers, started arguing with them and killed his channel and ever since then he's been convinced it's the huion marketing team stalking him around the internet.

>> No.6800283

Again, you're in denial. Gesture based workflows are fine. Aaron Blaise is a far more experienced and qualified artist than you and he loves the Procreate workflow. Two-finger tap undo, three-finger redo, hold-finger color picker, corner swipe quick menus, etc. It all flows together nicely.

>> No.6800285

As far as I know procreate supports all the standard hotkeys similar to SCP and SAI and you should really give a chance maybe it would click with you.

Efficiency is everything the slower you draw the slower you learn, the fewer studies you get done. That's the reason why i dumped photoshop way back when.

>> No.6800291

>Aaron Blaise
Trad boomer stuck in his old ways, you should respect his accomplishments but you don't have to follow his shortcomings.. All the japanese PROs are using CSP and a keyboard.

>> No.6800307

You don't have to choose between an Intuos or a Cintiq, you can use the Cintiq as your monitor and use the Intuos to draw and paint, then move the pen from the Intuos and continue working on the Cintiq, all seamless and correctly scaled.
Protip don't get the smallest Cintiq, just get one that is large enough to use as your display, don't go dual display because there's more lag if you do.

>> No.6800325

why are you so autistic bro?
why are you so desperate for people to buy wacom's shit?
why are you so hellbent on making every single tablet thread?

>> No.6800332

You shouldn't get a Cintiq ever if it's under 22".

>> No.6800345

Yeah 22 is the bare minimum, there's a reason there's tons of old Cintiq 13HD and 16 on the second hand market. I got a 13HD for free and while it's great to draw it's really crippling if you plan on doing any pro work.

>> No.6800366

All of that and he isn't a janny
Damn,autism it's a helluva power

>> No.6800367

>puts nick on op
>it's the same aggressive shill department
holy butthurt wacumnigger

>> No.6800370

we got under his skin so hard this time kek
fuck off aaron

>> No.6800601

I have to actually congratulate him, for all of his efforts to shill the chinese brands

>> No.6800622


>> No.6800679

Wait, you fell for it? These threads are just to mess with people, we all draw on paper here, like god intended.

Well, there are a few chalk and slate diehards too, but those guys are weirdos.

>> No.6800690

Wow, I can't believe it.
I fell for the oldest trick in the book.
You done did it to me again didn't ya.

>> No.6801033

op is a massive faggot

>> No.6801222

I just bought a Cintiq for a decent price. If this sucks dick I'm going to cum on your art and in your ass.

>> No.6801270

>implying that the guzzler draws

>> No.6801275

I'll still cum in his ass.

>> No.6801286

Fair enough.

>> No.6801289

didn't read

still buying wacom


reddit spacing

>> No.6801295

You should realize that you are getting the reverse effect from this shilling, anon.
>Verification not required.

>> No.6801298

>ran out of arguments
>p-plebbit spacing! y-you are wrong!

>> No.6801331

which cintiq, and how much?

>> No.6801358

cintiq 27 QHD for 500 bucks
used and doesnt come with everything but im fine with that

>> No.6802198

What nib do you use on the Cintiq? Felt ones seem the way to go, you can pressure without fearing it will scratch the screen and offers some friction. I hate "paper" like texture.

>> No.6802220

When is the EMR meme going to die? Apple have already proven that AES is just the superior technology, the important part being right at the tip of the pencil is better than the EMR coil a mile away.

Even felt tips can scratch the screen if you pick up the wrong bit of dust. The main issue with felt tips is that they feel pretty nice, but they degrade so fast. Plus they can be a bit too floppy if they're full felt.

>> No.6802333

>Every second spent touching is a second not spent draing.
Insane cope. Going from drawing on screen to screenless, I don't even zoom or rotate anymore because keyboard/pen shortcuts are much more of a hassle than simple gestures.

>> No.6802339
File: 345 KB, 1536x2048, F0GxGTYakAAgVcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the Xencelabspill bros. Pen Display should be arriving by tomorrow so I'll report back next week on how it feels after giving it a few days of use.
Only similar piece of tech I've demo'd are the Surface Studio and Cintiq 24HD so I'm hoping this'll surpass those.

>> No.6802372

I like the little quick keys thing xencelabs has, but I don't know how useful it'd be. Wish it had some more buttons, but the screen is nicer than most of the alternatives that expect you to just stick labels on shit.

>> No.6802952

I can see it, the felt nibs do get dirty quickly, I was thinking that on the Cintiq surface it would keep the nib clean but it's not the case.

>> No.6803656

>Cintiq 13-16"
>Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad
>>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
>Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface
Is Wacom going to be the next Nokia? Are they retarded? Everyone is moving to iPads and they don't do anything.

>> No.6803680

Wacom released in 2019 the Cintiq 16 which uses a panel with 25ms response time, that covers 74% of Adobe RGB, they don't care.

>> No.6803701

Yes, they are. They've basically spent the past 20 years being glorified patent trolls with EMR tech, their only competitors are chinks who don't care about IP rights.

Their only hope is boomers who keep buying their shit, but as their newer stuff is built worse on purpose, I imagine this will have the opposite effect.

Honestly, at this point I'm pretty ready for someone else to come along and invent a proper pen sensing tech without the limitations of the existing shit.

>> No.6803748

Okay chang

>> No.6803774
File: 90 KB, 1400x687, Wacom One.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only put effort in their Cintiq Pro line, the HD Cintiq's are all old tech repackaged. Same with the Intuos Pro line compared to all their other tablets, the "One" line is plain terrible and they still jack up the price for less features.

>> No.6803802

Jokes on you
I won't even be baited to correct the misinfo in this thread

>> No.6804043

Ive been using a Huion H1060P for a while now.
What would be a good upgrade to it? I would want the new one to be screenless too.

>> No.6804061
File: 28 KB, 466x356, 61rVp0j88xL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on the HUION KAMVAS Pro 16?

>> No.6804076

Which one? They make like 3. The budget 1080p model uses the old pens which are passable, the newer ones have really ugly anti-glare sparkle but a better pen.

Improvements will be pretty minor, you're probably better off buying an old cintiq with a larger working area. The H1060P used the PW100, which is essentially just the PW500/PW507 pen. I mean that literally, internally they're identical with the only change being a frequency one to make them incompatible, because the 500/507 pens are set up for lower spring pressure so it's harder to break the glass screens.

>> No.6804603

So looking at used 3rd gen Ipad pros 12.9 inch. Why exactly on amazon the cellular version is cheaper than the wifi only version? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Dumb question, would you prefer the cellular one to the wifi one?

>> No.6804620

Which side is spreading misinfo.

>> No.6804647
File: 118 KB, 648x864, 1692168548321404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an old 2020 iPad pro 11" atm and I need a bigger screen but mostly I need better connectivity toward my pc
What should I get?

>> No.6804651

a 12.9" used or a Tab S8/S9 ultra

>> No.6804668

I'm confused about the infighting, so which screenless tablet is the best?

>> No.6804785

It makes no difference. Cellular has the option of getting a data plan, wifi only doesn't. But if you're getting it for drawing then network connectivity on the go is pretty meaningless.
How much are they on Amazon? I wouldn't pay over like $400 for a 3rd gen

>> No.6804810

Any Intuos Pro, real Intuos not the rebranded Bamboo line which shares the same name.

>> No.6805037
File: 861 KB, 1644x2192, IMG_2677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of using an old 2018 gen 6 standard model iPad as a drawing tablet?
>32g storage
>2g RAM
>A10 chip
>No gen2 ipencil, would need to buy gen1 or aftermarket
Anybody run/have run this setup?
I wouldn't be using the tablet for much else, but it's still a slow old thing with low specs. Worth it to pay for a gen 1 pencil? Or would a different tablet perform better specifically for drawing?

>> No.6805075

$550 on Amazon for Cellular 3rd gen 12.9 inch 256gb. 50 dollars cheaper than just wifi for some reason.
Where would you find one that's less than 400? Checked ebay the lowest one is like 475. Also yeah plan to just use it for sketching and stuff.
I was just curious on why the cellular is cheaper than the wifi.

>> No.6805132

>old 2018
I will never understand zoomers who think that processing speed has changed significantly in the past 5 years. The whole mobile market was done in about 2016, this isn't the 90s anymore. Everything since has just been putting up more numbers that don't actually correspond to any real world improvements, the slave cattle who buy the new apple product every year or two on contract do not see any great improvements.

The only real issue here is the gen 1 pencil, because charging it looks dumb and if you're not careful you can snap it off. I imagine someone sells a short extension cable that basically eliminates this danger though.

>> No.6805140

The 2019 is generally in the same price range, and you get an extra half an inch of screen and 3gb of RAM which helps with layers. If you can get the 2018 significantly cheaper, bear in mind the pen is like a hundred bucks so if it comes with one that can be a decent saving, then it makes sense. If the difference is under 50 bucks, might as well get the slightly better model.

>> No.6805142

Dude, I have the thing, it has the lowest possible specs for that model. It's slow.

>> No.6805156

For drawing? It's fine. You don't need the latest chip for some lines on a page.

>> No.6805159

great thank you

>> No.6805276

While the S pen is pretty good for drawing, getting original replacement tips seems like a pain. The tip lasted for one week and now Amazon won't replace it unless I send the entire tablet back and Samsung service center doesn't want to help me because I bought from the kike Bezos.
I don't trust the cheap replacement tips because reviewers say they break easily and can't be extracted anymore rendering entire pen useless.
I ordered some Staetdler nibs now and hopefully they are as good as their reputation.

Another thing, some magnetic case covers really interfere with the sensitivity of the touch screen in some areas. Anyone got a recommendation for a good case cover?

>> No.6805295

Pretty sure the stock tips tend to be felt, which falls apart in a few days but it feels nice for people who occasionally use it for doodles. If the Staetdler nibs fit they'll probably be fine, honestly I've never had a problem with cheap chink nibs but maybe the few reviewers with complaints were retards who tried to mash the nib sideways and were amazed when it snapped off at the weakest point mechanically. One thing to bear in mind is the whole S pen ecosystem is pretty cross compatible, lots of pens work on lots of devices, the only difference is you might need to recalibrate and sometimes side buttons don't work.

Just get a case with velcro, problem solved. Or you can cut it open and take out the magnets, and then just hold it closed with something else, like a loop of velcro glued/sewn onto it.

>> No.6805324

How do you differentiate? Im looking to buy a large intuos pro. There is an official Wacom online store for my country

>> No.6805401

>Where would you find one that's less than 400
I got mine 2 years ago for $400, and these things don't go up in value s they get older

>> No.6805446
File: 21 KB, 619x391, wacom-intuos-s-bluetooth-preto-ctl-4100wlk-s-by-wacom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trimmed down Intuos have a bunch of white dots on the overlay and no buttons, the real Intuos have a Touch Ring and buttons.

Pick related is the rebranded Intuos.

>> No.6805455
File: 113 KB, 1080x810, huion keydial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

experience on this?
good buy or nah?

>> No.6805461

I think the huion software is mediocre, lots of basic limitations.

Honestly, I don't think any of the little portable hotkey things is very good. It's rare that they support things like toggle layers, for instance. You're probably best off with a cheap chink numpad with a couple of dials that supports something like via, it'll just be harder to setup. I also don't like the ergonomics of most of these devices, I'd want something I can use blind very easily with knobs and dials under every finger.

>> No.6805536
File: 129 KB, 1500x1278, 61rVp0j88xL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this feel like actual ass. i like i'm drawing on liquid shit.

>> No.6805653

>I'd want something I can use blind very easily with knobs and dials under every finger.

>> No.6805661

It's okay. I used one for a few months that I got for $20.
Replaced with >>6805653 that I got for $75 on marketplace. The huion is totally acceptable though, if it had 1 more knob or scroll wheel it would have been great. Only reason I replaced it was I got a good deal.
There are plenty of macropads on the market with knobs, or a if you don't care about that, you can pick up a Bluetooth numpad for like $10, since that's all the huion is. I'm gonna be selling my key dial if you want it.

>> No.6805889

Is the tab ultra actually worth the price over the plus version

Money isn't even the concern, just wondering how much better the bigger display is

>> No.6805902

I would always go bigger when possible. I've got a 20" screen and that's about the minimum I'd really want to use for anything more than a quick doodle. 12" is just a little too small.

>> No.6805934

Both. Ching chong tablets are not all unusable garbage and Wacuck is not the second coming of Christ. Best you can do is ask someone to try a tablet you want to buy honestly. Find someone on Craigslist, pay them 20 bucks and you'll know

>> No.6805960

>Ching chong tablets are not all unusable garbage and Wacuck is not the second coming of Christ.
anon that's information from one side, what do you mean both?

>> No.6805963

Oh yeah I'm retarded.
"...And Wacuck is not overpriced shit that you buy when you fall for shills on Youtube"

>> No.6806077

Got my Kamvas pro 20 today.

Pen is good. Calibration is fantastic for the vast majority of the screen, only going a couple of mm out towards some of the corners.
20" is great.

Huion software. I've already had one full system lockup just from turning the screen off and on.
Anti-glare sparkle is extremely visible.
The pixels aren't fucking square. So either you run it stock and just bear in mind that everything you see is stretched out by about 3%, or you run a custom resolution to fix it that leaves everything fuzzy.

Overall, eh. Good enough for what I paid for it. The smaller newer stuff seems to suffer even worse from sparkle and costs more.

Also, I bought a humanscale M2 arm to mount it on for 30 bucks. This thing is pretty good, obviously built to decent standards, but there's still a little too much wobble for my taste. Works well if I brace it against something like my hand, and I needed a decent range of motion and it does that well. Half the wobble is probably my shitty desk.

>> No.6806099

>Wacuck is not overpriced

>> No.6806101

>Kamvas pro 20
aren't those like 5 years old by now?
>pixels aren't square

>> No.6806107

Congratulations, you read the first 4 words of a sentence.

>> No.6806108

the drawing area on a 24" tablet isn't that far off from what you get out of like a 12.9" ipad. the ui takes up a lot of your screen on desktop tablets.

>> No.6806109

there's absolutely no argument to be made for wacom not being overpriced. Their competition is able to produce tablets with similar specs and sell them for 1/3 the price.

>> No.6806111
File: 59 KB, 770x513, Brittany-Smith-The-Phoblographer-WAcom-Cintiq-Pro-27-Product-Image-9959-770x513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his tablet is so inaccurate that it allows HIM to calibrate it HIMSELF

lmao hard to believe that poor people still have to do that when the Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 is so accurate from the factory that human calibration is guaranteed to be less accurate lmao

>> No.6806115

>>aren't those like 5 years old by now?
Sure, but it was cheap. I don't need anything over 1080p anyway, the new stuff all seems too gimmicky and it's going to have the same Huion software "quality".

Yeah, I don't know either. Seems like the kind of shit people should really mention, or at the very least notice. Probably would've got something else if I knew.

Drawing towards the edges gets awkward. Bigger the screen, the more of it is usable, menus and stuff barely get in the way because they're in the regions you don't really want to be drawing in anyway.

>> No.6806136

you don't even draw.

>> No.6806139

>buys 5 year old hardware and then complains that tHe SoFtWaRe is the problem
Full fucking retard and you deserve all your problems in life.

>> No.6806141

how much was it? the 22 plus is significantly improved. you bought huion from the era where they were still kinda dogshit.

>> No.6806144

picking up a cheap ipad was my best decision ever, shame even the biggest model is just 13"

>> No.6806146

Hello, I have a reasonable doubt. What is the optimal angle for drawing on a wacom 13hd (screen tablet display)???
I usually see that most people use an inclined angle °50/°60.

>> No.6806151

The problem is the software. You're just a zoomer who thinks old=bad.

Like 150 bucks. The big problem with the newer stuff is most of it doesn't have any buttons. They're pretty handy when you've got a hand on it to keep it stable. The newer pens are a slight improvement, most of the actual improvements are in things I don't care about like higher resolutions or less ghosting.

>> No.6806185

>most of the actual improvements are in things I don't care about like higher resolutions or less ghosting.
most of the improvements are in things that aren't easily consumable in tech spec sheets to stupid little fucking retards like you

not sure how you dumb little kids stay so fucking ignorant but you do you kiddo you're only affecting yourself with your retard decisions

>> No.6806196

I mean, the pen goes where I want it to. Keep falling for marketing buzzwords, though. Gotta buy the latest device, don't want to be left behind!

>> No.6806210
File: 460 KB, 1544x2066, Gobbowizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your turn

>> No.6806218

I am considering getting galaxy tabs s8 or s9, does anybody know how clip studio handles file management on that version of android? How easy is it to put .clip file on or off the device without going through some sort of cloud service? I tried using the android mobile version of clip studio but its very annoying to transfer file from that platform or vise versa, there is no direct access to where the file is being stored and file you put on the phone cannot directly be open by clipstudio, and it is the same way on galaxy tab as well?

Also, I’ll note that clipstudio disables line weight unless you buy “premium” subscriptions on the phone version, ironically if you are on 1 hour a day free model it still works, but they disabled it if you buy subscription for phone version only.

>> No.6806232

I'm upgrading from a surface pro 4 and I'm wondering if the newer surfaces are any good for drawing, or if I should just buy a wacom or something something similar. Any recommendations?

>> No.6806234

do any local stores have a surface pro on display you could try?
From everything I've heard, surface pros have gotten a lot better than they were back from when yours is from.

>> No.6806300

It's extremely easy. Just get Material Files and use the built-in FTP server for easy transfer of files.

>> No.6806315

That's no different from transferring using clipstudio cloud, I was hoping to use USB to transfer directly because I manage project files folders that's hundreds of MB to 1-2 GB at a time.

>> No.6806333

are you sure your tablet just isn't fucked? I've never heard of non-square pixels.

>> No.6806396 [DELETED] 

should I play bg1 and 2 if I'm enjoying 3?
I remember getting both of them at a yard sale like 15 years ago for a few dollars and just never touching them

>> No.6806479

you know full well he's not going to
neither of the wacumguzzler brothers even draw. I think op posted some really bad floating loomis heads one time

>> No.6806484

no one here is buying his bullshit, and yet, he still tries to shove it down our throats

>> No.6806488

I, too, imagine that everyone that has an opinion that's positive of ((((wacom)))) is actually a single person.

You've accused a half dozen people of being me over the past few threads. Have you thought of getting professional therapy for your paranoia?

>> No.6806493

>brothers plural
>a single person
You might have a single digit IQ.

>You've accused a half dozen people of being me

>> No.6806495

>chang is {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{wacom}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}]]] spearheading again
come on you know that doesn't increase huion sales brother

>> No.6806496

I genuinely don't even know what you're attempting to say.
Go ahead and post your work though, the other anon already did.

>> No.6806538

Complete silence from wacum every time someone says to post his work lmfao

>> No.6806555

>chang has no retort but to start strawmanning a pretend wacummer

>> No.6806559

Post your work.

>> No.6806564

Bro he was once challenged to post a SINGLE LINE and not even that he could deliver.

>> No.6806579

No, it's a legitimate thing. There are other mentions of it online, and if you draw a circle you can clearly see it's an oval. Some dude contacted Huion and they went "yeah lol our bad".

>> No.6806631

>the one huion fanboy in this thread is also buying decade old hardware with non-square pixels and saying that it's just as good as modern display tablets
you can't make this shit up holy fuck

>> No.6806834

Post your work, schizo.

>> No.6806843

My sister uses iPad for drawing extensively and she really emphasized on getting the 2nd Gen Apple Pencil instead of the older one.

>> No.6806845
File: 39 KB, 535x577, 1585715029511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought huion kamvas 22 plus today,
you bitches are gatekeeping me from this amazing product, this work smoothly, i dont understand the software problem driver works fine. no lag. a bit jitter in stokes but easily solvable by stabilizer.
worth every buck

>> No.6806850

SP8 and above are significant improvement over the older SP. I guess you could wait out for SP10 to release around September to see if any of the older ones gets more discount.

>> No.6806852

1GB in size? Are you recording timelapse or something?

>> No.6806853

What an amazing product, it forces you to use stabilizer. Can't wait to spend my own five hundred dollars.

>> No.6806858
File: 86 KB, 480x640, 1622839218621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one good reason I should use a big clunky cintiq aka 'gigantimax' over using my cozy ipad pro. I like to draw in bed. It can't be worth the screen real estate. Also I only use Clip Studio. Yes I work for Apple.

>> No.6806862

Screen real estate
>Clip studio
Especially screen real estate

>> No.6806867

Fuck off Aaron!

>> No.6806875

But have you made the switch? Have you found it actually helpful apart from not feeling claustrophobic?

>> No.6806906

Longer lines. Don't have to zoom in all the time. Better pen. Optionally having a better overview of your drawing having it on your second monitor. Being open to a lot more software like sculpting, painting and modeling if you fancy. And you underestimate having a larger drawing area. Although if all you do is draw cunny porn while in bed then disregard everything I said and keep the ipad.

>> No.6806907

What do you bind to your pen buttons?

>> No.6806909

I bind my lower pen button to Alt for eyedropper, and upper pen button to Shift + Space for zoom. In CSP I can use both the pen buttons as a modifier to my key shortcuts as well so my left hand dont have to hit the Shift or Alt button.

>> No.6806942

Tail button Control+Z, lower button default. I use a keypad and I use all sorts of shortcuts and keys.

>> No.6807034

Eraser and eyedropper

>> No.6807057

is wacom any good? i'm too broke now but in the future, i'm looking to invest in a 16 inch pro.

>> No.6807067

get huion kamvas 22 plus
you're welcome

>> No.6807224

They still make the best tablets. If your boss is paying, you get the Wacom. If you're happy with 98% off the accuracy for 1/10th of the cost, you buy chink.

And if you're a retard you spend a grand on an ipad.

>> No.6807241
File: 454 KB, 1080x978, Screenshot_20230822-110314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered yesterday the new XP-Pen artist pro 16 2nd gen. It has very good specs like QHD. My last tablet was a kamvas 13 (good product but very small), and before it, a wacom cintiq 22hd (good product, but too big for my desk). I tested the Wacom one 13, and believe; it's shit in every aspect. I did not even bother on the cintiq 16 due to I think the competency offers a better options for less.

>> No.6807270

mainly comic project files, they sometimes contained hand-drawn elements that were scanned at 600 dpi. Although i overestimated my most recent portable folder's size, which only has about 870 mb. It contained 3 managed folders and 83 files, because they are entirely digital so the file size are smaller. nevertheless its just easier if I can have direct access to files and clipstudio can open them directly from it. the phone version has this weird gallery thing that's slow and clunky.

>> No.6807282

I need a laptop for work but I've no issue buying an ipad 12.9 too

My question is, would the 13.3 samsung galaxy book be a better option than the 12.9 due to it being a full Windows laptop over iPad?

I'm used mostly to a samsung s4 and definitely want the bigger screen. Can't do the tab ultra because there wouldn't be enough space for it along side a laptop and dock and other shit at work
Tried the 8+ but disliked how narrow it was compared to it's height

>> No.6807302

Should've just gotten an arm for the Wacom. My 20" tablet just slides right out of the way when I'm not using it, and I can pull it close and position it however I want in space without having to worry about desk space.

>> No.6807370

What are y’alls thoughts on the S9 Ultra? Interested but worried I’m gonna bring it home and conclude it’s just too fucking big. In you guys experience is the S9+ situationally better or is S9 Ultra virtually always the move?

>> No.6807381


>> No.6807670

If you're using it for drawing, 15" is still on the small side. If you're using it as a tablet then you might think it's too big for some bags.

>> No.6807699

NTW but even I find the s8+ small as a tablet. I don't really going around holding it but keep it on a desk or braced on my arm rather than holding it at two sides

I think it's a bit small if you have something like CSP but ok if you have infinite painter

>> No.6807747

Still better than your chinese crap.

>> No.6807748

No, fuck off retard.

Ignore the chinese shilling to you.
If you're broke get a used Wacom. They are industry standard for a reason.

>> No.6807756

>That's no different from transferring using clipstudio cloud
No it isn't you goddamn retard. One is a third party cloud service, another is creating a connection directly between tablet and computer.
If you're too retarded for even that just use the USB cable.

>> No.6807820

post your work.

>> No.6807838

yes, that's my question about the android tablet version of clipstudio, because it literally doesn't allow that on the phone, and it is putting all of its file in a android system folder that I could not access directly either using phone's file app or from a computer, and it require a multi-step export /import process for individual files for it to be used in regular android file folders and vise versa.

>> No.6807853

please do testing first before you post

I'm unsure is the answer.
On my old S7 tablet, I have the trial and it works like the full desktop version. It is a 'trial' and doesn't allow me to sav.e
The phone version, that I tested on my Galaxy Fold 3, is a watered down phone version that, while the phablet can switch to the full UI, the phone version seems limited.
The tablet version is the full version, both with EX and Pro.
I'll sign up for the trial tomorrow and test on a tablet when I have my hands on it

>> No.6807900

thank you, have an Ipad mini for years, and it really opens up its file system recently that makes file management a lot easier, but I have been looking at something bigger for when I am away, and weather or not file system is usable might be what allows me to decide between a larger ipad or galaxy tab, because 14" is really tempting. I still need to save up for another 6 months tho.

>> No.6808126
File: 36 KB, 423x765, sshot-2023-08-22-20-07-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna ask again because nobody offered anything useful, only ragged on me for mentioning the age of the thing. I'm going to attempt to spell it out clearly why the age is relevant.
>have 2018 ipad (gen 6)
>it is ONLY compatible with the apple pencil 1 (uno)
>It is incompatible with the apple pencil 2 (dos)
>I do not have an apple pencil
>The ipad is the lowest end model in it's range
>32gb, 2gb ram
The tablet feels slow to me for basic useage, if I used it exclusively to draw, and bought an apple pencil (1) (uno) would it be so shit as to have not been worth it at all? What would you recommend for me? I already have the ipad. I do not have a stylus. I'm not opposed to getting a drawing tablet, but don't want to rule out the one I already have just in case.

>> No.6808132

buy a 2nd hand 1st gen pencil, try it out and see if you like it
When you end up not liking it, either get a 1st/2nd gen ipad pro and stick with your 1st gen pencil, or sell the ipad and apple pencil and go buy a 3rd gen or newer and a 2nd gen apple pencil.

>> No.6808160

I got an ipad and am trying to sign in to adobe illustrator. Does it matter how I sign up? I can do it with my adobe ID, Apple or with my google email.

Also, the ipad is 5th generation. That's compatible with the apple pencil 2nd generation, right? This is all so confusing.

>> No.6808189

My ipad is 6th gen, not compatible with gen 2 pencil. Do you have the standard ipad, the ipad pro, or the ipad air? Each have different gens. I would recommend letting icloud give adobe a jarbled mess of a fake email that will route to your email. I do that for most things on my iphone.

>> No.6808248

Good price range for a used ipad pro 12.9 inch 3rd gen 256gb? checking on Amazon it's $550. Also on eBay it's about $480 but I never ordered anything on that website. is 550 too much? I also have to get a laminated screen protector, apple pen 2, and a case. Any recommendations for a case as well?

>> No.6808251

I think it's an ipad air. The amazon description didn't explicitly say that though, but it's display screen is 9.7 inches.
>letting icloud give adobe a fake email that will route to your email
Hm, is there any disadvantage to just giving them my email? These assholes seem to have all of my information anyway. I just don't want to somehow get locked out of the app or something.

Also, when drawing on the ipad, should you use a screen protector? I don't want to damage the screen.

>> No.6808355

I've never had a screen protector on an ipad. Just get one of those cases that flips over it. I imagine the touch sensitivity and accuracy would be affected by a screen protector. Idk about the adobe thing, I just do that automatically but its up to you. Whatever is convenient.

>> No.6808393

>I've never had a screen protector on an ipad. Just get one of those cases that flips over it.
You get a screen protector because it adds texture to the screen, because otherwise it's hard plastic drawing on slick glass, which is extremely awful.

>> No.6808394
File: 240 KB, 755x759, ipad5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have screwed up and bought the wrong ipad for art. I'm so confused with all of these similar products with identical names. If I'm reading this right, my version doesn't support either of the apple pencils. But you can use a different stylus? Do you know which one I can use? Can other pens have pressure control? The entire reason I bought this was to do art so it's pointless without it.

>> No.6808408

>But you can use a different stylus
Ipads without Apple pencils are worthless for art.
There are other pens that claim to have pressure sensitivity, but I've never used one and can almost assure they'll be fucking awful.

>> No.6808427

Well damn. Why did I have to pick the only ipad that couldn't use an apple pencil. I guess I'll try it out with a stylus and see what happens, but I'm having a hard time finding one that goes with it.

>> No.6808474
File: 68 KB, 1100x1100, 61IXqmLp0bL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any capacitive touch stylus will work. Be warned, if you get this style, the disc will attract dust and shit, and it will cover your screen in micro scratches. But the screen requires a certain size tip to pick up touch, so they're pretty much your best option.

>> No.6808479

I have a 13' cintiq, 22' Cintiq and a bamboo sized tablet and fucking god I ended up using the screenless way more. It's so fucking comfy bros at first I was like m'gonna never get used to it but now I much rather have this
it's just so quick and comfy I can put it up my desk, doesn't clutter my room or whatever

>> No.6808508

Okay, I'll go with this one. Didn't even know they made stuff like this. I'll let you guys know how it works out. Thank you very much for your help.

>> No.6808514

If you have the budget for it, try one that claims to have pen pressure. There are some on Amazon for like $20-30

>> No.6808515

Honestly same, and I think many people here are getting memed into going straight for a drawing screen when they could do just fine with a screenless.
In my case I have an Ipad and a Huion screenless and I ALWAYS end up using the latter more, its simply more comfy idk how to explain it.

Anyway, is it worth getting an expensive screenless (Xencelabs, Intuos Pro, Inspiroy 2, etc) or it only affects the quality of the build? Or are there noticeable improvements?

>> No.6808516

Personally pen tablets make me want to jump off a bridge, despite having used them enough to get used to them.
Displays work a lot better for me, and I'll never go back.

>> No.6808523

One of the reviews said it had pen pressure, so I'm hoping for the best.

>> No.6808543

Yeah I need someone to slap me in the face every time I insist on using screen tablet.

>> No.6808585

I would like to get a intuos pro M (the new version) just so I don't have to mess with a cable anymore

I'm really a piece of lazy shit and ease of access means everything to me

>> No.6808610

I think a lot of people really don't consider ease of use. Big tablets are big, you basically need to have a section of your desk reserved for them, which can be an issue because you've got to move your keyboard pretty far out of plane, or move things around every time.

Monitor arms are the best solution. Everything else stays the same, I just rotate the monitor out of the storage position, and turn it on, then grab my pen. The biggest barrier to entry is putting on the drawing glove, which takes maybe 5 seconds.

>> No.6808738

Those Cintiq's are garbage, I have one too, I can't believe on eBay they're still asking 300 euro for such old and flimsily tech, I new about lag but I never imagined they had so much, it's not at all like my Intuos 4 tablets. I have to do research and see if the newer models are better.

>> No.6808812

Any cintiq that doesn't have pro in its name is garbage
Any cintiq that does have pro in its name is overpriced

>> No.6808815

>Any cintiq that doesn't have pro in its name is garbage
Nah they're still better than your Huions champ.

>> No.6808819

go guzzle some wacum

>> No.6808821

Post your work.

>> No.6808858

honestly have had the 16 since it's been out, and it's still holding up pretty well, never tried any other screen tablet for difference, but they're sturdy as hell never heats up. some micro scratches here and there, but I've been using it daily since then and it's been a really serviceable tablet. my only problem is now I feel the 16" are not enough and would love to upgrade bigger but no fucking way I'm spending 3000 bucks for 27" i wish they made smaller ones with their new tech but wacum's been pretty lazy post covid, the one tablet is universally considered a scam and they're not coming out with anything consumer friendly soon...

>> No.6808973

They've double downed with the One line I was hoping it would be one and done but sales must have been good for them to update the One tablets.
I might check the Cintiq 16 then, it's affordable enough and it's nice to have a screen table around.

>> No.6809008

Good tablet for designing stencils for tattooing? Or for designing coverups, etc.

>> No.6809039

The cintiq 16 is barely a step above a one. Both are pretty shit. Buy a pro, buy used if you can't afford one new.

>> No.6809053
File: 240 KB, 530x309, screen real estate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4k display tablet owners be like

>> No.6809077

I'm not sure you understand what 4k means
this has nothing to do with resolution, but screen size.
And yes, it's normal to not use the entirety of your screen to draw on. a 24" display has roughly the same drawing area as a 13" ipad, but you have the remaining screen real estate for shit like references and UI.

>> No.6809102

I'm not sure you know what screen size means. They make 16" 4k tablets, probably smaller ones too.

All that matters is screen size. A 24" 1080p tablet is miles better than at 16" 4k one. Nobody can draw pixel accurate at 1080p 24" anyway, so there's no value to going higher. Wow, when you zoom out there will be less aliasing! Totally worth the money!

>> No.6809138

>I'm not sure you know what screen size means. They make 16" 4k tablets, probably smaller ones too.
okay? What the fuck does that have to do with the picture posted?

>> No.6809503

13hd and 22hd work perfectly in 2023, no serious parallax.

I mean, actual studios are still using the 22hd, it's a workhorse.

either you're trolling or just retarded but given this thread i can't tell anymore

>> No.6809505

Why did you reply to me? I literally said low Cintiqs are still better than Huions.
Wouldn't buy a 13HD though. iPad and Galaxy Tabs completely outclass it.

>> No.6809506

No serious parallax? Are you for real?
22HD is notorious for having HW issues.

>> No.6809519

>studios are still using the 22hd
what studios?

>> No.6809773

I actually dropped ~$750 on an xppen artist 24 pro recently. I'm on the edge of whether or not I will return it and get my money back or not.
I remember watching a review criticizing the tablet not being able to pick up very fast strokes well, but in my experience it picks up the strokes just fine, I tried it in blender's grease pencil and in Krita.
I may try to record some footage of me using the device and get it to you guys if interested.

>> No.6809808

oh yeah they probably do, I forgot about iPads even existing, though they're probably much more expensive.
>22HD is notorious for having HW issues
Dunno works on me and studios, I've seen people with 10yo hd-cintiqs.
Mine doesn't have noticeable parallax (desu maybe it has but I'm not that autistic about it) and still going good (though again I prefer screenless now)

All in all my personal take from having owning these three type of tablets is that all of them just werk and that you don't need the latest expensive gear, just like how /p/ is always looking for the perfect gear instead of taking pics or some shit. that's my take though, buy what you want.

>> No.6809826

>all of them just werk
not sure why this is such a hard concept for people here.
they're all the same, just buy one and draw.

>> No.6809831

>I may try to record some footage of me using the device and get it to you guys if interested.
the wacumguzzler doesn't care.
people have rebutted his webm countless times but he's here with the sole purpose of trying to convince you to buy wacom (or apple) products.

>> No.6810022

Japanese ones. Saw them in a Madhouse anime segment on NHK recently.

>> No.6810111

I think japan in general is a lot less wasteful than america, because you sure as shit won't see 10 year old cintiqs in any major studio here. Look at any behind the scenes shit at riot/blizzard/disney/whatever and you'll only see top of the line. There are still mangakas using intuos 3s though despite newer offerings being "better", because if it works it works.

>> No.6810179
File: 451 KB, 2388x1668, wobble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me?
first off I'm using a M2 iPad Pro 11 inch with an apple pencil 2 and a tempered glass screen protector

whenever I draw slow diagonal lines they come out extremely wobbly, i've even put a ruler to the screen and they still come out super wobbly. Vertical and horizonal lines are super straight and crisp even if i draw them slowly.
Does anybody know how to fix this (without having to turn stabilization above 10)?

I really don't want to think it's my ipad is defective because I've only had it for a couple months, and from what i've been able to gather it's the glass screen protector that's causing this. Does anybody with a glass screen protector suffer from this issue too? does switching to matte screen protector fix this?
It hasn't been much of an issue when drawing in Clip Studio for some reason but switching to Procreate it's almost impossible to draw.

>> No.6810188

forgot to add that the black lines are when i draw slowly, some are even done when i put a ruler to the screen
while blue is how they look if i do extremely quick strokes

>> No.6810229

>glass screen protector
why the fuck are you using a glass screen protector?

>> No.6810235

I started off with this exact ipad before moving to an M2 Ipad Pro
I still have this ipad and while charging the pen is a pain in the ass it still functions
if it's your only option for a device then i guess it's not the worst thing to sink a $100 into but here are my main issues and reason to upgrade were
>low memory, i basically had to delete shit way too often to keep drawing and using it
>the battery was shot both it and the pen only held a few hours of charge now
>it was very slow, laggy, and occasionally crashed mid drawing.
if you're okay with that and the fact that it will only be slower as time goes on then go ahead but you kind of have to commit to ONLY using it to draw, 32GB is basically just 20GB or less due to software and general bloat.

>> No.6810257

>why the fuck are you using a glass screen protector?
because i like the feel of them? they dont scratch easily, they don't reduce screen visibility and they don't fuck up my nibs. I'm also not a fan of the feel of scratchy matte screens.
but if it is the glass screen causing the wobbly lines, i'd might be worth switching.

>> No.6810292

>you sure as shit won't see 10 year old cintiqs in any major studio here.
Eh, but major studios are major studios and they always have unlimited budget, that doesn't mean a 10 year old cintiq is bad for the average person or even for mid-work

>> No.6810302

why do you keep making the same thread every week without adding anything new?

>> No.6810305

Someone here recommended the Huion Kamvas 22 Plus. I just got it and already it has a considerable lag.

How do I fix this? I haven't installed any drivers yet, so maybe that's it.

>> No.6810350

wow you must be a retard zoomer who thinks old equals bad. Jk you're just confirming what I expected to be the issue. I'd rather drop some bread on a new tab rather than waste time fucking with the old thing. Thanks Anon.

>> No.6810377

>I haven't installed any drivers yet

>> No.6810388

Whats the difference between s8 and s9 plus and ultra? Is a s9 plus better than say a s8 ultra?

>> No.6810413

>I haven't installed any drivers yet
man we get some real retards these days in these threads

>> No.6810415

Just got an Ipad pro, what is the best screen protector for it? should I go glass or matte?
anybody got a recommendation?

>> No.6810419

>"wtf why is my tablet not working? surely it can't be due to the fact that i didn't install the drivers! anybody know what's wrong?"
kek, just point and laugh at them.

>> No.6810421


>> No.6810490

Is it weird that I only use default brushes in CSP? How common is it for pros (not saying I am one) to stick with the default ones and not fuck with customs?

>> No.6810669

that protector is the reason behind wobbly lines. the thicker the protector the worse it'll be

>> No.6810676

If they work, they work.
No need to overthink it.
I mostly use the default oil brush and the airbrush for 99% of everything I do.
I would, however, recommend you getting some blending brush with some texture. I find myself using Ahmed Aldoori Rough round bristle 13 for most of the blending I do.

>> No.6810757

Has anyone tried XP Pen Artist 14? I still can't find it being sold in my country. Should I just go with Artist 13.3 pro?

>> No.6811378

are screen protectors really necessary? I've never gotten one on an ipad, just used the flip cover cases. It seems to me that the material is different than a phone and I've never noticed them scratching up easily

>> No.6811396

>You get a screen protector because it adds texture to the screen, because otherwise it's hard plastic drawing on slick glass, which is extremely awful.

>> No.6811442

>are screen protectors really necessary?
yes and no
most people hate drawing on glass and matte screen protectors add "grit" to the screen that makes it feel like you're drawing on paper
you do get a very slightly cloudy screen and the screen destroys the tip of your pencil but to some it's worth it
while glass screens don't ruin your quality at all but again, you're just drawing on glass and it also adds wobble to lines >>6810179

you can go naked but no matter how careful you are microscopic dust particles will get caught in your screen and scratch the screen up eventually. for a $1000 product is spending $10 for a screen protector really that much to ask?

so no they're not necessary but you might as fucking well buy one

>> No.6811451

I have a matte screen protector, but it's not a paper-like.
Very unusual. It feels textured, but at the same time smooth to draw on very similar to glass, and it doesn't wear the nib down at all.

>> No.6811454

what is it called?
paperlike is a fucking scam by the way.

>> No.6811455

Only if you are some kind of autist.

>> No.6811471

yes, wanting a better drawing experience is autistic.
fuck off retard

>> No.6811473
File: 63 KB, 742x236, chromium_iYkArDtoGL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some no-name brand on ebay, obviously manufactured in China. The Ebay page is no longer available.

I like it. As I said it doesn't offer much drawing resistance at all, but for me that wasn't the problem with drawing on glass. The biggest problem by far was fingerprints and moisture build up from sweat. This made some parts of the display feel more slippery than others making drawing inconsistent and frustrating. The matte surface solves this problem completely.

>> No.6811503

Basically not much difference that you could notice in terms of performance. Size-wise, obviously bigger is better for drawing.

>> No.6811544

I have a nice computer with a good GPU, CPU and nice monitor, are there any drawing tablets that utilize the computing power of a separate PC instead of relying on their own?

>> No.6811546

>are there any drawing tablets that utilize the computing power of a separate PC instead of relying on their own?
yes, drawing tablets without screens

>> No.6811552

are they as hard to use as they sound?

>> No.6811553

>are there any drawing tablets that utilize the computing power of a separate PC instead of relying on their own?
display tablets are just monitors you can draw on
Other than standalone devices like ipads or surface pros, almost all of them require a PC.

The only exceptions are shit like the wacom mobilestudio pro, and huion studio 16 or 24, which are standalone purpose build drawing tablets.

>> No.6811554

>display tablets are just monitors you can draw on
Thanks anon

>> No.6811676

no, you get used to them after a while
if it's really that much of a disconnect for you then you probably sucked at drawing to begin with and need a scapegoat to blame

>> No.6811710

never tried it

>> No.6811716

Did anyone else go straight from traditional to a tablet with a screen? I tried a wacom intuos for a minute, and hated having to draw without looking at my hands and could not get the hang of it so I just skipped it, saved up and bought a cintiq

Curious to know if I'm alone in this

>> No.6811721

I don't get why pen tablet fags push their shitty unintuitive tablets so hard
Same with wacom fags and huion fags
Just buy what works for you.

>> No.6811727

Same for me, been using an intuos pen tablet and it just never clicked with me

I can still /draw/ but it's never enjoyable and feels disconnected no matter how good I get with it

Really want a screen tablet ASAP but have no idea what to choose and these threads don't help at all

>> No.6811730

I tried an intuos 3 then intuos 4 like 15ish years ago, I fucking hated both.
Even a non apple pencil ipad was a step up from either. Now have a kamvas 22 plus and ipad pro and like both a lot, though ipad kinda gathers dust unless I want to sketch on my couch.

>> No.6811733
File: 680 KB, 1000x1000, 8af67afc44027307d3363da83444fe24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any XP-Penfags with experience on the artist pro gen 2 models that came out recently, been eye-ing those but not sure yet, also is 2K resolution and above a meme for screen tablets? I'd be ideally getting 14 or 16 inches so I figure it would be pointless at that size.

also seems they finally have pen with digital eraser options for for all their models now which is what stopped me from getting anything like that or huion because that's something i would definitely miss from Wacom (even though I hate using pen tablets)

>> No.6811736

>these threads don't help at all
Literally everything on the market made within the last 3-4 years is extremely similar. Just pick something.

>> No.6811782

>I don't get why pen tablet fags push their shitty unintuitive tablets so hard
i don't give a shit if you buy it or not, i don't even use one. i just don't understand faggots who say they can't use them as if they're some super complex alien tech

>> No.6811786

pick the cheapest bamboo wacom and work man
you get used in like a week

>> No.6811802

>i don't even use one
Why do you fags even talk?

>> No.6811811

>pick the cheapest bamboo wacom and work man
you get used in like a week

I have been using it for 5 years, I never got used to it and it gradually killed my desire to draw

>> No.6811885

just bought a cintiq 21ux in the year of our lord 2023, definitely worth it for only 100 bucks

>> No.6811935

4k+ seems like a total meme for even much larger devices, I've got a 20" tablet that does 1080p and it looks fine. What matters the most is screen size so you can draw longer lines, not resolution. Nobody can draw a perfectly straight 1px line at 1080p, so what's the point in having a higher resolution?

Personally I find erasers on the back to be a great idea, with terrible execution. I don't know why they're all so fucking bulky, just put another pen nib on the back you cunts. It's easier to just hold a button to switch to eraser, and you get far more control when you want to erase carefully.

>> No.6812054

was looking between 14-16", you think this would be good for something starter?

>> No.6812379

I gotta agree with the other anon on this one. Your arguments are less arguments and more appeals to popularity and authority. Having instant access to various shortcuts will objectively be faster and less interruptive to a workflow than lifting your pen off the screen and doing some weird gestures that may not even register properly.

>> No.6812394

tell me you've never used an ipad without saying you've never used an ipad.

>> No.6812420

1080p at 16 inches is perfectly fine
anything above 22 inches you should consider 1440p to be the minimum mostly because you're quite close to the screen and you don't want to see all the nice square pixels

>> No.6812439

I hate minmaxing retards who try to find the absolutely MOST EFFICIENT WAY for their uber shit doodles.
No, your shit drawings wont improve by being able to rotate the canvas with a key instead of using two fingers. Let people use whatever they prefer, they probably shit on you 90% of the time.

>> No.6812518

what's the best "paperlike" screen protector for ipad?

>> No.6812544

none theyre all shit and the scratchy effect goes away in a couple weeks if youre drawing/painting for hours daily

>> No.6812555

>the scratchy effect goes away
it still leaves behind a grittier surface than smooth glass that's more pleasant to draw on. After it's worn down, it's a very similar surface to the screen protectors found on base model cintiqs and xp-pens.

>> No.6812608

so whats the best one those

>> No.6812715

I've only ever used elecom. No idea what the best technically is. I don't even remember what style elecom I got, since I know they make different feeling screen protectors.

>> No.6813069
File: 38 KB, 533x612, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lads after 5 years the last stylus I had for my 22E pro finally kicked the bucket. Barely holds a charge for 40 mins now.

RIP to the only good chinese shit I ever owned.

>> No.6813433

Does galaxy tab s8 or whatever have that thing display tablets have where what you're drawing lags behind your stylus and hand? I absolutely loathe that when it happens and I've been considering getting a Samsung tablet
I'm manly considering buying because I'm bored and also can't really afford it actually. Considering getting it on credit over a long payments period maybe if it's actually good

>> No.6813437

Been using the Kamvas Pro 16 for over 4 years now.
Pen suddenly stopped working, doesn't register inputs anymore, any tips? I don't wanna assume I got chink'd because this is the first time it's giving me problems.
>Uninstalling, installing drivers
>Different ports
>Disconnecting all displays
>Changing nibs
>Cleaning the pen
>Restarting PC
Before it stopped working it started skipping the travel distance while drawing until it eventually just stopped.

>> No.6813440

Depends greatly on app. CSP has a bit of lag depending on your stabilizer settings but less noticeable if you're using simpler brush. Medibang/Infinite Painter pretty much none. If you want to consider it it's better if you can find bundled with the book keyboard since that is a big improvement for productivity.

>> No.6813446

Noted. Thanks for the response. A keyboard and a paper texture screen protector seem like a sure buy together with it.

>> No.6813447

Sounds like your shit died, brother. Buy a new stylus

>> No.6813467

How often you guys change tips on the Apple Pencil without using a screen protector? Also, are any of those fancy third party tips worth it?

>> No.6813574

Damn, didn't know the pen could fuck up, at least before the tablet itself.
Will try to see what I can do. For now, I tried it in a laptop, and it still doesn't work, but the skipping is persistent.

>> No.6813742

is any of the huion inspiroy series good? or should i just buy the one by wacom instead?

>> No.6814026

Buy inspiroy, just go with the one that suits your needs

>> No.6814432

Yep, found the problem.
One of the wires inside the pen isn't making contact anymore, I don't have soldering stuff, tried to melt with a heated up screwdriver but I don't have the patience for that, sucks, posting this in case someone else has similar skipping problems.
I'll try to find someone with a soldering kit to fix it, in the meanwhile I'll just order a cheap chink replacement, which will be useful anyway.

>> No.6814480

>I don't have soldering stuff, tried to melt with a heated up screwdriver
Nigga what
Solder melts at like 400 degrees.
Go buy a soldering iron for like $5 at harbor freight.

>> No.6814884

hey anons,
i'm not much of an artist, but i am looking to get a drawing tablet to use primarily as a second monitor that can, at most, be used with a pen as the input rather than mouse.
pretty much, i want to be able to manipulate blender w/o the mouse, as well as write notes on things. i already have a cheapo xp-pen 10" tablet which works for my needs, but basically i need a bigger screen (16" or so). i've seen just monitors/not tablets that are this size but the problem is that their port configuration makes it hard to set up in portrait mode, and they can't be written on.
for my needs, would a chinkshit tablet be okay?
i'm not looking to spend a ton of money since i wont be creating artworks or anything with it, just as a tool to kind of help me. i know it sounds autistic like "why dont you just use a mouse retard" but if im physically writing notes, id rather go from real pen, to fake tablet pen to control my computer, than go from real pen to mouse.

>> No.6815010

>their port configuration makes it hard to set up in portrait mode
Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.6815061

the ones ive seen have the power input on one side, and the hdmi on the other. so, if used landscape its fine, with cables coming from both the left and right sides, but if it is used portrait, then one cable will push into whatevers underneath. if i can find one similar to the graphics tablets, where everything is on one side, then i'll try to get something like that.

>> No.6815073

I can't imagine it ever being an issue. You have to remember that graphics tablets are having the shit go off to the side if you use them landscape, I had a portrait monitor for ages with the cables coming out sideways, never bothered me.

The only issue with ports is if they're coming out of the bottom and you want to rest the bottom edge on a desk, which is why tablets have them come out of the side instead.

>> No.6815074

Is there a specific reason for the tablet to be a display kind? You're gonna have trouble finding many 16" display tablets less than at least $300-$400, even less with their ports not placed along the sides for your vertical setup.
In any case, I'd probably recommend the Artisul tablet line for you. It's honestly whatever in terms of actual drawing capabilities and the customer support is apparently awful, but if your main use for it will be a second monitor it's probably fine to use in that way. It's also one of the cheaper brands I've seen, their 21 inch display is like $300 something on amazon.

>> No.6815087

I have this exact tablet and I enjoy it. They are tough to get into but it becomes 2nd nature real quick

>> No.6815093

>the ones ive seen have the power input on one side, and the hdmi on the other.
Don't know if I've seen any where that's the case. They all usually come out on one side or the other, usually the right side.

>> No.6815135
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t find the stylus for my star G960 tablet, is it possible that I can make a makeshift replacement for it, especially as I still have the replacement nibs.

I know, I’m poor

>> No.6815160

i haven't looked online a ton but that's how all of the portable 15.6" monitors at my local microcenter were configured. the ones ive seen online w/ everything on one side are pretty much getting into the price range of huion or xp pen
thanks, ill look into that. pretty much hoping for something that can have some form of input that isn't the mouse and can be written on somehow.

>> No.6815361

>getting into the price range of huion or xp pen
if the cheap chink tablets are too expensive, I have no idea what the hell advice to offer you.

>> No.6815440

They're too expensive because they're garbage and worth nothing.

>> No.6815479

I trust your opinion since you would know something about being garbage and worth nothing

>> No.6815480

fuck off wacumnigger

>> No.6815591

post your work.
huionchad posted his, now post yours.

>> No.6815834

bro didn't even posted a single fucking stroke kek

>> No.6815916

Some people simply cannot adapt to screenless.

>> No.6815917

>Buy inspiroy
Lol no. Not buying trash.

>> No.6815920

Should have bought a used Intuos 3.

>> No.6815921

XP-Pen is terrible bro. Refer to this: >>6800200

>> No.6815927

If you like the feel, then why aren't you just drawing on the glass without a protector?

>> No.6815929

You do not understand how 4K resolution works.

>> No.6815930



>> No.6815933

What is wrong with you? There are plenty of artists who use protectors.

>> No.6815937

You know what to do then.

>> No.6815938

Why would you buy a shit keyboard like this?

>> No.6815941

Seek help Chang Liu.

>> No.6815945

This is why nobody ever posts work for you, chink. You're nasty little mong who will hurl abuse and look to damage anyone who doesn't recommend your garbage products.

>> No.6815947

Take off the protector.

>> No.6815950

You are such a loser lol

>> No.6815951

You a retard? Do you not know how generals work? Lurk more.

>> No.6815952

Reminder that you shouldn't bother with wacom imitation brands. They always have several design flaws that interrupt drawing workflow.

>> No.6815954




>> No.6816080
File: 201 KB, 1024x588, Tip-Comparison-Transparent-2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astropad is gonna sell Apple pencil tips with ballpoint tips in them. It's interesting but shipping is expensive and wouldn't it scratch the screen protector?

>> No.6818082

Thank you for recommending this. It works pretty well. Thankfully I also had an art glove because it won't work if your palm is touching the screen. Thanks again!