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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 40 KB, 704x598, psilocybe-cubensis-puschner-mushrooms-sized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6164639 No.6164639 [Reply] [Original]

Does your art style change when under the influence of psychedelics?

For me, yes.

>> No.6164652
File: 127 KB, 500x374, Louis-Wain-Cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% yes, any condition affecting brain will indirectly change the way how you draw
no longer able to make straight line
doom and gloom only, even if depresso people force themselves to use vibrant color pallete its still concerning
cannot use basic color theory, this is why so many fursonas have horrid clashing colors like orange+blue
schizo made one artist to draw like AI would, pic related

the real question is if its worth it to get high and hope you will make godlike art that way (if you cant do it sober)

>> No.6164659
File: 3.07 MB, 1633x1645, kk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't do it mane, drugs do not make you more creative in the long run, you are literally just going to end up getting high to feel good and not drawing.
Art is nothing special, drugs make you feel like you're having a deeper experience than is actually happening.
Louis Wane was not on drugs, he was legit crazy.

>> No.6164686


>> No.6164717

>Louis Wane
he had schizophrenia that began manifesting harder later in his life, its kinda sad desu his paintings before he lost his shit were pretty cool and fun

>> No.6164751

>drugs do not make you more creative in the long run
no, drugs strictly DO make you more creative in the long run and make you, simply put, not draw in the short term, or draw poorly because two thirds of "drugs" directly impair eyesight
you have to have a screw loose to feel like drawing on things like benzos/LSD/DXM/any significant amount of weed anyway, only severe addicts or people with huge tolerance could/would want to do that, probably in order to have an excuse for being on a constant drug-taking regimen, change my mind

>> No.6164760

Drugs are gay

>> No.6164951
File: 196 KB, 1272x979, 20220716_114832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but only after the fact, it's hard to focus on drawing during the trip. your attention is better spent inward or towards a higher power during it, at least in my experience. doodle related.

>> No.6165588

>the adderall/benzedrex drawing

>> No.6165688

Hmm, I was hesitant to take Adderall while I draw, but I'm sold now

>> No.6165750

>Art is nothing special
I disagree.

>> No.6165753

You think the person is a severe addict if they create art while high? As opposed to doing what instead? Jacking off to porn? Watching tv?

>> No.6166078

am i seriously about to have an argument with someone that is pro workplace intoxication that says pornography is on the same level of being bad for you as fucking opiates? what the fuck is even happening to this world anymore

>> No.6166510

not the or but who the fuck brought up opiates other than you

>> No.6166535

i hate these druggie threads so fucking much holy shit
if you want to draw in another style
just draw in another fucking style

>> No.6166829

it's just a random drug category i picked, it's not like being addicted to opiates is worse than being addicted to DXM or amphetamines

>> No.6166905


>> No.6166966

none of those drugs are psychedelic hallucinogens retard. psychs are anti-addictive. you don't look forward to the next trip, nor do you sell your shit for the next fix, you dread it for the things it unearths from your mind and forces you to face.

>> No.6166969

>You have have to have a screw lose to want to draw after smoking weed

>> No.6166987

>that says pornography is on the same level of being bad for you as fucking opiates
I did not say nor imply that.
>only severe addicts or people with huge tolerance could/would want to do that (draw while high)
You said the person is an addict if they can or want to draw/paint while high. So I ask, what is a more acceptable choice of behavior while high that would make you think a person is not a “severe addict?” Jacking off? Watching tv?

>> No.6167018

i specified "a significant amount of weed," and further qualified that statement by citing high tolerance
first of all, i didn't reply to OP, second, it's like you've watched one of those anime series where people do the spooky drug that makes them roll around on the floor and scream in terror as they try to kill themselves but they all desperately want to keep doing it, if it wasn't an enjoyable experience, people wouldn't fucking do it, retard
both "psychedelic" and "hallucinogen" are colloquial terms that are cultural in nature, not scientific; the definition of "psychedelic" is literally "anything that abnormally(?) alters your consciousness," i can argue that a snickers bar is a psychedelic substance and it can't be technically refuted, because these are not technical terms, same for "hallucination"
alcohol, weed, DXM are all psychedelic substances that can cause hallucinations and extreme changes in consciousness and perception, no fucking duh

>> No.6167027
File: 1.29 MB, 1285x845, 1dxmbabes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6164659 here

Before I offer my rebuttals: let it be known that I have diagnosed ADHD, emphasis on the Hyperactivity, can't sit in a chair at all, I pace around a lot. Teachers have been harassing me for constantly drawing during class time since 3rd grade. I thank god my folks didn't put me on amphetamines that young. When I reached college that was a different story, studying became essential (I was Pre-med) and I could no longer bullshit my way to a good grade. HOWEVER in my infinite wisdom, I chose to watch art videos and read art books in the library on amphetamines instead of studying, going to my regular classes etc. This led to me failing out of college. (I did end up finishing my bachelors degree in painting)

I also have diagnosed "drug induced psychosis" which basically means I do sketchy, suspicious, weird, borderline illegal and crazy shit when I'm high and only when I'm high. DXM was the best at inducing this in me (think PCP lite). I had my run for about 9 years, got sick and tired of being sick and tired and quit that shit. I am most definitely a DXM/Dextroholic/addicted to dextromethorphan.


>> No.6167029
File: 960 KB, 757x5205, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alcoholics Anonymous "big book" talks at length about "who is an alcoholic"(or technically addict)

>MODERATE DRINKERS have little trouble in giving up
liquor entirely if they have good reason for it. They
can take it or leave it alone.
(aka normal people or weekend warriors)

>Then we have a certain type of HARD DRINKER. He
may have the habit badly enough to gradually impair
him physically and mentally. It may cause him to die
a few years before his time. If a sufficiently strong rea-
son—ill health, falling in love, change of environment,
or the warning of a doctor—becomes operative, this
man can also stop or moderate.
(aka I'll drink but if a certain reason not to arises, I wont put my life on the line for alcohol.)

>The ALCOHOLIC does absurd, incredible, tragic things while drinking. He is a real Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He is seldom mildly intoxicated. He is always more or less insanely drunk.
If he can afford it, he may have liquor concealed all over his house to be certain no one gets his entire supply away from him to throwdown the wastepipe. As matters grow worse, he begins to use a combination of high-powered sedative and liquor to quiet his nerves so he can go to work. Then comes the day when he simply cannot make it and gets drunk all over again. Perhaps he goes to a doctor who gives him morphine or some sedative with
which to taper off. Then he begins to appear at hospitals and sanitariums.
>Why does he behave like this? If hundreds of ex-
periences have shown him that one drink means an-
other debacle with all its attendant suffering and
humiliation, why is it he takes that one drink? Why
can’t he stay on the water wagon? What has become
of the common sense and will power that he still some-
times displays with respect to other matters?

(aka complete loss of will: manipulation, anti-social behaviors, lying, cheating, stealing and a complete dedication of the mind to getting high/drunk.)

The last one is me, but replace alcohol with DXM.

>> No.6167031
File: 2.41 MB, 1574x697, 3monet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, drugs strictly DO make you more creative in the long run

What is your definition of creative? Personally speaking, You may come up with ideas you might not have otherwise.

>and make you, simply put, not draw in the short term, or draw poorly because two thirds of "drugs" directly impair eyesight

Even if they impair eyesight, you can still draw, just probably not realistically. That doesn’t mean you can’t do any other form of art, like abstract or impressionist. In 1899, Monet, age 59, painted the left in the pic related. Then, at age 78, painted the same bridge again, only this time he had poor eyesight due to cataracts and age.
Sure, if you pride yourself on realism, then drugs will not make you a better artist (ask Hitler). If you think the value of art is self expression, conveying and accessing deeper emotions, then drugs will open up a never-ending world of introspection and self study.

>you have to have a screw loose to feel like drawing on things like benzos/LSD/DXM/any significant amount of weed anyway,

I guess you are somewhat correct here. I definitely have a screw loose because frankly, from a young age, I always felt like drawing, all the time, to the point that it impaired my relationships and health. This was me even before drugs, I always drew. When drugs entered the picture, I guess I thought they were “making me more creative” when in reality it was just further manifestation of my addiction to drawing, only this time I was high whilst drawing.

>> No.6167034
File: 3.12 MB, 8000x2234, 4roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only severe addicts or people with huge tolerance could/would want to do that, probably in order to have an excuse for being on a constant drug-taking regimen,

Nah, you have it backwards. I don’t like drugs at all, I don’t fetishize them or support “druggie culture”, they are simply a tool. In the beginning, I was addicted to drawing so much that I thought I needed the drugs to keep it fresh. Yes, they did lead me down some interesting neural pathways that produced some cool art. Eventually, after years of use, I did become a full fledged addict. Once I stopped drawing, I became just interested in getting high and doing boring normie shit. That was when I began to wonder If I had a problem. I had lost my true nature and had become a complete degenerate in every possible way you can. It’s one thing to isolate, it’s another to be cast of society because people don’t want to deal with you/actively despise you.

I can’t speak for everyone but that’s my experience with drugs in a nutshell. Both you and I were clearly speaking our opinion on the matter and dressing it up as fact. Maybe you will agree, maybe not.

>Art is nothing special
>I disagree.

I could go on ad nauseam on this point, but why do you care what I think anyways? I spent so much time picking around that I’m still a permabeg at almost 30. I thought art was super special when I was high, but now I realize “tis better to judge an artist by his works, for if he does not produce any, why call him an artist at all?

You tell me then, why is art special?

>> No.6167035

no you're right, i didn't phrase it properly, in my head i was referring specifically to people that tell themselves they should take a particular substance as preparation for drawing or doing any kind of work

>> No.6167059

>I don’t like drugs at all, I don’t fetishize them or support “druggie culture”
>Eventually, after years of use, I did become a full fledged addict.
this doesn't really track for me but don't let me tear down your psychic defenses for no particular reason i guess
>they are simply a tool.
and that's the bait that keeps pulling me into these kinds of threads, thinking that drugs are a 'tool' is, in my opinion, the mindset that lies at the very core of addiction, NO ONE should EVER take ANY kind of drug in order "to do something," fucking especially something habitual or routine, once that thought is put in your head, the truth is that you are already addicted and your brain is trying to rationalize it for you verbally, and since this kind of thinking is why these threads keep getting made, i feel morally obligated to keep replying to them and say that that training yourself to think like that, even before ever doing drugs in some cases, is like training yourself to become a universal addict, it's probably the most dangerous thing you can tell to someone that is young or particularly lacking in introspection

>> No.6167102

Uuh, Wain did draw his regular cats still mainly even with schizophrenia. These experimental weird drawings he only did on the side.