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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7012562 No.7012562 [Reply] [Original]

Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Medium (12-16"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S8/S9 Ultra, used iPad Pro 12.9"
Large (22"+): Cintiq 22HD, Cintiq Pro 27 - Make sure they have VESA standard mounting holes.

>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand making Wacom imitations
Poor build quality, pens with wavy lines, wobbly nibs, broken tilt, issues registering light pressure, terrible customer support, uncalibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Do not be fooled by myths like "Chink companies are just as good as Wacom now" - they've been saying this for over 8 years, nothing has changed. Consider reading the amazon reviews, particularly the negative spectrum and you will find some very common themes.
Chinese companies have also been proven to shill on 4chan. You will see dozens upon dozens of posts in this thread by a chinese schizo shill, who will either be bitching about the OP, gaslighting as a Wacom fan, making pointless spam posts or giving terrible advice (like recommending Huion). Just ignore and report him.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
More optimized for palm rejection than good quality drawing. Wobbly lines when drawing slow and straight.

>Cintiq 13-16"
Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

Worse than Samsung in every way.

Previous: >>6990476

>> No.7012564
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>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.

>> No.7012565
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Avoid Huion, they are poor quality.

>> No.7012759

would oled screen be beneficial to ipad for art?

>> No.7012762

Yeah but not enough to justify any increase in price. Unless you really need to see colors slightly better for a print, it wouldn't matter too muc

>> No.7012764

i'm anticipating an oled model rumoured for Q1 or 2 this year. But i might take the opportunity to get the current model on discount.
Is it generally recommended to get the biggest storage size you can afford for an art tablet?

>> No.7012778

in my opinion , not at all.

+ it would sucks to get the interface (CSP / Procreate/ whatever u use to daw) burned on the screen in the long run.

>> No.7012804

The way OLED works dark interface elements like those aren't very prone to burn in anyway since those pixels would either be off or running at very low power

>> No.7012911

Wait and see first. The oled pros look promising but imo the real highlight is the possible 12.9 air. Literally the only reason I bought a pro is because of the size, that 120hz screen is just a bonus. If people can get a 12.9 at a lower price, that's what I want to see.
That being said, I'd look on swappa before buying new. Even the older pros are still very viable, and you can find those for almost half the price of the current model.

>> No.7013044

paid Wacom shill

>> No.7013049

As someone who's owned both, there's no difference between a Wacom Intous and the XP-Pen Deco, no, not Deco Pro, just the current Deco. The Deco is just more comfortable due to shape and size.

>> No.7013051

And price.

>> No.7013158
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I'm eyeing the Deco Pro (Gen2) LW, want to upgrade from my current Wacom Intuos Small...

>> No.7013161

Go for it

>> No.7013197

>Why you should not trust youtube shills:
Gartzia Arts, one of the biggest hispanic tablet reviewers stated that Wacom wouldn't be sending him more tablets after a single bad review against the Wacom One line.
At around 4:10
So what high horse are you speaking from?

>> No.7013214

it's literally just aaron advertising for his own channel, trying to convince you that he's the only trustworthy source out there. I assume a chinese guy also probably fucked his wife.

>> No.7013230

>it's literally just aaron advertising for his own channel
Yeah, but Brad Colbow agreed with Aaron on it, all he said was that now he would be buying chinese tablets out of his pocket.

Point being, Wacom is not above blackmailing.

>> No.7013231

Or spying on their own costumers.

>> No.7013252

I have an intuos pro medium, and I have no idea how to set myself up to draw comfortably on it. Help

>> No.7013257

You're going to have to get used to using precision mode often

>> No.7013263

Im more than fine with that, I just don’t know how to set up the tablet physically on my desk. Every position I try is just so awkward.

>> No.7013269

I draw with the tablet on my lap and the keyboard in front of me on the desk

>> No.7013283

Anyway to make that more comfortable? I like the idea of it but it feels too loose for it to be manageable for me.

>> No.7013328

Hopefully I can make it back to my apartment today to mess around with my Intuos 2 a little. I don't think the other anon's experience with the stylus not being read but half a cm off of the surface of the tablet is normal, perhaps it's a driver issue.

I wouldn't do it, I still need to see how good XP-Pen will be about RMAing considering the other issues I had with mine (broken lines). Get an Intuos Pro Large or failing that a Huion Giano. I do not think the sleep mode "feature" was acting in any way other than as intended and that's a serious problem if so. It sounds silly but having to make sure your stylus is never more than an inch or so away from the surface of the tablet for more than a few seconds or it turns off is definitely not good.

There's a chance I missed a setting in the driver but I really don't think so.

First: get a large
Second: Make sure your desk space can fit your keyboard, monitor and tablet all at once, otherwise you need a new desk. I can't tell you how much of a disadvantage using one of these things on your lap is, it just shouldn't be done. Using a a nice, deep Ikea table as a desk usually works. Put your monitor on a wide stand that can accommodate your keyboard under it a little and it'll help free up a little room if need be.

If you don't have any other option at this time, I would strongly consider reversing this arrangement: Put your keyboard in your lap and leave the tablet firmly on the stable surface of your desk where you're not interrupted by your every involuntary motion. I think you will find it to be a big improvement.

>> No.7013346

absolutely, massive improvement.

>> No.7013353

I just got an xp pen deco fun large and it doesn't do any of this stuff lol.

>> No.7013405

a small stand like the one you would use for a screen tablet is what worked best for me.

You can definitely feel the difference between laying flat on your desk and angled towards you.

>> No.7013483

Why would you want a screen-free tablet at any kind of an angle? This isn't the first time I'd heard this suggested so I'm genuinely curious, but when you do that you're just necessitating the activation of your forearm muscles (or even your deltoid and trapezius depending on how high an angle/its position is) and needlessly fighting against gravity when you can just have total support with it laying flat. I can't conceive of an advantage to this, it's actually working against what I think is one of the biggest advantages a screen-free tablet has over a display.

>> No.7013490

I got a Kamvas 13 two years ago and I'm thinking of giving up and going back to traditional.

When I draw with a pencil, it's quick and fluid, lining is easy and I feel relaxed and have fun. When I use my kamvas, I've gotten the point of tension headaches from the frustration in trying to get clean fluid lines even with stability at 0.

I can't tell at this point, am I just insanely shit at drawing and I need to "git gud" and practise more or is Kamvas really just that imprecise?

>> No.7013541 [DELETED] 

>you're just necessitating the activation of your forearm muscles (or even your deltoid and trapezius depending on how high an angle/its position is) and needlessly fighting against gravity when you can just have total support with it laying flat.
listen up you noodle arm faggot, your arm muscle holding a pencil up to draw is a lot less taxing on your body over hours of use than your head looking down. your CONSTANT war on screen tabs is so fucking tiring, I don't get why you're so hellbent on being this fucking autistic over something you know dick about.

>> No.7013612

Lol enjoy being scammed.

>> No.7013614

Nah you're a shill.

>> No.7013637
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Nah, I used my Wacom for 4 years, the XP-Pen is a clear improvement.

>> No.7013656

Nah, you're a shill, sorry idiot.

>> No.7013661

shut up stupid shill fucking idiot chang

>> No.7013668

Totally buck broken

>> No.7013738

Newfag here, how do i make the jump to digital from paper? I feel like a total retard slipping through an ice sheet

>> No.7013748

tape a piece of paper on top of the tablet.

>> No.7013798

Would an Air have laminated glass and hover cursor? They seem like tangible benefits for art, as does 120hz

>> No.7013804

Also I’ve never heard of Swappa before - does anyone else vouch for it? I’m naturally skeptical of buying second hand but the saving does look significant

>> No.7013812

It seems it’s for US not Australia where I am

>> No.7013828

Airs have had laminated displays since the 2nd gen, hover cursor is up in the air though since apple is being retarded with their new pens

>> No.7013844

Seeking for anyone who could give me suggestions for Drawing Tablets?

>> No.7013845

Air has laminated glass. And if the rumors that this year the air will get M2, it'll likely have hover too because apple did use the excuse of
>umm the M1 can't have hover because uhh it just can't okay only the M2 can handle it
But this is apple so idk maybe they'll make up another bullshit excuse like calling it ProHover or something

>> No.7013846

All the advice is in the OP.

>> No.7013853

Oh wait I'm retarded you were talking about how those things help with drawing.
The laminated glass is better for stylus use than non-laminated, that's obvious. The hover is not really necessary. The 120hz is pretty nice but you may not need it. Really I think the biggest benefit to the recent pro and air models is the apple pencil 2 support. The charging isn't retarded like the pencil 1 and the magnetic thing is handy.

>> No.7013876

Jesus christ LMFAO

>> No.7013894

I sometimes wish this board had IDs. You can always sniff out the exact same twat. I almost admire the dedication; even though it feels worryingly excessive your humanity is stripped

>> No.7013921

I think I can do without 120hz if the new air ticks the other boxes.
I recall reading that apple removed pressure sensitivity from their latest pencil. Is there a ‘pencil 2’ that still has pressure?

>> No.7013936

That one's called the pencil usb c and it is the worst pencil by far. The one thing apple pencils have over knockoffs is the pressure sensitivity. So they take it away, which already puts it on the level of $15 no name knockoffs, except it still costs like $80. Seriously, this thing has no reason to exist.
Thankfully all the current pros since 2018 and the last 2 gens of the air supports pencil 2, which is the one you should be going for anyway.
Also, >>7013804 I can vouch for swappa. Got my 12.9 ipad pro there for like 700 bucks with barely a scratch on it. Got my current phone on there as well. Communicate with the seller and you should be fine.

>> No.7013960

>had an xppen that gave out on me
>Wacom one I got a few weeks ago has the screen flickering a lot
So what the fuck do I do then? I haven't tried Huion yet but I'm scared to get burned

>> No.7014074

Huion is garbage.

>> No.7014408
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Did miss CSP and didn't feel like paying monthly sub for software I've bought before so I've ordered second-hand XP-Pen 22E after considering whether to stick only with the iPad or not. Sketching on iPad with Procreate is super cool, yet rendering takes me forever to reach the point where I am satisfied because no matter how many brushes I've tried I still couldn't find ones with similar blending as my CSP ones. So will doodle and make ideas on iPad and then render with CSP. Also so far had Wacom Bamboo (my beloved), Wacom Cintiq 12wx, XP-Pen Artist 13.3 Pro, Ipad Pro 2nd gen 12,9". Never had Huion

>> No.7014415

>So will doodle and make ideas on iPad and then render with CSP
this is the best method unless you want to shell out for a standalone windows tablet.

>> No.7014417

>So what the fuck do I do then?
stop falling for the screen tablet scam and just get a good screenless tablet.

>> No.7014424

you forgot your name.

>> No.7014483

While I agree with anon's sentiment, I don't use the term "screenless" as it's an offensive slur. We should save these kinds of off-color remarks for when we're talking about other people, not innocent inanimate objects. "Screen-Free" is the proper term.

>> No.7014801
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>> No.7014856

>unless you want to shell out for a standalone windows tablet
are there windows tablets now with good pen tech for doodling?

>> No.7014857

mobilestudio pro or kamvas studio 16

>> No.7014860

yes, but don't use this thread, it's a containment general
instead use the other one for questions

>> No.7014872

Alright, time to fire the Intuos 2 back up

Wacombros...How will we ever recover from this? (unironically embarrassing and almost worse than if they'd have just admitted to it)

>> No.7014876

sick of you moron shills, it's a good response chinese idiots.

>> No.7014886

>company that is completely devoted to drawing
>can't even hire one (1) single artist to do all their promo work
yeah no it's pathetic all around

>> No.7014901

Alright, with regards to the Intuos 2 I will confirm the driver is acting a little weird in Windows 11 (it's basically determined that my display dimensions are opposite from one another-my laptop monitor is being portrayed as the larger of the two. I alleviated this problem-somewhat-by setting the screen area to "portion" and manually isolating my hulked out "Monitor 1". However, because the proportions are skewed it's still less than ideal. I'm not going to unplug my monitor for this, but I will say that my experience on Linux (on a laptop with no second monitor, mind) went far, far smoother and was essentially plug and play.

I imagine if I just had one monitor this would be more or less fine. Pressure sensitivity seems to work, and unlike what anon experienced, the stylus is being read a good deal away from the tablet, about a solid inch from the surface similar to other models. Anon also mentioned something about the surface being rough and I'm just not sure what that might be, I'd say the surface is as smooth as the 3 if not moreso, check if there's some kind of a protective cover on it for shipping purposes or something because that just doesn't sound right at all.

>> No.7014926
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Alright, back to the XP-Pen Gen 2 (because the support staff asked for a clearer image of what I was experiencing).

So, yeah. It's weirdly slow(!?), staggered lines, falls "asleep" after the stylus stops communicating with the surface for as little as five seconds (no way in the driver to interact with this feature); honestly I'd call this a deal breaker on its own, assuming the other stuff is abnormal.

>> No.7014932

Like the Huion Giano, the activation pressure can be kind of hit or miss with a lighter touch as well. That line on the right should be one solid stroke.

>> No.7014933

Post a webm with proof, retard shill

>> No.7014947

really guzzler? you need a 3rd webm shitting down your throat?

>> No.7015012

anyone have experience with buying used Cintiqs off ebay? Are they worth the damage risk? Even displays from 3-5 years ago seem to still work well.
I'm not completely broke and can buy missing accessories as required.
>inb4 just buy an intuos large
I already have one
>inb4 just buy new
That will be what I do if information gathered points me in that direction.

>> No.7015086
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I bought a Cintiq 12WX as a prop recently and honestly it works better than the one I bought new over a decade ago which had severe pressure sensitivity issues (probably a stylus problem in hindsight but hell if I knew any better at the time). However, a friend of mine bought a larger model just a month or two ago and the seller didn't package it well enough and it arrived broken. It was a failed art school or something like that, they even sent them a second one and the same thing happened. Come to think of it I haven't heard any updates about that situation, but I think the moral of the story is to be careful because you just don't know. I'm guessing at the smaller sizes you're relatively safe from this kind of user error but you can never be 100% sure

>inb4 just buy an intuos large

>> No.7015390

Stop stalling and RMA it. Don’t know how many times do I have to tell you that all of the problems you have I do not have on my XLW. No “sleep”, no fucked lines or sloweness. Only thing that I can tell the difference from my Intuos Pro is the initial activation force if I really try my best not to make a line. Never does it actually get in the way of drawing or is noticeable since if I wanted to draw that lightly I would just adjust the brush or pressure curve.

>> No.7015615

Is it worth getting a new pen for my Wacom one? The one that comes with it kinda sucks. I read a lot of pens won't work with it, though.

>> No.7015627

what's wrong with the pen? and which gen is it, the newer one or the old one with the white end?

>> No.7015884

It's just not very comfortable. Used it a few years, started drawing on paper more, moved back and the pen is not great. It's the OG black plastic one.

>> No.7016277

Its a garbage tablet, Ching.

>> No.7016278

Quit pretending you didn't got ass raped by us, guzzler.

>> No.7016291

Don't know who "us" is. You're the only psycho idiot who regularly posts in these threads.

>> No.7016300

Are you that buck broken? Sad.

>> No.7016368

>open video
>joder jolines tio, es una hostia de berbercio a potar onda vital a todo gas ta bien wapo tio tio tio!!!
>close video

>> No.7016376
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>>open video
>>joder jolines tio, es una hostia de berbercio a potar onda vital a todo gas ta bien wapo tio tio tio!!!
>>close video
pyw, you can find his work easily, this drawing is 6 years old, and he mains a Huion.

>> No.7016382
File: 702 KB, 1281x641, image_2024-01-12_222834147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He mains a Huion 24 Plus, and still will say that he'll pick the new Artist Pro 16 over the Cintiq Pro 16.

>> No.7016386


>> No.7016397

I physically can not draw a decent looking line on a screen tablet. Been trying off and on for two weeks. I fucking hate digital.

>> No.7016398

I'm thinking the s6 lite is just too small. Wrist drawing is so fucked.

>> No.7016400

depending on what app you're using too, yeah it might be too small for what you want
I wouldn't go smaller than 12" for a mobile pen display

>> No.7016403

>I physically can not draw a decent looking line on a screen tablet.

That's a you problem, you are either retarded or have Parkinson's.

>> No.7016404

Infinite painter it's literally all canvas

>> No.7016406

>depending on what app you're using too, yeah it might be too small for what you want
>I wouldn't go smaller than 12" for a mobile pen display
More than 12" just leaves you with the Ultra tablets or the Apple Pro.
>I'm thinking the s6 lite is just too small. Wrist drawing is so fucked.
Most drawing apps have lightweight UIs that should give you enough space at 10"

>> No.7016409

the upcoming xppen tablet is 12.2, the S7 FE is 12.4, the S9 FE+ is 12.4 as well

>> No.7016696

Got the tablet, it's just as big as my normal monitor and I had to rearrange my desk so I can fit both of them. Had the struggle with cursor - once Pantablet software was on, it did show the x/y position of pen along with pressure value, yet cursor didn't follow it. It turned out that Pentablet needs to be open as an admin and somewhat it doesn't do that on startup for me, so I need to do that manually. Other than that I am happy so far, payed $275 for second-hand one fully functional with no scratches

>> No.7016731

Post your work

>> No.7016979

post your bump.

>> No.7017006

you mean this one?

>> No.7017118

As someone who dabbled in "traditional" art as a teenager for about 5-6 years who wanted to come back and try his hand at digital art, I tried buying a tablet with a display on it, but I've been having issues with it.
I've been considering buying a screenless one instead due to this because I feel as if there will be far less potential issues, on top of the far lower price, but am I handicapping myself with this type of thinking? Or does it even really matter when I don't even know if I'll end up committing to art in the end?
The screenless tablet seems like it has a bigger learning curve, especially since I learned art by drawing with pencil/painting

>> No.7017119

what issues

>> No.7017133

Hard to describe, but it was as if all of the colours on the display of the tablet were distorted by rainbows and the image quality was terrible.
I've been in touch with customer support but it feels like it's going nowhere. I tried asking around a few places but no one seemed to know what it was.
I've mostly given up hope on getting it fixed at this point, so I was planning to try something different, which would be either getting a very cheap display tablet or just a screenless one which should have no issues, ideally.

>> No.7017134

Remind me again where the wacoms are produced?

>> No.7017137 [DELETED] 


>> No.7017138
File: 317 KB, 1360x770, sadge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't much of a learning curve, you've probably been using a computer mouse your entire life. It's the fact that most screen-free tablets shouldn't even exist which is the problem. When you draw on a screen you're getting a 1:1 movement-to-result ratio with regards to what the final result is on your screen, but there are downsides to this this as well.

Parallax means your cursor is seldom 100% where you think it is, particularly at smaller brush sizes, you're almost certainly going to be in a disadvantageous and even harmful posture position, weird colors (at least on the older models I'd used) etc.

A Large Intuos is 12 x 9, just short of the horizontal width of a 17-inch laptop monitor (monitors are measured diagonally, mind)-but is close enough to where you can really feel your movements reflected back at you on the screen accurately (instead of 1:1 it's like, 1.9~ at that point). Obviously, the smaller your tablet is the worse it's going to be for interpreting these movements-it's like if you were to turn the sensitivity setting on your mouse very high to the point you can barely click on a folder without several tries. A lot of people not understanding how important this phenomenon is try and struggle with smaller tablets until they relent and purchase a screen and subsequently an appointment with their chiropractor.

>> No.7017139

is it this?

>> No.7017140

>you're almost certainly going to be in a disadvantageous and even harmful posture position
just set it up at an angle. i get more wrist pain using a digitizer tablet than a display tablet because it's harder to angle it upwards.

>> No.7017166
File: 215 KB, 948x621, gondolabotnik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you angle this kind of tablet upwards and remove the total support it otherwise lends to your wrist to begin with? Keep it flat-and your wrist in a neutral position-King. Assuming you're not an anon from earlier you're the third person I've heard bring up this ponderous and unnecessary drawing position.

>don't angle it up, you're not looking at it, there's no need
>don't put it in your lap and force yourself to divide your attention between remaining perfectly still and drawing
>make sure it's flat on your desk directly in front of your monitor

If it doesn't fit like this, you ought to consider getting a new desk or just use a tablet (30+ inch depth), and to suspend your monitor on a stand that can allow you to overlap your other tools a bit if necessary.

>> No.7017168

use a *table

>> No.7017171
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>> No.7017172

>There isn't much of a learning curve, you've probably been using a computer mouse your entire life.
why are you so painfully stupid?

>> No.7017184

It's pretty much that issue, but on proverbial steroids. My model is the "very high" Huion 16 that he mentions in the video.
To describe how bad the distortion it, it reminds me of the colours you'd see in an oil spillage, but all over the screen.

>> No.7017185

just return it and buy something else. I already told you you just got a lemon.

>> No.7017188

Probably not a bad idea at this point. Thanks.

>> No.7017191

you can check his other video on the subject
but as the other anon said your best bet is to just return it and get something else

>> No.7017193

You move the mouse and something happens on the screen. You move the stylus and something happens on the screen. The major difference is that with a mouse you can change the sensitivity in your operating system or its driver, with a tablet and stylus that sensitivity is more or less hard-baked into its dimensions and how they relate to your display.

>> No.7017202

this feels weirdly retarded and pro wacom for no reason. I loved my wacom even though it had issues at the beginning (it was fine for maybe two or three years with no issues until the plug port broke and I wanted a screen tablet anyways) and when I get my screen huion I haven't had any issues with it. I can't verify that tilt is accurate because I don't use that and never will, but my lines are fine and I enjoy using it. I think screenless are still better but I think that's because I used screenless for five or six years before I switched to screen.

>> No.7017249

Any options for getting rid of old, broken tablets?

>> No.7017326

>You move the mouse and something happens on the screen. You move the stylus and something happens on the screen.
woah it's 100% the same now holy shit you're right!
drawing with a mouse, a joystick, a tablet, or my cock dragging alone a trackpad should all be an identical experience. thanks!!!

>> No.7017327

because you're in the wacom shill containment thread.

>> No.7017517
File: 102 KB, 400x400, blap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe Wacom has a recycling program of some sort, not sure about the others. There may be local people who can fix things like broken inputs and stuff like that, might be worth looking into.

This isn't hard to understand

Here's a drawing a friend of mine did with a mouse, say what you will but in posting this he's unknowingly contributed more artwork to this thread than you or most of the others here have, going back who knows how many threads and countless posts.

If you can move the cursor on your screen where you want it to go and click what you want to with a mouse you can move the cursor on your screen where you want it to go and click on it with a tablet. The point is this isn't the impossible task purveyors of $1,500 display tablets want you to think it is, it's not even remotely difficult in fact. The caveat is the cursor acceleration at the smaller tablet sizes making the task of drawing extremely difficult anatomically. Your movements can only be so slight, they're being quadrupled in scope by the time they reach your display, and this is ultimately what drives people to pursue a screen.

>> No.7017521

>he's unknowingly contributed more artwork to this thread than you
couldn't be more wrong, retard-kun. You should go give him a blowjob though, sounds like you want to.

>> No.7017526
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>"couldn't be more wrong"
>zero drawings in this thread other than mine
I've got nothing going on tonight, so how about you stop shitposting and join me in a study?


>> No.7017528

>people don't like screenless tablets because uhh... electrical infetterence! yeah not because they want to see what they're drawing where they're drawing it, no siree

>> No.7017538
File: 157 KB, 666x649, scapula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad eh? heh

>> No.7017540

(I don't even know what that word means to be honest famalam)

>> No.7017541

The idea of mimicking traditional art digitally is completely lost on this faggot, don't even try.

>> No.7017615
File: 2.21 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charcoal and graphite don't have parallax, paisan

>I'm listening

>> No.7017616
File: 601 KB, 731x852, scapula2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's sideways again
shake my head famalam

Well, I know it's getting late, but how about another study? Let's go, fellas

>> No.7017633
File: 196 KB, 657x754, scapula2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got distracted by a friend. Ok! There we go.

>> No.7017915

why is this guy such an attention whore?

>> No.7017930


>> No.7017990

bcuz u touch urself @ nite

>> No.7018046

I bump myself at night actually

>> No.7018186

woah me too

>> No.7018445

explain yourself

>> No.7018524

throw it away, chang

>> No.7019079

Are there any good portable Windows drawing tablets or should I stick to a galaxy tab?

>> No.7019092

wrong thread

>> No.7019118

Nah, it's the right thread.

>> No.7019174

agreed, the problem is you.

>> No.7019454

the problem is bump

>> No.7019489

Nice line work anon. Any tips for someone who sucks at digital but is ok with trad? I can never get a clean line

>> No.7019507

Get a mechanical pencil, a clipboard and some office paper and do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaif0PpNMas a lot (Han recommends Staedtler felt tip pens but those things are like $4-5 each, I think a mechanical pencil is an alright compromise but you can go either route if you'd like)

Invest in an Intuos Large, which has an active surface area just slightly larger than that same paper you'll have been working with. Instant parity (especially at laptop monitor sizes)

>> No.7019880
File: 48 KB, 1286x629, ope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll try whatever this WinQC sh*t is heh

>> No.7019884

I guess I'll try not being a retarded fucking autistic shitposter who gives no value to anyone anywhere

>> No.7019886
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>> No.7019887
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>> No.7020186

What about monitor sizes? A laptop's 15" screen feels a bit too cramped for me. But even with my 1080p 24" monitor I still don't get that pleasant feeling of drawing large sweeping gestures.

I'm wondering about upgrading the 24 monitor to a 27 or 30" with higher res while keeping the Intuos 3 L (upper fourth of the tablet doesn't work properly but the rest is great)

>> No.7020289
File: 126 KB, 2048x1536, 414731811_1122866538718969_8286617043649175691_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought second hand Xp Pen display tablet 11inch one for just 110USD because the prev owner just given up on drawing lol..
Its almost brand new with the original protective screen intact.. i really love it and definitely improvement in efficiency as well. I dont have any issue like people mentioned here..

By the way is it okay to game using this?

>> No.7020294

nice. enjoy it.
this thread is a containment zone for the guzzler and schizo that doesn't know what customer rights are anyways.

might not have the epic gamer refresh rate or gray to gray response times but there isn't anything else stopping it from being used just as a regular monitor.

>> No.7020310

oh i thought its kinda weird that this thread is exactly same whenever i check it.. i really want to ask about xp-pen new pen chip whether its really an noticeable improvement or just a gimmick

>> No.7020332

the 16k pressure sensitivity is a gimmick. it doesn't really change anything. maybe the scrollwheel pen they are releasing this year will be cooler but not sure yet. maybe it will be annoying.

the new products using this chip are fine.
the artist pro 16 gen 2 set a new standard for non-wacom display tablets. will see how this changes with huions new tablets.
the deco gen pro 2 isn't anything spectacular out of this world, but the design is best in class. also there are large sizes available that non can compete with currently (ignore the wacom schizo saying to buy a 15 year old tablet that is also as big).

>> No.7020334

It's all worthless cheap chinese garbage.

>> No.7020336

broken record, lame

>> No.7020337
File: 1.99 MB, 1195x896, 1685919811969829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any yet he still refuses to acknowledge that wacoms are made in china

>> No.7020341 [DELETED] 

>he stills refuses to "ack!"

>> No.7020342

>he still refuses to "ack!"

>> No.7020348

>the artist pro 16 gen 2 set a new standard for non-wacom display tablets.
what new standard did it set?
>will see how this changes with huions new tablets.
huion already dropped their next gen that is significantly better, but costs too fucking much.

>> No.7020350

>what new standard did it set?
just the value for price with features usually reserved for very expensive tablets

>huion already dropped their next gen that is significantly better.
well until someone actually gets their hands on it we don't really know yet. hopefully it doesn't have any glaring issues.

>> No.7020355

>ESL grammar (it's ok, we appreciate you learning)
>ambiguous, formal-looking setup
>layers seem a little incongruous with the drawing (not necessarily proof of anything but noteworthy)
>xp-pen selling them certified refurbished for just over that exact same price on ebay (9 available/34 Sold)

10/10, you see, Wacom? This is how you properly shill your products.

>> No.7020358

Unironically, guzzler is doing a better job shilling chink tablets than the chink shills.
I'm yet to see someone taking the bait and buying the two decade old trash.

>> No.7020373
File: 573 KB, 600x580, 2ec3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still mentally ill as ever mate.

>> No.7020379


>> No.7020407

>just the value for price with features usually reserved for very expensive tablets
22 plus did that 3 1/2 years ago. they have basically the same features, other than resolution.

>> No.7020474

Fuck me, meant to reply to the shill here >>7020289

Sorry dude

>> No.7020511 [DELETED] 


>> No.7020527 [DELETED] 


>> No.7020536

A typical large format (12 x 9) tablet is roughly identical dimensionally to a 15 inch monitor, so you're getting that "screen drawing experience" in the tactile sense-you're making the exact movements you'd be making were you drawing on a screen, but just at a different angle and orientation. As the parity in active area and display starts to diminish you start feeling that control loosening somewhat, but it's close to perfect up to around 20 inches.

At larger display sizes like the very common 24 inches and over even a large tablet starts taking some getting used to because of the accelerated cursor movement. I applaud XP-Pen for pushing the format in the right direction with its 15 x 9 XLW Gen 2, but until the issues I've had are sorted out I can't recommend it just yet (they've kindly offered to send me a replacement stylus though, so it shouldn't be long now before a more honest assessment can be made).

>> No.7020620 [DELETED] 

cry about it

>> No.7020692 [DELETED] 

I am trans btw

>> No.7020936 [DELETED] 

I'm a little bumpy btw

>> No.7021460
File: 674 KB, 498x372, file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only ever used screen desktop tablets, but want to learn screenless to save on space and make use of my monitor's colors/resolution.

I recently received a Intuos 3 PTZ-970 secondhand. Does it still hold up, or would it be worthwhile to upgrade to something else? A removable cable would be nice, and I don't need buttons.

>> No.7021515

>does it still hold up
With the (essential) "Force Proportions" setting active, it's nearly indistinguishable from current generation models.

In my tool-assisted tests it's about 5% less accurate than the Intuos 4, 5 or Pro because of its CRT-friendly dimensions. A mark of 2 inches on the PTZ-930 returns about 320 pixels on a 1080p monitor at 100% magnification, vs 305 pixels for the current line of Pro models. To put it in perspective, a current generation 8 x 6 Medium yields about 440 pixels under the same conditions. A "One by Wacom"? 650 pixels.

Slightly (to the point of being essentially imperceptibly) less accurate, but it has a much more durable drawing surface. Modern Pros begin to show wear the second you start drawing on them. They can-as others have pointed out-become damaged, certainly, but with gentle use they will look and perform beautifully for many years.

>> No.7021740

Hmmm. As somebody who has a Cintiq Pro 24 and an iPad pro, its convinced me to try and getting Astropad or some way to try drawing on Photoshop using my Ipad pro.

>> No.7021947

Thanks for the details, I think I'll stick with it.
If it matters, I mistyped and my tablet is in fact a PTZ-930 (9x12).

>> No.7022129


>> No.7022485

What is the best place to buy an Intuos 3 from? Ebay?

>> No.7022536
File: 6 KB, 250x195, 1674459959742735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tablet feels like i'm drawing on ice
>put 6 pieces of paper on it
>shits cash money
we're all gmi

>> No.7022769 [DELETED] 


>> No.7022787

get textured nibs you freak

>> No.7022833

I have never used a tablet. Do the screen ones come with drawing programs already or do you need to download that separately? I've never done any digital art outside of MS Paint and editing my scanned drawings in GIMP

>> No.7022923

Just download Krita and you're all set.

>> No.7023005

Get a screenless tablet instead.

>> No.7023174

Don't listen to the court jester

>> No.7023354
File: 90 KB, 434x594, mean2me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7023761


>> No.7023910
File: 252 KB, 934x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intuos 3 came with Classic pen, uncomfortably thin in my hand after a while
>Grip pen alone on eBay costs more than double a cheap tablet + peripheral bundle including it
Should I undersell the second tablet or donate it?

>> No.7023935

Piss off idiot.

>> No.7023937

You're actually doing society a favor by discarding/recycling that thing if you go that route rather than wasting your time making a listing and trying to sell something nobody should be using anyway. Alternatively, you could check your local hardware store and bring your stylus with, they should have bins of little rubber tubes and they might have something that fits snugly over that thing for $1 or so. You may have to cut it to a certain length or make a slit in it for the buttons but it might work alright, it's worth a try

>> No.7024004
File: 724 KB, 518x691, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is the Classic, which tapers near the button.
I've already placed an order, but if the Grip pen is still too thin I'll definitely try fitting a custom grip as you suggested. The new 4x6 tablet will probably go to Goodwill so I can get a charity slip for my taxes.

>> No.7024979


>> No.7025010

Thoughts on the Bamboo?

>> No.7025102 [DELETED] 


>> No.7025146 [DELETED] 


>> No.7025200


>> No.7025228 [DELETED] 


>> No.7025234


>> No.7025431 [DELETED] 


>> No.7025460

Why the orange paint? Doesn't that feel sticky? Maybe put a bright red rubber band on the end of it if you're losing it that much.

Sir, do not redeem the Bamboo, is much too small

>> No.7025507
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, imagem_2024-01-20_180956208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this set up is making me lose my mind. The wacom 22' is too big to move around. I wish there was a better way to move it around. Maybe an arm? are those stable enough?
Share your setup if you have similar gear. (I need to have the center space free sometimes in order to do traditional etc)

>> No.7025552

Ditch the Cintiq (https://theamericanchiropractor.com/article/2020/8/1/forward-head-posture-fhp-the-new-epidemic)) so you stop having to turn your head like a looney tunes character to look at your references, and replace that Medium Intuos 5 with a Large 4, 5 or Pro (your stylus should still work on any of those)

>> No.7025555
File: 34 KB, 680x535, 88a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7025558

my suggestion is to buy an arm stand for the cintiq, move one of the two monitors either on top of the first or turn it 90 degree sideways and use the cintiq as your 2nd monitor. whenever you want to draw, you can easily move it forward with the arm stand.

>> No.7025600
File: 109 KB, 364x411, bebefroge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude...Nice quads!

>> No.7025620

>Maybe an arm? are those stable enough?
amazon basics ergo arm is popular, since the "name brand" ergotrons are like $500. But wacom in all their genius has proprietary mounting holes instead of the industry standard vesa mount, so you need an adapter if you want an arm.
something else you could do it just get a sturdy laptop stand or desktop easel and just prop it up with it.

>> No.7025682


>> No.7025696
File: 201 KB, 652x822, tradtabletchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7025932

>Why the orange paint?
That's just how it arrived. The paint is close to the plastic's texture, but a bit more matte.
My solution for not losing pens is to wrap a white/high contrast strip of vinyl tape up around the eraser end where I won't feel it in my grip.

>> No.7025952

That model is vesa mount compatable.

>> No.7025971

Build the setup around the 22 inch Cintiq, the screenless tablet and it aren't likely to be used at the same time basically ever, right? Why would you need to have that there all the time.

>> No.7025973

bros already got dementia no wonder he's so concerned about his neck

>> No.7025988
File: 351 KB, 760x1319, lady3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, it's the latest model of Wacom's stylus that has the weird mushroom nib they made to try and keep people from using alternatives to their own, I'm guessing the proprietary mounting hardware requirements would have come out around the same time.

You can take the name (unless I decide to become a tripfag to further aggrieve the people here) but you can't take the game. Gnomesaiyan?

That said, it is curious why he has both, and under that context this is a decent enough post. Good point, lil' G

I'm not concerned about my neck, I'm concerned about yours famalam


>> No.7026301

if its fixable sell on ebay as parts only .

>> No.7026348

why do you have 2 tablets and why don't you just use the cintiq in the middle of the desk? Furthermore what do you need 2 extra screens on top of that for?

Idk I'd just have 1 monitor and the cintiq

>> No.7026423

Picrel is quite appealing Giovanni

>> No.7026535


>> No.7026689


>> No.7026692 [DELETED] 


>> No.7026725


>> No.7026921

hey I like this

>> No.7027089 [DELETED] 


>> No.7027488


>> No.7027497

>colors slightly better
>for print
Do zoomers really...

Get the current one for a discount unless you really want the better processor and gpu. Oleds have rainbowing issues and are less sharp at the same ppi. It’ll also fuck your color perception in terms of contrast.

>> No.7027648 [DELETED] 


>> No.7027662

I want to buy a drawing tablet with a display. His necessary is it to buy big? I usually work with A3 paper and would imagine drawing on a smaller iPad would be a pain for drawing gestures.

>> No.7027671

If you want a big tablet, save for a Cintiq 24 or 27 Pro or buy a used Cintiq off eBay.
Otherwise stick to paper. Trade is way better for figure drawing anyway.

>> No.7027672

fuck off guzzler

>> No.7027673

Why? I'm used to seeing my lines directly behind the tool, seems unnecessary to adjust to seeing them only on a different screen.

>> No.7027674

It's the board schizo rambling about screenless tablets constantly, he has nothing useful to say so just filter his name

>> No.7027848

Pretty obvious you're the psycho here mate.

>> No.7027940

>n-no u!
just kill yourself, you won't be missed.

>> No.7027956

Are there skins/surface protectors available for the PTZ-930? The used one I bought had scratches on the surface, and it's very noticeable when drawing over them

>> No.7027964

If it exists, something adhesive I could cut to fit the 9x12 surface would also be nice, as long as the texture's not bad

>> No.7028383


>> No.7028824
File: 205 KB, 480x480, 87815248_2765226813512422_5436452655612297216_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wacomchad bump

>> No.7028833

>puts chinese tablets is on the avoid list
>iPad pro is on the recommend
I'll admit the color is more accurate on my ipad but gaomon's pressure sensitivity more than makes up for it at a fraction of the price.

>> No.7029046

An anon in the previous thread shared a useful video regarding replacing the surface with a 12x12 mylar sheet.


I think there may be a better option but I've yet to discover it. The "surface covers" sold online by POSRUS and others through amazon which are primarily meant for later generation tablets are made out of a clear, hard acrylic/acetate/plastic of some sort and just have a double-sided adherent along their edge. I wish I knew what exactly that was.

You can also just use paper cut to size with some painter's tape to affix in place. A little ghetto but it does work. I recommend as smooth a paper as possible; the kind of paper meant for the use of Copic markers and the like is quite slick so I'd wager it isn't as liable to eat your nibs away like just using any other kind of paper might.

>> No.7029381 [DELETED] 

i will bump this

>> No.7029685

How much of an upgrade is the Pro Pen 3?

>> No.7029865
File: 574 KB, 1024x1024, dddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone confirm that two huion tablets can be used in the same pc? I have the 16 inch 4k kamvas but i want to have the rest of the csp interface in the other drawing tablet so I have the entire canvas clear in the main one. I've tried to look for info about it but I couldn't find anything.

>> No.7030328

You don't need two tablets for this, or shouldn't anyway. You can just move the CSP interface in its entirety to your other monitor using your mouse, and bind a button in your driver to your pen that switches the display the cursor is active on.

>> No.7030694

But then I would need a second monitor.

>> No.7031004


>> No.7031104


>> No.7031109

And Gaomon is shit, not even Wacom guzzling, Gaomon is certified shit and still makes due better than the iPad Pro.

>> No.7031244


>> No.7031252 [DELETED] 


>> No.7031255

srsly woah

>> No.7031462
File: 181 KB, 1080x655, module1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads xp-pen released their standalone tablet at the price of a mid-range tablet

should i get this or a samsung with their s pen and slightly better hardware

>> No.7031537

Hardware is mostly meaningless for drawing so long as there's no major lag with brushes. I would probably still wait and let other people test out the first wave of them though unless you need something now.

>> No.7031803

woah good

>> No.7031806

sorry I mean great*

>> No.7031950

how is this thread in ANY WAY different from the other one?

I didnt even realize there was another thread

This is pointlessly confusing and spammy

>> No.7032009

Don't care, this was always the original thread. Splitters don't matter.

>> No.7032013

This is the original tablet thread. The second thread is a protest thread due to OP's anti-china stance. Make no mistake, there are actual shills from Wacom, XP-Pen and Huion here.

>> No.7032024
File: 1.67 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XP-Pen Gen 2 XLW
Round 2


>> No.7032034

stfu guzzler

>> No.7032060
File: 69 KB, 968x708, ope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that didn't work. Back to the Drawing Board I guess. (just a different drawing board than this one for now lol)

It will take some weeks of going through the complete RMA process for me to give this thing a proper field test at this point.

>> No.7032088
File: 1.66 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7032127

this is the containment thread for op to jerk off to the wacom logo. the other thread is the actual tablet thread.
not even joking, 50% of the posts here are op just bumping it every time the other one gets a post because he needs to be first in the catalog.

>> No.7032128

Also can anyone tell me if installing drivers fixes any of these issues? I can't imagine it would, this stuff is supposed to be plug and play.

>> No.7032152
File: 4 KB, 407x158, WACXPEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was a driver issue you'd think the one on the left last updated in December 2015 would give me more trouble than the one from December 2023-but maybe I'm expecting too much from modern devs from any company these days. Don't worry my friend, I still intend to give this thing a fair go provided they continue to show good customer service. When I'd had issues with my Cintiq 12WX years ago Wacom told me it was Windows' fault and to kill myself, so XP-Pen has that going for them with me so far at least.

Maybe a real review and a proclamation of the Gen 2 XLW being the heir apparent to the title of King of of Tablets is forthcoming, but for now? Who can say. I'm certainly not going to take anyone else's word for it.


>> No.7032157

>how to spot a narcissist

>> No.7032170

should've taken wacom's advice

>> No.7032172

every tablet manufacturer will tell you
>uninstall other tablet drivers before installing ours
considering you apparently have like 97 different tablets, I assume this is user error.

>> No.7032198
File: 13 KB, 592x648, driver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course I did that, don't be silly. I'm not actively trying to sabotage something I paid $200 for; I'm genuinely hoping I can have something good to say about it before the end, but it seems that's going to take a few weeks now if at all. I would like to be able to say that this is "it", the new format standard by which others that come afterwards will be judged-but I'm not doing that until I can actually get a working one in my hands (and compare it head to head against the Large Intuos Pro, of course).

>> No.7032410


>> No.7033144
File: 107 KB, 1500x954, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of upgrading from the Wacom One I've had for years to something with a bigger screen and higher resolution. Any recommendations for something under $500?

>> No.7033185

wrong thread, this is the
>buy an intuos 3, ipad pro, or a cintiq 27 pro with no other exceptions

>> No.7033350 [DELETED] 


>> No.7033371

talk to me please :(
wacom cancelled my last check and I don't know what to do to get back in on their payroll

>> No.7034002

I mean it btw

>> No.7034134 [DELETED] 

Words to live by to be honest

>> No.7034137

>Intuos 3 = superior screenless tablet
>iPad Pro = superior mobile solution
>Cintiq 27 = superior drawing screen
Makes sense

>> No.7034244


>> No.7034355


>> No.7034384


>> No.7034630 [DELETED] 


>> No.7034645

prease buy wacom

>> No.7034649

Ironically own all 3 except I have a cintiq pro 24. This is the best of what you can get.

>> No.7034800

unrelated please buy my intuos 3s on ebay

>> No.7034960

how is this done

>> No.7035352

please tell me

>> No.7035450
File: 73 KB, 1000x989, itssoover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried to sell my old Wacom 16 at CeX (couldn't find a private seller)
>tested it prior to bringing it in, in perfect working order and excellent condition
>I get a call the next day saying they can't get it to work during testing so they can't buy it from me

>> No.7035451

*couldn't find a private buyer
I just want rid of the damn thing

>> No.7035453

does ebay not exist in your world?

>> No.7035833


>> No.7035841
File: 250 KB, 507x416, Screenshot 2024-01-28 151415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a display tablet a few months ago and in just two months of practicing with it I have developed nearsightedness (about 6 feet/2 meters). I have the brightness turned down and only work on grey/neutral canvas. Does this go away or should I abandon using a tablet?

>> No.7035874

you should abandon life idiot

>> No.7036026

Thoughts on the XP Pen 16?, need a screen tablet that fits in the 16 inch range that has good low pressure range

>> No.7036029
File: 67 KB, 894x537, 1687668744488130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to link the picture

>> No.7036062

dont fall victim to a jewish eye doctor just because you've strained your eyes

>> No.7036075

If this is just the abridged Bates method then that's based, but he calls it "No bullshit" and there's immediately paragraphs of larp bullshit to be found therein so color me skeptical.

>> No.7036087

it's "reduced lens therapy" aka quackery, keep this shit on /x/ please

>> No.7036285
File: 414 KB, 1000x1000, 1693944339465454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you use a gen 3 ipad as a drawing tablet connected to a PC for the processing and as another monitor?

>> No.7036301

when you draw a line, how much does the pressure naturally vary just from the weight of the pen and your hand? I feel like I go all over the place and can't draw two line with the same pressure.

>> No.7036421

nigga I can't even move files to and from an Ipad to a pc.
Apple is straight ass.

>> No.7036797

They can be jailbroken, I've seen people tap into the electronics and use it strictly as a monitor. I'm sure it's possible.

>> No.7036857

why go through all that instead of just buying something not shit from the start?

>> No.7036942

because I already have it and I at least attempt to avoid rampant consooomtion

>> No.7036943

if it's a 3rd gen ipad and not a 3rd gen ipad pro, it's completely useless as a drawing tool.
to answer your question, use google.

>> No.7036955

>look thru the top 100 advertisements to determine what you need to buy to replace the useless thing you already have

>> No.7036966

what the fuck are you even saying?
>How can you use a gen 3 ipad as a drawing tablet connected to a PC
and you'll get your answer as the first result you stupid fuck

>> No.7037243

Whats a medium-sized competent "tablet" that is not above 600 euros? I was looking at Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra but it seems to be out of stock in my country and the 2nd hand offers are way above its usual price. Samsung's store also doesnt seem to have any stock for it.

>> No.7037248

wacom cintiq pro 27
Can't afford it? Touch shit faggot have more money

>> No.7037254

Nigger are u serious

>> No.7037307

They're all literal ads bro I am trying to do this the black people way

>> No.7037318 [DELETED] 


>> No.7038018

People who use the current newest 12.9 ipad pro, how bad is the bloom issue now? There hasn't been much mention of it online lately. Did apple somehow fix it in an update or did everyone just learn to put up with it? If it's still there does it get in the way of drawing?

>> No.7038373

are zoomers really so tech inept that they can't use google anymore? You people are doomed

>> No.7039170

What's the tech for using a galaxy tab as a pen display on a windows machine? I've seen a lot of different software shilled, but I'm concerned about lag. Even while wired the demo videos I've seen have considerably more than a traditional tablet.

>> No.7039200


>> No.7039933


>> No.7042237

I usually travel for work and cannot complete commissions on weekdays after work, I have a PC tower that I leave at home and have no desire of bringing it with me.
Should I buy a laptop and bring my screen tablet, or just a normal tablet?

>> No.7042241

just get an ipad or samsung

>> No.7042250

not touching that
Is a S6 budget friendly or are there other good options?
What apps can I use there?

>> No.7042268

the S6 Lite, S7 FE, S9 FE/FE+ are all "budget" options when it comes to samsung, they all pretty much use the same pen tech the only difference is their performance and size

>> No.7042293

Alright good to know
Do you have any videos of artists using it for painting? I search about it on yt but I only get content about the tablet itself and not what it's capable of

>> No.7042298

brad colbow and teoh on tech made reviews for them from an artist's perspective

>> No.7042304

I meant videos about it in action, not reviews, which are the kind of videos I often find on yt
That or people doing symbol drawing

>> No.7042306

forgot this link as an example of what I mean

>> No.7042310

oh no idea then, it's rarer since they're more niche than itoys but if you just look for the tablet + "drawing" or "sketch" you can find some shorts and timelapses with them

>> No.7042312

Ok thanks

>> No.7044217 [DELETED] 


>> No.7044700

Hello frens. Can I use newer Intuos nibs on and older Intuos3 model? I have a zp 501e grip pen

>> No.7044743

I recall them being pretty much the only company to apologize for accidentally(""?) using AI in advertisement.
It's a Taiwanese company, so I wonder if they might be good.

>> No.7044798

If you can get away with it at work, you should definitely get a laptop and an Intuos. I've found the PTZ-631W "medium-wide" model to be far more accurate than a typical medium-coded tablet, and easily fits in the large compartment of a backpack meant for laptops.

You certainly can-usually. The very newest intuos pro models have a weird "mushroom" nib that wom't fit in older model's stylus. All others should work-at least the Pro (2017) on down.

>> No.7046029

google is useless unless you're looking for a list of things to purchase you fucking democrat

>> No.7046217

Thanks dude

>> No.7046594

I'm really enjoying the s9. Got a new one for 650 on Amazon.
Only missing photoshop desu.

Much better than my xpen15.6

>> No.7047222


>> No.7047890

Fuck you, Aaron.