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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 198 KB, 1024x764, $_86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7039221 No.7039221 [Reply] [Original]

Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Medium (12-16"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S8/S9 Ultra, used iPad Pro 12.9"
Large (22"+): Cintiq 22HD, Cintiq Pro 27 - Make sure they have VESA standard mounting holes.

>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand making Wacom imitations
Poor build quality, pens with wavy lines, wobbly nibs, broken tilt, issues registering light pressure, terrible customer support, uncalibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Do not be fooled by myths like "Chink companies are just as good as Wacom now" - they've been saying this for over 8 years, nothing has changed. Consider reading the amazon reviews, particularly the negative spectrum and you will find some very common themes.
Chinese companies have also been proven to shill on 4chan. You will see dozens upon dozens of posts in this thread by a chinese schizo shill, who will either be bitching about the OP, gaslighting as a Wacom fan, making pointless spam posts or giving terrible advice (like recommending Huion). Just ignore and report him.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
More optimized for palm rejection than good quality drawing. Wobbly lines when drawing slow and straight.

>Cintiq 13-16"
Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

Worse than Samsung in every way.

Previous: >>7012562

>> No.7039222
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.

>> No.7039225

Post your work, OP.

>> No.7039280

get a new vid schizo literally all of these issues have been fixed in the past couple years

>> No.7039542

Pristine decade old tablet. Never used to draw on.

>> No.7039619

Aaron you never get tired huh

>> No.7039895

Nah they haven't, idiot.

>> No.7039907

>wacum schizo makes a new thread when the old one hasn't even hit bump limit yet

>> No.7040126

Early faggot is early

>> No.7040769

Then it shouldn't be very hard to find new videos, right?

>> No.7040778

Tablet shit is your whole life mate. Continue being a loser at your leisure, but your chinese tablets still suck.

>> No.7040860

I own a galaxy tab

>> No.7040969

>Tablet shit is your whole life mate.
the irony isn't lost on you I hope you worthless nigger

>> No.7041048

Clearly it is, because I don't post in these threads anywhere near as much as you do. You are also in a perpetual state of anger.

>> No.7041195

I got pic related, still works, goated

>> No.7041598

>I don't post in these threads anywhere near as much as you do.
like 60% of the posts in the last thread were you just bumping the thread or pretending to be someone else asking asinine questions.

>> No.7042139

wabump bumptous 3

>> No.7042189

No that's just you being a schizo retard, as usual. You can't see IPs, you don't know who is posting what, spacker.

By all means keep entertaining us with your delusions and stupidity though.

>> No.7042220

Did the shoe fit, guzzler?

>> No.7042322

>You can't see IPs, you don't know who is posting what
you're really not that subtle, lil bro.

>> No.7042522
File: 167 KB, 1125x523, IMG_2827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid week since my last exchange with xp-pen. They were very good about sending me a replacement stylus quickly, but still waiting on their deliberation now that the problem persists. We'll see!

>> No.7042531

Mine still looks like that after years' worth of nightly figure drawing sessions. The fact that these companies including Wacom are in a race to the bottom with regards to their surface durability has everything to do with their greed and lack of concern for the environment and nothing to do with the idea that drawing on rapidly deteriorating sand paper "feels better". Just an excuse to manufacture and sell more plastic junk to the same person over and over again.

>> No.7044051 [DELETED] 


>> No.7044125

my bump still bumps like that after years of bump sessions

>> No.7044741

I got my eyes on Wacom Intuos 3, PTZ-930 model that is in good condition, little used.
Does it work on Windows 10? I noticed it comes with a disk, so I supposed downloading the driver isn't probably an option.
The difference in size of work surface isn't that much larger than One By Wacom medium(the screenless one). Is the difference that noticeable?
Do nibs get used up quickly? Is the hack of using the lawn cutter wire viable?

>> No.7044748

Works fine with all versions of windows, just make sure you get the right driver.

>> No.7044815

With the very important "Force Proportions" setting active you're left with an additional 3.5 inches in width and 3.7 inches of depth. It doesn't sound like much, but the feeling is considerably different. It is 95% as accurate as a current generation large intuos (this isn't a guess or hyperbole, I'd tested it using rulers and ellipse guides) and way more durable, with a surface and nibs that will last a very long time with gentle use. I consider it the best-but it's still not perfect and has a handful of downsides. It was made when CRT monitors were a thing so it has a very wasteful footprint. With the mandatory Force Proportions setting active you'll probably be annoyed to see how much space gets wasted, but despite that you're still left with a drawing surface nearly indistinguishable from a current generation tablet. The most important thing is that you're able to fit it on your desk in front of your monitor

>> No.7044927

>excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses

>> No.7044974

get me the lore on who Aaron is. Has this schizo that monopolized /dtg/ been found?

>> No.7044994

Not him, but
>Aaron is a youtuber "artist"
>Shills and sucks hard wacom dick
>Disabled his channel comments
>The guzzler is the only one obsessed with him
>Unironically sucking a dick from a shill
>By 6 years plus
>Doesn't draw
And fuck off, Aaron

>> No.7045028
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I hate it when my favorite artists only use screenless tablets to create awesome artworks. It makes me feel bad when I use my display tablet

>> No.7045087

>favorite artist
>it's all just generic coomslop that could have been drawn by 9001 different artists

>> No.7045217

Better than you at least

>> No.7045249
File: 404 KB, 1280x720, image_2024-02-03_140828006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a wacom intous, but recently I started using my ipad to draw and Ive realized that the pressure sensitivity is really bad with it. Like I gotta apply a decent amount of pressure to make a line. I am using a gen 1 pencil, screen protector, and my pen tip is slightly damaged.
Will the sensitivity improve if I replace the tip or take off the screen protector? Or does the ipad just have poor pressure sensitivity compared to wacom?

>> No.7045309

Mine's fine desu, it is a 2nd gen, however, it feels horrible since I have no screen protector, so it just slips and is overall not worth it, so I would suggest trying a tip from Aliexpress and only that

>> No.7045329

Very nice art. The one on the right should get a Large Intuos though, look how undersized it appears compared to the monitor. Shake my head, just shake my head famarama

One thing to keep an eye on is the tip of the Apple Pencil can come very slightly loose-it twists back on easily though once you notice it may be ajar. Probably unrelated, but something I'd encountered that's caused issues before.

fwiw all of the non-Wacoms I'd used have significantly higher Initial Activation Force no matter what they say their pressure sensitivity levels are

>> No.7045431

Thanks! Your answer implies there might be drivers on the internet, so there shouldn't be much trouble.

I see, thanks! Even if it's not perfect, it still seems like a steal with the offer I found, as long I get no issues.
>The most important thing is that you're able to fit it on your desk in front of your monitor
Yeah... about that. It MIGHT not fit with my current set up, but said set up is pretty much improvised anyway because I had no other table, desk at hand and I'm sure I will end up having to buy a new one anyway, so I can at least measure stuff and get the right sizes.

>> No.7045481
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Unfortunately I don't have a tape measure at hand, but for context this is the newest Intuos Pro model set directly over the 3...

>> No.7045483

i have yet to find someone who uses the side buttons unironically

>> No.7045487
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...and the top contour of the blue tape here is about the exact point the stylus will appear on your 16:9 monitor with Force Proportions active. So it's fair to call this a potential downside, but at least in my case I believe the benefits to be worth it for the most part.

>> No.7045495
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Last but not least, the PTZ-631W "Medium-Wide". What I love about this thing is how space efficient it is. It's about 10% less accurate than an Intuos 3 Large; 15% or so less accurate than an Intuos 4 or over, but is much more accurate than a typical Medium-designated model and is several inches less "deep" than the larger ones. This is the model I keep in my backback; I'd still recommend a large tablet for home use-but if you really don't have anywhere near enough room and changing your desk isn't an immediate option this thing is a very competitive alternative

>> No.7045498

Yeah I think they only exist for people who use these things in their lap or otherwise have them super far away from their keyboard but honestly that should never be the case. You should always have your tablet on a flat surface directly in front of your monitor you're drawing with it on.

>> No.7046225

In my case they would closer than my laptop, sounds convenient.

I see.
Quite a bit of wasted space makes me wonder if it's worth it, but on other hand it can be used as surface to put the arm on instead of having it hang off the raised surface like with my current tablet. And it has buttons. All for that for about the price of medium One By Wacom I got, so it shouldn't be so bad. It's wider by 10 centimeters if I'm not mistaken and the length still should be greater.
But I still get doubts.

>> No.7046407

Pulled the trigger and bought the thing. We will see how it turns out in few days.

>> No.7046412

The extraneous space isn't a problem unless you can't fit it on your desk, as I mentioned the remaining active area is still nearly identical to its modern counterparts despite that big "dead zone" meant for older monitors-it's still far more accurate to your movement than the "One by" is and the stylus itself is far better as well. So long as nothing is wrong with it it's absolutely worth looking into.

>> No.7046428

I see, how are the nibs? Nobody answered the question about nibs and I already ordered the thing.

>> No.7046433 [DELETED] 

old wacom nibs last almost forever

>> No.7046438

If I ended up with no nibs, there should be no problem with using an improvised one, right?
Btw. I still got the nibs from One By Wacom because I stopped using them when I noticed how quickly they wear out. I wonder how they would fare with different surface...

>> No.7046446 [DELETED] 

i never improvised one, but i guess it could work if it fits well.
the first one or two nibs wear out somewhat fast on new tablet (even old models but never used tablets) because of the rough surface, once that is gone from wear and tear nibs last much much longer and they come with 4-8 nibs

>> No.7046453

Not sure how many my order will have - it's "slightly used", but hell who knows.
Maybe I could use sandpaper on it a bit or something...

>> No.7047002

I think I've replaced one nib over the past couple years on my Intuos 3. To put in context how novel that is, the nib on the 2019 Intuos Pro I bought just a few months ago became visibly damaged in the first drawing session. (speaking of that, I forgot my promise to actually use it to see exactly how worn down it will become and in how short a time with regular use but I'll probably get on that sooner or later.)

Don't do that lol. That anon meant the new tablets that have a rough surface, the surface on an Intuos 3 is smooth-which is why it doesn't eat nibs (and which is why Wacom discontinued their smooth replacement surface on the Pro)-and also why it doesn't become weirdly uneven in its wear. If you use light pressure like I do and replace the nib once in a great while if it ever "feels off" it will remain consistently smooth and more or less spotless for a long time.

At worst little knicks may appear in it eventually.

>> No.7047801

What is the key to getting good with a screenless tablet? It's hard for me to draw lines accurately.

>> No.7048234

Mileage, whether organic from experience or manufactured by doing exercises like this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaif0PpNMas)) on paper with a pen or mechanical pencil, and of course, getting a large format tablet.

>> No.7048902

There's a reason why no professional uses screenless tablets for too long before switching to a Cintiq at the first opportunity.

>> No.7048914

>ackshyually this mangaka that's been using screenless shit for ovwe 20 years still does! Yeah they might be the extreme minority, b-but uhh...

>> No.7048919

>There's a reason why no professional uses screenless tablets for too long
This just tells me you're retarded. Plenty of pros use screenless. A lot of well regarded instructors use it too because they prefer it.

>> No.7048922

because it's what they learned on.

>> No.7048930

So? If they can use it and draw efficiently, there is nothing wrong with using screenless. Many of them end up preferring screenless so their hand doesn't obscure their drawing.

>> No.7049385 [DELETED] 


>> No.7049605

Is the intuos 4 worth it?

>> No.7050391

Get the 3 instead.

>> No.7050434

I have intuos 4. The issue it has at the beginning is that it has a rougher surface to make it feel like paper but it burns through your nibs. However after like 3 nibs (that you get for free along wacom) you will smooth out the plastic on the surface and it will stop eating up your nibs. So the nibs thing isn't really an issue and you don't have to get intuos 3 just for that.

>> No.7050458

How do I keep my apple pencil's stupid fucking touch bar from falling asleep? It'll just top working after random intervals and I'll need to tap on it for 10 seconds for it to wake back up and start working normally.
Is there a way to add a proper button onto the pen instead of this barely working piece of shit apple retardation? I've been using this pen for five years now and I still hate it.

>> No.7050626
File: 1.64 MB, 1944x2181, huion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tempted by cheap chinkshit screen tablet
>check out huion's subreddit
>glitching screens, broken software, broken pens, everything's fucked, nothing but complaints

>check out wacom's page
>mainly simple tech support questions
>only see someone whining about the included cable being too short
not surprised but wowee

>> No.7050681


>> No.7050687

you're the shill here chinkshitter

>> No.7050771

To any regular-people-tablet owners:
Are they fun to draw on? Have they made (You) more likely to draw at all? I mostly doodle in notebooks and I have a screenless tablet I sometimes fuck around with. I'm not any good so it's not like I'm trying to make the next mona lisa, I just want to make drawing slightly more accessible to my ADHD brain

To any galaxy tab s9 ultra omega turbo owners (and owners of other samsung tablets):
I'm already in the samsung ecosystem and I've been thinking about picking one of these up mostly for textbooks and pdf mark-ups, but if I get one there's no point in not trying to draw on it. How's your experience been?

>> No.7051121

Hello vampire.

>> No.7051474

Got the tablet - Intuos 3 PTZ 930, downloaded the driver from the Wacom's website
Everything seems to work fine. The thing is so smooth, quite a difference.
Expected the work surface to be bigger, but quality is noticeable anyway.

>> No.7051510

What smoothing % do you guys use, if any?
I'm fairly new, just got into this a month ago. I'm using photoshop and a huion 16in (despite op's warning)

>> No.7051517

I'm medicated for ADHD, but note that hyperfocus is easier with the drawing tablet even when I take med breaks or it's long dead and gone from my system.
I bought a screenless years ago, but stopped using it when I started studying full-time. I picked it back up in November and have stayed overall more motivated with it. It's the accessibility. It makes it easier to just hook it up to the USB-C on my laptop, open the program, and continue on a drawing. There's no worries about having to rearrange a space to work in, nothing to get hung up on other than motivation. I'll go nowhere with this because it's a hobby, but hands down the most cathartic thing that I've done in years. There's recommended tablets, but I prefer my screenless for now. I get muscle tension from my meds (this can be worse, depending on drug manufacturing/filler agents btw), and looking straight ahead at my laptop instead of angled downwards at a screen has been saving my shoulders and neck. You're ultimately not going to know what works the best for you until you try things out. If you think getting a screened tablet will open you up to being more consistent, try that.

>> No.7051519 [DELETED] 

Huion Kamvas Pro 16 2.5k
XP Pen Artist Pro 16 2nd gen? Which one's better?

>> No.7051525

What drives you to monopolize these threads? It's been years since you started this crusade, you are more consistent with this than most anon here are with drawing.
Got scammed by some Chinese manufacturer?

>> No.7051564

Wacom's subreddit isn't really any better anon. It's almost like people don't enthusiastically talk about their tablets out of the blue for no reason.

>> No.7052027

I have fucking shoelacing on my wacom. I hate it, been living with it for years. I'd get a different brand but Wacom is the only tablet with rotational capabilities afaik. Is there any Wacom tablet that FOR SURE will not have shoelacing?

>> No.7052037

none of the wacom tablets have any problems whatsoever

>> No.7052067

Wat is shoelacing?

>> No.7052129

Price aside, what are you're thoughts on an intuos 3 versus the giano? Are they comparable in quality and performance?

>> No.7052175

The Intuos 4 is very good, actually the best "modern" tablet in my opinion (modern just in the sense that it wasn't made with CRT screens in mind like the 3 is). It's functionally identical to the 5 and both "pro" models in every way that matters with regards to drawing (it lacks touch gestures which I'm personally not a fan of)-but it has nice little LCD screens that serve as reminders of what hotkey they're set to (admittedly a superficial thing but kind of cute), otherwise yeah-identical hotkeys, footprint and drawing experience for the most part. Lacking a direct comparison I'm not 100% sure, but I feel like its textured surface is a bit more durable than later models.

I like the 4 as I said and as you do, but I dislike the phenomenon you're describing because I feel like it ultimately creates an unevenness where some areas are more smooth and some more textured. It looks gross and feels weird to draw on.

Make sure to disable Windows Ink (more like "Windows Stink", amirite? LOL) / any "Pen and Touch" functionalities (especially ones involving "holding" the stylus down) because they can cause unpredictable behaviors. It's possible the stylus itself is damaged as well unfortunately.

Importantly, the Huion Inspiroy Giano has a slightly larger active area than a modern Intuos Large and a slightly smaller footprint, achieving both through the near total absence of any extraneous bevel like the Wacoms have. From what I experienced it's quite good. Its one misgiving I encountered was an appreciably higher initial activation force than a Wacom. I don't consider it a real deal breaker, but it is something of note.

I almost hate to admit it but the lack of bevels actually becomes noticeable as there's nowhere for your hand to rest outside the center. I still think Wacom's bevels are about twice as big as they should be on the sides, but where the tablet is closest to the user it's not bad for there to be some support.

>> No.7052205

What is shoelacing?

>> No.7052206

>Wacom's subreddit isn't really any better anon
it's nowhere near as bad you fucking liar

>> No.7052236

does anyone have the Samsung S9 fe? is it the same as the ultra for drawing?

>> No.7052740
File: 8 KB, 311x185, shoelace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm not mistaken it's when your stylus loses pressure really quickly in a way that leaves a little "tail" at the end of the stroke with a pressure sensitive style brush, leaving a mark that kind of looks like a shoelace

Like, imagine the bottom portion of this pic was one stroke

>> No.7053149

Oops I died
Lmfao hello human. I meant as in like iPads and stuff but I can see how weird the phrasing is now
Sorry to hear about the muscle tension. Thanks for the detailed answer on your experience. Maybe I'll play around with my screenless setup to see if I find something I like. I've been fairly unlucky finding a setup that works for me but for sure it is fairly convenient that the tablet is always there with the pc. Good point about the craning too, I'll keep track of what positions I find myself most comfortable in before fully committing to a screen tablet. Thanks a million, again

>> No.7053209

One by wacom (medium) or intuos medium? or are there any better options around that price range. just looking for a nice screenless tablet

>> No.7053224

you won't find your answer here

>> No.7053636 [DELETED] 


>> No.7053653
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>> No.7054072
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>> No.7054076

intuos is better. but get a large if you can

>> No.7054247

Every issue on the left is a bad cable, every issue on the right is screen failure that means shelling out another $3000

>> No.7054366
File: 32 KB, 783x477, 525452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still happening after Windows Ink was disabled lol.
So, any Wacom models that won't do this?

>> No.7054412 [DELETED] 


>> No.7054427

I'd go further and say that if you can't afford a Large Intuos than you should get a clipboard and some mechanical pencils and do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaif0PpNMas&list=PLQ9CsVTcIGicFUJcBvuz62poqrBHTc8RO until you can. Don't set yourself up with a lesser tool for the next ten years because you're mincing over a couple hundred dollars. (real)

Did you alter your pressure curves at all? Leave it on the default pressure curve for one (no real reason to mess with that stuff, seriously). It's possible your stylus itself is damaged (have you dropped it at all to your recollection?) and is continuing to feed pressure data to your tablet for a half-second or so after being lifted from the tablet's surface. Try taking the nib out with a pliers, tweezers or scissors (be careful lol) and exhale into the stylus a bit to free up any dust that may have somehow found their way in there, otherwise you could be out of luck.

>> No.7054480

I am looking for a good drawing tablet to carry to work to practice on my free time, nothing above the 500 if possible, what would you recommend?

>> No.7054990

If you have any available table or counter space I recommend a laptop and an Intuos 3 PTZ-631W. It's significantly more accurate than most Medium-branded tablets, but with a considerably reduced footprint to a Large one. It fits easily in a laptop backpack. No laptop or counter space? I guess an iPad or Samsung-whatever will have to do as a last resort.

>> No.7055240

do this
if you're an absolute fucking moron that wants to have to carry around several things to be able to draw instead of just being a logical person and buying a mobile screen tablet.

xp pen just released the magic drawing pad, but several reviews have mentioned the stylus being off slightly, so I'd wait to see if they address that before jumping on one. otherwise your options are used ipad or samsung tabs, neither of which really feel that good to draw with.

>> No.7055424
File: 58 KB, 957x582, waiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carrying things is hard
Sorry, I didn't assume anon was bitch-made. He's at work, presumably 8 hours a day 3 to 5 days a week, not a bus or train; if he wants access to enterprise software, a full keyboard and a posture-healthy drawing setup bigger and better than any handheld screen this is what he's going to do. I assure you the long term results of drawing on a screen are going to be much more of an inconvenience than a heavy backpack.

Still waiting for them to address the Gen 2 they sent me two weeks later, to their credit they did send me a new stylus-and fast-but when that didn't solve the problem it seems they're kicking their feet a bit.

>> No.7055873

astonished by the sheer retardation of this man

>> No.7056100

Intuos has way better quality. I used to use those at work but haven't done anything at home for pretty long time.
I bought Wacom One medium and while it's a great entry level tablet it's build quality seems to be pretty disposable. The micro usb interface alone is very flimsy and prone to eventual failure. But then again, the tablet is cheap so that's that.

>> No.7056112
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I'm at work right now, proof of concept heh

>> No.7056124

Do you guys actually make any money from this or is it just a hobby?

>> No.7056133

Ok thanks!

I've had 3 different Wacoms over 20 years and never had shoelacing. When there is a problem it is software or hardware related to the PC not the tablet.

>> No.7056216

This looks way more portable than just bringing along an iPad, thanks!

>> No.7056227

But bro, think of the ergonomics bro... back straight as my dick just as I'm thinking about it...

>> No.7056326
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It's just a fun thing to argue about I guess.

Anon didn't say a single thing about portability, tho. Stowing it in your back seat in a backpack and taking it out for use isn't a problem.

Superior ergonomics aside, software limitations and longevity issues with iPads and the like also contribute to this being a great alternative option.

>> No.7056338

Just got a wacom intuos. The preferences software doesn't allow me to invert the tablet mapping to work better with how my desktop is set up (I know the help website says you can, I promise you it is not in the current software).
Apparently there used to be a way to forcibly change the mapping orientation in user preferences, but the way the preferences file is written is different now from the examples I've seen. Anyone know how to force changing the orientation?

>> No.7056527

I know this is probably a retarded question, but I've been thinking about getting a Samsung tablet. Can i just hook it up to my PC and use it as a regular drawing tablet?

>> No.7056645

Having to lug around a laptop and a drawing tablet, and set it all up with enough space to use it comfortably at a workplace. Alongside your regular working space. This is peak retardation.
And most workplaces probably won't let you install personal software and hardware beyond maybe BYO keyboard and mouse to the workplace PCs.
The amount of mental gymnastics you have to go through to justify using such a convoluted mess of a setup instead of an all-in-one solution like a tablet is genuinely astonishing in its idiocy.
An iPad is out of OP's budget anyway, an S6 Lite or the magic drawing pad are probably his best choices for that budget.

>> No.7056828 [DELETED] 

I'm won't deny you have a point with regards to certain types of workplaces. If there's simply no room for such a setup I can only acquiesce to the idea of a tablet computer. However, if anon is suggesting the possibility of drawing on the clock at all my first assumption is going to be that it is a sort of informal workplace with minimal oversight similar to my own, in which case such a setup is not a problem. I'm a strong advocate for this kind of arrangement so of course I'm going to recommend it at the workplace as well as home if at all possible. It takes less than a minute to set up and is packed away just as quickly, it's genuinely not some huge inconvenience considering you're going to be at work for 8+ hours.

>> No.7056833

>This is peak retardation.
You're talking to one of the most retarded regulars on this board.

>> No.7056834

I won't deny you have a point with regards to certain types of workplaces. If there's simply no room for such a setup either literally or because of oversight from coworkers I can only acquiesce to the idea of a tablet computer. However, if anon is suggesting the possibility of drawing on the clock at all my first assumption is going to be that it is a sort of informal workplace with minimal oversight similar to my own, in which case such a setup is not a problem. I'm a strong advocate for this kind of arrangement so of course I'm going to recommend it at the workplace as well as home if at all possible. It takes less than a minute to set up and is packed away just as quickly, it's genuinely not some huge inconvenience considering you're going to be at work for 8+ hours.

>> No.7056848
File: 163 KB, 640x480, 1701388113212510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i peek in here there's a new cope in the OP about the surface pro, wobbly lines is literally a non issue when auto smoothing is a thing

>> No.7056852

what's funny is op shills for ipads which also have really bad wobble without stabilization

>> No.7056855

ipad will always be inferior so long as Photoshop is neutered on it desu

>> No.7057058

I clearly remember at least Intuos 1 had an option to alter the orientation. After Intuos 1 I have only used the later versions at work so never needed that.

If you can't find a real option with the official drivers I suggest you try this
It has tons of plugins and options.

>> No.7057510 [DELETED] 


>> No.7057521

I thinkI got so used to being groomed by the ipad that i forced myself to be too clean all the time. The moment i dusted out my intuos my overall movement on the canvas is more free and i care less. Basically liberation.

>> No.7057788

Pretty much did the same setup. Thankfully the thing fits just enough and I'm facing the wall, so there is no risk the laptop falls off.

>> No.7057998

This worked just by rotating the tablet map, thanks.

>> No.7058787

My friend wants to buy a new screen tablet and is currently thinking about either
>Artist Pro 16 (Gen2) from Xp-pen
>Kamvas 16 from Huion
Any thoughts, recommendations, warnings? I want to help bro out but I have very limited tablet experience

>> No.7058871

dunno about second gen, but I've had the first gen for probably 2 years now, no complaints

>> No.7058955
File: 83 KB, 344x348, 1702173840062438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im using the XP pro 16 screen tablet with its 8000+ pressure and is it normal for my lightest pressing stroke to be registering around 6000 - 7000 pressure?, even im literally holding it as light as I can like a pencil, then it instantly jumps to 8000 if I apply any slight stroke

>> No.7059962
File: 2.25 MB, 498x498, cat-jumpy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after 10 years of using an intuos i got my first ipad

>> No.7060132

Did you seriously link youtube clickbait as a legitimate resource? Of course sponsored videos and advertisements have a conflict of interest and can't be trusted lol. Everyone who had tried both a wacom and a chinese tab agrees that wacom tabs are better but they're also more expensive and if one is poor I don't see why not just get a chinese tab. Older wacom tablets were riddled with technical issues and yet people still used them because they had no choice. We who can't fish out $1k out of our pockets for a tech toy also have no real choice. I have used an xp pen, it's flawed but it does the job. If you're a hobbyist and also poor just suck it up or don't make digital art at all.

>> No.7060165

>riddled with technical issues
lol bullshit

>> No.7060198
File: 26 KB, 255x314, hairzoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to go to a wacom store tomorrow to try and play around with the stock. I've never used drawing tablet before, but my main use case is to trace screenshots of parolees and their family/friends.

Up until now I've been using GIMP and a mouse.

Any wacom product suggestions or general product suggestions? I'm considering the Wacom Intuous S and the Wacom One, although there's a Xp Pro on Alibaba that's tempting also but from my brief scan of the thread that brand is considered a no-go.

>> No.7060245

Fuck off guzzler

>> No.7060255
File: 345 KB, 600x800, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my setup

>> No.7060292

>guys op is soooo convincing (and smart and handsome) that I'm going to trust every word he says like it was spoken to me by Jesus himself.
why is the guzzler such a clueless retard on how actual people behave?

>> No.7060296

I like wacomming my wacom while my wacom wacoms

>> No.7060301

she wobble on my line til I wacom

>> No.7060321

Nothing wrong with starting out cheap, just see how you go.

Ignore the sperg who replied to you twice. He's the village idiot around here.

>> No.7060386

Do you have any other video? You just post this every time there is a thread on tablets

>> No.7060488
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>> No.7060490
File: 3.85 MB, 720x480, 1693905174294074.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7060530
File: 86 KB, 828x818, 1702483320879253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright thanks. Hopefully I can play around with Wacom Intuous S and the Wacom One in the store and report back. Their model code numbers are nearly the same so I'm wondering what the big difference is.

>> No.7060614

is it true wacom isnt made in japan anymore

>> No.7060629

hasn't been made in japan for over 20 years.

>> No.7060771

i have a 27" screen.
would you guys recommend an Intuos Pro M or L for that size?

>> No.7061032

why does this thread get bumped so often with no new posts?

>> No.7061037

You do not need a drawing tablet. Trade will always be more accessible.

>> No.7061069

>riddled with technical issues
I've had multiple wacoms they work perfectly and I'll never get another brand. Cope and seethe, strange faggot.

Basic rule with drawtabs is bigger is better.

>> No.7061094

I've had multiple huions they work perfectly but I'm not loyal to any brand because I'm not a paid shill. If wacom or xencelab or xp pen or a new brand called shimagridon make a good product that's notably better than what I have, I'll use it.
Brand loyalists are fucking morons.

>> No.7061436

it's because of the other thread having actual conversation going on. op is upset and bumps his so that it's first in the catalog. he's even admitted it, sadly

>> No.7061581 [DELETED] 


>> No.7061605
File: 119 KB, 800x781, shit tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7061654

>I'm not loyal to any brand because I'm not a paid shill
Ah, yes. Everyone else must be paid shills because they've used a brand that you don't like. Why would anyone buy a brand they have no experience with when all the products they used before work better than great?
>b-but I don't like Wacom
boo hoo shut up

>> No.7061668
File: 1.93 MB, 1468x820, 1694795325507529.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get scammed. Huion is rubbish.

>> No.7061741

>years old debunked webm
>drive issue

>> No.7061763

my cintiq 24" pro did this because I had the monitor on 59 Hz instead of 60Hz

>> No.7061773

Retard lol

>> No.7061777

>drive issue
You mean "driver?" I've used Wacom since I had a Pentium III without internet access and have had 0 issues. You're just retarded and don't know how to use a computer.
>settles for chinese shit
>is retarded

>> No.7061795

>pointing typos
kek, ran out of arguments
why be so mad at the truth? no one will buy your decade old tablet dude

>> No.7061969
File: 103 KB, 525x521, 1708062419291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7062004

Yes, you can, their tablets have a feature that lets you use them as secondary monitors on windows with pen support, but only works over WiFi, I think. There's also an app, Super Display, that does the same, but you can use it either over WiFi or connected with the USB cable, it works much better than Samsung's implementation, but it costs around 15€. It has a 3 day free trial, tho.

>> No.7062005

lmfaooo SHILL BTFO

>> No.7062148
File: 33 KB, 700x345, sadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what pen and tablet models these are?

>> No.7062178

Intuos 3.

>> No.7062181


>> No.7062238

Samsung S7 Plus owner here, had Wacom and Huion screen tablets before.

So for me Samsung tablet is the best experience I had so far, however it took some time to adjust after using a screen tablet that hooks up directly to PC.

My only problem with Samsung tablets is the fucking battery and that when it will eventually degrade too much, I can't replace it myself. And It bugs me a lot. If I could just plug it into PC and don't worry about the battery it would be ideal for me.

>> No.7062247

you can have it replaced at a repair shop or just buy an external powerbank to hook up to it, even a massive 30k mAh bank is cheap nowadays

>> No.7062502

When is the Cintiq non-pro refresh coming?

>> No.7062541

Doesn't fix my issues which are no procreate and tablet too big, I can afford a replacement but I don't wanna give apple any more cash than neccessary

>> No.7062546

Pls ignore, I thought it was my post. Nvm

>> No.7062712
File: 180 KB, 1960x1306, drawing-tablet-2048px-2670-983819234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7062815

>no real reason to mess with that stuff, seriously
>Carpal Tunnel
I have at least a few more reasons to use the pressure curve

>> No.7063882

>buy some 400 dollar screenless tablet
>it’s like drawing on cloth
>go back to my discontinued monoprice screenless 30 dollar tablet

>> No.7063912

>no one will buy your decade old tablet dude
Don't need them to because it still works, knockoff peddler. What is your obsession with knockoffs? Look at how hilarious you act when someone talks about how they like Wacom. I didn't even say anything bad about your knockoff garbage and you got so mad lol

One of my Wacoms just died after over 10 years of use and I think it was because I set it on the floor not-so-gently. Your knockoff will never achieve that; I'd probably have to replace it under 2 years. And I'd have to just get used to some kind of weird jank thing it does. Chinese garbage shill.

No one should buy Chinese knockoffs if they can afford a Wacom.

>> No.7063949


>> No.7064089

Thoughts on the Galaxy Tab A series?

>> No.7064090

completely useless as it has absolutely no stylus support whatsoever

>> No.7064670

Just get an S6 Lite

>> No.7064758


>> No.7064766


>> No.7064811

When are the prices going to cone down for the new Cintiq Pro 27"?

>> No.7065196

Shill for a year straight on these threads and you might get a $100 rebate

>> No.7065383

Found a Cintiq Pro 16 first gen for 650 bucks used. Coming from a 13HD no touch, is it worth fellas?

>> No.7065387

Shut up, guzzler.

>> No.7065645
File: 67 KB, 549x645, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wacom suddenly just deleted like all my application settings? i'm bad at googling but i haven't found any other instances of this online
not sure if it's just me or what but is there some way i can get them back?
like what a pain in my ass dude

>> No.7065648
File: 38 KB, 549x645, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong file

>> No.7065658

So what's the difference between the S6 Lite and the S6 Lite 2022?

>> No.7065668

updated chipset, newer android version
everything else is the same
the 2024 refresh is gonna be the same too, newer chipset roughly the same power as the current A9 but keeping everything else the same

>> No.7065855

There's going to be a new one? Damn, i was just about to get a 2022, now i don't know if i should wait or just go for it

>> No.7065897
File: 27 KB, 891x232, xppen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately the Gen 2 arc isn't over. XP Pen was initially quick to offer a replacement stylus through Ebay and to their credit they made that happen quickly, however when that didn't alleviate the problem they've simply stopped responding. I'll have to file a claim through ebay I guess. I almost purchased from them direct and wonder what my options would have been, were that the case.

Just use a light grip and a light touch and go over your lines more than once if you need to

>> No.7066419

Just go for it. The difference will be negligible for artwork.

>> No.7066880

What did you think of the bamboo series?

>> No.7067062
File: 1.27 MB, 1111x1612, CINTIQ PRO 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't risk it that model specifically is plagued with issues concerning the display panel.

Pixel rash and dead pixels forming from too much pressure being applied to it or due to heat.

>> No.7067174

Fuck no

For that price you can get something new lol is this a joke?

>> No.7067409

Has anyone gotten burn in on their galaxy tab?

>> No.7067435

My Wacom rotate wheel overshoots in CSP but my XP Pen doesn't. Like, rotating the canvas with the wheel will cause it to keep rotating well after I let go of it. Any fix for this bs?

>> No.7067476

just use the superior (xp pen) tablet?

>> No.7067784

Chinese garbage

>> No.7067788

and yet it works better than the wacum

>> No.7067827

Keep seething, guzzler.

>> No.7067979

You're still here seething all day, idiot? Jesus.

>> No.7068058
File: 73 KB, 438x567, xppendorp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the sudden XP-Pen is selling their Gen 2s at nearly half the price I paid

I'm guessing I'm not the only person with the problem I'd described if they're trying to dump these things off like this in a "fire sale". The unit I was sent is not only functionally unusable, their support team successfully waited me out to where I can't return the item and have not responded to me for just shy of a month (which will be this thursday). Hopefully their direct support on their website will be more responsive, but I'm not holding my breath on that.

>> No.7068076
File: 54 KB, 700x543, kidloomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a little over 25% off, but whatever, you get me.

>> No.7068117

would putting a paper like screen protector on a screenless drawing tablet fuck with how it reads the stylus? i need that texture mang

>> No.7068120

Hey, that's the tablet I have. The Intuos 3. Well actually, I think mine is slightly smaller than that. Mine is the 6x8.

Still in good shape after like 15-ish years.(I lost count) Works well with windows 11. Even though I had to get the old drivers to make it work.

Only thing I have to replace, are pen nibs, and grips. The grips last long, but after years, even they wear down. I might have to get a new pen, because the pen buttons are acting a little weird.

Anyway, I'm not really recommending the tablet, since it's so old. But just vouching for its long lasting quality.

>> No.7068122


>> No.7068124

What or who is guzzler? Yes, I'm a newfag. Hailing from /v/. Is Guzzler one of your board's resident autists?

>> No.7068130

Yes, he shills old ass wacom tablets like the Intuos 3 and seethes at the chink ones for doing the same thing for half the price

>> No.7068143

Well... I kind of get it. The intuos 3 served me well. But if I were to buy a new tablet, it would be proper fullscreen. Because the intuos 3 is 4:3, you have to go into the settings, and clamp the area to a thinner 16:9, making part of your tablet a deadzone. Not bad, but just unnecessary when you can get a widescreen.

I would probably get higher sensitivity too. 1024 isn't bad either, but why not go higher?

I don't really care about the buttons on the tablet themselves. I used to use the strip for changing pen size. But I found that it's less intrusive to use keyboard to handle that. Since I don't have to lift my drawing hand to reach for the strip. Rather, the A key is smaller and S key is larger. I can just hold A or S to get the size I want quickly.

Also, I've always wondered what a smaller tablet would feel like. Because the 6x8 feels kind of large. I find myself making fairly large strokes, which can be awkward. It might be more comfortable to have a smaller tablet, so smaller strokes can do more. I don't know. I never used another tablet before.

So yeah, I'm not saying Intuos 3 is the perfect quality in this day and age. I'm only saying that the way they made these tablets back in the 00s, were pretty great. I'm not sure newly made ones would have the same build quality as the old ones. You know how these companies are. They always find ways to degrade build quality over time. Happens to the best of them.

>> No.7068194

>Also, the guzzler don't even draw
Yeah, Intuos 3 isn't a bad tablet, it's just outdated as fuck. Even artists who still have one will recommend newer ones from well know brands. Also, do you still draw? Can you post any of your art?

>> No.7068208

I'm a little hesitant posting my art on the 4chans these days. I'm a little older now, and I'm embarrassed to even admit I still come here. I used to post on /i/ a lot back in the day, then when shi-painter finally broke for good, I started frequenting the /v/ drawthread. But eventually got sick of all the requests there. It stopped feeling fun to do requests, since they were so formalized. It was like going to work, and you have a big stack of papers you have to sort and fill.

Anyway, sorry, but I think I'll refrain from posting.

>> No.7068250

Perhaps surprisingly, it's the perfect quality for this day and age. It has a more durable surface than modern Intuos and Wacom-competitor tablets and is a small fraction less accurate-to-movement than others in its size bracket, only owing to its CRT-conscious design. Yeah, ergonomically it's primitive, but that's where its comparative deficiencies end and they're mostly superficial.

>Even artists who still have one will recommend newer ones from well know(n) brands

If you get an Intuos 3, 4, or Pro it doesn't make a difference. The important thing is if it's the large format one. Artist or not, someone's opinion doesn't mean shit if they don't have the context to know what they're talking about. Only non-Wacom I'll recommend at this point is the Inspiroy Giano and even still, I can't 100% attest for its potential longevity like I can a Wacom.

You don't have to feel bad about it, traditionally no one posts art in these threads but me anyway heh

>> No.7068284

What will they do if some guy on 4chan doesn't endorse their brand?? It's so over.

>> No.7068343

They take control of the narrative seriously enough to plant their shills across websites like this so I don't know. Wacom too of course (Where'd your product table on Wikipedia go after I started posting it here, bro?).

These threads own the distinction of having the most posts with among smallest proportion of art submitted across this entire board and no one could possibly be that autistic for no reason. If no one's drawing, then who's posting and why?

Drawing tablets are a solved science:

Intuos Large > Intuos Medium > 20~ inch screen > the chocolate bar from one of Sheldon Borenstein's art lectures

They're simply not interesting enough for real console wars mentality to develop organically.

>> No.7068361

Notice how the Chinese schizo first attacked you, but immediately tried appealing to you when you asked him a question.

>> No.7068384

Fuck off schizo manlet, you don't even draw.

>> No.7068391

you might want to loosen your tinfoil hat.

>> No.7068527

Do any of you use something to cover your tablets? Like taping paper over it(or a paper texture/screen protector if you use a display) and do you do so because your looking to protect the surface or want a more friction draw feel. Im finding that i don't really like the plastic on plastic feel of the standard nibs, im able to draw fine and am hitting probably 90 percent of my normal paper precision but it feels like im exerting twice as much effort trying to run on ice.

But because i don't want to switch to the more perishable felt nibs, and because drawing on paper taped over the tablet feels like too much friction, im looking at other potential solutions. Currently i've taped just a small piece of paper to the tip of the pen with the idea that if it's seriously an improvement i'd just buy some small circular felt pads and so far it's quite nice.

But yeah im just curious if im being like ultra autistic over how the pen feels or is this more of a common wide feeling that most people solve themselves in one way or another.

>> No.7068540

was it that dumb of a question

>> No.7068562

This is the last archived instance of Wacom's wikipedia page featuring a table with their hardware specifications on it.


No shit, this table was removed from the live wikipedia page a few days after I'd brought it to the attention of this thread. Sure, it could be a coincidence, but this table had been featured on the wiki for 12 years prior. I wouldn't know this if I wasn't there when it ostensibly happened.

here's the same page a month later (earliest available wayback instance) missing all of that information.

Coincidence? Quite possible, but I think the notion that a company with hundreds of millions if not billions in the bank doesn't have at least a few wagies monitoring a few dozen tabs' worth of art discussion forums each would be even more ludicrous. It would certainly explain the histrionic behavior (and zero drawing/substantiating of claims) of some of the users in these threads if nothing else.

Try paper meant for markers and wet media-much less friction iirc, someone mentioned mylar as a replacement for an Intuos 3 surface and I think that'd work just as well for any other tablet

>> No.7068569

but I want that friction so it doesn't feel like i'm drawing on ice bby

>> No.7068721

Make it a separate "List of Wacom models" and link it in the see also or in the sidebar area. It took like two seconds to check who removed it in the wiki view history, Drmies on the 12 of August 2021, ostensibly for " Drivers: no: Wikipedia articles are articles, not lists of products with primary sources" And with a quick check to other tech device articles you'd see that that does ring true. Having checked the pages for: iphones, ipads, nvidia graphics, and amd, all of these separate out the specs of the devices to a "List/comparison of X models" page from the main article page. Also with a bit more probing you'll see that Drmies is seemingly a notorious wikipedia admin who makes unpopular edits and apparently a dick.

Sure, maybe there's some slim chance it really was you specifically that made someone here see the chart and they i guess had a desire to remove it for some reason or maybe it was entirely coincidental, which is what i think is more likely. The chart is still in the wacom talk, make it a separate page.

>> No.7068806

Thank you for the admittedly sober and thorough interpretation. The timing was very striking considering those tables had been there as long as they had and were removed so unceremoniously so shortly after I'd raised attention to their contents.

I did go as far as to see it was some apparently unrelated and inconspicuous boomer who edited it, but I didn't look into their account history any further than that (I certainly wouldn't have assumed they were an admin). I guess I hastily (and-let's be honest-perhaps schizophrenically) reasoned that, were a company to want something inconvenient scrubbed from their page they would need such a person in place to do so anyway. Your thoroughness here in tying it into other tech articles is appreciated, it seems by sheer coincidence the article had ran afoul of a particularly infamous, fastidious mod.

>separate page
As you said, speaking of Nvidia, if wikipedia articles like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nvidia_graphics_processing_units

as opposed to Nvidia's "home wiki" page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nvidia

is valid than a "list of [Wacom/Huion/XP-Pen/etc.] graphics tablets" as you're suggesting would have to be valid as well. Might make a fine side project at some point.

I'll have to try it again but I remember it having some texture, just not to the level that it wears your nibs down to a stump in two sittings.

>> No.7068827

You seem like a very narcissistic person.

>> No.7068842
File: 470 KB, 1214x1720, 1708274151613488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out, I found this posted on /vp/. You can literally see the huion wobble on the outline LOL

>> No.7068873

Holy shit

>> No.7068874

Honestly, i half expected you to quip back some addendum reasoning to validate the conspiracy as everyone here is so often quick to double down. It's refreshing. Plus, and take this with a heap of salt as I don't really know how the back end of wikipedia works, but i imagine its entirely possible, if it was really within the span of a few days of you pointing to it from here, that either the increased traffic, or recent up-tick of edits, or both, on a relatively small page, flagged some "edit warring" detection for an admin to take a look and it just so happened to be, as you said, one fastidious mod. It's impossible to know whether you caused it indirectly or if it truly was completely incidental but yea i don't think it was conspiratorial.

>> No.7068888


>> No.7068942

Calm down

>> No.7069155

tfw my wacom has the huion wobble

>> No.7069428


>> No.7069505
File: 103 KB, 1003x900, l7kc2buqk9041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huion makes ipads now?

>> No.7069509

>increased traffic, or recent up-tick of edits, or both, on a relatively small page, flagged some "edit warring" detection for an admin to take a look and it just so happened to be, as you said, one fastidious mod.

That seems very likely in hindsight. Again, excellent sleuthing on your part.

no u

>> No.7071726

what's a good price to look out for, for a used iPad Pro 12.9? and which gen

>> No.7071995

Shut up, guzzler.

>> No.7072057

Ordered a galaxy tab s9 ultra since i was ordering tablets for work anyways and slipped it in. What am I in for? Do I need to find the android version of krita or can I somehow remote it to my pc and just use it remotely that way?

>> No.7072085

are gaomon tablets reaaaaaaaaaaally that bad?

>> No.7072299

krita is just on the play store, if you want to use it as a display tablet for your PC you can connect wirelessly through superdisplay

>> No.7072305

also you get a 6 month CSP license with any galaxy tab so might as well try that too

>> No.7072347

My company has a "hobby" budget, where you can spend it on whatever you want, and I'm thinking of getting the XP-Pen Artist Pro 16 (Gen 2), anything else I should be considering instead for around the same money?

>> No.7072350

what you painting bro?

>> No.7072351

apparently blasphemous to say but my kamvas pro 16 has been running great for 4+ yrs, used for gd work

>> No.7072353

I don't think I need 4k, I actually think it would be a negative. Otherwise it looks OK. Though most YT artists I see use one XP-Pen model or another.

>> No.7072354

Or you can just pirate it for free.

>> No.7072360

you're welcome to try on android

>> No.7072371

Superdisplay hasn't been updated in a while.
Is there a better alternative these days?

>> No.7072372

it doesn't really need updates because it just works

>> No.7072379

Does it work on Win11?

>> No.7072386

it works on win10 and 11, doesn't work on anything older

>> No.7072460

>They take control of the narrative seriously enough to plant their shills across websites like this so I don't know.
There is zero(0) chance the guzzler is not a paid shill. He's been at it literally for years(I used to come here like 4 years ago and he was doing this same thing), no one is so committed to a fucking drawing tablet brand.
I think he has like a quota that he has to fill to get his bonus or something.
Genuinely the only reason I still come here every now and then is to see if the board finally managed to rid itself of this guy
inb4 ok chang

>> No.7072465

nah, the jannies are lazy niggers and pussybitches
instead they will ban/warn us for "trolling outside /b/" if their feefees were hurt

>> No.7072759

retard who doesn't know how to draw, at fucking all, should I even consider a tablet to learn how to draw?

>> No.7072809

Should I get a screenless one or a display one if I’m just getting into digital drawing?

>> No.7072816

Start with pencil and paper and if you keep at it then sure, buy ipad or wacom. But don't waste your money on nonscreenless crap, they're worthless.
Learning digital art is still worth it even if you want to do traditional because you can do commissions so much easier and even a lot of traditional artists moved to digital for the convenience

>> No.7072818

Back in the day it was mostly too costly to get one with screen so that's why they exist in the first place. Nowadays there's no reason not to have a screen. When you draw you naturally want to look at where you're drawing.

>> No.7072833

>used ipad 12.9 1st gen w/ broken home button + apple pencil 1st gen
is it worth it? or should i wait
im still at /beg/ level, so i can still wait for ipad prices to go down until i get better, but i think the price is tempting

>> No.7072835

its ipad pro, i forgot to clarify

>> No.7072916

Recently my wacom intuos pro activation force changed for some reason.
Anyone else had that issue?

Before I could just hold the pen by the eraser tip and drag it across the surface and it would pick up that line but now i need to actually push on it.
Like it takes a few seconds to catch up.
I drag it and after a few centimeters it pops in.
And sometimes the line randomly skips.

Tried reinstalling the driver, changing the tip etc.

>> No.7073041

Broken as in cracked or broken as in doesn't work?
Broken cracked sure, Broken non functional fuck no.

>> No.7073052

>Broken non functional fuck no
its not functioning iirc
is it really that bad? im not familiar with apple

>> No.7073061

Apple requires you do morse code with the home button to do literally anything.

>> No.7073086

assistive touch exist, anon

>> No.7073124

Or just buy one that isn't fucking broken.
1st gens aren't worth shit anymore.

>> No.7073212

20 days late on this but I'm pretty sure the Intuos 3 just uses Wacom stroke nibs which you can still buy now.

>> No.7073216

intuos 1/2/3/4/5 all use the same nibs
only the new pro model with pro pen 2 uses different ones

>> No.7073318

Why is the Intuos 3 still so damn good? These things are literally unbreakable.

>> No.7073342

I miss my old Intuos 3. Well, I guess I still have it, but the pen died and the surface is scratched to shit. Now I'm stuck with an Intuos 4.

>> No.7073412

Why not get a new pen?

>> No.7073414

Mostly because of how scratched up the surface of the tablet is. And of course, back when I got the Intuos 4, I figured it would be a straight upgrade of the Intuos 3.
I mean, the Intuos 4 is fine if you just turn off every new feature they decided to add, and if you ignore the awful ergonomics.

>> No.7073455

You can replace the Intuos 3 surface easily enough too.

>> No.7073464

Yeah, I probably can. I should look into it.

>> No.7073533

What do people usually use to fully replacing intuos 3 surfaces? Vinyl sheets cut to fit?
From what I hear aside from fully swapping sheets, if you're careful enough peeling the original sheet you can just flip it over for a fresh side

>> No.7073630

>Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Are there any bigger options that don't jump in price massively?

>> No.7073663

This isn't what you're asking for, but the S9 Ultra seems to me like the golden standard if you're looking for a massive drawing tablet. Huge price jump, though.

>> No.7073681

Yes, but that's the issue, the price jump is huge

>> No.7073690

why does my tablet display blue pixels in the presence of a certain shade of grey or a similar muted colour. i assumed it was a colour display limitation but i have no idea. huion kamvas 13

>> No.7073725

have you tried calibrating

>> No.7074064

>he bought Chinese garbage

>> No.7074297

my grandma bought it for me for my birthday two years ago. it works fine for what it's used for

>> No.7074300

based granny

>> No.7074392

No, the next biggest and cheapest tablet is the XPPen magic drawing pad

>> No.7074714

I wanted test drawing with a display, but I didn’t want to spend too much, so I bought a 9th gen Ipad. Was it a good or bad purchase?

>> No.7074908

Which is garbage

>> No.7074975


>> No.7075403

With Oled panels, is it generally encouraged to draw using black backgrounds?

>> No.7075420

Not really, just don't max out the brightness constantly.
Drawing on a neutral light grey background should be enough.

>> No.7075423

[Stupid question no one has]

>> No.7075424

[Self answer to that question]

>> No.7075574

Just got my first tablet. Went straight for the Intuos pro M since I got it used for pretty cheap. Not that I'd really know the difference to a shit tablet but I've still been super happy with it. I'll start posting work once I git gud.

>> No.7075877

Is drawing on glass really that bad?

>> No.7075941

>[Self answer to that question]

>> No.7076143

what app should i be using on my galaxy tablet
currently using krita, no subscription based on please

>> No.7076175


>> No.7076179

i'll post my nuts in your mouth

>> No.7076184

checking in after a year of crunch doing boards
does the tablet schizo still post here? the guy whos against tablets with screens

>> No.7076225

Turn back. /dtg/ has the most mentally ill people on this board.

>> No.7076317


>> No.7077691 [DELETED] 


>> No.7077790

I love my xp pen tablet

>> No.7078205

Must be any model that isn't the Artist pro 24 because that shit has the colors fucked up and the pen is shit even though they pack 2 because odds are one is virtually unusable from the box.

>> No.7078234

Artist Pro 15.6. Colours were fine after calibrating, pen feels cheap but works even after dropping on laminate flooring a few times

>> No.7078312

XP Pen is garbage.

>> No.7078343


>> No.7078479

is a wacom cth-490 good?

>> No.7078521

did someone say
[Self answer to that question]

>> No.7078718

oh fuck the schizo is awake

>> No.7078762

You are better off getting an Intuos 3.

>> No.7079370


>> No.7080575

>15+ posts deleted at on
>all from the huion shill
Yep that would be right.

>> No.7080592

Could you link some of these deleted huion shilling posts? I could only find your wabumps

>> No.7081813
File: 66 KB, 978x704, 1680437448651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does adaptation to one pen display transfer to another?
I'm using a Thinkpad Yoga 6 and a Lazarite pen right now. Gets the job done but can feel a little unreliable at times. I've also had a Gaomon pd1560 for a few years and it feels just as good as paper to me now.
Do I gotta practice more with my Thinkpad?