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>> No.46934451 [View]

That wasn't even who the people in the video were reeeeing at. The white lady was the one they were getting mad at, and she didn't even know she was doing anything wrong.
>It's not his fault. I misunderstood and I made it too loud. It's not his fault.

>> No.46923347 [View]

You claimed that I and everyone else misunderstood what she said when we didn't.
So post the original clip and show that people mistook banchou for manager like you said. If you can't, then you lose the argument and will have to live with the fact that you're a newfag EOP shart forever.

>> No.46910751 [View]

>Like people with autism, people with Asperger's syndrome have a dreadful time understanding what is going on, socially.
Example, a complete lack of interest by the person listening to them ramble being misunderstood due to being polite, leading to endless monologuing and persisting on the topic, (unlike Satorin does here noticing Youmu doesn't care).
>This kind of evidence suggests that children with autism will have difficulty discerning the playful intent of a tease that is typically conveyed in an ambiguous, non lit- eral fashion. This diminished capacity to recognize social intentions may serve to make the true meaning of a tease remain opaque.
OOf. Kind of a weird way to find out you're different (which isn't bad), anons. But this is a thread for the cutest girl ever, so take a clue and get help outside!
Now this poster here understands that the most precious girl to ever exist is being a fun tease. Sasuga Youmu

>> No.46908427 [View]

>currently reading
The Paradise Musubi fandisk. I've been getting way too distracted by other things so going through it has been glacially slow. Though, reading Matsuda's after story and his POVs really made me appreciate him more as a character. He truly is best boy, there really isn't anything quite like Matsuda. I feel like a lot of people who hate Paradise just didn't get him at all and misunderstood the writers' intentions.
>looking forward to
灰色のアルカディア I like the art style a lot for this one so I'm pretty curious. Hope it turns out to be decent at least.
>wanting to pick up next
Pretty much all non-/blog/ related games honestly. I love Paradise but I'm also desperately looking for a change of pace. When I do get back to BL/otome, I might read the Paradise Kiwame FD or 女王蜂の王房

>> No.46904300 [View]
File: 261 KB, 1215x2048, GOMaifuboAAvA4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's just misunderstood

>> No.46888492 [View]

speaking of vocaloid metal apparently one of the small artists i've been following for like a year now is a girl. or maybe not. she put out some utaite content which is strictly OK under a different name but on youtube its under the same account as the vocaloid. i can't quite determine 100%, there's a 2020 tweet of her making a parody song for some weird looking game and the voice sounds male but maybe i just misunderstood it and it was a share of someone else's stuff, dont have a twitter account and not willing to dig deeper. a few of her songs always gave me some feminine vibes so i'm gonna assume its a real girl.

i was being polite and commenting and liking all of her videos even when i didnt actually like them to help her drive engagement since the channels in sub 5k average views hell but now that feels kinda simpy.

>> No.46882338 [View]
File: 704 KB, 1200x1350, _p6 - らくがき詰め.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Elly is the architect of her own demise (about 90% of the time) she really shouldn't have been surprised when Nephew-kun misunderstood her and began having baths with Yuuka, Genge, and Muge as well.

>> No.46861986 [View]

she must have misunderstood what she read...

>> No.46850253 [View]

It was pretty funny to me that fan headcanons were making merry the normal one and renko the unhinged one until TJD came out and reminded everyone that they're both completely unhinged basketcases.
-habitual thief, constantly steals things from her dreams
-found out she had the ability to reach the torifune, immediately invited renko with no idea if it was safe
-went on a camping trip with no tent supplies, hotel, or telling anyone where she was going
-the whole trip was because she misunderstood a physics paper and didn't bother asking the physicist about it
-late to literally every appointment she has ever made
-broke into merry's house (her first known crime)
-ransacked the place
-destroyed a jizou statue by throwing it over (second known crime)
-gave a massive monologue before breaking into the land of the backdoor to save merry
-created a paper saying that reality isn't real

>> No.46841637 [View]
File: 1.07 MB, 1123x1600, okina 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One thing to note about the Youkai side is that they aren't all evil
Yeah, you're right. This all has just been a lot to integrate to be honest. I think they occupy their own niches in the spiritual ecology of Gensokyo than the deities. I think most of them are probably pretty harmless, but some of the more powerful ones could be really troublesome if you get on their bad side.
>thrift stores have all kinds of goodies
Yeah, I'm thinking of basicaly building an altar. I need to find a table suited for such to begin with.
>Pick up some kirin and share it. It'll do wonders.
Interesting idea. I'll give it a try. I started with sake because that is a traditional offering to kami in Japan as far as I know. If I remember correctly, people leave water and rice to their kamidana in private houses, but I am not 100% sure how the whole kamidana system works. I think they are basicaly spirits of the house? They don't really have as much of a system for worshipping the bigger Shinto deities at home, I think? Not sure what buddhists do either with their deities. There's so much to learn! At least I got the sense that they very much arpeciate my efforts and that whatever tension was between us has been settled.
>May also attract Aya, and I don't know about that
Haha maybe if you just left random photos lying around without any particular intention. I think when you dedicate an offering to someone particular there won't be any stray tengus pecking at it.
>that statue of Okina I got is Daikoku
Honestly it's so cool you have something like that.

Okina is so powerful and so misunderstood. I had a wonderful experience on the weekend during the solar storm. I went looking for auroras and had a powerful mental image of her floating in the skies in the middle of them. I thought of it as wishful thinking at that moment. I get to a field where I had the best shot to see auroras. I live in a city, there is a lot of light pollution and I can't see any. But I'm not disapointed as I have a really good view of the Big Dipper there. I realize Okina is associated with. I start feeling this immense sense of connection that just keeps on unfurling. I think of how the Big Dipper is connected to so many different myths, how I am connected to so many other people through having seen Okina, been part of this "fandom", connected to people who truly worshipped her previous iteration as a god, all their ideas, hopes, dreams, fears, everything that has had to come together to bring me to this moment. How I am connected to every molecule of air and every blade of grass in the field. All the people currently living in the city, everyone staring at the skies in this moment. It's magical. It's a most beatiful gift from someone who has been worshipped in three different religions as a god and has learned so, so very much. And as I am about to leave, the auroras blossom. It's not Okina floating among the aurora, but something close enough to it.

>Can you guess what's special about that?
No, tell me more about it? I know Okina is connected to Noh.

>> No.46828416 [View]

Kanata misunderstood...

>> No.46814629 [DELETED]  [View]

Is the Muramasa translation hilariously bad or something? Almost everyone talking about it in English seems to have misunderstood the "message" and even basic plot points in the story like the truth about the Minato family. Is this an English only phenomenon or do people similarly misunderstand it in Japan?

>> No.46810752 [View]

Eh, stage 5 boss themes have been pretty lackluster in several entries beforehand. Though my main concern is whether Omiwa Legend really fits Futo as a character instead. Perhaps it's just fandom brainrot but Futo just isn't as elegant and mysterious as Omiwa Legend sounds to me, but perhaps I've misunderstood the character to begin with.

I personally like the electronic, less punchy vibes of modern soundtracks, and one of the positives is that it makes the more severe, aggressive tracks stand out more.

>> No.46808588 [View]

Yes, but WHOSE? Is the Queen of Hearts finally doing something right? Has Anon misunderstood the difference between "state" and "estate?" Should Sensei be notified?

>> No.46808236 [View]

ogres are misunderstood.
people think they are some of the most dangerous, viscious, rapey, angry, aggressive monsters around.
this is a falsehood.
they are THE most dangerous, vicious, rapey, angry, aggressive monsters aorund

>> No.46775571 [View]
File: 154 KB, 606x994, 5275ea7e609419b119954be7a4f95592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first hand* experience, fuck.

Good question (and good pick, Duty will win!)
I'd say Miss Exterminator Supreme, Reimu, would definitely be Duty.
The newcomers from outside with their own secret goals and impressive resources, the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Taoists, would be the Mercs.
The ones conducting their research in their corner of the Zone, deep into their Bamboo Swamp of the Lost, the inhabitants of Eientei, would be Clear Sky.
The hated and misunderstood defenders of the deserted city that holds the key to the Reactor, the ones who dwell in Former Hell, are the Monolith.
The wild youkai that stalk you in the dark, waiting for you to drop you guard to pounce and rip you to shreds, are the Bandits.
The ones who look to the future, and can't wait to unleash the potential of the Zone, no matter the cost, the Moriya Shrine, would be Freedom.

>> No.46772956 [View]

I misunderstood your post. I thought you meant she was inactive on Youtube therefore she must have a niconico account as her main outlet.

>> No.46745262 [View]

If that's from WBaWC's endings then yeah I misunderstood. I was going off of a line in the latest CoLA chapter where it mentioned overtime, but—"Even in the Beast Realm, hardly anyone would work this much overtime"—put into context it makes sense. At the very least it goes to show how dedicated Ran is to her interests.

>> No.46743418 [View]

I think you misunderstood me

>> No.46727252 [View]
File: 135 KB, 850x850, __remilia_scarlet_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_batta_ijigen_debris__sample-006e2d90377a097d39f83cc74db92525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day, another rape...
I-I'm starting to think evil women are just plainly evil and not overall misunderstood, bros...

>> No.46726114 [View]
File: 322 KB, 729x763, e9f977d08c3dcca32be9515d54590954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ushi-Oni is actually one of the most gentle creatures on the mamono world. Woefully misunderstood.

>> No.46723601 [View]
File: 1.37 MB, 1893x2547, __kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_0002koko__503b8f8fcc12bc6a18d19c15fec03cd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A man who's lost everything…?

My back straightens and my eyes on Suzu are a bit more expectant. The woman shifts a little on her seat to get comfortable before she puts aside the booklet, moistens her lips, gathers herself and, to finally quell my anxiety, starts. “The man had a job he loved, friends around him and, all of which we seek, a small measure of peace in his life.” Suzu's quaint smile shrinks. “But then something happened—things he couldn't have foreseen, nor that he could've prepared himself for and that made all of those around him see him differently. The situation, unknown and confusing, led the man to the path of lying; he lied and lied, trying to keep the charade up because if it were to fall, it'd hurt the woman he deeply cared for. A friendly bell-ringer tried to warn him, but he didn't listen, and the lie continued…” A sigh, the woman fiddling with her hands, gathering strength before continuing. I cannot help but glance at the bells in her hair. “It was for nothing in the end. No lie dies a lie, only a bitter truth, and when the woman came to know about his lies, their friendship utterly shattered. Then others knew too, especially a… suffering king.” She scowls. “He trusted the man, and he broke that trust, so the king retaliated and made sure that, one by one, the man would lose all that he'd painstakingly built—his job, his friends, reputation. He was shunned from his village and became a pariah. Everyone misunderstood him but the bell-ringer.” She suddenly giggles. “Want to guess how he and the bell-ringer met again?” I raise one eyebrow, and Suzu seems nostalgic. “… He was cradling two birds she had never seen before, covered in bruises and blood and about to die. The poor bell-ringer almost had a heart-attack, and when he healed, the first thing he promised the bell-ringer was that he'd give those two birds—cast away from their nest—the best life he could provide…” Suzu looks in my eyes, giggling again; she knows I already know.

I find myself laughing a bit too, a soothing silence settling for now as I soak up the bulk of the story. So that's what has led Keine to bring forth this revolution? I know that there was a letter of some kind containing a less personal version of that history, but I never got to read… Would I still be here if I had indeed read it? Those tengu papers make sense now, too. “Why tell her history like that?”

Suzu chimes sweetly, “Well, it's how I intend to write the book about our little group's history—I always wondered what's like to ring massive bells, after all~”

… Part of history indeed.

Draining the tea she'd just poured for herself and me—I warmed myself with a gulp. Tasty~—, Suzu resumed with a tone of finality. “… It's been a long journey since that day at Eientei, and much has changed for the man and the bell-ringer. But the only thing that's never changed is that determination the bell-ringer saw in the man's eyes. He, who had failed so thoroughly and hurt so deeply those he loved, instead of remaining down and letting things outside his control guide his life, decided to change his and those two little birds fates, to rebuild their lives and better the village he loves so much… And I wholeheartedly trust that he'll succeed.”

… So that's why she's told me. I feel my heart clenching, the words swarming my mind and buzzing so loudly that it's hard to form a coherent thought, eyes wandering to the closed door.

Behind that lies a festival of nearly a thousand souls—laughs and talk, curiosity palpable as people explored a world they'd for long feared and, while doing so, eating good food…

A festival born not as a means to destroy the balance of Gensokyo but to somehow reestablish it.

Beauty built on top of rubble.

… Man, I need to make that into a prayer. Sounds so cool~

“Sanae-san…” Suzu calls me again, her smile reborn, eyes squinting a little as if appreciating whatever is in front of her. “It can seem impossible to rise from that hole—one you feel you dug it yourself—but it's not impossible! You're not a failure as long as you irrevocably reject the bottom of the hole… And the Sanae I know would never settle for less than stardom.”

I… don't think I can talk. Not with this heart so fast and body so tense, my mind rushing like crazy. Suzu notices and, kindly, moves to the door and opens it.

“You said you didn't know what you were doing anymore, right?” I nod silently, getting up; my legs feel wobbly. “Don't worry about that kind of stuff too much; hardly anyone does…” I stop at her side; the festival outside looks as crowded as before. “… Just don't ever forget why you are still here. Hana will need any help she can get when it all ends—and she looks up to you, hm?”

I stare at her, then towards the Hieda State and, to the tune of the Primsrivers playing in the background, empty my lungs. “Dude… I'm a terrible adult.” Suzu snickers, but I ignore, marching outside. I pause, then smile. “… I'll keep that in mind—thanks, Suzu~”

>> No.46721728 [View]
File: 543 KB, 654x818, 1683384600528386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is slander.
Okuu is a little smooth in the brain and misunderstood what Kanako told her to do with her new power, a power which she needed an outlet for. That's why she was trying to turn the surface into the sun. She's just wants to make her family happy and thought that's what they wanted. It was obviously not normal for her to do that and Orin made the spirits spill onto the surface so someone could come help her and calm Okuu down.

>> No.46705975 [View]

It depends on the VN, but it can be pretty damn near perfect now. Nothing lost that wouldn't be lost in a human translation or misunderstood by someone who wasnt fluent anyway.

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