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>> No.44955900 [View]
File: 92 KB, 850x558, __cirno_sekibanki_and_yamashiro_takane_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_syope__sample-ea5196a3cac490f0d8f8bc9c96c6d3a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blink a few times and try to reason about everything that just happened. The Tanuki speaks up before I do “Do you like monk-sensei?”
Goro smirks only a little, then turns to me. “Don’t worry, Byakuren would never eves-drop, she’s honest to a fault about these things.”
I think to ask more but stop myself. This was a business transaction, not tea circle gossip. However, Byakuren had come to the HSE and if he didn’t know that it would mean he’s not suited to the job. Oh Hell’s, better to ask and know.
“What exactly were you discussing with her?”
He looks up and sways his head a little, mulling the idea around whether he should tell us, but finally does answer. “I fancy the blonde woman who leads the Otter faction in Hell, that much is true. The reason I tell Byakuren I attend these ceremonies is that I want to get closer to Youkai which will give me the guts to ask for her hand.” He scratches his head.
“So Byakuren lets me meet all kinds of Youkai here which is good for business. Because she sees it as a good deed that could domino one day to lead to the end of a gang war, but I don’t have the heart to get close to someone like that.” Goro shakes his head.
“Anyway, regarding the aforementioned issue, I would suggest you start aggressively protecting staff in and outside the facility, both for their protection and so you can keep an eye on them. And do whatever you can to keep this information away from Anon.”
“Why?” I ask.
“Seriously, do you have no sense? If I learned one day that I’d fathered an entire generation of kids, ugh, I’d think I wouldn’t run away in fear, but not being able to see them or discovering that when I was still trapped in that kind of situation? No, it’s unthinkable.” He puts his face in his hands and rubs it.
“Give me your hand.” He says, putting out his.
Gingerly, I place my hand in his palm, and he slowly closes his hand around it.
“Now you feel my hand, right? You can probably feel my heartbeat to, can’t you?” He asks.
I nod, feeling some silent, steady drum in his palm.
“I’m forgoing payment, but promise me that when the time comes, do everything in your power to put Anon somewhere safe. Let him recover from all of this, so he doesn’t have to see his new family in shame.” He asks, looking into my eyes.
“I swear.” I say before I can think.
Why did I do that? Before I could think, this human made me make such an unreasonable promise! No, not unreasonable, his fee was steep and being seen favorably by Anon would be even more of a boon to business at this point. The problem was the unconscious decision, I never agree to something binding without some forethought!
“How did you do that?” I ask, pulling my hand away. “Human influence?”
“Ah, no. Well perhaps the same principle. See, some of us humans have abilities as well, but many of them seem a little trivial. Mine, for example allows me to forge a binding agreement with someone instantly, but only if it’s in their best interest.” He smiles. “Pretty needless for a businessman wouldn’t you say.”
Downright scummy if you ask me, but I’ve seen fools break contracts that favored them for no good reason before.
“I’ve got a lot of business on the way from this incident, you know how many families’ generational plans are getting redrafted as we speak? And nobody knows what the real impact of so many Youkais’ having a Haukrei connection is going to be. As a further sign of good will, I’ve included the names of all the expectant mothers with the other materials you requested in the cypher we agreed on. I think you’ll be rather surprised at some of the names.” He looks around, sniffs the air, and turns back to me.
“Were out of time here, but listen, I’m on your payroll, not Yukari’s, so final piece of advice: keep this close to the chest. If not for the sake of business, then for the fact that it will not look good in front of a Yama if that maternity roster becomes a hit list.” Goro states.
“I understand.”
He was right. This list had some terrible power to it that Eientei was oathbound to protect, how he got it wasn’t important now. With it, I could start a business empire brokering huge deals with Youkai, Humans, Gods, and perhaps even more? With just these papers, I could walk away from the HSE and be rich and profitable for as long as I’m alive.
I cursed under my breath. That’s why he made me write that vow before he told me about the registry! He wanted to make sure I wouldn’t cut and run! Damnit, trying to get Anon to safety at the end of all this is going to be like threading a thousand needles in a monsoon, but the reward…
Getting greedy in business is never good. It causes you to take greater and greater risks until your inevitable downfall, but if I could use this registry and have Anon in my pocket, the possibilities were endless.
“Joon-kun? Is that you? Oh, you’ll have to pardon me ladies, I’ve got much else to attend to! Joon, Joon! About that neckless you’ve been looking for…”
The hustle never ceases.

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