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>> No.45531809 [View]
File: 103 KB, 850x933, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_so_happy_64__sample-6aa7e04386501626be944e2195a755fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting at Suzunaan's counter I can't help but think of all the confusing matters at hand. The HSE, Anon, Mima's drills, Marisa's pregnancy, Kiene's pregnancy, and Hana's birthday. What should I get her? I'm sor troubled, I can't even be bothered to stop my children from playing in the front of the store!
Ah, children, so carefree and innocent. Maybe I should ask my husband if we can have another?
The door opening stifles the thought, Seija and that man she's been with casually walk in. Had Yukari sent them? Did she know about the meeting at Alice's house and had sent agents to extract what I knew? No, calm down. I'm a mature woman after all! No way they'd start a ruckus in the middle of the day right smack dab in the village right? If anything, this was my opportunity to get some of my own intel! Time for Smooth Operator Kosuzu to take the stage!
"Get out Oni! In the name of Momotaro!" One of my children yelled, tossing beans at Seija, who was not amused.
Oh no.
"Eh? Who's Momotaro?" Seija asked, scratching the back of her head.
Both of my kids looked at her in disbelief. "You don't know about the legendary Oni slayer Momotaro? He's the coolest and took on a hundred oni with his dog, monkey, and bird! Come on! We'll show you!" The two children said, each pulling Seija's arm off to the shelves.
"It's alright, she doesn't bully children, she's got a soft spot for the unabashed. Goro by the way." The man said, bowing slightly.
"Welcome Goro, are you perhaps looking for a book or here on business?" I asked.
"A little of both. Takane-kun asked me to return these books to you along with new requests." he said, placing the books on the counter. "Personally, Seija's been interested in literature recently, so if you know any books about anti-heroes I'd appreciate it." He whispered.
"It seems she's already being helped." I said, looking over as one of my children eagerly showed Seija a picture book, taking special care to point out each detail of Momotaro's outfit, while the other stacked a pile of other books to review. She seemed a little enamored.
"Is there anything else you, or I suppose, your boss needs?" I ask.
I had to be subtle. Play the part of the knowledgeable business woman eager to please so he let his guard down, without letting him know I'm actually an enemy agent!
"A day off would probably help all of us." he joked.
I stifled a laugh. This wouldn't work, either he was too low on the totem poll to know anything useful or he was a good enough agent not to casually leak secrets. In that case, maybe I had to offer something to solicit information. But what did I have that Yukari would want...
"Perhaps your in need of, alternative literature?" I asked him.
"Oh, I've seen enough of those comics to last me a lifetime believe me." He said.
"No, no, no I mean, Youkai Books."
"Hmm? What an interesting proposition, but why would I want such a thing?" He pondered, his hand on his chin.
I couldn't help but think, that blond tuft on the top of his hair and that demeanor, it was very 'Yukari-like' or maybe a little like Mamizou? Looking into his eyes, they seemed normal at first, but the edges of his pupils were blurred slightly. Just what was I speaking to?
"They can do all sorts of things! Like summon long-lost Youkai, instantly transmit information, describe spells, even encode secret messages!" I explained, my natural excitement overriding caution.
"Are there any about curses? Specifically those contained within objects" He asked.
Was Yukari planning on using curses? Maybe she had some cursed weapon stockpile, but didn't know how to use it. That bracelet on the man's hand was giving off some strange aura after all. This could be my chance!
"It depends on the type of curse. Some objects are possessed, even books, other times it's more of a rule that gets applied, like a sword which cuts the wielder or a river that can't be crossed."
"What about a grudge?"
"Those are tricky. Someone usually needs to wrong you to be the target of such a thing, like stealing someone's work for yourself or slaying someone close to them. It would be a difficult to weaponize."
"Huh, what about a tool that has a grudge against whoever wields it?"
I think for a moment and something instantly comes to mind. Taking a few seals of a cabinet and doing some unlocking, I open a door to reveal my collection. Flipping through, I find a thin tome with a black exterior and a plaid red pattern.
"This books describes the a generalized theory of cursed items. It has some confusing language that goes above my head, but it sounds like you'll find it useful. " I say, handing him the book.
"Thank you Kosuzu-kun, I'm sure this will be of great help." Goro smiled, before placing some money on the counter and retrieving Seija from a lecture about pirates.
This was great! Now I knew Yukari had some interest in curses and was trying to weaponize them! I can't wait to shove this in Mima's face and tell her that I... gave them exactly what they needed.

>> No.45480092 [View]
File: 103 KB, 850x933, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_so_happy_64__sample-6aa7e04386501626be944e2195a755fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Suzu a day keeps the sad at bay~
poor Suzu tho, dragged to this game of gods and hags, and things are set to just get even worse
she should get an entire month of vacation after all is done, she deserves it!
and look at that, Mamizou; anons who were sad she was left to the side eating good
>Any worries would wait until the party was over.
oh no no no…
thanks for the chapters!

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