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>> No.46682415 [View]
File: 948 KB, 1254x1452, aya big egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC when it got brought up ages ago, birdhus lay small eggs (unfirtilized) but when it comes time for child bearing they pop then out the normal way because trying to pop out a child sized egg is an interesting image. The manga showed a tengu egg which was pretty huge, but I don't think ZUN gave it much thought how the tengu deploy the egg.
It's just another never ever concept weird youkai biology fetish like wingjobs and tailjobs.

>> No.45273022 [View]
File: 948 KB, 1254x1452, 1642687382657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aya's ahead of the fucking Hana plotline
holy shit i'm nowhere near done, Aya will somehow become the most convoluted plothu.

>> No.44860148 [View]
File: 948 KB, 1254x1452, 1642687382657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya’s head was spinning in circles as she woke up. Once more, she said goodbye to last night’s dinner, a bit of pickled vegetables served with rice. A sudden craving for preserved cucumbers overcame her, and the kappa were always munching on them. She was satisfied at the time, but vowed never to eat a kappa’s cooking ever again.

Freshening up and clearing her head, she realized that whatever sickness she had wasn’t going away. Something from the HSE got into her body, and going through the gamut from poisonous insects on the shrine grounds, curses laid by previous lovers, and mysterious venereal diseases from the Outside that would devastate the female population of Gensokyo. No matter what it was, Aya had to go to Eientei for a check up.

A knock came at the Aya’s door. Behind it was a package and a crow quickly flying away. Tearing it open revealed a heavy pouch and a letter from the daitengu themselves! It commended her for “writing an outstanding article for such an important part of Gensokyo’s culture” (not neglecting to mention how rare it is for a crow tengu to write a quality article) and rewarded Aya with both vacation time and a hefty commission. While the tengu would usually kill for this kind of treatment from the higher-ups, she knew who this “reward” really came from. Well, it wouldn’t help anyone to just waste this gift. Aya took the jingling pouch and set off for the Bamboo Forest of the Lost.

Navigating the constantly-shifting forest was nearly impossible for most humans. However, the tengu had experience from frequent interviews at the mansion hidden deep within. The wind guided her as she dodged stalk after stalk, challenging the greenery to stop her. It was only a tiny victory for someone like her to land at Eientei unscathed, but Aya’s chest swelled with pride nonetheless.

It was a long wait for Aya to be seen. There were a lot of women, human and youkai, waiting in rather modest clothes. Sweaters, sundresses, sweatpants, they all dressed and acted like they had something to hide. Some of them Aya actually recognized from her interviews as clients of the HSE a few months before she did her own investigation. That settled it: The HSE was host to some sickness plaguing the clientele. Could it be the beginning of another incident? The Gatekeeper of Gensokyo was planning something big, it was just a matter of figuring it out before it had potentially disastrous effects on Gensokyo. That must be why she has Anon trapped: It’ll distract Reimu from putting a stop her plans!

While Aya was writing in her notebook, putting together the pieces of Yukari’s wicked plot, the waiting room slowly thinned out thanks to the inaba attendant. A few inaba themselves came in after Aya, although they looked somewhat bloated. Could the disease have different effects on different youkai species? The plot was only thickening. Eventually, after both feet had fallen asleep from boredom, Aya was led to an examination room. After another agonizingly long wait, she was visited by the Brain of the Moon herself.

There was a slight shock on her face when she saw Aya, but it quickly passed. Eirin regarded Aya as just another patient and asked her to describe her symptoms. She was completely unfazed. After a series of esoteric tests including a urine test, jumping jacks, a treadmill run, pressing her stomach, grabbing her breasts, flying in a wind tunnel and plucking some of feathers “for analysis,” Eirin sat Aya down for her final evaluation. She brought pill bottles with her. “Now, before I give you your results, I need to ask you a couple questions: Have you been sexually active in the past week?”

She was embarrassed to admit it, but she needed to find out the truth. “Y-Yes, two days ago.”

“I see.” The doctor simply checked a box. “Did you use any form of contraceptive?”

“Yes. An-uhm, he, the man, took pills to reduce his sperm count.”

“Would those pills happen to look like this?” As if expecting it, Eirin showed Aya a bottle that looked exactly like the ones in Anon’s cupboard.

“Yes, exactly like that. Wait… those work, right?” Aya started sweating bullets.

“Of course they do, I made them. However, another pill cancels out the effects.” On cue, Eirin pulled out the bottle of fertility enhancers.

“Wait, but he didn’t take any of those! I know, he said the tea was sweet and those pills taste extremely bitter! I swallowed one myself!”

“You must be mistaken. Both of these are completely tasteless and have no effect on female gametes.”

But if they were tasteless, then Aya’s tea wasn’t bitter because of the pill, and Anon’s tea was sweet… But Aya didn’t make sweet tea. No, she put sugar with the pill…


“Well, let me be the first to say congratulations, Miss Shameimaru. You’re eggnant.”

“Wha- What did you say?” She managed to squeak it out.

“Aya. You’re pregnant.”

(Part 16)

>> No.38261437 [View]
File: 948 KB, 1254x1452, 1642687368311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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