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>> No.45264616 [View]
File: 241 KB, 850x957, __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_ishida_kazuma__sample-15e5806f7a3899fb0562280c7cc781cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Mayhap your majesty.” Seija said with a deep, exaggerated bow. “This establishment’s been closed by us, so unless you’re willing to share some of that sake please kindly fuck off.” Seija stated, punctuated with a middle finger.
“Ha! A little fledging Amanojaku is the one who caused all this? You all must’ve gotten soft!” Yuugi laughed.
“It’s a shame then that you won’t survive this fight, I’ve got a real beef with that Yakumo see and I’ll be taking it out on you.” She said, laying down her sake bottle, her fingers cackling with power.
“No.” I said aloud.
Both Yuugi and Seija turned their heads to look at me.
“What’s that pipsqueak? I don’t recall addressing a weakling like you.” She said in a cherry, yet matter-of-fact kind of tone.
“We’re not going to fight you.” I Reiterated.
Seija’s, surprise faded and was replaced with a toothy grin. Walking over to me, she took a seat besides me on the fallen Oni and cross her legs. “Yeah, I’m a bit sick of fighting Oni all day.” She speaks.
For a moment Yuugi is befuddled, but quickly regains her composure.
“So, this must be a Yakumo trick hm? Well...”
With the same urgency as a cricket propels itself into the air her fist reeled back and snapped forward, sending bodies, seats, furniture, and everything around us flying. Behind us I’m pretty sure the wall had blown out entirely, yet we remained completely unharmed.
“Next one will be through your skull if you don’t move.” She said, reeling back her arm again for effect.
I merely sighed and rested my chin on my two hands. Seija tensed ever so slightly but remained at my side.
What I experienced was something akin to the sensation when falling within a dream. I was fully conscious of what was happening to me and at the same time utterly helpless to do anything about it. Yuugi’s fist had entered my head, passed through it, came back to its resting position, but I was completely unharmed.
“Seriously, you surface dwellers have no courtesy” She remarked. “You go bar wrecking somehow, yet, when I come around you holster your strength?”
Yuugi sat, almost cross-legged at first, but thought better of it and sat on her legs instead, then she took a big gulp of sake from her red cup and asked “Why have you two come here? And, more importantly, why the hesitation?”
“We came here because Yukari promised us an ‘Impossible Meeting’ in return for saying ‘hello’ to the administrator of this place, as for the pacifism…” Seija began.
“… your hearts not in it, otherwise you’d set down the cup.” I smiled.
Yuugi laughed “That’s a handicap for you two! Otherwise, I wouldn’t enjoy myself since the fight would be over so quickly!”
“Uh huh, and why is that despite every other Oni here dressing like this…” I say, tugging at the downed Oni’s loose garb. “…You’re covering yourself like an innocent spring chicken going to a new year’s celebration?”
It was imperceptible if you weren’t looking for it, but I could see Yuugi’s red face turned just a shade redder.
“It’s lewd.” She answered.
“Pardon?!” Seija asked.
“I mean if I show too much skin men will think I’m going to have sex with them, right?” Yuugi answered, scratching her chin.
To her immense credit, there wasn’t a stammer or any hint of hesitation in her voice. She was being 100% genuine.
“You’re kidding!” Seija jumped. “Aren’t Oni supposed to take whatever they please with that freakish strength of yours? Who cares what men think about what you want? If you wanted them, you’d have them, right?”
“This and that are two separate things. Rape is just cowardly after all.” She said, waving her hand.
As Seija’s expression contorted, I wondered if she was taking the insult in stride as an Amanojaku or was feeling the weight of Yuugi’s predisposition naturally condemning her pride. It was hilarious either way.
“That’s why I can’t abide Yukari’s minions scuttling about down here, not while ‘that’ building still stands.” She threatened.
“Well then, our impasse is at an impasse. You can’t let us go because of who we serve, but we won’t fight you because you’re holding back. So how about this, you take us to meet with the administrator at the Earth Spirit Palace and afterwards we’ll accept your handicap if you still want to fight.” I say, holding out my boney hand.
Without a moment hesitation Yuugi took my hand and shook it, then let out another laugh.
“Ha! Just like a feeble human to have an ability to force people to be honest!”
“Just like an Oni to have such a self-centered viewpoint.” Seija remarked.
“Oh, you two are such a treat. It’s going to be sweet thrashing you after Satori strips your intentions bare.”
“You’re going to strip us bare? Both of us? At once? How bold!” Seija exclaimed.
Yuugi merely turned away, her pointed ears burning just a bit hotter.

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