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Rat 2/2
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The sky was darkening as Hana passed through the village; it was too quiet for the village, even at this time of night. Stopping in her tracks, her shrine maiden instincts screaming that someone was looking at her, Hana spun around, holding out her Gohei. “I know you’re there; take it out of the village if you want trouble.” The tension in her body ratcheting it, she had no time for youkai today, especially ones who’d attack the village.

What answered her was the sound of a flute. She could hear the scampering of feet, rats? No, mice. She had listened to the Myouren temple had a mouse youkai who could control other mice. “Listen, he-”

“Agreed.” A voice answered a series of flute whistles following, “We should take our business out of the village.” The whistling of the flute didn’t stop as Hana readied herself. “I’ll be at the misty lake. The Igloo.” The voice finished, the whistling disappearing into the distance.

Chisazu surmised that while It was hard to call the building an Igloo anymore, that was probably what Hana was most used to. The house made of ice situated on top of a hill next to the misty lake belongs to some fairy minion of Okina.

She could see the junior shrine maiden flying towards her position on the house’s roof. Hopefully, she was more reasonable than her feral mother.

“Nazrin.” Chisazu’s teeth grit. They were nothing alike. “What do you want, or are you here on Byakuren’s orders?”

“Personal curiosity.” Chisazu lied, “Ya’know, that place isn’t as secure as its proprietress likes.” Chisazu said, waiting for the Hakurei to respond, but she just stood there, her expression changed. It was hard to read, but it made Chisazu more comfortable with Okina’s assumption. “One thing I say we’re a cer-”

The world exploded into a series of lights and sounds as Chisazu was flung into the forest. When she came to, she could hear the dancing and chant of those damned douji Okina kept around. She had no idea how that woman was a Buddha or how those things held the same rank as her.” Shut up, you too.” She commanded.

“Wow,” said one of them, “So rude,” said the other. Chisazu could barely think, but all her thoughts were confused with hatred for the two of them. Pulling her head from the, she became aware of a third figure. Nazrin was there, and she was dressed-

“Hahaha!” She couldn’t hold it in the whiplash, or maybe it was a concussion, combined with those annoying douji, only to see a stock still frozen Nazrin dressed in a frilly black get-up the made her look like some children’s toy was too much. But of course, laughing only made the pain worse, and the twins to speed up in their dancing and chanting to keep the rat alive.

At the very least, they had confirmed a reasonable suspicion without directly implicating Okina. Hana could get some practice against Cirno, whose roof she just caved in. Still, with a way to get the Eienti list, copies of the HSE personal records, and knowledge of when Aya drugged Anon, Okina now had nearly every variable and could track the pregnancy cases more accurately.

Of course, these were Okina’s thoughts, everybody else miserable.

Sorry for stepping on some toes here by involving Hana, but I wanted to try to get a handle on what exactly she knows, put more things in place for moving the plot forward, and further clarify of Myouren temple’s internal dynamics and plan.

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