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>> No.46565149 [View]
File: 558 KB, 1000x888, Is it me or is there a hint of sexual tension between the Hakurei God and Mima. If so, it wasn't intentional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>46537505 74

Mima’s shrine looks very similar to the Hakurei one. She isn’t quite sure how to feel about that, but nevertheless, she’s grateful for the help her allies have provided. Doubly so given the bulk of the work was done by dolls.

Speaking of which, the head doll ‘Shanghai’ as Alice calls her approaches with a crisp salute. She, of course, returns the salute. “Greetings Shanghai, do you need something?”

The doll nods before gesturing her to follow into the building proper.

Genji remarks, “Of all the servants operating at the beck and call of the various powers in this land, I cannot think of one I would prefer to the dolls. Can you?”

Mima considers this for a moment. There certainly are stronger servants, the Yama commands (in theory) a vast number of Kishin and Shinigami, though as she understands said servants can be quite unruly.

There are the wretches of Yukari who are quite powerful. Though having seen the truth of their twisted nature last night, Mima certainly would not want any of them in her employ.

Perhaps then Shinki’s subjects, the children of Makai? They’re certainly strong and more pure in comparison to others, though if Shinki is to be believed they can be quite the handful and do not provide much tangible aid.

Mima shakes her head, “No, while the dolls are not the strongest beings in Gensokyo, they are still excellent servants. Any lack of power is made up by numbers and tenacity. That is not even speaking of their clear loyalty and good nature.”

Shanghai begins to move strangely after Mima finishes, moving with a strange flare and showiness. Genji makes no comment on it as he replies, “My thoughts exactly.”

Arriving at the rather spartan entrance to the main shrine building, Mima is led to Alice. The Magician is wrapped up in a blanket and reading aloud from a book in her lap. The majority of dolls in the room seem to cozied up to her in various positions. Some rest in her hair, others on her lap, her arms, her shoulders, and so on.

Shanghai joins her kin, a spot being quickly made for her on Alice’s shoulder so she can lie against the Magician’s neck. Said Magician ceases her reading to look up to Mima and her Turtle companion. “Were you successful?”

Mima’s lips tighten in a supposedly neutral expression, “Partially. I drove off the Witch, though I failed to kill her. I’m unsure how much attention it shall bring, but we must make do with it. I doubt another opportunity shall arise until the solstice.”

Alice begins to shrug but stops suddenly and glances at the dolls clinging to her. “I wouldn’t worry about it, Mom… err, Shink-Mom left a while ago to talk to the Buddhists about securing their spiritual support. Though she’s likely just drinking their tea and teasing Byakuren.”

A voice interjects from one of the dolls, “Which serves our plans well enough. If they’re so close, I cannot imagine a world in which Byakuren would refuse a mutually beneficial arrangement. Ah, Good morning Mima.”

Genji interjects, “A good morning to you too, my lord.”

The voice though still rather indistinct carries an air of wistfulness, “It has been a long time since I’ve been called that Genji, I am not complaining though I wonder if it is really the case anymore.”

The Hakurei God is… as always cavalier. While it may be logical for the two of them to ally for this incident and even beyond that, to go from enemies to allies so quickly… Well she didn’t take advantage of his confinement and served more as a guardian of Reimu during that time (fat lot that got her), so it may be wrong to say they were enemies at that point. S-Still, she’d been confined in his shrine for quite a while, and before then…

Ah, the other two (and the dolls) are looking at her. Mima replies, “Morning. I’ll be going to join Shinki then. Have you gotten the…?”

Mima doesn’t finish before a host of dolls break off and return with posters advertising the grand opening of Mima’s shrine.

Taking one from the far too-pleased dolls, Mima comments, “I had my doubts but this Kosuzu is proving reliable, though I can’t help but feel the wording is too mercantile.”

The Hakurei sounds mildly amused, “Such is the nature of our relationship with humans. Faith for blessings. Still, I believe the text suits you ‘The Goddess of the North Star shall be your shepherd in these dark times’ maintains a suitable regalness. I think the greater concern should be opening in three days. Is that really going to be enough time for the message to spread?”

Was there a mocking undertone with that regal comment? It is hard to tell when speaking to a disembodied voice. Regardless, Mima replies, “Every day the shrine is not open is a day it is not gathering faith, it will be enough. Now if you’ll excuse me, I shall see to securing worship from the Myouren temple.”

With that, Mima and Genji depart.

>> No.40201829 [View]
File: 558 KB, 1000x888, a57116dc8b924428409c780483d96e71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys actually like about Mima
I enjoy the mature & powerful woman archetype and I also find a lot of her dialogue in pc98 very charming.

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