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>> No.46537505 [View]
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>>46537475 73

Mima hates this woman. More than anything, she hates this woman. If she could just kill this bitch, she could pass on happily.

Mima looks up at the stars. She always found them beautiful, but one seems to draw her eye. It steads resolute and points north, an unmovable sign for all the world.

It’s not a matter of if. She can kill Seiga, she will kill Seiga.

Mima rises, Seiga and her abomination are almost upon her. Seiga says something, but she doesn’t listen.

She doesn’t think, she doesn't need to. All she must do is pull strength from the stars and shape it the way it must go. The thing is upon her, but she’s ready.

The beam is a gentle silver color unlike her apprentice’s spell, but it carries far more power. In an instant, the thing is burnt away to ash. The strings binding the souls possessing the abomination are cut and they disappear to begin their long journey to the next life.

Her blade is undamaged, it seems to shine in fact. It returns to her hand in a moment. Seiga, the wicked hermit is shocked, she’s readying something. The isn’t there to burn Seiga to ash like she did to the hermit’s monster, but that doesn’t matter. The magic’s residue remains and she is all stronger for it.

Before Seiga can finish whatever it is she intends, Mima slashes at her throat. The hermit just barely evades death by throwing up a ward, but Mima continues undeterred.

Something shifts within her, the hollowed soul flows into the sword and takes a wicked form to bring revenge against its tormentor. Mima readies another attack, but Seiga runs, attempting to flee from retribution. The world conspires against her though as a creepy vine rises suddenly and entangles her leg. As Seiga falls, Mima attempts to capitalize off of this to land a kill blow but only manages to lightly cut her cheek.

She moves to finish the job, but before she can bring the blade down on Seiga’s neck, the hermit slams her hairpin into the ground and flees beneath the earth like a worm.

A voice calls out to her, “Are you okay there Mima? You look a little…”

A turtle, Genji. She pauses for a moment as words fail her. Taking a breath, she attempts to clear her mind, “I’m as well as can be expected. Seiga isn’t dead yet, but her days are numbered.”

Something hisses at that, it’s the fat little snake on Genji’s back. The turtle translates, “Tsuchinoko is very pleased with himself and demands praise for his deeds.”

Mima nods, “That is warranted. You did very well Tsuchinoko, I am proud.”

The fat snake gives a pleased wiggle atop the turtle.

Mima adds, “There are no other wicked beings stalking the night, I believe I earned some rest.”

Genji nods, “That you have. Sit, I’ll carry you to the shrine.”

And so they leave behind the watchful eyes of the villagers.

After the village moves far beyond earshot, Mima sighs, “That was a disaster.”

Tsuchinoko crawls up Mima’s shoulder and attempts to pat her with its tail as Genji asks, “How so?”

Mima answers, “I was supposed to show my strength, show I was a powerful being worthy of worship and yet…”

Genji interjects, “You did?”

Mima grunts, “Huh?”

Genji continues, “What the villagers saw was a radiant Goddess descend to fight a powerful, evil witch and despite great danger drive her off. Trust me, they don’t care much about struggle. Had you failed it’d be another story, but you’re the god who came down and defended them when the others did not. That holds value.”

Mima hesitantly concedes, “Perhaps.”

Genji is not done, however, “Not to mention the political successes. Any attention this draws to Seiga’s actions is going to cast Yukari in a very poor light. That it was a wicked Taoist you drove off will also win you points with the Buddhists. That should make synchronizing with Myoken easier.”

Hallo! I was quiet for a minute because I accidentally cut my left hand with a serrated cheese knife and had yet to master one-handed typing. The cuts aren't bleeding anymore though so I'm back and powered through this scene. Combats are always a little rough, but the opening of the Mima temple should be more in my wheelhouse. Apologies if the grammar is rough, I am very tired.

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