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>> No.46628510 [View]
File: 2.42 MB, 2000x2493, __saigyouji_yuyuko_touhou_drawn_by_cake_mogo__eafe4dd39de1bb192bfe5e2fe67ef625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45716538 [View]
File: 2.42 MB, 2000x2493, __saigyouji_yuyuko_touhou_drawn_by_cake_mogo__eafe4dd39de1bb192bfe5e2fe67ef625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45713322 (3/4—p1)

It was as if the harrowing screams had, for once, ceased.

As if Reimu never humiliated me before my enemies, or Okina's plans were far more extensive than what I anticipated, or even the dreading possibility of losing Hana as a pawn and dearest daughter. The darkness of loneliness had faded; the nine-tailed and two-tailed automatons and their fake, coded love vanished. That kind man loved me like I do him and, together, we loved… This little one growing inside of me. What's your name? Are you a boy, a girl, or there'll be two of you, each of a different gender—maybe two boys, two girls, or, oh, oh, even more of you? Three? Four?!

For the first time in maybe forever, I laughed out loud with pure delight.

Eirin said it was not ultimate, but those words were disregarded. My child—my child~—fought hard and beautifully to earn the gift of life; it'll not be put down by mere chance.

It'll be born into this world, and it'll love me infinitely.

Blissfully and without a clear path, parasol over my shoulder and eyes in the sky, I left Eientei, deaf to Eirin's parting words, completely ignoring her concerned eyes. The Gap took me on a line of dreams, of a bright future, of a soft little body—or many—in my arms, a hereafter not far and not impossible anymore…

… A future mine and theirs. Of my family.

"My, Yukarin. Such an unexpected guest~how are you doing? It's been quite some time." A gentle voice asked, taking me off my enrapture, my eyes turning to that pink ghost draped in heavenly blue casually sitting on her kotatsu, copious amounts of food sprawled on it. Outside, the snow fell, the Saigyou Ayakashi naked as always, unable to reach its perfect bloom as the seal stands.

Wide-eyed still, I sat with her on the kotatsu, and a cup of my favorite tea was passed to me. I stared at the big tree for a little longer, she remaining silent—eating with the manners of a gorilla—before it finally dawned on me and I turned to her. "Yuyuko… I'm pregnant."

She stopped eating, her eyes growing to mirror mine. "Heavens… you, pregnant?" I slowly nodded, the bright smile returning. Shock remained for a little longer before a smile surged there and, over the table, Yuyuko clasped my hand. I clasped back. "Congratulations, Yukarin! But, sorry if not… Anon is the father, right?" My smile soured a bit and, confusedly, I nodded. Yuyuko sighed, holding tighter to my hand. "So that was the true motive of your diorama… Your sins have come to fruition, my friend, and now you carry a tortured man's child. Are you content?"

What kind of question is that? It's the happiest day of my awful, empty life! It's a motive after so, so very long! A motive to live! To keep everything I've put in place moving forward!

I'm crying out of happiness! Of true happiness!

"Yes, I couldn't be happier, Yuyuko." I hold dear to my belly, hands slightly trembling. "With them, I'm finally happy. If it's a girl, her name will be Renko… If it's two, Renko and… Yuyuko," I whisper, my voice loaded with joyous emotion. Yuyuko had gotten up and calmly sat by my side. "A boy, Anon—two, Anon and Koizumi…" A smile spawns on my face, and the hug the ghost wraps me in feels like safety. Of what? How'd I know? "Yuyuko… I'll be a mother and, for once, I’ll be loved for whom I truly am. Not coded fake love… Only simple, genuine love. How could I not be happy?" She sighs, and I hastily take some tea to recompose myself.

"After all you've done, do you truly think building a family will fix everything?" Her words are like a sharp knife, though the edge is not meant to cause pain; it's surgical, like a scalpel aiming at a tumor. The implications make me frown; a glint of Yuyuko's genius mind comes to the surface. "You've made enemies everywhere, Yukari; destroyed relationship with a lot that should be close to you and have plunged Gensokyo into changes I fear may break it—the things you have done to the father of your children…" Reimu flashes inside my head and, with barely restrained strength, I hit the tea cup on the kotatsu, silencing Yuyuko. She looks unsurprised.

"Don't you think I have plans? That I'd do everything without accounting for every single possibility?"

"Of course not—it's you, the infallible Yukari." Just the intonation makes me recall a thousand and one avoidable mistakes—a hand reaching mine, unable to grasp it; thinking Anon would eventually escape, that our love would blossom without interference; a dulled kitchen knife; a lifeless body to bury under that cherry blossom. My chest burns. "… I'm very sorry." She tightens her hold on my hand, her eyes growing concerned.

"I've committed mistakes too many already, Yuyuko. There won't be anymore… I have put plans in place: the sword in the lake will deal with Okina and Kasen; they'll obey; any Lunarian even trying to invade after it will feel all of my might; even the outer gods won't be able to stand up to me. Anon will see the right of my ways; that I did everything out of love…"

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