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>> No.45413242 [View]
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“I’m sorry for not having more, we gave a lot of it away when my children grew up” I said. I knew I shouldn't feel guilty for it, but Keine deserved a lot more then I was able to give her.

“No, No. Don’t worry about it. Thank you for all you’re doing. How are your children?” she asked as a small smile appeared on her face, seemingly eager to hear something about her old life.

I sighed, as I tried to think of the best way to phase this without ruining her mood. “They miss you, you know? Lots of the kids there do. I know they believed all the rumors and helped spread them, but they don’t understand what was going on. I tried to explain to Daisuke and Fumiko the truth, but I don’t think they got it. Kids can be so stubborn, you know?” I feel guilt weigh down on my shoulders. If I was just a little more proactive in telling my children not to believe in the rumors, if I had pushed Keine to tell the truth earlier, then maybe none of this would have happened. Supporting her now is all I can do.

The awkward air hangs between us for a bit longer. “I understand, I was a teacher after all. You can’t always predict what they’ll do. They were just kids, I don’t blame any of my students for what happened” Keine reassured me, doing her best to lift the cloud of guilt off of my heart.

“So, can I see the babies? We still need to go over a few things” I changed the conversation to something more positive.

“In here. I’m still getting things ready for the, so excuse the mess” Keine went off to her bedroom and opened the door. It was indeed quite a mess. Clothing pulled out of dressers to make space, a stack of wood and tools in the corner, and two old frayed baskets laying near the middle of the room, next to her futon. I approached the baskets, and they they were. Two little babies, fast asleep, looking so peaceful as they slumbered. Keine had tried to covered their modesty with two smocks sewn together from old clothing. I made a note to get them clothing as soon as I could. One of them, the girl, fluttered open her eyes and saw me. Maybe she was wondering if she should be afraid of the stranger or not. Regardless of that, she started to mewl and move her little limbs around, demanding attention or food, or just about anything. I reached a pinky down and she grabbed it it. So cute.

“They might be a little hungry. Why don’t you make the formula while I watch them, okay?” I said as I hear Keine step away to the kitchen. I look at the little things. Despite being the children of a youkai, one that never truly became civilized, they seemed as innocent and delicate as my own babies. “Hey, you like your new mommy? She’s the best. She’ll make sure the both of you will grow up happy and cared for, so you don’t have to worry about a thing” The baby stared at me as I talked. I knew she didn’t understand, but it felt good to explain to her. It eased some of my worries.

There was one worry I had that I never told Keine about so I wouldn’t give her more to worry about. Someone like her would have realized it by now anyways. Eventually it would be found out she was caring for children and the rumors would start again. They would say she stole them from their rightful mother, no doubt. If they found out they were born form a youkai things would only get worse for them. But with the sea of babies in Eietei, they might just believe her when she said she adopted them. She’d still have to hide their heritage , but maybe if I asked Aya to publish a positive article they would accept her again. But Keine might not want that attention and I hadn’t seen Aya for a while. She must be busy.

“You know, if Akyuu was still here, she’d be freaking out right now” I said more to myself then to the baby. Akyuu was always against anything that made waves, and two youkai babies being raised in the village would give her so much to worry about. Well, she’d also be worried about a acquaintance of hers being held in a youkai-run brothel that had a surprisingly large influence, but I didn’t feel safe telling the baby that. You know, it was funny how stressed Akyuu got when the rare topic of youkai and sex came up. She never explained herself but it always upset her. Just seeing all the youkai babies in the maternity ward would probably send her into fits. I still missed her, but there were some things she just couldn’t handle

I’m startled by the sudden noise of footfalls behind me. I turn and see Keine is back, two bottles in hand. “Ah good” I said as I rose up and took one of the bottles, testing the warmth. “This is fine. We’ll see if they’re hungry, and then I’ll show you how to fold diapers and then I’ll clean up the house while you look after them” There was a lot to do, but I was ready for it. Caring for babies wasn't easy, but a lot easier then daring to go against one of the Sages.

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