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>> No.45422676 [View]
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>>45422660 (38/?)

It’s less scary the second time. Since this is supposedly personal time for Anon, Alice doesn’t bother changing into that awful outfit and instead goes straight into the fake shrine.

It’s night in the shrine, which isn’t too surprising since the entire place is artificial anyhow. The flowers are pretty, as they were last time, but Alice doesn’t let herself get distracted. She’s not going to be surprised by Anon this time.

Moving with a purpose, she marches up to the shrine proper before taking another deep breath and entering. She will not do something stupid in front of Anon this time. Scanning the room she says, “Hey Anon, Have you seen Anon? I’m looking for-”

Catching herself, Alice blushes profusely as Anon smiles, “You’re looking for Anon? Boy, do I have news for you.”

The response Alice musters is a sound akin to the noise a raccoon would make while being crushed by a hydraulic press after most of the air has already left its lungs.

Her dolls begin to comfort her as she stares at the table, a glance up reveals that Anon is similarly being swarmed by overly affectionate dolls. A third group of dolls seems to have dispersed to go explore Anon’s ‘home’.

Chuckling as he begins idly playing with the dolls, Anon continues, “I’m sorry if that was a little mean, it was just too tempting. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Clearing her throat and thinking very carefully about her next words, Alice replies, “We’re… we’re planning a little something for Hana. A late birthday party to hopefully get her mind off of… I-I wanted to see if you umm wanted to write anything for her. A note or something. I could deliver it on your behalf since… since…”

Anon stares at the wall for a moment, something indescribable in his eyes before he snaps out of it. With a smile that seems just slightly off he says, “I… thank you. It’s a weight off my chest to know so many people are there for Hana when I can’t be.”

It-it’s not fair. Anon shouldn’t have to go through this, he’s so kind. Even if he was going to be taken prisoner, he should be locked in a tower rising above the clouds until the heroines come and save him. To be raped, to be demeaned every day for what? This is supposed to be a world of fantasy, a place where mankind’s dreams are made manifest. Why is it so different from the stories Alice read in Makai?

As tears begin to form in her eyes, Alice begins to speak unconsciously, “I wish I could do more. I wish you didn’t have to go through-you don’t have to go through this! It’s all so senseless. Hehe, here I am crying for your sake while saying things you already know. I wish I wasn’t so weak.”

Before Anon can get up, Shanghai flies in front of Alice and lightly taps her forehead to get her attention. As Alice looks up, Shanghai points at her before pointing at Anon and making a hugging gesture. She wants Alice to… why not? She’s already failed everything she intended to do here. Turning to Anon, who was already moving towards her to presumably comfort her, she asks, “W-Would you like a hug Anon? I’m afraid that’s the only solace I can provide.”

Anon freezes in place for a moment while staring at her, presumably in confusion at her ridiculous proposal. He slowly nods, “I-I’d like that. But don’t put yourself down like that. You caring means a lot to me. Even if you can’t stop this yourself, that someone knows it’s wrong and says something… it-”

Alice cuts Anon off with a hug. It’s admittedly an awkward thing and rather loose, as she’s still not comfortable with giving a tight hug, but such things matter little when twenty dolls join in.

After a few minutes, Anon slowly pulls back. The second Alice realizes what he’s doing, she leaps back away from him, “Sorry! I didn’t meant to-”

Stupid, stupid! Of course, Anon’s going to be uncomfortable with physical intimacy and here she is giving an extra long hug like a creep. Anon, however, doesn’t seem annoyed or creeped out as he raises his hands, “It’s fine. I’m sorry, I thought I was the one dragging it out. If you didn’t quite get your fill we could…”

We could… hug more? Does Anon really want to… no, he probably just doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. Feeling heat rising in her cheeks, Alice replies, “No, I’m alright. Do you umm want the letter now?”

Anon nods, “Yeah, if you would. I think this may take a while, so I may as well get started now.”

Upon receiving the pen and paper, Anon slowly begins to write. Should Alice leave now? Ah… no she needs to get the letter so she can deliver it to Hana. Still, in the meantime, she should get out his hair. She could… make him some tea like he did for her!

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