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>> No.46813583 [View]
File: 148 KB, 850x1200, sagumr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, I always found her decision to talk about it strange
now i know why

>> No.45412451 [View]
File: 148 KB, 850x1200, Fy1GKEHakAEQCi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kishin Sagume always walked through the streets of the Lunar Capital on a Thursday night. It was a Thursday according to the schedules of the filthy, impure Earth, but that schedule had seemingly become of some import to those who dwelt on Luna's surface as of late. It was in the whispers, those half formed conversations that she could catch fleeting murmurs of to accompany her steps across the paved streets of the Lunar Capital. It was in the heated conversations, the ones that the Watatsuki sisters partook in when they had forgotten - as they often did - that either their own rabbit servants or Sagume herself were in the same room.

And it all concerned the same topic. What would be happening in the impure land of Gensokyo tonight, and how would it concern that seemingly innocuous building that the youkai just couldn't seem to get enough of? The Hakurei Shrine Experience, it was called, or so Sagume had gathered from the many arguments she had been unfortunate enough to listen to on her walks, to say nothing of the arguments that she heard during those times that she wasn't walking the streets.

And so it was today, too. "It'll be the fox!" She could hear a rabbit shouting at her friend. "She's done the most for him, so why should any of the others get a shot!?"

Sagume rounded the corner and saw that one of the rabbits, crooked eared and with hair that went in every direction, was on her feet with clenched fists, staring at her companion, a tired looking male with floppy ears and even floppier hair. "Yeah, sure...Between all of the dependency, the fact he can't actually go anywhere, and the fact that she emotionally manipulates him daily? Yeah, she definitely deserves it. Not the crow who's had to learn a life lesson and admit to herself as well as his daughter that she loves him and carries his children. No, definitely not. That would be the height of lunacy." The male's voice was as tired as his appearance, and - Like usual - their conversation ground to a halt

when they spotted Sagume approaching. "S-Sagume-sama!" Both of them cried in unison, launching to their feet with a salute. "My apologies for discussing the impure Earth!" The male continued. That, too, had become a very common part of the vocabulary. It had started with Sagume doing her best to reprimand the rabbits, but it had gone on for so long that it was just another meaningless line to her now. "We'll get back to work immediately!"

Sagume rarely spoke. It was a habit that had long since become ingrained in her, because fate twisted and seethe around her accursed tongue, and careless whispers invited disastrous consequences. Still, she had learnt where the limitations lied. "...Break?" She murmured from behind her hand, which covered her mouth. Fate growled and clawed, but was unable to change the meaning of the simple question.

Happily, it seemed that the rabbits had also gotten used to interpreting her short words. "Our break doesn't end for some time, Sagume-sama, but we're ready to work now!"

"...Break." Sagume repeated, eying the rabbits sharply. "Lest fate take your energy." If the rabbits decided to work when they should be on break, they'd be on break when they should have been working.

"U-Um, yes Sagume-sama, thank you, Sagume-sama!" The girl stopped saluting, seemingly just so she could start again.

"At ease." Sagume told them as she brushed past. Truth be told, she wasn't entirely sure if even the machinations of her ability could overcome a rabbit's natural inclination toward laziness. It seemed too deeply built into the fabric of reality. Once she'd turned the next corner, her mind was already cycling back to her current vexation. The Hakurei Shrine Experience. The obsession of most of her fellow Lunarians. She had a distant, vague understanding of the place. A den of debauchery, a whorehouse. Words that were so out of place on Luna's surface that Sagume felt dirty just thinking about them. And yet, it had enveloped the filth of Gensokyo easily.

She wasn't sure where everyone was getting their information from. It all seemed to come from somewhere without focus, and on one Thursday night, on a tour of the barracks, Sagume had definitely spotted some kind of book, and the name on the cover had carried the name of the building. That concerned her. Impure materials like that were ending up on Luna? Or worse, were they pure versions, constructed specifically to sell to the denizens of the Moon?

The streets of the Lunar Capital's rabbit distract were paved with large slabs, but the streets of the Lunarians were smaller, made of white breaks that gleamed in the Sun. Built by the rabbits, of course, for it was work that they suited to. In that, the Lunarians and the rabbits of the Moon couldn't be more different.

>> No.44228416 [View]
File: 148 KB, 850x1200, sagu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great thing about Sagume is that all you need to do to wed her is harass her and bother her until she blurts out "I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU" out of reflex, and boom, she's yours forever
Because she's hot and angelic

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