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>> No.45848702 [View]
File: 106 KB, 310x459, __hakurei_reimu_and_inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_hospital_king__215941844e86fc0a80874f04eb90645a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You claim I deny canon yet you not posted a shread of proof for your claims, whereas my claims are entirely backed up by canon sources like SSiB and the snippet you so helpfully linked me too.
I don't know what you're trying to prove aside from your own illiteracy, what's next? Telling me Kaguya is millions of years old just because zun said so while drunk off cuff and never substantiated the claim?

>> No.45457363 [View]
File: 106 KB, 310x459, __hakurei_reimu_and_inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_hospital_king__215941844e86fc0a80874f04eb90645a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more tewi fluff, she needs to cement herself a a proper momhu... or maybe lewd momhu...
It depends on if I have the time tonight

>> No.45063782 [View]
File: 106 KB, 310x459, __hakurei_reimu_and_inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_hospital_king__215941844e86fc0a80874f04eb90645a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Solid ground felt good under Hana's feet as she walked to the doorway of the room she found herself in. Nobody seemed to pay her much mind and since there was no nurse around she simply was able to make her way out unmolested.

Hana hadn't been to Eientei over much, only on the occasions when her father brought her over when she was younger for check-ups or errands. The corridors of the hospital were unfamiliar to her as such, and if she looked down the more quiet end of things beyond the doors that labeled 'Inaba only' she could feel a similar distortion to what was outside in the forest.

First on Hana's mind was what exactly happened, she fell but such a fall shouldn't put her put like that... It was embarrassing but she'd have to ask one of those youkai what happened, she wondered down the hall till she spotted a nurse that seemed free, "Ah, excuse me!" Catching the rabbits attention she continued, "I uhh, I'm not sure how I got he-"

The Inaba nurse seemed to be surprised as a dawning realization spread across her face, "Ah the little Hakurei! Well about that..." the Inaba scratched the back of her head, "well I think its better if you hear it from Tewi-chan herself..."

Confused at her reaction Hana simply nodded slowly, not letting her head get jostled too much, "right..." the Inaba ushered her forward with a wave of her arm, "erm, oh yeah and if you feel nausea or anything just let me know... I don't wanna clean the floors again..."

Hana followed the slightly skittish Inaba nurse down corridors of Inaba and human both, some humans clearly injured or sick while some, a mix of human and youkai women, didn't seem to have anything wrong with them at all. Hana didn't ask about it since she had other things on her mind but as they passed by a sliding door labeled 'maternity ward' she wondered if there was ever so many expectant mothers before? Youkai in such numbers on top of that? She felt a bit disgusted by the thought of the human hybrids in their bellies.

Seriously, what perverted fool would knock up all those youkai women? Hana was disgusted by the thought of it.

As they seemed to walk closer to the administrative area Hana also noticed something strange, the last few times she's been here the Inaba seemed a bit more mischievous and aloof in their profession. Now they seemed more caring as whole, almost coddling in the gentle ministrations they treated their patients with... Maybe that strange doctor of theirs gave them a talking too? Either way if Youkai were making themselves useful to humans and not a menace it for the best so Hana had no gripes.

As they rounded a junction to a seemingly empty part of the offices Hana noticed the nurse freeze up, it was as if the tight little pink nurses outfit she wore was constricting her. She could almost see a nervous sweat break out on her forehead, "erm, well just down the hall and the third door to the left! That's where you'll find her!"

Before Hana could formulate a question with her bogged down mind the Inaba, clearly not constrained in the legs by her short skirt hopped off in a hurry disappearing beyond a corner. Hana shrugged as she walked down the corridor feeling the presences of several youkai behind other doors labeled this and that, more than a few behind the door labeled 'break room'

As she reached the sliding paper door labeled, 'Reisen U. Inaba, Chief of Sales', Hana heard an angry voice on the other side of the door. It was familiar, like that youkai medicine seller with tired eyes she often saw in the village, "How many times have I told you to lay off the pranks?! Not only did Eirin tell you as well but you even put a pitfall in the center of the main path! If one of the women were to fa-" Hana knocked then cutting off the rant.

Hearing an audible sigh of relief and a, "don't you dare even think of running off!" she heard footsteps approach the door. The door slid open in a hurry only to reveal a women externally around the same age as Hana wearing a strange uniform consisting of a buttoned up blazer and a white skirt. Her hair was outrageously long reaching down to the back of her knees at least and she sported white ears on the top of her head. She was clearly a youkai by the energy she gave off, Hana pushed past that as she recognized her as the medicine seller, "I'm sorry to interrupt but I was told to come here by the nurse..."

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