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>> No.45174285 [View]
File: 227 KB, 911x732, Shanghai champion of the dolls and defender of worker's rights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45154369 (22/?)

Another successful trip to the village under the oversight of foreman Shanghai! Alice is going to be so pleased. After all, it was pretty much an entirely self-directed operation. All it took was Alice complaining about how much Marisa was drinking and pondering aloud about how great it’d be if someone went out on a supply run for Shanghai to come up with the idea.

It was a lucky break too. Shanghai wasn’t given any money by Alice recently, so she had to make do with what she had. If a human owned that stall's things they’d never accept a bottle cap as payment, but thankfully fairies understand the nuances of little people currency.

In the safety of the mighty triangle (the strongest shape), Shanghai leads her cohort back to base camp. While she could fly all the way back to Alice’s house, the stuff they were carrying was heavy. As such, it is her duty as a responsible overseer to allow her team to take a break before finishing the journey. It would be awful if they had to miss teatime.

Drawing close Shanghai suddenly tensed. Rather than the sounds of hard-working dolls, she heard the clamor of battle and a young girl laughing!

Rushing forward, Shanghai comes to a grizzly sight. One of the big pillars to hold up the top sorta-pillar was knocked over and hurt dolls littered the grounds. The culprit was obvious given the giant black ball floating in the middle of the clearing.

Rumia sneers from inside her ball of night, “Really? That’s it? I suppose this is what I get from expecting anything out of a bunch of stringless puppets. That’ll show you for putting up uh… whatever the stupid thing is you put up in my way!”

Stupid? STUPID?! This unproductive stupid butt-faced bully dares call Shanghai’s girls’ work stupid? The work Alice herself asked Shanghai to oversee? The work that might be to make Mr. Anon a new home so he can leave his old shell? That’s it, Shanghai is going to teach Rumia a lesson she won’t soon forget.

Flying out and drawing her blade, Shanghai rises to challenge Rumia. For some reason, Rumia doesn’t seem to notice, “Why’d you even put it up there? Don’t you know the visually impaired fly around these forests? It’s rude and inconsiderate.”

Shanghai is torn. On one hand, Rumia is stupid and smells like a stinky unwashed sock. On the other, she raises a good point. While Rumia is a stupid dumb idiot baby who chooses to fly around blind, Shanghai should have had some way to warn people who couldn’t see the construction. Still, she can think about that later, far more pressing is the question of why Rumia isn’t acknowled… acknowledging… Rumia can’t see anything and Shanghai didn't make any noise…

Quickly rectifying this, Shanghai sends Rumia a universal message in the form of a Danmaku bullet to the face.

The shot is well aimed and Rumia is soon cut off by a yelp of pain. That pain soon turns to anger as she shouts, “Oh you little shit! Which one of you did that? You’re gonna regret that! [Darkness Sign: Demarcation]!”

Suddenly intersecting rings of Danmaku emerge from the sphere towards Shanghai. Thinking quickly the doll begins to return fire and moves to slip through the cracks. A fact that is exceptionally easy since the gaps seem to have been made with a human in mind, so it’s trivial for a doll.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Shanghai uses every free second she has to aim shots to hit Rumia’s stupid… uhh dumb face. Admittedly aiming is kinda of pointless given Rumia’s method of dodging consists of flying around randomly because she can’t see, but it’s nevertheless quite fulfilling to hear Rumia cry out every time she gets a taste of Shanghai’s doll power.

Frustration in her voice Rumia calls out, “I’ll give it to ya, you’re tough for a doll. But ‘tough for a doll’ doesn’t cut it when fighting a real youkai!”

Suddenly the pattern is interrupted as a wave of Danmaku emerges and homes in on Shanghai, so she dodges to the left. Another wave follows suit, so she dodges to the right, and so on.

It’s honestly pathetic and that’s not even mentioning the fact that the spell card ends soon. Rumia is even out of breath because of that 'attack'! If only Shanghai had her own spell card, alas she has to make do with throwing out as much magic as she can.

Calling forth a wave of Danmaku, Shanghai sends it straight towards the center of the orb of darkness and is rewarded by a loud, “Ouch!” and the orb falling to the ground.

Soon after the orb flickers out and Rumia gets up with a snarl, “Alright fuck this. Dolls aren’t protected by Spell Card Rules, I’m gonna rip out your stuffing, and then I’m gonna rip out every single one of your friend’s stuffing.”

R-Rip out? Shanghai needs to get out of here, she can’t win. But… if she runs then all of her subordinates would be in danger. No, she needs to fight here and now! For all of doll kind!

Shanghai stares the behemoth down without fear as she draws her razor sword. If it is a fight Rumia wants, it’s a fight she’s going to get!

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