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>> No.45206906 [View]
File: 84 KB, 744x676, yukari grindset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44857828 [View]
File: 84 KB, 744x676, yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wheels were set in motion, palms greased, furies abated, and cold drizzle falling. Yukari sighed deeply inside the comfort of one of her gaps. Balance was such a tricky thing to achieve after all and while she could outsource some of her duties nobody knew how the lion's share of everything really fell to her shoulders! Honestly it was simply reprehensible how the Daitengu and Temna looked at her, their sage and guide in this new era, with open derision in eyes as she taunted them for their passionate displays in her little diorama before tossing them temptation in the form of a rare golden ticket.

It was just pathetic how the buddhists mocked her behind what they thought were closed doors as she ensured that the weaker amongst their rank continued to visit Anon in secret. She was so kind as to even ensure group tickets wound up in their possession again for such good repeat business and made their way to that contemptible head monk. Don't get her started on the taoists.

She even made sure to proliferate rumors amongst the oni though that little gremlin Suika, leading her like a baby bird with free booze and good times with an old friend. Always an annoyance that one, even tried busting Anon out to take him home. Something that at this juncture she just couldn't allow, for multiple reasons, also she didn't need to start an incident now that his services were as highly sought after as immortality was to the kings of old and new.

Yukari didn't even want to start contemplating those downright contemptible earth spiders, always lustful lesser tengu and kappa, and especially not that infuriating tanuki that thinks she's so special just because she can slip under her barrier. It was scant consolation that she'd already gotten Marisa, Alice, and Hana working within the confines of her system. If only it were so easy to get the others in the palm of her hand...

She sighed at the sheer amount of problem children in her little play, certainly if they put their mind to it they could alter her plan, maybe even ruin it all together. However, all things being equal, their powers kept each other at bay well enough and given by how poor they were at working together even when their interests aligned it was like to stay that way. This was a good thing, it was balance, it was as it should be and how barriers were maintained.

With a bit of free time she exited her gap on the mountain side, a pleasant view stretched out before her eyes with the entirety of her little slice of paradise displayed before her under slightly overcast skies. Her eyes from here could easily make out the ropeway threading up the mountain from the village outskirts like a nerve and she felt the brewing smile on her face fall like the light rain on the horizon.

The Moriyans... ever since they came here they've been a thorn in her side... Always causing incidents with that viperfaced women's half-baked schemes! Really, whats the point of coming to Gensokyo, a wonderfully time locked capsule of humanity too foolish to overcome their fears of the dark and want to go out of their way to change it? It was always a handful making sure things failed just enough to not change things in a negative way, though thankfully the Kappa were good enough at that alone.

While she could deal with that there was the other one there, that little native god that pretended to be so carefree and whimsical, it was the reason she hasn't already taken them down and drowned them in temptation. That little conniving thing was quite the nuisance but at least was content in minding her own business and enjoying the day to day.

Still it was quite the burden in her plans knowing that the little odds and ends she could pull with her own powers would be sniffed out quickly by that curse masquerading as a goddess. If she wasn't careful she mused that she could find herself burned by a curse, something that she didn't need at this time even if she could dissipate it. The residue of such a potent shikigami's curse was sticky and tended to cling.

Their attachment to that vow breaker was amusing, and she had no doubt they had their own plans in motion to conflict with hers. Still, no matter what she would have to weather them with her natural grace and charity that kept her going. Maybe she'd try squeezing the green one for information, kindly of course. Perhaps a bit of the tastes of the outside world she missed with good company as she listens into the conversation with her little white and black conspirator? Oh Yukari you're a genius! the carrot is just as good as the stick sometimes~

A gap opened before her again and she stepped through before the edge of the rainstorm could reach her, 4 minutes and 53 seconds to be exact. Business would be slow at the moment and according to Ran's ledgers there's no appointments right now for the next few hours. She suppressed a grin as she exited into the dressing room, it was the perfect time to enjoy the fruits of her labor.

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