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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.45307277 [View]
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We spent some time going over some concerns Marisa had out the future. Of course childcare isn't something that can be taught in a single conversation so we went over what to expect in the coming months. No need to tell her about setting up sleep schedules and preparing food when she hadn't even picked out a name yet.

"You should see about seeing a tailor. I doesn't seem like too too much of an issue now, but you'll want something with more space later on"

Marisa nods as she takes in my words. "So when will I..?" She said as she held her hands to her chest.

"It'll happen, don't fret over it. But maybe you shouldn't expect to look like Keine by the end"

Marisa chuckled a bit to herself as she shifted slightly in the chair, trying to accommodate her new weight. She she tried to find the right position, the door opened behind me. Two woman entered. One was a regular looking human with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her frilly, multilayered dress was a bit too fancy for someone that lived in a house in the woods. She was lugging a basket in her hands. Behind her was a taller woman wearing a red robe and long white hair which was tied off to a small ponytail on the top of her red with red hair decorations. It made her look a bit childish. Geez, wearing hair decorations as an adult is just silly. My hair bells on the other hand were completely necessary to keep everything together.

The two of them look over to Marisa. "Kosuzu. A friend of mine. She offered to help us with everything. Kosuzu, this is Alice and Shinki" she introduced me and waved over to the blonde and silver haired women respectively.

Oh, so that was Alice. I had completely forgotten about her. I had seen her occasionally over the years, but it seemed like after a while she had just disappeared and stopped involving herself in events. Shinki was still a stranger to me.

"Greetings Kosuzu.Good to have extra firepower. I Shinki, am the creator of the realm Makai and of this little one here" Alice tried to dodge Shinki's hand but failed and her head was ruffled and set askew.

"Oh, so you're her mother? Nice to meet you" I said. I had never heard anyone call themselves a creator rather then a mother but there were all types in Gensokyo. Maybe things are different in Makai, wherever that was. But if she could create some kind of realm she was powerful. Or lying.

"Oh no, I created her. Just like she makes all her little dolls. Isn't that right?" Shinki responded as Alice looked away from her mothe- creator. Alice didn't seem like some sort of creation to me. Some distant memory floated to the top of my mind, no longer irrelevant.

"Huh, you're not a human? I don't think you ever mentioned that to Akyuu. I thought you told her that you were born human and changed into a magician" I said as I tried to piece things together.

"Oh really now" Shinki said, her eyes narrowing. Alice shot me a glare that made me glad I had my own place to stay. There was no greater embarrassment then accidentally causing domestic problems for someone else without meaning it.

"Well, I'm sure she has her own reason for being so embarrassed to be connected to me" Shinki said as Alice took the opportunity to scurry off and put the basket on a table. Shinki turned to Mimi. "I've made advancements in our plan. Since we have a new member, I'll just fill her in as well"

Shinki preceded to launch into an explanation of the plan. Something about Makai, magical traps, powerful rituals and linkage. Partway through the whole thing, I came to the realization that everyone in this house was an accomplished magic user. Thief plan was made for them and not for a simple village girl whose experience in magic was just a footnote compared to them. Here I had gone and joined up with them anyways. I had thought things would be a lot simpler, like they would break in and beat up and few people as I assisted them safely out of danger. Ah hell.

"You understand the plan?" Shinki asked

"I'll pick it up" I said, trying my best that to hide that would likely never be the case.

Mima starts to float towards the door. "Well, since you're all caught up, there's something you need to do, follow me" she said. I followed her out, assuming it was something necessary. "Now, you're no fighter, so I'm not expecting much. But it's going to be dangerous. If we decide that we have to bring you along and be useful, you'll need to not know how to stay safe" Multiple brightly colored lights appeared around her as she floated up in the air. "I don't have the time to go easy on you, so you better be good at running" Before I could react, many of those lights streamed towards me. I followed her advice and ran.

I have no excuse for the long delay other then being sleepy

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