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>> No.46285661 [View]
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>>46285634 (4/4—p9)

… Then a missile hits Mother, her wings withering away and back inside her skin in a show of blood-red embers. Mother looks exhausted. “IDIOT, IDIOT! Y-YOU CANNOT DO THAT! YOU PROMISED! YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T GOING TO COMMIT SUICIDE! LIAR, LIAR!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS?! WHY?!” The cat was punching her chest, slapping and scratching wildly, thick tears stranding from her swollen eyes.

Yet, without showing a hint of hurt or annoyance Mother kneeled and softly hugged her, whispering on her pointy ears, “I’m sorry, Chen, I'm so sorry… I lied to you. I'd do anything for my daughter. Don’t think less of me, please…” She then released the cat, who, inconsolable at such words and incoherently mumbling—'unfair', was heard—as she tried cleaning up her eyes, desperately ran to the closest person—Toutetsu—and sank her face into her dress, weeping loudly in torment, trembling like a leaf against a storm—a confused feeling of hurt rose like bile within my throat at the sight; why? She's a youkai…

The mafia goat, maybe one of youkais Mother most advised me against ever facing, hugged her so tightly that I feared she’d be crushed, yet so tenderly at the same time that that fear vanished like wind. Aya fell down on her weird cushion, sighing with palpable tiredness. Ran approached Tetsu who didn’t even wait a moment before pulling her into the hug… Staring at Mother’s back, Ran hugged back.

I couldn’t pay much attention to it, not when Mother was in front of me and staring directly at my eyes…

… Her red-onyx eyes so full of warmth, a smile tiny yet of a love unprecedented; exhaustion and stress were visible in the labored dark bags under her eyes, but Mother didn’t let that push her down. She stopped, a hand rising and slowly falling on my shoulder. I jumped, realizing with an odd feeling of peacefulness that her eyes had me in a trance.

In them, I saw that same little girl of my meditation…

“Whatever you hide, my Hana, know that…” Her hand rose, gently grabbing the side of my face, her thumb cleaning a stray tear—when did they begin falling? “ I’ll always love you, no matter what you've done.”

And so Mother takes her hand away from my cheek and steps away. She pauses and exchanges a few words with Aya—hugs her, then. The crow hugs firmly—, and walks to the entrance of the house, Mayohiga silent but for the cat—Chen’s cries of anguish.

Mother turns to me one last time. There’s love in her eyes, a smile threatening to break. “Well, shall we get back home, Hana? I'm starving!”

and that's it, took a bit longer than what I anticipated, but finished with the 'Ana! You're good to go from here, Hanaanon! Half a thousand new traumas; shocking revelations and a letter of suicide for the 'greater good' and a fuck ton of things to fuck this teenager's mind, because that's exactly what see needs right now! Sorry if I didn't capture the 'Ana too well, no one does it like you~

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