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>> No.44869347 [View]
File: 795 KB, 4096x4096, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_azurereindeer__03b1524c3966f3edafa6ae63f1e377d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiga found herself gazing at a most amazing beautiful woman. She had a pretty face, a rocking body, and was oozing with personalty. She gave the woman a wink and dual fingerguns. The woman did the same. Seiga stepped away from the mirror, done admiring herself as she adjusted her Hakurei outfit, which she noted she wore very well.

She bounded past Ran at the reception desk, who gave her a glare that wished death on her. But Seiga was used to getting that a lot so she passed her and made her way to the main attraction. She had to hand it to the gap sage, this was the best entertainment in all of Gensokyo. Sure, the physical side of things was great, but him acting like they were married was something so found greatly entertaining. Something about someone caring you "Dear" and caring for you tickled her heart just right, and unlike her previous marriage, she was free to practice Taoism and he'd only be around when she needed him. No need to fake her death whenever she wanted some alone time.

Although if they did spend more time together, she could even teach him the Arts. If she did, then he's learn some skills that would make him a lot more fun. Oh! Speaking of Taoism, they offered group sessions here, she could bring some of the others and they could defrost their relationship with them. She couldn't bring her cute jiang shi, too much work to keep her in line her. Miko was the obvious choice, her student would feel nostalgic about being waited on and entertained, but if she heard even a whisper of the darkness beyond the scenes, she’d cause trouble. Futo was too difficult for Seiga to understand and might end up confusing everyone involved. Tojiko? She knew almost nothing about her, but it could work. Oh well, she’d find a way to ensnare them all eventually. They couldn’t miss out on this.

She let the smell of cooking guide her to the shrine. Oh, must be dumplings! She slid into the shrine and waited for Anon to come out with dinner. “Welcome home dear, I tried out a new recipe for today” He said as he placed down the plates he prepared for her. In a playful mood, she leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. She noted how he blinked in surprise before he returned to his practiced expression. “Oh! Someone is in a good mood today. Just wait until dinner is done, okay?” My, My. Yukari had him trained better then Yoshika. Seiga would have to take notes. Seiga dropped one of the dumplings into her mouth. Delicious! It was cooked for just the right amount of time, and these spices really added to the flavor! Anon was really making a case for him becoming her next student. She soon found herself engrossed in her meal, and made some conversation about hermitage to see how he would respond.

“Oh, I’m fine the way things are. I don’t want to over-complicate things by potentially exposing myself to danger” He said. But for just a second, a frown formed on his face before he wiped it away. My, whatever could that mean? Maybe she would have to bring Miko hear after all, she was always good at reading what people really wanted. A chime sounded, it was time for the next phase. Anon cleaned up and left to prepare the bath for her. Seiga took the time to stretch until Anon came back “The bath is ready, dear”

Seiga made her way to the bath and found some time to relax in the waters. They really used the high quality shampoos and soaps here, Something Seiga showed her appreciation for by stealing them. Hey, her pretty skin and hair loops took a lot of work to maintain! When she cleaned herself off and dried off, the next chime sounded. Oh, time for her favorite part. Anon was already ready for her in the bedroom, waiting for her to take her place next to him. Sure, there was always the possibility of stealing away Anon later if the opportunity showed herself and he kept being so darn cute, but the arrarment they had for now worked just fine for her. No wonder prostitution has been around for so long!

Even if she couldn’t own him, she could still use him for this time. He said he wasn’t interested in the way of the Tao, but an idea formed in her mind about how it could serve them in this mind. “Say Anon, have you ever heard of the sexual practices of Taoism?” she asked as she broke out into a grin. She was certainly going to get some use out of them, that was for sure.

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