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>> No.46803723 [View]
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You donated today? Right?

>> No.46666955 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, 98d7a0f67e85786b61791105e590aed4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will be deaf when I'm through with her

>> No.45284539 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, uuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>youkai with jobs
>smart Youkais with actual jobs and that don't spend their free time plotting something retarded
this does not includes a the pathological lier who writes the newspaper filled with yellow jounalism, if anything this is specifically against people like Aya, i can only imagine the opportunities Aya would get to cause mayhem by having an innocent human in love as an ally, only so later she can post it on her newspaper

>> No.45184692 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, a healthy mind is a healthy body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Mima… The knife…"

>> No.44770873 [View]
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>she's so fucking old she just rotates those four throughtout the day
GOOD GOD ANON, why did you do this to me?!

>> No.44770233 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, 98d7a0f67e85786b61791105e590aed4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And then Mother's lips were on mine. I read many stories, love stories primarily, trying to understand how true love works and clean the sick idea love is what exists between my parents... No book I read prepared for such a first kiss. Her mouth on mine was rough, and I instinctively tried to get away, just for her to hold me there, my eyes broad and filled with confusion. I struggled, trying to claw my way out of this sick situation, kicking and flailing, but her massive strength and control were just too much. Afraid and confused, pleading for help, I looked at Dad on the ground, watching this as if seeing things impossible to describe. He was crying, too.

Mother's tongue invaded my mouth, and even when I tried to clench my teeth, her hand rose to my jaw and forced it open, the intruder tangling with my own tongue and licking each and every reachable point of the inside of my mouth.

Dad, finally recovering a bit of conscience, got up from the ground and knowing fighting against Mother was impossible, rushed to the door to get help from someone, anyone, but Mother noticed it from the corner of her eye. Our mouths separated with a wet 'pop', me gasping for air and choking on the saliva, eyes half-closed; and with one flowing move she was on Dad's side, pushing the front door closed, eyes wide and face like sculpted on stone. He recoiled back.

"This is a family matter. If any, any of you two try to get away or scream, I swear that whoever comes," two Hakurei Yin-Yang balls popped into existence, a promise on itself. "I will kill. Filthy youkai, human, anyone: I will kill. You don't want to be responsible for someone's death, do you? Do you?!" She asked, looking from Dad to me, still on the floor and trying to recover, the feeling of puking like nothing I've ever felt before, one of the many nightmares I've been having popping up in my mind... None was as scary as this.

Her answer was tense silence, pretty much a 'no'.

"Reimu, please, stop this madness, I beg you! She's our daughter! Please!" Courageously or foolishly, Dad held her hand, and I noticed for the first time since we left the Hakurei Shrine that Dad never took his marriage ring off. "We'll return to you, okay? Our family will be together again... please, just stop."

Dad was trying to protect us, we know fighting against her is futile, and yet I couldn't overlook the heart-wrenching feeling of betrayal. All the effort to escape felt meaningless; our months of work crumbling in seconds. I couldn't hold it anymore and was openly crying.

Mother watched, face still in stone, and retraced her hand from Dad's grasp; "I have to make sure you never leave me again," Dad's face went pale with hopelessness. "I was too soft in the past, and this little show of you two would've been enough to distract me... But what did my softness get me? A shattered family, a bratty kid, a cheating husband. No. You two have to learn that love is harsh, and is a thing to be maintained, and that I can't do it alone. In the future, when our family is whole again and happy, you'll be glad that I punished you like this."

With her mind set on stone and ignoring Dad's pleas, Mother made her way to Dad's bedroom, stopping at the door, "Come you two, I don't have all the time in the world," and she entered the room, closing the door behind her, my heart burning with the rage this little gesture packs; she didn't even feel the need to force us to go with her, she wanted to be followed like dogs follow their masters. She doesn't believe we'll run away from her again...

... My knees were weak, and my tears thickened.

She is right.

Why? Why?! Why Hakurei Gods?! Why any God?! Why her? Why us?

My trembling hands went up, holding clumps of hair and trying to pull them out, trying to replace the overwhelming emotional pain with something physical, but it was impossible.

Arms surrounded me, a hug trying and failing to protect me from the cruelty of our situation.

"I'm so sorry..." Dad whispered in my scalp, my hands squeezing him in the hug. "Just... just close your eyes. It's what I do. It won't take too long, okay? Be strong."

He helped me get up and, still in his arms, he guided us to the bedroom, my eyes wide. Seeing the door get closer and closer and knowing what expects us on the other side made me want to throw up again, and I felt nauseous. It was so foolish... So, so foolish. Trying to run away, thinking that just putting distance between us would somehow change our situation. Of course, things would just turn out even worse, how couldn't I predict that?! Am I that dumb?

There's no running away from Reimu Hakurei. If we do, blood will be on our hands, and that's just a fact, because who'd oppose someone who can 'fly above reality'?

I almost laughed with the utter retardation of the idea.

I felt like dying.

>> No.42771189 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, 1662582929629199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see her face of indescribable rage as an incident forces her to work to solve it instead of spending time with (you).

>> No.42366967 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, uuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you say to me, you little bitch? i would let you know that i graduated top of my class in the KSK, i have been involved in numerous secret raids against cartels all across south america. you are nothing but another faggot on my way to get Reimu, the only difference is that i will take pleasure when i erase that smug smile from your face. i will beat you with a brutality never seen before on this earth, and unlike the other humble warriors fighting fairly for their dream, you really think you could outsmart me and you will pay for it. you really think you would get away with talking shit over me and my fellow warriors? think again fucker, as we speak i am traing my fists, my body and my mind to be ready to pull you apart piece by piece when the time comes. you can't outrun me and you can't beat me, Your little extra height won't matter when i put you six feet under everyone. And when i am done with you i am going to wear your noble blood like a war paint

>> No.41626863 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, uuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as i need to, i think i could fix her. i can't say no to this face

>> No.41141355 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, uuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its the opposite, since i started working out i stopped masturbating because it feels like cheating on Reimu, i just play to see whats in there

>> No.41071356 [View]
File: 1.22 MB, 1195x1500, uuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess youkai are strong, but i would aim higher, the ultimate challenge is conquering the shrine maiden of paradise

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