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>> No.45930325 [View]
File: 342 KB, 1389x1666, __clownpiece_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_ayahi_4__374934947e611ac5f77dcf1817cd7de1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know need to put an empty line after every sentence, y'know? Turning everything into a paragraph of its own just makes it harder to read.

>> No.45803287 [View]
File: 342 KB, 1389x1666, __clownpiece_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_ayahi_4__374934947e611ac5f77dcf1817cd7de1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady Hecatia's first port of call was not where I expected. I'd thought that perhaps she'd want to see what sort of things the festival had to offer, or perhaps go and speak to Reimu. Instead, she'd followed an almost dogged path straight through the courtyard, standing at least a head taller than the average villager. It did make her easy to pick out, at least, so Yamame and I didn't feel like we needed to stay right behind her. I did wonder where she was going, but I couldn't get a chance to ask, so I just kept a tight grip on Yamame's hand and tried to keep up with her. It was a bit more difficult since the crowd seemed to part almost naturally for her, but they did not for us. "So - Would you accept that job offer?" Yamame asked me curiously. I shrugged, saying that I wasn't quite sure yet and that I wanted to hear more about it first. "It sounds - Well, Miss Hecatia's really nice, so I think it sounds, um, alright?" It probably was, but I was still a little worried.

Finally, we caught up with her as she reached the edge of the stalls and came out near the Moriya Branch Shrine. "Ah, I knew I'd spotted her." Lady Hecatia cheerfully exclaimed, pushing through the last few bits of the crowd, until she found an old couple from the village bounce off of her and stumble backward. Without a moment's pause, she shot forward and steadied them. "Oh, my apologies." She said, brushing off the old man's shoulders. At least, I thought that was what she said. I couldn't pronounce - much less understand what she actually said, but it definitely wasn't in any language I knew. I supposed that, given all she had spoken about Greece to me, it was probably some sort of Greek word for an apology. Lady Hecatia crouched down to eye level with the couple and asked them if they were okay, and once she'd gotten a positive answer, she nodded and stepped out of their way. It was a very odd thing to see from the goddess of Hell, but it was nice nonetheless. I'd feel more comfortable working with her if she wasn't going to beat up any old human who she bumped into. "Okay, now..." Lady Hecatia paused and scanned the area, her hands on her hips. "There you are." She muttered with a grin. I followed her gaze.

Over by the Moriya Branch Shrine, a small area had been cleared of snow. Lady Kasen and I hadn't done that particular bit earlier, because it was beyond both the main area of the courtyard and the Branch Shrine, but a square had been cleared, and several fairies were playing in that square. But, more importantly, right in the centre of it stood Miss Yuuka, her hands behind her back and a severe look on her face, though I could see something in the particular contour of her mouth that made me think she might be more pleased than she was letting on. Still on her shoulders and still looking very uncomfortable about it was the fairy that had been referred to as Clownpiece. Her face was very rigid, and her eyes kept darting side to side, like she was searching for an escape, when they alighted on Lady Hecatia coming towards her. "Ah!" She cried, making Miss Yuuka turn her head. "Master!" She continued, her tone now significantly happier than it had been when I'd seen her earlier. "Um, Miss Yuuka, please can you let me down now?" She looked down at Miss Yuuka, who hadn't turned to look at the approaching goddess of Hell quite yet. "I, um, think my Master wants to talk to me."

"Is that right, little fairy?" Miss Yuuka murmured. Her tone was as severe as always, though I knew now that she could be a lovely person regardless of it. Still, I was a little worried of how she'd looked at that torch that Clownpiece carried, then burst into laughter before keeping the fairy around her. It was just a little bit too strange. "And what kind of person is your master? Did you know that the Garden of the Sun welcomes all fairies who wish to play within its boundaries? Perhaps you should abandon this master of yours and stay there." Miss Yuuka smiled pleasantly as she said it. Much less pleasantly and a lot more nervously, I saw Lady Hecatia's fists clench, so I very subtly pulled Yamame back slightly with me, just in case of any sudden...Explosions.

"I'd thank you not to try and convince my subordinates to abandon me." Lady Hecatia said, her voice still calm, but very much less friendly than it was with Yamame and I. "It's, y'know, a bit of a faux pas to discuss in front of said Master." She looked at Clownpiece, her tone relaxing. "Hello, Clownpiece." She smiled lightly.

"Master! It's been ages! I thought you'd forgotten about me!" Clownpiece said brightly, though she couldn't seem to get up from Miss Yuuka's grip, even though it was with only one hand. Her other hand held her umbrella, the tip pressed into the ground. "I'm - Um, still doing my job!" She struggled again, and still failed. "Or...Trying to, at least..."

>> No.44840284 [View]
File: 342 KB, 1389x1666, __clownpiece_hecatia_lapislazuli_and_hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_ayahi_4__374934947e611ac5f77dcf1817cd7de1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Yukari prepared to deal with her, though?
She's going to pass by Gensokyo on a whim, discover this completely fucked up situation that makes Hell's punishments look mild by comparison, and decide that this must be some sort of Lunarian scheme before destroying it all.
Obviously, she's still fuck Anon somewhere in the process (let's hope he's gotten good enough to keep up with three girls at the same time), but at least he'll be a free man afterwards.

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