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>> No.46138984 [View]
File: 633 KB, 682x650, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_itomugi_kun__4455983fd297d061b90482f2d00406ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My body is tired, my bones hurt, and I have shaken so many hands that I feel like mine should fall off at any moment. My smile has been stuck to my face for almost thirteen hours straight. I’m starving, constantly occupied with conversations or outlining various aspects of my plans, including past and current affairs, to adults who seem incapable of thinking by themselves… I mentally inhale and exhale, trying my hardest to maintain my façade while releasing the anger stemming from fatigue and frustration. The moon is high outside, and the village has already been engulfed in darkness and gossip alike.

Mr. Hieda messed up.

The fact that a tengu had quietly approached him and tricked him into publicly admitting the terrifying extent of his lies was not shocking at all. After that, it took only two hours before those who hadn't seen my revolution for themselves and those that disagreed arrived and started to either talk or fight—Mokou… 'calmly' dealt with the latter, and the former spawned a lot more words, conversations, explanations, and so on.

Suzu returned when she heard about what happened to Mr. Hieda, so at least all the workload wasn't solely on mine and Mystia's shoulders.


“16 fried lampreys; 4 rice balls with c-cicada filling; 1 scholar's ginkgo; 1 Sichuan boiled fish; and a peach tapioca—coming through!” Mystia joyfully cried out as she and Suzu came back from the kitchen carrying the food, their infectious smiles spreading to the faces of everyone in the living room. Similar to love, the stomach is the pathway that leads to a person's thinking brain~

I joyfully take my plate and beverage, “Thank you, Mystia!”

Mokou grinned broadly as she squeezed herself onto my side to take her own plate. “Thanks, birdie~!”

“Don't worry, you two; it’s my pleasure~can't forget the 2 baby bottles too!” She gives one to Mokou and one to me, Aki now on my lap; the immortal feeds Mochi on hers and eats at the same time, looking a little silly and clumsy… Just the way Mochi seems to like~

Before I ate my own meal, I calmly fed Aki the entire baby bottle; the smoked honey ginkgo soothed my weary body. “So good~” Conversation filled the air, not as heated up or thoughtful, though much lighter in prosody and heart…

Especially the men that surrounded Mystia when she sat down to eat her meal. “N-No, I'm not married…”

“Do you want to be? I know I want—and today has made me consider cute youkai women a lot, ha!” A manly voice.

“W-W-Well… I-I dunno, heh…” You could taste the flushed face in these words.

“Your hair smells so nice~” another male voice.


“And your wings are so fluffy—just imagine falling asleep on top of these cute things after a hard day of work… Heaven.” Yet another male voice. Mystia was positively fuming in embarrassment.

“P-p-p-pl-plea-se, n-not the w-wings; they're sensitive!”

The three men erupt into laughter with her stutter, and Mystia has to cover her face; her hands are searing in the heat just like a lamprey.

Watching this scene play out makes me grin: a pretty woman without a husband who can cook this well, with a level head on her shoulders and just the right amount of inherent awkwardness to make it endearing... I look to my side, and Mokou raises an eyebrow—reminds me of someone~

—She moves forward, kissing me with a mouthful of incredibly spicy fish—gah!! It burns!! “Why?!” I ask, Mochi giggling.

“You were bullying me in your mind, right?” She asks with a smug, and all evidence she needs is my quiet after I hastily down my sparrow sake. “Heh, knew it! Don't take after her, you two! Your uncool mother is a menace!” Laughter flares around me and it's impossible not to blush in embarrassment…

Even more impossible is ridding myself of this silly smile.

Eating good food after a harsh day of teaching and explaining complex concepts to wide-eyed, curious people; a strong arm over my shoulders pulling me close to the furiously beating heart inside the rather plain chest of the woman I love; my two children happy—people throughout the day even approached and asked to hold and play with them~!

I look at Suzu and other women teasing Mystia, the men throwing compliments left and right, all eating food made by a youkai without paying a second glance…

… Fear does destroy opportunities like these, huh?

Aki's little babbles demand attention, so I nestle her head onto my breast, resting her ear against my throbbing heart. Her wings flap softly up and down—love. “Feeling happy, my little girl?” She giggles, her gleeful eyes narrowing and her cute face wrinkling with delight. It's almost enough to make me cry. “… Me too. That's yours and your brother's fault~”

A kiss lands on my head's crown. “Can I share the blame with them?” I hum in delight.

As requested, Mystia started to sing, and for a brief while, I was reminded of the night her voice had blinded me and brought all of those monsters…

… Her voice sounds angelic.

My smile is sweet, and I kiss Aki’s hair.

>> No.41582775 [View]
File: 633 KB, 682x650, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_itomugi_kun__4455983fd297d061b90482f2d00406ed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as that guy >>41582705

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