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>> No.46221109 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1680x1480, Writing this may have made me a Shinki-fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>46221082 (62/?)

Ran politely opens the door and in turn receives a “Thank you” as Shinki takes a seat across from Yukari.

The Gap Youkai’s office is quite spare. She has a neat stack of unused paper along with a brush and ink however beyond that there’s very little to see. Sporting a patronizing smile, Shinki says, “Oh, you didn’t have to clean up for me. I only intended for a brief social visit.”

Yukari replies with her pretension, “Oh do not worry, I did no such thing. I suppose my orderliness may seem surprising to… your sort.”

Yeah, no. Yukari definitely poured all of the clutter into some gap when she realized Shinki was coming. She wouldn’t carry so much venom in the second sentence if Shinki’s barb missed.

Shinki could keep the little fight going for a while longer, but at this point, it’s honestly tiresome. It’s been quite some time since the novelty of the Gensokyo catfight wore off. It was fun for what? 100 years? 200 years? After that, it just became routine and then a meaningless ritual after that. Alas, to not play the game would signal that something is amiss.

Shinki covers her mouth to theatrically suppress a giggle before replying in an amused tone. “Oh? Pardon me then, I was unaware of your ‘orderliness’ as you call it. But if you will excuse me shifting the topic, Yukari the fleshmonger? I must admit the news caught me off guard. This is… certainly novel.”

Yukari’s expression is hard to parse even for Shinki, but the manic gleam in the woman’s eyes shows something off as Yukari states, “I must admit I’m surprised you got the news at all, living down in that..”

Yukari trails off seemingly more interested in her own hands than maintaining eye contact with Shinki. After a sufficiently long pause the woman stretches her next word, “... quaint little project of yours. I must apologize, for I imagined that you retired after those rather embarrassing incidents involving Makai. I am quite pleased to see that’s not the case, it truly would have been a terrible shame if Gensokyo was never again graced with your… lovely face.”

Oh Yukari, ever the bitch. Just because she helped the Dragon God make Gensokyo, she acts like the entire place was her creation. Some people, however, don’t need help from the heavens to make their realms. Some people put work into their creations. Ahem, perhaps there’s more than one reason Shinki dislikes the games played by Sages and Gods.

Thankfully, Shinki can mostly regain her composure as Yukari continues, “Now as for me being a-” Yukari wrinkles her nose, “-‘fleshmonger’, you may have gotten the wrong impression. My intentions are purely benevolent. After all, the money matters little to someone like me and I’m not some lecher who’d do it for pleasure, you see I’m neither in a wheelchair nor surrounded by little girls.”

As Yukari pretends that the last bit came out by mistake, Ran quite helpfully serves tea and coffee to Yukari and Shinki respectively. Looking into Shinki’s cup, Yukari nods, “Ah, coffee? I suppose that’s fitting. The Yamawaro, the ones I’ve contracted at least, are also fond of that drink. Perhaps you should seek out their worship. You see they’re always down scrounging around and fiddling with things that perhaps should not be touched.”

Shinki raises an eyebrow, “Oh? And yet you keep them in your employ? And if you’ll pardon me for asking, why Yamawaro? Would the Kappa not be the natural choice?”

Yukari dramatically sighs, “The Kappa are always far too headstrong. They fail to see the wisdom in my designs, unlike the Yamawaro. As to why I bother at all, good help is simply so hard to find nowadays.”

Shinki can’t imagine the Yamawaro were particularly enthralled by Yukari’s plan, though clearly, her coin was able to make up for that. However, what catches Shinki’s attention far more is the way Yukari shoots Ran a look with her last comment. Trouble in paradise?

>> No.45916427 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1680x1480, __shinki_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_nukekip__493f06b7b9b6381d03c25426be590c56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and she's part of the same group as Junko and Seiga who regularly exceed their quotas.

>> No.43774637 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1680x1480, 493f06b7b9b6381d03c25426be590c56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she stares at you like you're no more significant than an ant and that's the hottest shit ever

>> No.43606129 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1680x1480, sex with alices mom (not alice).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The realest men fuck hags.

>> No.43385268 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1680x1480, 107758726_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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