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>> No.45292474 [View]
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“...Come again? You’re saying this like I’m a bottled genie that can just grant wishes for you.”

“Well, It’s true! If the legend my momma told me when I was younger is to be believed, coming into contact with all Big Four of the Mountain in your lifetime entitles you to wishes. How many? Well it fluctuated depending on the person she were asking but I can confirm that I get at least one!”

It appears that the monkey thinks I am part of the Big Four of the Mountain’s ensemble. While this was… technically true at one point, it was nothing more but a hoax to help me rise the ladder in the end. My body is that of Yaksha and my heart belongs to the Vidyaraja.

“...I suppose.” I lied, perhaps out of bad habit. “Why do you need to know?

“Cuz I need my wish. You see, recently there’s been rumors of an attack on this place that I love and I need protection for it. And I’m not talking about the sexual kind. You’ve probably heard about it before. It’s run by the grand sage Yukari Yakumo. The-”

“Not Interested.” I snap back. I knew almost immediately knew what this thing was talking about. I’m not even gonna entertain using her filthy preferred maiden name. Maribel Hearn is a cowardly toddler in the body of a supreme god. I hate her. I hate her, her obtuse little cattle farm running on life support and her secret friend with the ability that’s essentially a watered-down version of her boundary manipulation. I am not going to engage with one of her harebrained projects that perish with ease as soon as her interest wanes.

“WHAT?!?” The rodent sneezes. “B-But I came all this way here! I’m breaking several rules given by people with significantly more power than me just to talk to you right now! I… I had to fight this really weird collection of stones to reach this temple I wasn’t even sure existed! I’m not sure if they’re sentient but they sure were highly aggressive. Please prepare a good meal for me before I have to go back, at the very least!

“Give me one good reason why I, a denizen of Hell, should care about this situation? It is likely no more important than that dumb incident involving cards. You are wasting both of our lives with this meaningless proposition.”

“Uhh… Well uh… Sex? No, I don’t think you Oni really care for that. Uhh… By even something as miniscule as donating a dollar to The Hakurei Experience (trademark), you get to cuck Reimu out of a loving family life? That one is an enforced company motto. You can… Something kinda… you might like this…”

The words this monk is spouting are drowned out as I lose focus on everything around me but singular words. Remiu?!? Hakurei?!? That damned name… That DAMNED DAY…

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