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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.36361872 [View]
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>> No.35861489 [View]
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Remember that week when most of the shitposters got banned because of the word filter?

>> No.35007721 [View]
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>> No.34742418 [View]
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If I wanted to watch someone cry on stream I'd be watching Watame

>> No.34412912 [View]
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The same people who claim they care about the main branch, the same people who didn't bother to watch Aki play monhun with her audience earlier, or bothered to listen to Matsuri singing while they were drumming up narratives about Haachama, those very same people would rather watch and discuss IDs, and if you call them out, they'll try and justify it by going, "Oh, that's just Roboco." or "Oh, Botan's just playing trials."

>> No.34296257 [View]
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Crazy right? Imagine a year ago, finding out that most of /hlg/ would rather post about IDs than the main branch holos. Then they'll pretend they actually care, like when fags say it's not about the game or the stream, it's about the streamer. Bunch of fucking hypocrites, doesn't mean shit. Then, once someone posts annotations of say Pekora's or Sora's previous stream, they'll respond with "Thanks!" and "Good job!" As if they actually care, as if they bothered to put in the time to watch the stream.

>> No.34011173 [View]
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>does this japanese game have a japanese translation

>> No.33610689 [View]
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Why do people keep trying to justify their shitposting?

>> No.33334357 [View]
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Reminder that people here would rather watch indies than Kanata when she was streaming, yet now everyone's going to watch Moona.
Just some food for thought.

>> No.33240625 [View]
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This thread really dropped in quality once Coco started streaming.

>> No.33203949 [View]
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No one here even watches chicken, so why do you guys keep mentioning her?

>> No.33145024 [View]
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I find it interesting how all you fags are getting all heartfelt over Coco crying, meanwhile you were laughing while Aqua cried for over 5 minutes just a month ago. You also laughed at Matsuri crying when she got sent hurtful messages by antis.

>> No.32229862 [View]
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I always find it funny when people say things like "What would your oshi think about you doing this?" Or "Don't do that, you'll disappoint your oshi!" Why should I care what she thinks of me? She's not a saint, she's human like everyone else, these vtubers, these streamers, why would they care about some faceless name beyond how much money it earns them? Sure, I doubt the majority of them are so stunted that they're completely unaffected by the things their viewers say and do, but at the end of the day, it's just a stranger to them. If you were to die today and they'd somehow found out, do you think they'd lose sleep over it? A day? Maybe two? That's really the full extent of it and in a week they'd have completely forgotten. They're entertainers first and foremost, remember that, no matter how close you might think you are to them, you're seeing parts of the full image, you don't know them in their entirety, how they feel, their thoughts and personality. You've only seen snippets. I might enjoy the content they put out, maybe I'll laugh with them about a joke, or sing along with them, or cry with them when they're feeling sad, but that's as far as it goes. To live your life as an attempt to impress someone you don't even truly know would be insane, hell, even if you ignore all of that and treat it as a proper interpersonal relationship, at what point do my actions simply become self-serving, after all if you really wanted to, you could convince yourself of just about anything. Maybe I'll just rationalise it and go, "Oh, well my oshi would be fine with me doing this." Who's to say? If the whole point of the idea is to play off of some sense of conscience or morality, then why would you even need to bring up my oshi, then it's just about being a fucking decent human being. I don't know what makes my oshi proud, I know some of the things she likes, some of the things she values, but how the hell am I suppose to use that as a baseline for what I should and shouldn't do? Does anyone even take that into regards? And keep in mind, this is before even taking into account all of her contradictions, because she's certainly done things that have gone against what she's said. Am I expected to just follow what she's said and live as an ideal? Even though she's incapable of doing such? If the person I'm putting on a pedestal is flawed, then why the hell wouldn't I be even more so?

>> No.31725383 [View]
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Isn't it interesting how despite the hate for ENs, the aversion to translated clips, and the emphasis on learning Japanese to better understand the holos, that the most popular holos in these threads are the ones who speak English or pander to EOPs?

>> No.31457362 [View]
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I find if interesting how many mental gymnastics people will go through to convince themselves that the holos are introverts, good people, care about their fans etc. But are so quick to believe negative narratives about holos they dislike like the ENs, or CNs. Really says a lot about a person's self-awareness.

>> No.31128076 [View]
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>bugs! chang! zhang!
Why can't you people just enjoy the stream?

>> No.31098153 [View]
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Oh boy, time for people to start spamming their shitty football game. Can you fags fuck off with the meta shit?

>> No.30874345 [View]
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>> No.30698627 [View]
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Why are seanigs now pushing Miko and Moona together after a few interactions?

>> No.30542896 [View]
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>IDs, Stars, ENs, Ak*ra, offtopic shit
Remember when people used to post about the main branch?

>> No.30078868 [View]
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>> No.29913395 [View]
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It just doesn't make any sense, you'd think that people who come to /jp/ would be most interest in the HoloJPs, and yet, despite several of them streaming, the majority of the thread's discussion is about non-JP holos.

>> No.29699361 [View]
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>> No.29070296 [View]
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How is replying to every post you don't like with "chang" and "zhang" any different from /v/ replying to posts they don't like with "cope" and seethe"?

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