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>> No.44956184 [View]
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>>44947647 (10/?)

Hana was torn. She couldn't quite find any issues with the terms... Still, to bind oneself to a god… to make an oath to one… Dad did that, didn’t he? How did that turn out?

Hesitantly, Hana glances up at the goddess. She seems nervous, human almost. Was it right to reject an entire race out of bitterness over Yukari’s madness? A better question may be if refusing to work with gods in a land ruled by belief was even feasible. Maybe if Mima was one of the gods who turned away when everything was happening, but if she truly was sealed up until now…

Hoping that she’d not come to regret her decision Hana nods, “Fine, I’ll hand these out if it means you’ll teach me. Don’t expect anything more though, I have my own issue to sort out before taking on yours."

Elated by this, Mima claps with a laugh, “Excellent! You won’t regret this, Hana. I’m sure we’ll both come to find this arrangement most agreeable. Now to seal it.”

Already beginning to regret ‘this’, Hana eyes Mima’s extended hand warily. At first, she feared it there would be magic at work to bind her to the deal, but Mima seemingly just wants to shake her hand. Thoroughly tired of old, green-haired ladies touching her hands, Hana nevertheless accepts.

After tea, Alice and Marisa were called over to discuss the more theoretical elements of magic and how they relate to a duel (following Spell Card rules or otherwise). While informative, Hana wouldn’t call it interesting. The greatest thing of note was the fact Alice gave Mima some sort of potion when she came downstairs that Mima quickly put away.

What was far more interesting was Spell Card development. While Marisa had shown her Spell Cards before, her magic circles and runes seemed hobbled together in comparison to Mima and Yuuka’s cards. As a matter of fact, a few of her Yuuka's cards show a shocking resemblance to Marisa’s Master Spark. However, Yuuka's Cards showed far more complexity and optimization in comparison. Hana was going to look closer but backed off when Yuuka noticed her interest. That smile promised only pain to those who weren’t careful.

To be fair to her teacher, comparing Marisa’s Spell Cards to powerful youkai was unfair. Still, Alice’s cards too held a certain elegance that Marisa’s cards lacked. Perhaps that was the advantage of specialization? Either way, this exercise provided a wealth of ideas to revise her cards. She didn’t go as far as to make an entirely new one yet, unlike Mima. The goddess developed her own card in the ‘Spark’ family. If Hana was to be honest, it already looks better than Marisa’s iconic spell.

The real prize came after the theory, a duel against beings that were as close to Yukari’s power as Hana could hope to face on friendly terms. What’s more is that she’ll be fighting alongside allies so that she won’t be out of her depth when the time comes to topple Yukari’s abomination.

Looking up at Yuuka and Mima with the backdrop of the darkening sky, Hana can’t help but feel her misgivings be replaced by excitement.


Hana did not cry as Alice applied the ointment to her burns. There was something in her eyes, so they were watery. Her teeth were clenched because she remembered her jaw had weight. Aunn was just being weird by squeezing her hand because she definitely didn’t need it.

As Hana never cried, she is far better than Marisa who currently is curled up on Alice’s couch groaning in pain. Hana, though she would never stoop so low, can’t really blame Marisa after the thrashing they received from Yuuka and Mima. The two were really pushing the concept of training to its limits. Did they really have to corral the four with Danmaku before simultaneously blasting them with lasers? The lasers were clearly powered down but come on!

After taking her treatment like a proud warrior, Hana sits next to Marisa, “Your teacher certainly is something.”

Marisa grunts, “You can say that again ze… just not too loudly. I don’t want extra lessons tomorrow.”

After experiencing everything one of Mima’s lessons entails, Hana can’t blame Marisa for that. Still, she’s slightly cross when she says, “You never mentioned she was a goddess.”

Marisa sounds confused as she parrots back, “A goddess? Wha-Oh yeah! It just slipped my mind ze.”

Were it anyone else, Hana would doubt that. There are many great things you could say about Marisa, but you’d be a liar if you praised her memory.

Sighing, Hana gets up to go. She doubts Alice has that many spare bedrooms so-

Hana’s thoughts are interrupted by a figure looming over her, “Going so soon?”

Hana almost jumps as she spins to face Mima. How did she creep up on-Ah, no legs mean no footsteps. She nods as she inches to the door, “I’ve work to do tomorrow so…”

Mima nods, “Ah, someone actually productive for a change. In that case, don’t let me keep you.”

Hana makes a noise somewhat approximating an ‘alright’ before fleeing into the night.

Weird green-haired hags, not even once.

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