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>> No.45566937 [View]
File: 697 KB, 650x678, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_itomugi_kun__56c5f15aa5d36bdf0ca916f6c1a9d384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guests left some time ago.

Together, me and Keine put Aki and Kuramochi to sleep, both of them hugging as if trying to glue us together, deep in slumber, tired of the full day they had. The moon weakly shines through the room's window, and I, leaned on the door frame, watch with half-closed eyes as Keine looks at herself in the standing mirror, using that same skimpy blue nightgown—apparently it became her favorite… It's also mine—, plainly brushing her hair so it's not that bad when she wakes up.

It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

I approach from behind, hidden by shadows—but probably already spotted—and wrap my arms around her belly from behind. "Good night." I whisper, looking at us in the mirror. I'll never get tired of the way her body can be shielded entirely by mine. Makes my stomach tingle with a weird yet good feeling… Though her face throws me off a little—devilish smile, eyes glistening. "What's so funny?"

"Night. And it's nothing, nothing~just thinking about something Goro-kun told me before he and Seija left," she picks a lock of my white hair mingling with her platinum threads and brushes it with veneration. "… 'I hope your marriage with Mokou-kun will be a happy one, Sensei. I'll be cheering for you." My face immediately burns redder than my eyes, a little laugh escaping me, forehead sweating, and back tense. I thought they had forgotten that too… Why she chose not to eat that part of history from the misunderstanding is beyond me.

"Heh, sorry for that—it was just a lie in the heat of the moment to make him get to the point." Keine hums, looking at our reflection in the mirror, my arms holding her as if to never let go…

It feels just… so right.

I'm suddenly extremely tense, eyes growing and my heart skyrocketing.

… These words I want to say…

I remember the words of her last stand—I almost lost her—, my actions, the lie—I almost lost her…

I don’t want to lose them. My family.

"Would you…" the words bog inside my throat, arms trembling, wanting to undo the hug… Keine gently holds my wrist, fingers tender, and with my body against hers, I can feel a heartbeat just as strong. "… Would you like t-that? To be my bride?"

Keine closes her eyes, leaning her nape on my chest, slender fingers moving, and, before I even notice, our hands are interlocked. She's trembling, probably out of anxiety, though that quivering smile on her face says happiness. "… When we solve this mess, and whatever comes after—then, Mokou… I-I'd like to be your bride."

Oh. Oh…

I slowly nod. "C-Cool." I… I am shocked. I don't know what to say, how to react, how to feel a-and— "Why… why did you let Goro hold Aki earlier?" Keine gazes at me, then back at herself in the mirror. "I w-was afraid of what that bracelet would do to her…" I admit for whatever reason, feeling vulnerable.

"I was too. I don't like using my powers for situations of not emergency… But at that time, I was ready to do it. Even so, I knew nothing would happen to Aki. Goro-san wanted to hold my daughter a lot, so I let him do it. He didn't want to hurt her, so the bracelet responded. Aki wasn't harmed in the slightest. Seija and that pup didn't hurt Kuramochi either, did they? Ah… It's fascinating how people are always more than meets the eye~" Keine hums, satisfied with herself. I huff, sinking my face into her beautiful hair.

Hope and responsibility…

… Man, I asked her in marriage with no ring.

Ugh. I'm a disaster.

Keine raises an eyebrow with my reaction, amused, but doesn't say anything, putting the brush down and walking up to the cradle. We check the twins, resisting—hardly—the desire to play with their cute wings, hair, rose skin and… The temptation almost gets the best of me if not for Keine giggling. "Dammit… I better go to sleep." I turn to the door, intending to go to the living room and sleep on the couch as always, heart still pounding and mind processing—

—Keine doesn't let my hand go.

I stare at her in the eyes and, tense and red as if sun-burned, she puts out the candle. "Mokou…" She gets closer, and her voice makes my whole body shiver. "W-Would you like to sleep with… me tonight?"

I imagined many ways this could go down. Only one made my heart grow tenfold…

I swiftly pick her up and, with the biggest smile ever, jump into bed as if a pool, doing my best to contain my loud laughter but failing spectacularly. Keine likely stared at me wide-eyed in the darkness but couldn't contain her dumbfounded laughter either, slapping my shoulder. I slap her back, she slaps me back, giggling spreads as if wildfire and the little goof moment goes on until somehow we are under the blankets, tired and cuddling dearly, our bodies against each other as if puzzle pieces—a perfect fit~

Her heart is still pounding, and it's a great choice of music to go to sleep to. I wonder if she thinks the same of mine.

… Kogasa could make me a ring. One beautiful, of platinum with a red jewel on top of it.


That'd be very nice.

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