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>> No.46097660 [View]
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“What do you mean, 'pregnant with a building'? Are you insane, crazy? My Sekai was conceived by me and her father while expressing our love to each other, there were no IUI or months of trial and error—as if me, Yukari Yakumo, would struggle with getting pregnant! Let me clear this misconception; it was a night filled with stars and fireflies[...]” The Bunbunmaru articles goes on and on with excruciating detail of The Gap Sage sexual life—passages about 'Gap Sex' and 'Gap age-play' rank in the hundreds. It sold out immediately and took first place of 'most selling newspaper of all time in Gensokyo', selling twice as much as the first issue about Reimu's abuse on her husband and daughter.

last time in the HSE:
>Anon came back to hell, Yukari awaits him there; he tells her to fuck off for once in his life… Not that it mattered much, but it was very cool. Go, go, Anon! Sekai visits her parents, and Anon reminesce about not projecting the sins of others on their children after fucking silly Yukari;
>Yukari has a total meltdown over her Towel of Babel built upon lies, fucks Anon in an attempt to kindle anything between them that is not either fake or caricature, fails spetacularly. It's a sight to behold… Then their eldritch god of a daughter comes to visit, and all the validation Yukari was seeking for is found in Sekai's unwavering love for her and Anon, festering her delusion to oblivion and beyond;
>Hana tsuns over her mother's gift, and after a lot of beating around the bush decides to wear the Legendary +10% DMG bonus alcot. Has cute chuuni moments at the breakfast table and asks for some guidance with her powers—all very cute~—, but then she blurts about her most embarrassing moments at Eientei after getting her ability, prompting Reimu to return to her bullying days. She's still laughing as of now;
>Marisa has a heartfelt talk with Reimu that may or may not involve beating with a broom, if you understand what I am saying;
>Aya does many things, mainly she goes to Nitori to talk about good ol' terrorism and, during that, bask in the glory of a ressuscitated Hisoutensoku. Gets mind raped by her insecurities and fears inside it, and is deemed unworthy of piloting Gensokyo's greastest SUPAROBOTO. At least she leaves with enough explosives to tumble Youkai Mountain… but forgets which are duds and what are actual explosives. Amazing. Simply amazing. Gets petted by Reimu and almost dies;
>The Jobber Squad jobbs together an attack plan for the day of the Solstice and, even with the help of a real God in the Hakurei God himself, the plan is still fault to death. Gladly they have dumb luck and a TRUE Shrine Maiden with them, so it's all fine and dandy~before that, Yuuka bickers with Tewi, to no avail. The lolibaba is too strong for them;
>Seija and Goro do Seija and Goro things—play with puppies, try to impress their mom with saloon tricks and bicker with 'literal' children—, they share with Yukari that Sekai has contacted them and hacked their bodies, but are unable to tell her some truths because of Sagume's power. Sadge. At least their meeting with Konngara ended with no casuality or eternal loop of 'nothing personal, kid';
>Keine's revolution goes on and more and more she reveals that the swastika might've been a good idea to keep, as the Hieda Clan takes the bait and starts to censor her words; even gets in contact with a shady—reads trustful—reporter to spred propaganda and lutherian revolution sentiment to the masses. I can feel the violent protest in my goddamn bones already. While that bomb awaits to explode, Mokou has a crisis towards her violent tendencies that culminates in her hitting her fucking two months old baby. What the hell?! Mystia then comes, they talk about motherhood and hurting those you love, and everything ends nicely for now;
>Kosuzu is on the verge of breaking as she realizes how fucked up is her situation and the danger that it gears towards her family… And that's BESIDE the revolution she's taking part of. At least there her talents—both literal and arsonistic—can be well used. Poor Suzu;
>Solid Chen and Liquid Flandre sneak around the HSE, pursuing the Jaku Duo. Very cute~;
>In an alternate reality, Hana has learned nothing and fucks her mother AGAIN, now during a goddamn therapeutic relapse. Very not cool.

Last thread edition, next is the Finale!

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work, read below to catch up.
OG work here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Read Hana's story here:
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

previous thread: >>45888560

>> No.46071054 [View]
File: 141 KB, 600x600, hana panties.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari saw all of those…
this is where getting distracted while writing takes you, boys. Be careful.

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