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>> No.44849823 [View]
File: 1018 KB, 1214x860, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_bluekalmia__5853ccdcf6f32d361550a101950c46db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time Aya visited the Hakurei Shrine, it was as a messenger between Hana and her mother. Clearly never hearing the phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger,” Aya was unjustly shooed from the shrine (putting it lightly). Delivering the daily Bunbunmaru to the Hakurei Shrine from that point was met with a few blasts of magical energy grazing the humble reporter. At least the Komainu there still enjoyed her work.

Standing here in the middle of the village in front of a brothel served by her husband, it was clear that there was lingering resentment in her words. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll step away from this building and never come back. I bet some kappa built another invention you can write another stupid article about.” Aya could take an insult to her name or her persistence, but her journalism was another matter.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Reimu. You know how demanding the higher-ups are for more, better stories. And while I don’t need to go inside this building to find a story, I think I’ve already found an interesting source to interview.” The tengu knew a danmaku match would end poorly for her, especially in her fatigued state. However, the vengeful shrine maiden wouldn’t just let her go that easily. Her weapon in this fight wouldn’t be her bullets, it would be her words.

“And who the hell would agree to an interview with you?” The reporter can hear the venom in her voice, doubling as an accusation. But Aya knew how to deal with stubborn people like her.

“Of course, that would be you, the Hakurei Shrine Maiden herself! Tell me, as the chosen shrine maiden of the Hakurei God, how do you feel about this competitor to your title? Do you think it’s a direct attack against your image?” While this would be a juicy topic at any other time, the tengu knew that her interviewee would decline to comment and le-


The reporter side-stepped a powerful blast aimed directly for the spot she was standing. It left a crater deep enough to fit at least 3 Ayas inside of it. “Shut the fuck up you bitch!” The shrine maiden narrowed her eyes and raised her gohei, ready to exterminate the youkai in front of her.

“I see you aren’t willing to answer that topic at this time. How about this:” While Aya’s own investigative skills were sharp, the wind was still every tengu’s best source of leads. Shifting gears, Aya was prepared to try another tactic: “Rumor has it that in your recent patrols, you’ve been harsher on the youkai, going beyond simple danmaku. Some are suggesting beating, maiming, even outright murdering the youkai you subjugate! Care to comment?” She finished her question with a smug smirk, knowing exactly how her interviewee would react this time.

“I guess you wanna fucking die too. Here, I’ll show you EXACTLY what I do to shitty youkai that can’t shut their mouths!” The shrine maiden’s ying-yang balls began to levitate as she unleashed an onslaught of bullets and needles. Aya didn’t wait and took to the skies, leading the angry girl to follow her.

It was all she could do to avoid each blast of magic that came her way. Direct, trapping, randomly scattered, there was no art to patterns. Each and every shot had the sole purpose of hitting the tengu hard and fast. For an experienced reporter, navigating Reimu’s assault was definitely doable. However, her erratic behavior made it impossible to line up a single shot back. Thankfully, she didn’t need to.
Flying higher away from the village, Aya let Reimu’s bullets swarm her. Although they clouded her vision, the tengu could tell the shrine maiden was preparing multiple tracking shots to trap and finish her off. It was her chance: She slipped through a gap and dove at break-neck speed towards the shrine maiden, allowing her tracking bullets to follow. Of course Reimu predicted this and simply blew them out of existence, with her overwhelming strength. Aya aimed and shot a volley at the Crimson Slasher.

Not a single one of Aya’s bullets hit the shrine maiden as she effortlessly dodged back from them, letting the gaps widen and pass by her harmlessly.

What she didn’t dodge were her own trap of bullets right behind her. The tengu pulled out her camera and steadied her hands. She only had one shot to get it right.



How humiliating. This is definitely making the front page.

(Part 14)

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