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>> No.45197988 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1000x950, __kochiya_sanae_and_shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_ayano_ayn398__c04df028f644636ca6f4a3ccd47bf697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The morning was refreshing and the sky clear. It was a perfect day to take a siesta and let her worries fade away. However, a tantalizing tengu like Aya, close to winning her man’s heart, still had work to do. Flying to Momiji’s house, she found no signs of life. Damn, if the wolf wasn’t a goody-two-shoes Aya could’ve told her about the secret exits. Taking her mission seriously, the tengu set off for the Human Village. She’d have to keep watch herself until she could meet up with her partner.

Listening to the wind as she drifted through the streets, the tengu was worried that she was too lax with her warning to Kanako. The words “Shrine Experience” and “Moriya God” came up far too often for comfort. It was spoken of in hushed voices and uneasy veracity, not yet an urban legend or wives’ gossip.

Finding herself in a market plaza near the HSE, the tengu could appreciate how influential the brothel was. Gift shops and knick-knack stalls used the initials in clever ways, such as “Holy Souvenir Emporium” and “Hakurei Shop Express” to draw customers while avoiding the infringement. One youkai bookseller had a stock of neatly-bound comics, all depicting Anon. The cover of “Pay your debts, shrine maiden husband-san!” peeved her off a bit more. She couldn’t tell why. Something about the tengu’s evil glare that made her feel… dirty.

What really caught her eye was another title: “Shrine Husband’s Holy Hell – Non-stop Faith Milking Experience!” Flipping through the manga, even Aya was impressed by the goddess’ enticing figure and cock-wringing skills. It was amusing to see how the author turned the love-shy deity into a cum-starved demon and the tired husband into a human sieve. Anon didn’t really ejaculate THAT much… well, not after 3 hours… With little else to do, she bought the book and a cozy for the cover. At this time, that girl should be around here somewhere…

Finding a small congregation of humans, the tengu poised herself to eavesdrop. Their green-haired leader told them of the evil and sin that governed the HSE. One conversation between two people carrying innocuous books caught her attention:

“Did you see her new work? Damn, I didn’t know the Moriya Goddess had tits like that!”

“Quiet down! Besides, I bet it’s exaggerated to sell more copies. It’s all just a rumor anyways, the goddess wouldn’t really come down here for a man-whore.”

“Yeah, you’ve got a point. Still, imagine how hot it would be if it was true…”

As Sanae preached on, similar sentiments arose around the tengu. The miko’s words were dampening the mass’ lust, but it might not be enough if the HSE’s continued unabated. After the sermon was over, Aya walked straight to the miko, notepad and pencil drawn out to put on a show for onlookers. “Sanae! Care to talk for a minute?”

After a moment, the miko recognized the tengu in disguise. “Of course! Listen, I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I should have listened to you further before attacking. There’s just been so much stress, between Hana and maintaining the faith, I’ve been a little high-strung. Water under the bridge?” The miko thrust out her hand, allowing the tengu to return the gesture. It was nice that the Moriyan didn’t hold resentment. However, she still needed to learn the consequences of attacking a pregnant woman…

“No hard feelings, I should have known the rumors would hit you first. Speaking of, I’ve got a hunch that I’ll find a lead today. It’s just the rumors, well, they’ve been getting REALLY bad lately.”

“How bad?” This was too easy.

Pulling the incognito manga out of her bag, the reporter kept a serious expression as she handed it over to the miko. “Take a look yourself.” Sanae opened the book, reading a wholesome preamble about Anon’s simple life as a woodsman and believer of the Moriya faith. As she did, the tengy slowly moved behind her to get a better look at her face and the pages. Once Sanae got past the human being caught in a landslide, secretly caused by the goddess of the land in order to kidnap him, her face turned a bright crimson as she saw a drawing of Kanako, completely naked, straddle Anon in a ritual to “wring out his most potent source of faith.” To the tengu’s surprise, Sanae kept flipping pages, seemingly unaware that Aya was stifling giggles.

Deciding she had enough fun, Aya pointed to a page and spoke softly. “You see what I mean? Kanako’s womb is clearly stuffed, yet the artist has her ride him for another 6 panels. Outrageous.”

The red-and-green miko slammed the book shut and jumped back. “I-I’m confiscating this! This is hearsay! Heresy! Both!” The tengu had no reply other than laughter, taking off before Sanae could grab her gohei. Alone with the smut, the living god dropped it into her bag before anyone could see it, vowing to destroy it when she got home.

(Part 46)

>> No.42715201 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1000x950, aya sanae17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this ship.

>> No.21049778 [View]
File: 162 KB, 1000x950, aya sanae17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the wind god girls, anon.

>> No.18063280 [View]
File: 155 KB, 1000x950, aya sanae17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just in! Local crow reporter Aya Shameimaru doesn't have a self-aware bone in her body!

>> No.17304709 [View]
File: 155 KB, 1000x950, aya sanae17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your umbrella and raise you a tengu.

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