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>> No.44746813 [View]
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“But you still made him break away from his wife, yes? Did you think about the consequences of that?” Yukari said as she looked at the ceiling, like it was more interesting then her guest.
I stood up and tried to find the right angle to look her in the eyes, but she shifted her head around to avoid my gaze. “She might get angry at us, but there’s only so much she can do. Our lives are better now” Then, it dawned on me. “Wait, are you threatening us?”

She was up in my face. Too fast. I stumbled back. “If you want to think that, sure. But I might not have to. Already the rumors about your father divorcing Reimu and looking for a new wife are spreading. Are all the rumors true? They don’t have to be. What matters it that people think they are. There’s going to be trouble around him. He might be nothing but a normal man but there’s going to be trouble following him. Do you think you can handle all of that? You, who was never even been in an incident?”

She was right, if major trouble broke out with dad as the center of it all, I wouldn’t be able to protect him from much. He couldn’t even start a new peaceful life away from her without the threat of all sorts of troublemakers butting in, all because he married that bitch. “I’ll have to try. Even if I can’t be much, It’d be more then you ever did for him” I growled at her. The thought of it being bad to insult her crossed my mind seconds after the words crossed my lips, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

“Oh. True I suppose. I wasn’t really involved in your parent’s lives” Yukari said thoughtfully. With a flourish, a fan appeared in her hand and she tapped her chin with it. “It was never my duty anyway. I’m not here to unravel the mystery that is the human heart, after all. She’s not the person to listen to advice anyway” I had to agree with her on that latter point.

“It might not be too late you know. If you return to her, she might make amends. Your departure did throw her for a loop. You could return to the shrine, you and your father take on your official duties again, and the promise your father made is restored. He’d be welcomed back like the prodigal son. Or...” She waves away her fan “You could see where this all takes you. Continue on with this experiment. See where it takes you. Maybe you’d even find a few things out about your mother. Maybe you’d even learn something about yourself The question is, do you want to know?” She gives an all-too-knowing smile.

“What do you mean by that?” I said. Just for once I wanted a straight answer. Here was someone that could help me achieve everything I wanted but was playing obtuse. I was tired of picking up bits and pieces or having to see past lies. I wanted the honest truth. “What do you know about me that I don’t? Answer me!” As I try to pound the table, I feel it happening again. Everything slides away. I plunge through the thin ice and slip into what’s beneath . The Eyes follow me, moving in a way that’s uncomfortably human. The world slips around me until it all forms into something that’s thankfully physical. A village street, lit by the last embers of twilight. I look around. Yukari is gone. All she left for me is a lot of doubt and questions. But if she was going to rain down hell on our heads, I couldn’t spend time chasing down Why’s and How’s.

“Bitch” I mutter to himself as I head home.

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