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>> No.45658641 [View]
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Sana and Sara were still alive by virtue of playing innocent and hiding behind Hana every time one of the partygoer’s looked their way with anything that activated their prey instinct. The negligee was tucked away into the box of cosmetics and quickly placed off to the side lest Hana die from embarrassment again. Hana grabbed the next item from the selection in front of her, a book wrapped not in paper but a carrying case of quilted cloth with the motif of shimenawa and frog faces.

Lifting the flap on the case was a small book, barely larger than her hand but containing a few good pages worth of material. On the cover of the simple leatherbound book was the words, ‘new prayers for a new era!’. Hana looked up at Sanae a bit confused, to which Sanae was prompted to give a chuckle and wagged her finger to Hana, “Its not just some any old prayer book Hana-san. No, not at all! You won’t find a prayer book like this anywhere else in Gensokyo!”

Hana looked up at the cheerful living god as she excitedly spoke, “That book is chock full with a whole bunch of prayers that are way cooler than anything you’ve ever seen before! Guaranteed to be 100% more effective at growing the faith of gods! Why, just open the book and see for yourself!”

Nodding Hana opened the book, if she was honest she rather lacked interest in giving any old god their due thanks to everything that’s happened, but maybe she’d find something meaningful in these pages? The paper was of high quality and the writing… it was hand written! Hana read the first passage titled, ‘Super strong prayer, favor guaranteed!’…

Sanae excitedly explained the proper way to pronounce certain kanji, and how that each of the first letter of certain prayers formed a hidden word you shout at the end of the prayer. Hana nodded and smiled, not wanting to offend her, but these prayers… ‘Prayer to give max honor!’, ‘Prayer for when your god ate the desert you had saved’, ‘Prayer to say on ceremonies but you aren’t feeling it and can’t show it’, and Hana’s favorite(?) ‘Prayer that isn’t really a prayer and will get the god all excited even though their shrine is just roadside litter’.

The words themselves were… interesting as well to put it in a way. Prayers were supposed to be things of beauty or power meant to invoke the god’s attention and consist of words pronounced clearly and in certain ways to give honor. These prayers were the opposite of that, the words were certainly powerful at times, and rather fanciful at others; though she wasn’t sure that using the word ‘Omegawesome’ this many times would inspire much favor or faith in the followers…

Hana looked up after a few minutes had passed of Sanae explaining certain prayers and the concept behind them. Fortunately, Sanae seemed to have caught herself before she babbled any further and reassuming that gentle and motherly exterior as easily as one put on a cloak. Hana heard the words she dreaded, “So, what do you think Hana-san? I wrote all of them myself and plan to train the miko’s at my shrine in them. I hope you’ll use them too if it suits your shrine!”

Nodding and seeming impressed Hana gave Sanae a hug to distract from the wavering look on her face, “They’re very trendy Sanae-san. I’m sure they’ll make a huge impact!”

Of that Hana was sure, one way or another, as Sanae accepted the compliment and exclaimed, “I knew another shrine maiden would love them, Kanako-sama is such a nay sayer. You’ll have to come over sometimes; I even came up with new rituals I’d love to show you!”
Hana sighed inwardly; guess she’d have to schedule a trip to the Moriyan shrine sometime…

>> No.45637331 [View]
File: 213 KB, 1200x1200, 20231228_195612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All shrine maidens are natural sitters

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