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>> No.45820619 [View]
File: 259 KB, 767x1024, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_elosia__afd8da028d20ab323078dfab25eec1d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From the moment she had left Mystia's house, I knew something was wrong.

“I want to leave… Gensokyo.” Those words shook me. Mokou noticed, scratching her nape. “Fuck, n-no… I should give context first.” She scolded herself, scowling and barely hiding her terror. We sat on the edge of the bed, her left leg rocking up and down, hands clasped together, eyes wild, her breathing wavering. She had refused to leave the bedroom, eyes jumping everywhere, searching for something in the shadows—what monster would be strong enough to threaten Fujiwara no Mokou…?

I don’t know, but she won’t face it alone.

I gently drew circles on her back, the rhythmic movements soothing her enough that she could speak again, her voice loaded. “… Seiga was spying on us—she's with Yakumo, a-and—” My breath hitches, though surprise last only a moment. Yukari getting around to knowing my plans was a particularly harsh situation, but not unexpected. My best bet was to keep it on move and hope she wouldn't be interested in stopping us—or 'integrating' us into her mafia—as contingency prep around her is next to impossible. Mokou looks at the twins and gestures ‘no’ with her head. “… She's got no plans on stopping us, but Seiga—Keine… she said she'd eat our kids.”

…My world stops, and it’s as if a strong hailstorm showered over me, cold shards hitting my skin and cracking my bones. My eyes swell and my mouth dries; rivers of lava uncomfortably flowing inside my veins. Mokou's lower lip trembles, her eyes on mine so very tired.

Even inside our home, I feel lost.

Aki and Mochi…

Again, the twins are threatened by things they cannot hope to control; prey to a horrid, perverted monster… But this one is intelligent. I'd go through that night ten times over before having to face just one intelligent enemy.

“I don't want to be in this place anymore… To face these people and to keep on with these plans—I'm so tired… I want to run away, Keine—me, you, the twins—to somewhere far away!” Mokou begs, her trembling left hand on mine as she moves closer, the dam cracking.

Squeezing Mokou's hand back unconsciously, I stare at their cradle, my heart feeling like it was about to burst. Seiga… I don't know much of her, but if she's with Yakumo, murdering her would bear horrible repercussions: My abilities do not affect Yukari; Mokou is only one person, and, no matter how strong she is, she can’t fight forever. Besides, if Yukari employed Seiga, who’s to say they aren’t alike? Maybe Yukari’s even worse…?

Just thinking makes my body itch; Mokou's hard squeezing tighter as the first tears begin to stream. I stare at her, shocked and frightened… It is that bloody night all over again, with monsters all around me, my eyes on the verge of shutting, my blood gushing, and horrid hunger numbing my mind…

Oh, this cruel, unjust world… Every single piece on the board is against us again, and Mokou thinks our best hope of survival is to run away and continue to do so for the rest of our lives…

… Against the world, surrounded by predators…

It's like that night all over again.

Like in that night, my eyes blazed with an inner fierce determination that flowed like a raging river. I stopped shaking, stance iron-like, eyes focused, and my tears vanished. So what if I'm surrounded? If the world wants my children dead and my misery to be eternal?

I fought the world once, and I'll fucking do it again.

Mokou takes in the tangible resolve that permeates my features, her teeth clenched and brows furrowed as shock settled. “Keine—” she hisses, but I cut her.

“Running away is meaningless,” Mokou pales, our eyes meeting. “Because what says a monster won't give chase? Predators live for the hunt… No. Mokou, I refuse to give our kids a life of running away; of constant fear and doubt—”

“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, IDIOT?!” She stands up, tears streaming, eyes rage-filled. I calmly get up too. “You want to stay in this rotten place?! We cannot! We need to run away now! It's Yukari! he extinguished my fire, you might die against her—I-I don’t want to lose my f-family… We can’t stay here!” Her yells awaken the twins, small weeps echoing.

My eyes droop a little, but determination doesn't fade. “I am not letting them live a life of fear, Mokou.” She towers over me, body trembling with the despairing emotions, spitefully mumbled words stabbing my heart—though the sight of her so enraged is what kills me. I know what she has had to endure: a millennium of loneliness, of never being able to make real connections; of finally having a light shine in her life… Only for it to be threatened.

The mighty Fujiwara no Mokou feels powerless…

Anyone in her shoes would be the same. “Just… why?! Why, Keine?!” She gestures wildly. “Our children are in danger—why you want to stay in this place?!”

Silently, I walk up to the sobbing twins under her scrutinizing gaze, picking them up with a tender smile.

I turn to Mokou…

… And the words that leave me are as true as the sky is blue.

>> No.43079910 [View]
File: 259 KB, 767x1024, 1669279917116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needy Mokou.

>> No.40892510 [View]
File: 259 KB, 767x1024, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_elosia__afd8da028d20ab323078dfab25eec1d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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