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>> No.44839249 [View]
File: 3.00 MB, 1378x1791, Reimu sweaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike recent stories I wrote this thread awakened my taste for dramatic depressive stories that invoke dread but also an erection, its why I spent a whole fucking morning writing out the Hana sex scene.

A fairy story is nice and I wrote a bit before canning it, but the allure of opening the depressive floodgates again is too tempting. I seem to have more mental issues than I thought... I suppose my upbringing did not help.

>> No.43284780 [View]
File: 3.00 MB, 1378x1791, Reimu sweaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you called out to the lounging miko she said in a voice that betrayed nothing but a bit of laziness, "Oh you're up huh?" she half muttered without even looking in your direction. "Your old clothes are hanging out on the clothesline... but honestly they're a little ripped up."

You rubbed your chin, finding stubble growing out already and realized you must have been out for since yesterday. The memories of that desperation came flooding back in your mind along with the relief seeing the small (compared to you) girl save your hide.

You opened your mouth after clearing your throat, "I just wanted to say thank you... Really, I didn't think I was getting out of that one. Not to mention you taking care of me personally..." Reimu perked up at that, literally in this case as she got onto her feet and turned to face you

Her placid nonchalance seemed a little more forced somehow as she walked up a few steps to you and sighed, "Listen don't think it was anything personal okay? You're an important source of income, even if you are a damn fool wondering off to wilds like that...". You thought she was going to keep lecturing you but instead she motioned to the table, "Look just sit down, you look like pale death and keep swaying all the damn time! I'll put on some tea for you and get a bit of food in you.

You were in no state to refuse after all so you sat down at the small dark wooden table thats clearly been in use for many, many years with how scratched up and worn it was. You watched the miko dressed in a modest yet thing summer uniform light the stove and get a kettle boiling over a fire lit in the belly of an earthen stove and sighed inwardly. You didn't like making trouble for someone, much less a young women with her own life.

You were kind of curious about how she found you, but honestly you didn't care right now it WAS her job to do this kind of thing after all. So you kept quiet as she brought out a tray with your tea cup, it had some ice in it to cool it down, and a small plate of rice crackers out. You felt awkward but still thanked her and apologized for imposing. She shook her head as she sat down opposite of you, "don't worry about it, it was your money that bought those snacks after all" She gave a thin smile as if amused by some joke only she knew.

You two didn't chat much after that brief exchange letting the time whittle away as you realized you were hungrier than you thought and ate your portion the snack with relish. By the time you were done you realized with a bet of jet lag that the sun seemed to be dipping closer to the horizon, you were really out longer than you thought!

You started standing up, you were a bit unsteady but better now that you had some food in you and your body working overtime to replace your blood lost. "I thank you for everything but I really can't impose any longer... I'll have to get moving now if I want to make it back home before dark."

Reimu gulped down the last sip of her tea and an odd expression started to flash across her face before dying down like it didn't even happen. She spoke up, the mask of nonchalance was more clearly more strained, "Y-You... You're in no condition to take such a long walk you know, you're only human!" she regained her composure before continuing, "I'll have to insist that you spend the night here, the guest room you woke up in is free and its no issue to make dinner for two people. I consider it an investment! that's all..." She hastily added in that last it felt.

Either way, you honestly were dreading a walk back as you were and you didn't really have a reason to refuse your savior. Even if it was about money to her you so you agreed and apologized in advance for imposing. You brought your ripped up clothes in off the line before night fell and before you knew it dinner was being prepared.

Reimu looked at you with a bit of antsy concern as you started to eat but didn't say anything as she ate in small bites. Not wanting dinner to be in complete silence you spoke up which seemed to make the ever increasingly antsy miko jump slightly, "Thank you again, The dinner is rather delicious and the miso soup is perfect!" you said earnestly. Her chest puffed up in pride a bit as she took the compliment and entirely let it get to her head, "of course, I mostly cook for myself and my guests so i'm rather good at it you know!"

You gave a polite smile at her openly bragging words and chatted about this and that, anything you could grasp at like those other guests she mentioned and what not. Dinner was soon over and at Reimu's insistence you bathed first as she took your clothes to wash them, you felt a bit awkward at letting her handle your underwear, even if it was just so she can wash it tomorrow, but other than that the night passed uneventfully and soon you drifted off to sleep.

>> No.42625650 [View]
File: 3.00 MB, 1378x1791, Reimu sweaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to have your miko not wash for about three days for the ideal level of maiden aroma

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