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>> No.46574483 [View]
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"なっちゃうって" in this phrase is a colloquial expression that combines the verb "なる" (to become) and the colloquial form "ちゃう" (a contraction of "しまう", meaning "to end up doing something involuntarily or unintentionally"). The "って" at the end is a casual way of quoting or referring to someone's thoughts or words.

The phrase "また独りになっちゃうって" can be broken down as follows:

また (ma-ta) - again
独り (hitori) - alone
なる (naru) - to become
ちゃう (cha-u) - ends up (colloquial form of しまう)
って (tte) - (casual quotation or reference)
The sentence "また独りになっちゃうって..." can be translated to "I thought I'd end up being alone again..." or "I was afraid I'd be on my own again...". The speaker is expressing their fear or concern about the possibility of finding themselves alone once more. The following part of the sentence, "でも優くんに迷惑かけたくはないから..." indicates that despite their fear, they don't want to bother or cause trouble for someone named "優くん" (Yuu-kun), so they might be making a decision or taking an action to avoid that.


>> No.46520819 [View]
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