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>> No.45239697 [View]
File: 343 KB, 2048x2048, __yakumo_yukari_and_matara_okina_touhou_drawn_by_shindiyue__0d643857c6a5e673590396ca14015d7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45226958 (6/6)

In the hands of her caretakers, Flan left—a third ice cream in her hands, many affectionate hugs and promises of her returning to play more, to the migraine of her quaint sister—Ran audibly sighing of relief in the reception. The little blonde vampire is a delight when you get to know her, cuddly and excited, yet it still takes one mistake, one wrong spoken word…

Oh, well. Even with that solved and the HSE closed earlier, I have many things in my agenda: guide the media to write this 'incident' as just another good deed of mine, not the mess it was; check on Eirin's progress; have, of course, my joyous time with Anon and deal with Ibarakasen…

Still, something is much more of concern. "I'll be back in seven minutes, Ran," I say to my shikigami on the counter, nonchalant towards her answer as I focus, feet together, parasol clutched, eyes of incarnated death…! If not for my thick barriers, this monstrous magical pressure would've squashed the whole building into the ground…

—Found it~

I grin nevertheless as the space in front of me—unlike my elegant and smooth gaps—rips like a wound, a thousand red eyes crying blood.

I step through the gap, and, as the world changes, I stare forward with a placid smile, my sheer anger cold.

Okina stares back, a devilish smile.

Her minions are another story entirely, all frozen in fear, confusion, and awe, their master's sacred realm having been torn open like a sheet of paper—all barriers and defenses crushed under an almighty thumb. "Would you look at this?" Okina begins, resting her cheek on a palm. "… A visitor~"

"O-Okina-sama—" The purple one tries, but Okina simply raises her free hand, silencing them. I'm stared at from all sides, but my eyes never leave the Matarajin, and as I move forward, the tension is palpable, my pointé shoes leaving cracks on the ground.

One of Byakuren’s rats cowers by Okina; utter confusion paints a low fairy's—hm… no, not a fairy. More—face; yet even a being like her can feel the pressure in the room; finally, the colored servants prepare to fight, even though their limbs tremble—admirable, but useless.

I stop in front of the sat down Matarajin and stab my parasol's pointy end in the floor, leaning closer—so very close~one gap, her head rolls; a door, mine rolls.

The room holds its breath…

… And I softly say; "Flan was a sweetheart. We had lots of fun today~"

"Is that so?" Okina replies.

"You just had to see—it was adorable when Anon showed her our pond and the fishes~oh, she started to ask their names, but always got a tangled tongue trying repeating them. It filled my heart with warmth being her caretaker for the afternoon—" Okina was about to say some faux humorous remark and continue the charade, but decided to remain silent as I took a small, golden coin from a gap and wordlessly threw it up. "—but I don't commend imprudently bringing another nuclear device to my doorstep. It's quite nescient, and if you dare do it again—" All eyes followed the coin as it arched before landing on the blue newborn god's feet, whose confused eyes locked with mine… My face was of cold fury. "—I'll lock her in a gap, where she'll horribly die one million times, unable to revive here until I see it fit—each death will be more excruciating than the last, and you won't be capable of doing a thing. A minute for us, centuries for her—am I clear, Okina?"

The Secret God kept smiling—the emergent god wincing in sudden fear, unable to grasp the extent of what may be of her. Now she should understand what true godhood looks like—before waving with her hand, "Crystal, 'Kari… Next time, I'll be sure to send you a fax." The sweat drop on her forehead said more than her words.

I smiled, silent in front of Okina, letting the moment stretch, the fear settle, the consequences weigh… Slowly, I pulled my parasol out of the ground—elegantly posing it on my shoulder—turned and walked off.

However, stopped in my tracks and made a 'v' with my fingers, materializing between them a menacingly red bead with a nonchalant skull inside, my face pure smugness. Okina's breath hitched, but then she huffed. "Gah, it's been so long since I've been in the giving end of a cunnilingus… Ah, anyway~can you take pity on your sister sage and take on your cute 12-year-old form—"

"No." And I punctually leave, closing the gap with a sound akin to nails scratching a chalkboard.

Back at the Land of Backdoors, Okina practically melted on her seat, breath wild and hand massaging her temples, wide eyes on the spot where the bloody gash on reality stood until just now…

So many barriers and precautions broken; months of scrupulous work evaporated, "I have to prepare more…" Though, it's useless: just like Yukari can't hide a door from the Matarajin for too long, the Matarajin can't hide a boundary from Yukari for too long…

Looking at a shaken Cirno and panicked servants, Okina breathed heavily…

… Then she grinned, whispering something only the rat caught; "So much fun~"

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