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>> No.44846904 [View]
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The first thing was the door and how disgustingly made it was. Yukari is smart, no doubt, but this door... It's like a magical layer upon a thousand other layers, hidden until deemed necessary by some mechanism—magic, too.—This shit is a stroke of genius. The purpose is fucked up, but still, a fortress and a half condensed into 6 pounds of wood, probably extending like a cage around the main attraction.

I got in and looked around, weirded out by how similar it was to the shrine, and—ow, there it was, the dreaded incense, enough to turn a longtime friend into a rapist; or maybe just help them get there? The incense saturates the air, hidden and low, almost mystical in its composition, masking slithering snakes made out of aphrodisiacs and vodka.

It was easy to resist with the taste being similar to shit, and as I made my way inside, a voice reverberated. "Good morning, dear; I'll be with you in a moment!" He said, and the smells of cooking food became more prominent, my stomach growling for some adequate fuel. I entered the shrine and went to the kitchen, not really in the mood to make comparisons with the real shrine.

Anon glanced at me entering, smile tense and spine straight as a rod. Was it the gigantic spork? With the Oni population gossiping and boasting about their times and records with him, it probably wasn't the horns. No, this smell in the air...

Smiling devilish, I sat on the kotatsu, loudly dropping the spork; Anon hiding well his deep breaths to recover. "Sup, Anon! Don't think we ever met, but the sis of a girl your wife beat almost killed me once! Scary little shit that Flandre," he laughed—a sad attempt—and finished the tea.

I look around, narrowing my eyes at the sudden scent of Old Magic, focusing them on the fridge. The next moment, it disappeared.

What th—I frown; isn't Okina...

Hm, must tread carefully.

... Nah.

Anon set two cups on the table and filled them with tea. "T-The food is almost ready, dear. I'll let the broth thicken a little more."

"Stuttering, Anon? Keh-heh-heh... What, am I that scary?" I smiled, sharp teeth bare and eyes wide. He, however, giggled, and I could almost read in his eyes: someone else is much scarier.

"No, dear. If that's your way of asking for a compliment: you have gorgeous teeth," It was a rash change from the nervous cat of just now, and I really couldn't pinpoint the origin. He must be used to staring danger in the face and faking compliments and whatnot.

Though, it feels nice to have something you take so good care of praised. Meh, not horny. Pouting, I drank the tea in one swoop and said, "More." He filled my cup again. "So, Yukari, huh? Raped you in front of your daughter, locked you here, and you're now Gensokyo's fuck-toy—must be hard."

Anon drank a bit of his tea, and I perceived the slightest tremble in his hand.

"Rumors are weird, I suppose. So many lies about Yukari..." It was like he had to sweeten his tongue with tea before saying those words. "No, she never did any of that. I'm here willingly."


I have a feeling being straightforward won't help; this needs a bit more trickery; "Oh, I see. Damn, your own daughter is spreading rumors? Perhaps I should've looked for better sourcing." Yukari knows this is a lie, and she probably could've whispered to Anon unnoticed if it wasn’t me, Old Magic adept, here.

Anon went pale and broke for a moment, an infinite weight behind his eyes. "H-Hana said those things?!" He couldn't properly fake disbelief, and it was all I needed to know the truth of 'rumors'. I snorted, disgusted. "She... doesn't like what I'm doing because she believes Reimu doesn't deserve to be redeemed. But to lie like this..."

I nodded sharply. "She told me other things, too."

"What?" He rushedly asked—hook, line, and likely half my arm.

"Nah—all lies, aren't they?" Anon bit his lower lip with his slip. "Perhaps I should've asked someone with more insight, like Chen—"

"Don't bring her into this, please..." There it was: desperation barely hidden. 'Into this', so there is something more happening.

I felt a peak of Old Magic around me. My limit, then—at least for now.

Although the purpose of this entire charade is still blurry and probably will still be for some time, I at least got what I was looking for: something is happening here and Yukari has Anon on a tight leash. Oh, Okina will have fun with this...

"Sure, sure, I won't involve the kitty," I shrugged. "Are ya gonna serve the food anytime soon, Anon?"

Looking like taken out of a stupor, he got up, fixed his clothes, and struggled to plastify a calm and unshaken smile; "Sorry about this, dear, thanks for remembering me!" And he ran up to the stove, my mouth watering with the smells permeating the air.

Damn, Reimu really is a dumbass. If I had a man to cook for me, I wouldn't lay an evil finger on him.

... Maybe some teeth.

I gazed at his nape from the kotatsu, stomach rumbling and drooling. Oh, if I had no morals to upkeep...

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