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10216038 No.10216038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bump for 3p, need to school some retards


>> No.10216041
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>> No.10216048

I got my ass handed to me all day today.
Maybe you 3p losers can make me feel better about myself.

>> No.10216068
File: 35 KB, 145x145, 1353554655857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost all day in 4P?

>> No.10216067

Get raped turbonerd.

>> No.10216081

where did all these 3p queer commandos come from? in the last year or two that's all anyone queues for.

>> No.10216085

They are babbies that can't handle the strategy of 4p.

>> No.10216098

might as well play in 0

>> No.10216130
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Lets laugh at all these 4p babbys

>> No.10216132

It's actually the opposite. No one queues for 3P anymore except a few unlike a couple of years back.

>> No.10216137
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I can't even win in 3p

>> No.10216139
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protip: you need higher skill in 3p

>> No.10216140

Winning isn't as easy in 3P. Playing 3P is like fighting the universe.

>> No.10216150

It's not so much winning, it's guaranteeing a win and consistency. It's a whole different game. Like 4P it also has its moment when the world wants to even things out and you start losing, except in 3P it drags you over the floor, tortures you and pisses on your face when that happens.

>> No.10216160

I can avoid last in 4p with my eyes close.
I can play a perfect game and still end up fucking last in 3p.

>> No.10216213

I'm sorry about leaving that 4p game guys

>> No.10216216

the goal isn't to not come in last, it's to finish with positive score

>> No.10216997

You're right. I find the most consistent way of playing 4P to be to always aim for 2nd place if not presented with good opportunities, that way you're not taking huge risks while gaining a positive score and points if Tenhou. Aiming for 1st will require you to take risks every game and increase the chance of ending 3rd or 4th.

Assuming we're talking about Tenhou 3P, anything but 1st place is a loss. 2nd place is a waste of time and 3rd will lose you more points than you would gain from getting 1st starting at certain ranks. That's why 3P is much harder (not more skillful) exactly because more luck and random bullshit is involved, it's harder to break out of the equalizer. It takes a certain play style. Often when you see players known for playing 3P a lot playing 4P, they're very cautious, defensive players.

>> No.10217165

I keep losing games and then I have to make a new tenhou account so that the world won't know my shame. Is there a Bill Fillmaff style series of videos for mahjong yet? I need to know the secret system.

>> No.10217206

I think the game just doesn't want me to have a good ranking.
I got last place 7 games in a row, and I made this account 7 games ago. I never did this bad when I played as a guest.

>> No.10219844
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It depends on how much Tenhou likes your name. It's some pretty occult shit.

>> No.10219943

What's that #osamuko IRC channel like? Is it actually about mahjong or is it a pretty tight friend circle like #mahjong was?

>> No.10219958

Both! We are actually playing RO2 right now.

>> No.10220011
File: 86 KB, 737x630, Capture_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup 4p babbies.

>> No.10220018


It's about 70% circlejerking and 30% mahjong usually. People are usually willing to answer questions and tell you why something was a good or bad move. The community has a few undesirable members, but if you have a tolerance for that sort of thing it's worth lurking.

>> No.10220030

This is every community ever.

>> No.10220051

Who is Undesirable?

>> No.10220070
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Second place strong.

>> No.10220072

>I don't know how to play mahjong so I play the mode where sometimes I am just given a winning hand

you guys are the worst.

>> No.10220078
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You make it sound like building your hand is actually difficult.

>> No.10220082

Ummm building your hand is not the goal of mahjong.

So ya, you literally have no idea how to play, thanks for proving my point.

>> No.10220089

That's what I'm saying, you're trying to shit talk 3P for handing out "winning hands", while building your hand is the easiest part of mahjong.

>> No.10220093

wow fucking hacker

>> No.10220096
File: 134 KB, 783x652, tenhou_kokushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who you quoting?

Lucked into big hand, instant win in 4p!

>> No.10220198

In 3p your chance to get that hand is logarithmically higher due to there not be 2-8 man x4 tiles.

>> No.10220207

In 3P you can also recover from it, in 4P you'll have a hard time recovering from any dealer mangan+ tsumo.

>> No.10220214

You start at 35000.
Yakuman is not instant loss.

>> No.10220684

the hardest part of mahjong is being patient while you try to put good hands together. 3p removes this element by handing out han like candy on halloween.

>> No.10220715

the hardest part of mahjong is my dick

>> No.10220918
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Why are you virgins so pathetic?

>> No.10220931

I don't know what kind of mahjong you're playing, but the meta-game for Tenhou 4P is getting quick and shitty hands whenever you're not east.

>> No.10220940
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You're playing again? If you still want to play in 30 minutes I can come over and kick your ass, phoz.

>> No.10220944
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>> No.10220949

Look at the time in my screenshot.

>> No.10220953

Are you saying you're not man enough to stay up for another hour or so?

>> No.10220956

and a patient and skilled player can still land a baiman and come in first. that's how the game is meant to be played.

>> No.10220957
File: 11 KB, 214x201, homurapuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isnt even a rape.

>> No.10220960

Literally, yes.

>> No.10220968

I didn't say it was, but I haven't played mahjong in ages.

I actually had to disable my blocksite extension to open tenhou.

>> No.10220969

That's wrong. If you've ever played in the 4-6 and 7+ dan lobbies you'll find out that whoever gets a lucky early mangan or higher tsumo wins the game almost every single time. That person basically becomes a spectator while the others fight for second place with open tanyao and yakuhai.

It may be the case in real mahjong where your score actually matters, but not in Tenhou.

>> No.10220972

Why are you playing tenhou in firefox?

Also, 2.25MB png. Please don't do that.

>> No.10220971

Up for it tomorrow then?

>> No.10220973

Nice backtracking aniki, You scared of my bots? Trying to run pussy?

>skilled player can still land a baiman and come in first
So you mean he got lucky with a 2dora+2red dora sanshoku tanyao? 4p babbies confirmed for relying on luck only.

>> No.10220979
File: 431 KB, 1181x926, 1354732590878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so much anger? Here, have some retard master.

>> No.10220980

If I'm bored enough. I only played it on a whim.

I randomly typed r when naming it and raped was the first autofill. Now what, nerd?

>> No.10220987

2nd place is too rewarding in tenhou, but I'll doubt they'll ever change it. All higher level tenhou players care about is leveling up like they're grinding an MMO and not actually playing the game.

>> No.10220993

Do you think you'll gain interest in it again? I need a new rival, my last one disappeared without ever playing me and I befriended the one before that.

>> No.10221003
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>> No.10221006
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>> No.10221035

Glad to see the mahjong threads are as elitist as ever.

>> No.10221041

"Baww, someone wins using a rule I don't like! They're a bad player because they can utilize those rules well and I can't!"

That said, every hand is "lucky". You think you can get a regular high-scoring hand without luck? And then, guess what, you still have to know how to win with all that luck you've gotten.

>> No.10221050

People should stop thinking that getting winning hands often is skilled. The skilled player can win despite odds being heavily against him, such as playing around a riichi hand with a hand far from tenpai and still coming out on top. Luck always comes into play, mahjong is about beating that luck.

>> No.10221055

Your worst enemy is the wall and your own hand, pretty much.

>> No.10221062

every player is equally likely of getting that "lucky" hand. being skilled means taking advantage of your own luck and playing around everone else's.

and just because tenhou uses weird rules for ranking doesn't mean you can't play to win in an unranked room with other /jp/ers

>> No.10221076

I know, I'm not talking about unranked rooms. Unranked rooms are a lot more enjoyable exactly because of that. I'm complaining about how on 0000 most people completely give up on getting first place after anything happens and diminish your chances of shooting for first at the same time, because I mostly play on 0000.

>> No.10221140

>They're a bad player because they can utilize those rules well and I can't

Who are you quoting? Also luck is a smaller factor in 3P compare to 4P.
Did 3P raped your mom? Are you that bad that you cant win in 3P thus developed such a hate for 3P? Fyi, I am so bad at other mode besides 3P that I won the nashi /jp/ tourney few years back.

>> No.10222264

the more complicated and niche the game, the bigger tools and know-it-alls in the scene. english-speaking riichi community is like a tiny, super focused wap version of dota or something.
