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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10254933 No.10254933 [Reply] [Original]

Were you ever apart of your schools (highschool, college, whatever) anime/japanese club? How bad was it?

>> No.10254937


>> No.10254948

I was in the /jp/ club.

>> No.10254953

We talked about touhou it was fun

>> No.10254951

Yes. Even in college it's awful, I would advise against it.

There were a shitload of people there, enough to fill a stadium classroom. That was bad enough, since I was looking for something way more low key. But they also all had obnoxious, attention whoreish personalities.

There were a few cool people, but fuck that, I stopped going after a couple weeks.

>> No.10254957

Did you lose your anal virginity?

>> No.10254977

I miss the /jp/ broshowers the most
>get in broshower with two of my bros
>start jerking them off
>they think I'm gay
>never invited to a broshower again

>> No.10255007

>that feel when youre never going to get jerked in the shower by your /jp/als

>> No.10255014
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this is all of you anyway

>> No.10255023
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Couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.10255037
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No, buddy. THIS is /jp/

>> No.10255049
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No, I wasn't. We didn't have things like that so I didn't even have the opportunity to make that mistake. Also, I should watch CCS again.

>> No.10255076
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When I was in school there was no anime club. Even if there was one I wouldn't have joined it because I wanted to keep my power level low. If you know what I mean.

>> No.10255084

Yes, I mostly stayed in the back ground and ran the video equipment so I could filter out the truly shitty animu.
But this year because of seniority I am one one of the co-presidents. The two other presidents are cool, low key, well rounded people, and so are about half of the members. But there are definitely some anioning people in there, maybe not full blown horror story weeaboos but there is a lot of gritting your teeth and baring though it.

>> No.10255092

Good luck to my friend. That is all I got a say.

>> No.10255102

This is exactly how I feel about my colleges. I hang out with some of the tolerable people the rest of them were the worst

>> No.10255118

I went to school to learn, not be a social-interacting clown.

>> No.10255119

While I was doing my BA (I later failed out of a master's program and started taking it easy) I was in my school's anime club. It was pretty cringe worthy now and then. There were some people who always felt the need to push japanese film because they didn't like anime, I think they wanted me to be one of them.

I really didn't care otherwise, I kept in touch with no one.

>> No.10255127
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no, but my friends trolled them when they started

they recommended that the club be renamed fantastic anime group, or F.A.G. for short

they weren't amused

>> No.10255132

Does a group of people to hang out with every day count as a club? We had something like that in a work place, a bunch of us did & discussed everything /jp/ related from anime to 2hus and eroge in our free time. Doing that with appointed meetings sounds like a bad idea for many reasons.
Finding company like that again within such a small population should be astronomically unlikely, given that everyone was nice to be around with. Just because you're obsessed about a hobby doesn't mean you have to be retarded about it.

>> No.10255145

The anime club at my university is less than 30 people, and we play anime fighters during club. Barely any women.

>> No.10255146

Reported to HELL and back

>> No.10255148

Should have replaced fantastic to fabulous.

>> No.10258385

I went to an anime showing during finals week at my university. There were posters all over campus featuring Ika Musume. The theme was "Springtime in Winter." Only 3 people showed up. We watched Excel Saga, Higurashi, and Love Hina

>> No.10258383

The Japanese club was full of people talking about anime.

The anime club had less than five people and the head was a white girl who cosplayed and did kendo and gave lapdances to the foreign exchange students, also we almost never actually watched any anime.

>> No.10258431


School is for fags.

>> No.10258444

I remember making an Anime club in high school with my brother. I ended up being the president or whatever. We didn't really do much besides watch some anime. I was awkward as hell too so it kinda sucked.

>> No.10258446

Why the fuck would you elect to watch anime with a bunch of nerds?

Japanese media is to be savored in private

>> No.10258450

Clubs are for nerds.

>> No.10258461

I'm in an internet anime club called /a/. we touch each other's penii and glutes. We also watch moe shit and complain about other anime. Anyone want to join? It's free and msot of all IT'S FUN!

wish me luck in japan

>> No.10258463

I wasn't into weeb shit in high school.

>> No.10258471

No, but I wish I had been.

>> No.10258523

>Excel Saga, Higurashi, and Love Hina
What the hell do you think you are doing, those series were meant to be read, not watched.

>> No.10261105

When I was at school/college the western world didn't give half the fuck it gives about japanese culture as it does now. Just seeing fellow fans at cons was mindblowing.

>> No.10261111

gay stories go on >>>/a/

>> No.10261120 [DELETED] 

very cute picture :)

I really liked this, "Tohru Honda" before.
Yes, Fruits Basket its one of my first MOE feelings...........
Plus, very good soundtrack.

Anyway im joined anime club in the past times but its weeaboos.

>> No.10261125

Reading is for fags.

>> No.10262592

The teacher in charge of mine was a linguist. He taught us japanese for part of each club session. The people who didnt enjoy learning the language were incredibly talented artists. -Most- everyone seemed to have decent tastes in anime.

>> No.10262942

The only time I ever went to one was at the college I was planning on going to at the time. I went with my brother, his roommate, and a friend of ours. We were all incredibly drunk and it was still awful. I yelled at everybody at least once for having shit taste in something. We're pretty sure the president was the only person that was able to recognize that we were incredibly drunk.

I do remember that they streamed a few episodes before the president showed up.

>> No.10262957

There was one at my college that was actually pretty good. Just a few of us that watched good anime and none of the mainstream stuff while others would play video games in the other corner of the room. Too bad I didn't go that often because my school is somewhat far away and I got too lazy to leave the house on a day I didn't have school.

>> No.10262958

Anime? This so goes on /jp/, there is no board dedicated to that, let alone have it in its name.

Fucking NSJ, going out on christmas, the scum filters in.

>> No.10262963

This guy gets it.

>> No.10262967
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Janitor confirmed for normal piece of shit that should get the HELL out of /jp/

>> No.10263105

High School, no
Community College, I checked it out.
And wow, just stepping inside the room it was like a wall of stink just hit me. Everyone screamed yoai at the sight of anything vaguely, slightly, barely gay. Cooed at panty shots and fan service. The fat guys sat separate from the girls, for no reason!

A friend and I sat around the middle and looked at each other, and the room reeked of unwashed fat folds and dick cheese. While the women's scent stunk of fowl fish and stale cornbread.

Everyone was a rabid fan of Naruto, Bleach, and Sword Art Online.

We never returned

>> No.10263130


That feel when you weren't born in glorious murrica ;__;

>> No.10263989

Back in High School, I joined up with the Anime Club, became club president since the adviser noticed that I actually had a decent head on my shoulders. That was back in the day you could sign up with Anime companies for free promotional materials, like shows, games and posters. It was awesome, we had a new show or game once a month and they just wanted us to fill out a form every 3-4 months.

Then in College I joined up with the Anime club, which had to merge with the Japanese Club to survive budget cuts. It was run by a really nice German exchange student, who wanted to have it so the Japanese club sat at a table and spoke conversational Japanese. Problem with that was most of the club members couldn't speak Japanese. Since I knew enough of Basic Japanese to be comfortable teaching it to others I offered to teach a class on it since our school didn't.

Biggest mistake of my life. Felt like all those /a/ stereotype threads had come to life. Nothing but the worst sort of Weeaboo, who all refused to do lessons or work on exercises and instead wanted to speak in horribly mangled Japanese at each other and say how their pronunciation had improved. Worst part was I was already doing tutoring for 2 other classes where I was having a great time teaching and this really shook up my confidence.

>> No.10264008

Mine had one this big, but I never went because I never went outside except for class and food.

>> No.10264019

I'm actually currently the vice president of my university's anime club and the only reason I haven't left is because doing so before graduation would be seen as poor form.

The president never shuts the fuck up about Angel Beats and a majority of the club members talk about masturbating to voices of characters, ancient bullshit like Carameldansen, etc. They also tend to turn the anime off early so they can talk about/play MtG or some shooter.

>> No.10264024

My high school didn't have one. Fortunately the only anime watchers were in my social group, and they all revered me for some dumbfuck reason, so every time they suggested forming a club I could say "No." and the discussion would end.

>> No.10264026

>I'm actually currently the vice president of my university's anime club
Why? How?

>> No.10264038

>They also tend to turn the anime off early so they can talk about/play MtG or some shooter.

They seem like a pretty cool bunch

>> No.10264043

I was a first-year student when it was founded (by another of other first-year I was acquainted with) and I figured hey, my University is small so the club will be small, and maybe it won't be that bad!

We don't have any obnoxious yaoi fangirls or anything, but it's still shit.

>> No.10264054

>I was a first-year student when it was founded (by another of other first-year I was acquainted with) and I figured hey, my University is small so the club will be small, and maybe it won't be that bad!
Is it possible to kill people, eat their organs and absorb their sociality?

>> No.10264059

... Are you saying you want to eat me?

>> No.10264062

No. I'm just confused as HELL.

>> No.10266096

There was one in college but no one ever talked to each other so I decided I might as well be watching it alone.

>> No.10266152

I considered joining the anime club when I was at university, but it was full of /a/ types who wore quirky clothes and shouted memes and stuff. I was a 4channer myself, but I knew I wasn't going to like these people.
The most likeable club was the (traditional) gaming club. Almost everyone there was a fa/tg/uy and they had the same sense of humour, but they weren't annoying about it. In fact they were just normal people who liked RPGs and card games, with maybe a little more facial hair on average.
Unfortunately, I sat in on a session and I felt really anxious. They were so friendly but I had no idea how to interact with strangers and I didn't get involved in any games. In the end I made some excuse and left.

>> No.10266188

Why would you prefer normal people?

>> No.10266204

Because they don't smell and aren't obnoxious.(in the case of tabletop players, probably the generally nicest bunch)

>> No.10266211

My high school didn't have clubs.

>> No.10266213

Yea. It was pretty bad. I only join because I like two girls there.

>> No.10266226

Oh god no. If the internet taught me anything in high school it's that I should stay away from people with similar interests.

>> No.10266225

>it was full of /a/ types who wore quirky clothes and shouted memes and stuff.

Sounds like my university too, every fucking two seconds of watching a show someone would yell a meme. They don't get that it's not funny when you do it that much.

>> No.10266228

My high school had an anime/manga club.
It was full of weeaboos that shouted memes and discussed 4chan as if it was some secret club.
They all had shit tastes.

>> No.10266249

I went to a sports school so there were no clubs and there was only one other nerdlord who watched anime, but he was a narutard so I just avoided him.

>> No.10266252

mostly bad, except for a handful of down-to-earth people

>> No.10266289

I mean normal in a good way. They were still nerds, but nerds who blended in rather than stood out.

>> No.10266387

Mine was full of emo chicks and idiots who all thought that naruto was the best anime ever. There was good tea though. I quit about a month in because they were all so damn obnoxious. Yelling random japanese words whenever. I'm going to a new school next semester, so hopefully that one wont be bad.

>> No.10266548

Didn't have one. I did, however, go to weekly Japanese crafting lessons in a certain museum for Japanese shit that exists for some reason. Back in elementary school. I was a weeaboo really early on.
All the other students were about my age, which was around 10.
Next to no one spoke of anime, myself included. I refuse to believe kids their age were willingly go to Japanese museums because they're interested in tea ceremonies or some shit, so I'm just going to assume they were hiding their power levels.
I went to study advanced Japanese in the same museum a few years later. Was by far the youngest person. Still no one spoke of anime besides a certain instance which I'd rather not mention. Eventually I went to standard classes because I wasn't as fluent as I thought. Still the youngest person. Some soccer mom called me a "baby". There were, however, like 3 people aged 16 to 20 who seemed like anime fans. The oldest one I've confirmed that he is. Had a Jewfro and glasses, we mentioned anime to each other in a single casual conversation and... that's it.

I'm pleasantly surprised at the whole thing, looking back on it. Although I've had unfortunate encounters with fujoshit and such years later, just outside any official clubs or lessons.

>> No.10266618

There wasn't an anime club in my highschool or college not sure if I can join the university one since I'm part of the 'univeristy college' I went to a language highschool and a japanese woman can for a few weeks. We could even choose to have more session though I didn't since I didn't want to look like a weeaboo.

now here I am doing reps

>> No.10266702

There is no such thing as an anime club in high school.All the staff want their students asses home and off their campus unless they need tutoring or community service hours. And even if there is, what retard would stay after school to watch reruns of stuff they already have seen with fat emo whales and /v/ermins who would laugh at you for showing them erotic games on a ds? They don't know better and aren't worth talking to.

I'm pretty sure college anime clubs are terrible too unless you got *real bros in it or something. 4chan is all you need.

*real bros: nobody has them here.

>> No.10266748

There wasn't one in my high school. The closest thing was some chav who seemed genuinely interested in manga; he was reading Death Note at the time and was enjoying it. But what kind of 13 year old didn't like it?
I wonder how he's doing.

>> No.10266806


He probably got peer pressured into dropping it manga or is browsing /a/, maybe even /jp/ right now

>> No.10266818

I'm in ohio state's cosplay club..
I went to anime club for the first few weeks but they dropped the shows I wanted to follow (chuu2 and tonari no kaibutsu kun) after that my friend and i stopped going

>> No.10266866

Probably. Hopefully he's doing well either way.

>> No.10266878

>dropped chuuni
The hell, man?

>> No.10266886

Some people know shit when they see it.

>> No.10266912

I was in one at my old uni once. It wasn't horrible, sure the average power level was pretty low but most people were nice and nobody was super autistic except this one kid Merrick. Nobody liked him.

Could have been worse.

>> No.10266939
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I actually started (or re-started if you count the 5 years of dead) the one at my college.

We basically get together on the weekend and watch a season of shows. Most of the people are respectful and quiet when watching (unless it'd actually be funny to make a comment, but that is rare), whole some others chill in the back and play computer games.

We're spared most of the weaboos and /b/tards, so it actually works pretty nicely. That and everyone is basically friends with each other, so we spend a good deal of time together outside of club.
We also have a large presence in the gaming club on campus, so it translates pretty well. Women are understandably scarce, but the nature of the college (engineering) means we don't really have many women to begin with.

Clubs can be done right, you just need to establish the right culture, and get a little lucky with membership.

>> No.10266981

I wouldn't want to publicly associate myself with being an anime geek, especially considering that I'm not interested in it that much anymore. I would rather join a book club or something.

>> No.10266999

This might be silly, but what's a weeaboo exactly...?

>> No.10267029
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The people who think Japanese culture is 'superior' or anime is the only entertainment medium worth watching.
It's the people who fail to see both the positive and negative aspects of the Japanese, and obsess over a very narrow range of things without appreciating the whole.

>> No.10267036

Well it's something I just got into recently, I could do with some decent recommendations.

>> No.10267043

A variety of xenophile. Someone who likes Japan.

>> No.10267055

I haven't really gotten into that many... (Kaicho wa maid sama
Lovely complex
Midori days
To love-ru
Ore no imouto
Kare Kano
The familiar of zero
Mirai Nikki
Kaze no Stigma
Gurren Lagann)

>> No.10267061

I've never really watched anime (I got into /jp/ through STGs).

Are there any guides or lists of recommendations I can start with?

>> No.10267072

It's not something I'd "get into" if I could help it

>> No.10267081

My community college has one. It's incredbily odd, there is a couple of likely /a/nons who don't talk to anyone, one really small, mousy girl, and some 50 year manbeast who kept bringing in these old, awful shows from the late 70's-80's. I went 3 times and only good thing we watched was Disappearance. At least none of them were Weeaboos.

>> No.10267091

To be honest I much rather prefer "weeaboos" as long as it's not for something like Naruto, than the normals I frequently meet who quickly switch to topic to sports or some random recent popular movie after a few minutes of discussion when I want to actually discuss anime

>> No.10267095
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/a/ probably has a more up-to-date list of recommendations than anything I know of, but for newbies I generally recommend:

Angel Beats
Black Lagoon
Cowboy Bepop
Ghost in the Shell (movie or series)
Kannagi (because of how true it is to Shintoism)
Kara no Kyoukai (The garden of sinners)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (useful for anime history)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Welcome to the NHK (useful for showing off some of Japan's social problems)
Summer Wars

My recommendations would also be tailored to what type of shows that person likes to watch, so this list is a little broad.

>> No.10267097

I don't like reading black and white

>> No.10267100

I meant Weeaboos in the Obnoxious, Naruto idiots, like the ones who would wear Cosplays to school, that sort of thing, anyone who is actually knowledgeable about anime in general doesn't really fall into that category.

>> No.10267116

Women don't like greasy neckbeards

>> No.10267114
File: 1.27 MB, 480x1408, 345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior list. English only trash should all vanish from this board.

>> No.10267166


English only, eh? Good to see that you haven't actually looked at that list before.
