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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 561 KB, 1275x1920, mase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10312623 No.10312623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10312629

legs don't bend that way

>> No.10312630

I'm doing exactly what I want to, so I suppose I did.

>> No.10312633

She looks Corean.

>> No.10312639

her pussy probably smells like piss

>> No.10312638


Oh no, they can, I just don't think the result is very pleasant.

>> No.10312645

no corns in corea :(

>> No.10312640


I bet she eats cats, too.

>> No.10312643
File: 64 KB, 468x634, 1354845664497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't no Jopna..

>> No.10312649


I hope so; I love the smell of girl piss.

>> No.10312660

I'd feed her my corn, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10312661

if you would shave her hair off, she would look like a fuggin male
otaku nerd

>> No.10312662

Something that has bothered me with some of these shots is that they were taken with cameras released only in the Americas. Last thread I saw a number of pictures posted that were taken with the T3i. In Europe that camera is sold as the 600D, and in Japan that camera is sold as the Kiss X5.

Was there an American taking these pictures? Does Corea get cameras branded for the Americas? Please respond, this is bothering me.

>> No.10312670

I don't know what you mean.

>> No.10312673

Can you really tell the model of the camera simply by looking at a picture?
I was talking with a "professional photographer" and he was pointing out "Oh that was taken with a Nikon 6969" so confidently. Are those people full of shit?

>> No.10312683
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Oh, I know what you mean. Her facial structure just screams for human corn to be placed in her mouth.

>> No.10312684
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>> No.10312679

I am a keyboard otaku and I can tell what type of keyboard you used to type that post. Don't underestimate us.

>> No.10312682

What do you mean??

>> No.10312687

Her face is so disgustingly greasy.
I could take a napkin and wipe her face, and it would look as if I had dropped it in a deep fryer.

>> No.10312692

is that ur homeboy

>> No.10312701 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 185099_245731422204147_1066476309_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only roll with the best.

>> No.10312708


Is that Arc?

>> No.10312716

To think faggots like this browse /jp/, god damn.

>> No.10312714 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10312723

You should see that youtube video posted with the spaghetti bird. I've given up completely now.

>> No.10312719

Bradley is Mush.

>> No.10312720

..is that Finnish?

>> No.10312735

If there is EXIF, like in some of the previous pictures, then yes. For instance, OP was taken with a Nikon D5000.

>> No.10312741
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>> No.10312752

If you're implying that he has Shaken Baby Syndrome, then I'm afraid not.. I'm disappointed too.

>> No.10312761

EXIF: Exchangeable image file format
I still don't get it through, where are these tags found? filename? bottom right corner?

>> No.10312766
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>> No.10312775

So you got to save it and open file properties?
So looking at it by a glance doesn't work. Thank you.

>> No.10312773

I know, thats why I knew he browsed /jp/.

>> No.10312784

You don't have to save it, there's http://regex.info/ preset in 4chan x and you can view them in Opera.

>> No.10312793
File: 42 KB, 617x502, ss (2013-01-04 at 06.58.19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he is(was) a virgin.

>> No.10312798

Ooh, thank you.

>> No.10312808
File: 42 KB, 617x502, ss (2013-01-04 at 06.58.19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he is(was) a virgin.

>> No.10312810
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>> No.10312817

There are also Firefox add-ons that will do it IIRC.

>> No.10312825

Played right into the jew's hands. I hope they enjoy being part of the CIAs dossier collection

>> No.10312821

Well I'm sure he fucked that nasty whore out of his own volition, so I guess he was just some wannabe normal.

>> No.10312858
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>> No.10312862


End your life.

>> No.10312869
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>> No.10312867

PS. I would have sex with the girl in the OP. I bet she has a lewd body.

>> No.10312873
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>> No.10312871
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>> No.10312872

All of the pictures of Koreans holding signs are from a Tumblr account.

>> No.10312875
File: 96 KB, 500x667, 1357279919953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original content PLEASE DONT STEAL

>> No.10312885

5/5 bretty good :DD

>> No.10312902

fugin ebin :--DDD

>> No.10312909
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>> No.10312910


You can't make girlfriends in space, bro.

>> No.10312920


Wrong. We're all closely related, and to a certain extent, we're all African, but saying we're the same is a bit of a stretch. Sure, race is largely a social construct, but different groups do have very slight genetic variation and adaptations for their environment.

So there girl! SUCK MY DICK!

>> No.10312921

Sometimes I feel sorry for black people.

>> No.10312926


Sometimes I feel sorry for your mom.

>> No.10312929
File: 12 KB, 208x243, 2013-01-03-22-30-27-1802978781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race is largely a social construct

>> No.10312931

No, No, No we're not. This is what multiculturalism does. Destroying culture one country at a time.

>> No.10312936

>you only think it's a social construct because of Jewish brainwashing!
quoting you.

>> No.10312934

Shes not black but she is a woman, so I feel the same way.

>> No.10312935
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Science disagrees.

>> No.10312939
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I don't see that text in his post.

>> No.10312949

/jp/ pls dont bully thnxs

>> No.10312946



>> No.10312954

that is some pretty serious misinfo, neanderthals were cannibals and though they had the capacity to speak they never did.

>> No.10312960
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>> No.10312962


Maybe they didn't talk because they were all too busy fucking modern human girls.

>> No.10312965

Mostly garbage produced by "Scientists" and bull crap "Anthropology". Though there is obviously something going on there. There is still a huge debate within DNA experts and genetic anthropologists on the mating of Neanderthals. Some even still hold the notion of Neanderthals were and perhaps even still completely covered in hair.

>> No.10312974

>"Scientists" and bull crap "Anthropology"
well you're clearly the expert here so lets ignore what anyone qualified says and listen to you.

>> No.10312986

It's a shame the issue of race cannot be explored honestly. Any research that suggests something contrary to "modern sensibilities" is shouted down as "racist" and censored, with the researches facing punishment by their institution and ostracism from the larger scientific community. Similar happens with offending studies involving gender and (homo)sexuality.

>> No.10312987

>le epic /pol/ le shitpost le racist face

>> No.10312993

>racist NEETs

Because clearly you guys are such excellent examples of the superiority of the white race.

>> No.10312991

Africans have no neanderthal DNA, all other races do. This is an accepted fact.

>> No.10312998

Shitskins are so enraged and defensive, they know the truth deep down. Being removed from society makes it easy to see through politically correct dogma we are stuffed with in the public school system.

>> No.10313006


I doubt it's much of a problem, so long as they play by the rules of science, and guard against Morton's Demon.

Now if it's garbage science similar to ID, then it absolutely should be shouted down, forcefully.

>> No.10313000

See, this is what I mean. I didn't even say anything racist at all, I just asked for research to be able to explore the data wherever it leads, and I am already accused of racism. Thanks for proving my point. You obviously have no interest in truth, and only care to confirm your modern biases.

>> No.10313009

All I am saying is that this isn't fact yet, because there is still a huge debate within the scientific community and to use such propaganda images isn't justified in fact. I'm not even black either. What I am questioning is that Neanderthals even mated with us or that they were some how more intelligent, which is a joke to say they were more intelligent.

>> No.10313015

No, you misunderstand, I can accept there are inherent physical and mental differences between the races. I just can't stand to be talked down to about "race realism" by a neckbeard collecting autism bux who thinks the color of his skin automatically makes him superior.

>> No.10313017

>which is a joke to say they were more intelligent.

You know better than the scientists who say so?

>> No.10313021

It's pretty obvious you're a darkie. Please leave /jp/.

>> No.10313022

>I doubt it's much of a problem

It is. Look at what happened with the Regnerus study on family structures (specifically the data about gay parents) for example.

And you're still calling me a racist when I haven't expressed any racist views. Let the data go where it leads. If we're all equal, or whatever it is you are pushing, then the research will show it. What are you afraid of?

>> No.10313027

I'm whiter than you, nigger.

>> No.10313040

if its shitposting its bound to be a finn behind it

>> No.10313056

That image says they were more intelligent. Not the actual scientists. The scientist beg to differ.

>> No.10313059
File: 25 KB, 524x171, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love how NEETs are in such a deep denial that they don't even realize it.

As soon as Mush got with Milk he was fucking her. I wonder what he has to say now about how he's "completely uninterested in sex" and "cultivates his imagination and refines his philosophies"

Asexual is just another word for fox and the grapes.

>> No.10313062

What "scientists" have to say on this issue at the moment does not matter at all since there is no open intellectual climate for this issue.

>> No.10313070

>Regnerus study

I still look upon that with a healthy amount of suspicion due to various factors, the least of which are the lack of adequate peer review and the involvement of the Witherspoon Institute. It just stinks of confirmation bias and sloppy methods.

Although I don't think I can compare his work to the walking joke known as Fred Singer.

>> No.10313083

I'm not expressing agreement with the study. What the problem is, is that the study was vilified not because of its methods, but because of the result which it gave. It said something offensive, and so that means it is wrong, it should be censored, Regnerus should be fired, etc. That is current intellectual climate we are dealing with.

>> No.10313087

I sometimes wonder how people can blatantly talk out of their asses and then convince themselves that they're right, even though they know that they're lying. It's really strange.

>> No.10313090


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I don't think it was looked upon poorly simply because it was offensive. Most of the issues did have to do with the somewhat questionable nature of the study, and how it was funded.

>> No.10313097

Please don't associate that normal with the rest of us.

>> No.10313099

A study just being "somewhat questionable" would not have caused the huge firestorm that the Regnerus study did.

>> No.10313110


I guess I missed the shitstorm from the general public. I generally only pay attention to the objections of the internal scientific community.

>> No.10313141
File: 109 KB, 610x292, everybody wants to be a neet but nobody wants to deal with the feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because being a NEET loser is the new "I'm such a nerd xD"

Just wait and you'll be watching sitcoms with "shut-ins" doing shut-in things with a laugh track.

>> No.10313296

Dont call me a loser you gay irc using motherfucker

>> No.10313298


>> No.10313292

I really hate gain who call themselves hikikomori.

>> No.10313309

>being a NEET loser is the new "I'm such a nerd xD"

>> No.10313349

Holy crap... everything in that post is true. In the past days, being a nerd was humilliation and go to the street nowadays, loads and loads of people with HH shirts of superheroes and stuff, and we had The Big Bang Theory... So, being a NEET is the humilliation nowadays (except for /jp/ hipsters) and we just have to wait 2 years, hell, even 1 year till' we see "Keep Calm and Shut Yourself" t-shirts.

>> No.10313359

Honestly I don't think that is going to happen. The "being a shut-in is cool" thing seems very isolated to places like /jp/. I can't see that getting into the mainstream, at least not anytime soon.

>> No.10313392

Get out.

>> No.10313395

It's a trait restricted to introverts.
Disgusting extroverts can't get their attention addiction if they stay inside and contradicts their claims because they're outside while saying it.
It won't happen.

>> No.10313398

I bet people were saying that about the internet 30 years ago.

>> No.10313403

Extroverts are the worst people.

>> No.10313409

Will being extroverted ever stop being glorified? I read somewhere that in the old days being an introvert was beneficial and a lot of businessmen were that way.

>> No.10313417

I have enough money lying around that I could probably produce a few hundred NEET PRIDE WORLDWIDE T-shirts and sell them online.

>> No.10313426

If you have so much money you should give them away

>> No.10313429

I somewhat successfully sustained an extroverted person for about a decade before destroying it and becoming a hermit. It was painful. The worst part is that I still have traces of that attention-seeking disease. I guess pretending or joking about something only lasts for so long before it becomes reality. I should have been open about my misery instead of wasting my school life with social contacts. I could have achieved much more.

What I'm trying to say is, keep in mind that there are many more people like me out there that are eventually going to realize that their extroverted identity is killing them. When they get rid of it, they will end up on /jp/ and possibly adopt being a shut-in as a cool thing to be.

>> No.10313432

But then I won't have the money anymore.

>> No.10313437

Do you ever feel the urge to become a tripfag

>> No.10313438

That makes no sense. Did they say that about telephones or telegrams too?

I think the i'm such a nerd XD already includes being a shut in. You can find people saying their going to lock themselves for a week and play pokemon or something.

>> No.10313446

No, I am not like that. I treat anonymous imageboards/textboards as a sacred ground as I came to understood that they are the only place on the planet where I can feel at home.

The fantasies that repeat in my head are often about me doing something that's almost not possible by human standards in front of certain people from my past life. The worst part is that I can't control them. I want to stop, and I'm trying, but it's difficult.

>> No.10313448

I have a feeling that if many truNEETs were forced to have contact with a cute poser otaku girl he would cave in and fuck eventually.

>> No.10313451

I don't think so. Socializing was essential for success and still is. Even if businessmen were introverts at one time or another they had to talk to people in a non -autistic awkward way. Thus socializing, and with it, extroversion, will never stop being glorified.

>> No.10313455

truNEETs are alpha as fuck, so naturally they would give a kawaii girl that dick.

>> No.10313457

I'm afraid to say that Milk really isn't that cute. She's a 4/10 with a bad personality. But yeah I guess even that is good enough for someone from here.

How did they meet anyway?

>> No.10313466

Introverted =/= socially retarded. Most shy people you know are probably just failed extroverts.

I'm completely confident in myself and can carry a conversation fine, but I prefer to be alone.

>> No.10313468

Yeah. Milk is disgustingly ugly. I confirmed it during her stream. Wouldn't be enough for me.

>> No.10313483

I had that kind of opportunity, but I couldn't get it in. I don't know, my dick wasn't the hardest it's ever been, but I still was hard. I just couldn't get it in. Nothing has ever shattered my confidence more than that moment.

>> No.10313479

Not only is she ugly, but she almost definitely has FAS.

>> No.10313488

Are you kidding me I wouldn't even be able to interact with them.

>> No.10313492

You put it in the hole above her asshole, I think. Maybe someone can confirm.

>> No.10313496

I tried. It wouldn't go in.

>> No.10313499

That happened to me, the only time I was about to have sex. I'm still a virgin. I couldn't get hard, I don't really have a sex drive. I guess I just wanted to be able to say I knew what sex was like, but I couldn't get hard.

>> No.10313501

But my point is that being that a person who is extroverted seams to excel more than an introverted person in conversations, just because he has more and looks for them; make most people think that that talkative guy also excels at life, simply because socializing is a requirement for success.
I never implied introversion=/= social retardation.

>> No.10313505


>> No.10313507

ur prolly gay LOL

>> No.10313522

I had a similar reaction: I got to penetration but then my mind rushed and I kept thing of the silliness of sex, the slutiness of both me and her... And I lost my boner.

>> No.10313532

You guys are a bunch of fags HAhahahahahahaha

>> No.10313533
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>not getting hard at the sight of women

>> No.10313535

I had a girl try to kiss me once and I flipped out and pushed her away. Was spitting on the ground as soon as I made it through the door.

I've never been close to a vagina, I'm kind of disappointed in you guys.

>> No.10313539
File: 36 KB, 1321x180, 3d pig disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10313544

With me I was really uncomfortable and embarrassed about being naked with another person, and I had trouble getting the condom on. That kind of ruined the moment.

>> No.10313552

you've gotten farther than /r9k/, but holy shit you guys just plain suck.

>> No.10313556

B-b-b-but I was a stupid 14 yo seduced by 20 something shota-lover... Don't hate me anon!

>> No.10313563

That middle aged man in the middle is going to have a hard time biting aluminium with those amalgams.

>> No.10313575

I was in love with her.

>> No.10313582

Why would he need to bite aluminum?

>> No.10313597

It's called performance anxiety. You're so focused on doing well that you don't enjoy it (and get flaccid). Happens to a lot of guys after a long dry spell.

>> No.10313636

One time I got a boner too fast and my penis died?

>> No.10313675

To think such non-saging faggots as yourself post.

I agree with you though. I try not to think about it, and instead prefer to talk about myself.

>> No.10313689

The worst part is those other IRC circlejerkers calling each other "normalfags".

IRC is for retards and hyper-normals.

>> No.10313697

