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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10318175 No.10318175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does moot always refer to /jp/ users as "misunderstood geniuses"?

>> No.10318181

It's more polite than "autistic retards."

>> No.10318180

damn moot brush your teeth that's disgusting

>> No.10318184

because he is a fagget

>> No.10318182

Because we're geniuses that other people can't understand.
Personally I'm waiting for the day he changes us to /jp/ - Baka Gaijins

>> No.10318188

moot looks jewy

>> No.10318190
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>> No.10318194

It's an epic /a/ meme.

>> No.10318199


Is that really moot? What the fuck?

And he even has one of ZUN's hats I think. Are they IRL friends?

>> No.10318203

Without /jp/ there would be no moot. Think about that.

>> No.10318213


>> No.10318219

>you will never create a futaba ripoff that becomes the biggest English imageboard and get to meet Zun ;_;
Fuck you moot.

>> No.10318222

They've talked it over, and decided which popular Touhou dies in the next game.

>> No.10318228

You can create the next NND clone! It'll show videos like a Tube television, but straight to You! But what would you call it?

>> No.10318297

What bugs me most about moot is how he takes credit for the whole anonymous imageboard thing. Going so far as to give speeches and shit and make a fool of himself in front of hundreds of people.

Just who does this asshole think he is?

>> No.10318307


Right now he thinks he's a millionaire, and he's right about that.

>> No.10318310

Hes moot, the creator of the largest mostly anonymous imageboard in the US.

>> No.10318312

He is responsible for the modern structure of the internet and corrupted an entire generation with his memes. Nothing less than the most influential figure of the century so far.

History will revere him as a god amongst men, just as he should be.

>> No.10318322


Can you point out an example where he takes credit for anonymous imageboards?

>> No.10318328




>> No.10318329

>History will [ . . . ] just as he should be.
English is pretty hard, isn't it?

>> No.10318346

>History will revere him as a god amongst men, just as he should be [revered].

>> No.10318349



>> No.10318350

you are just stupid hehe

>> No.10318353

My grammar doesn't change the fact that moot will be a historical figure on the level of Abraham Lincoln, Ghandi and Stalin.

>> No.10318372

A digital hero for a digital age.

>> No.10318424

because oldfags.
/jp/ is the closest any anons could be at understanding moot.
he knows this,and yet he must shun us like the kid on school who suddenly got popular and is too cool for his former friends.
such is moots suffering.
which he alleviates by being a jew with mirrions of dorrah

>> No.10318431

I'm glad he got a haircut. That jewfro phase he had really wasn't working for him, especially with his receding hairline.

>> No.10318440

moot is a /jp/ user at heart.
He just cant come out of closet to say that he enjoys 2hu and doing /jp/ things.
He made /jp/ and even try to organize a meetup with /jp/ but we all know how that end up.

>> No.10318444

moot hates touhou though

>> No.10318441

Nothing says happiness like swimming in a pool filled with money

>> No.10318448

Yeah and he is balling and drinking with ZUN just to piss /jp/ off right?

>> No.10318449

He browses /jp/ and talks with us and doesn't put his cap on. Don't ask me how I know this, but I know.

>> No.10318457
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moot can't really go around saying shit like what his favorite anime is or that he faps to futa/other interesting fetish because he actually has an identity now.

He can still do these things Anonymously, but not as "moot"
He has guest appearances and gives speeches and such now. He needs to distance himself from the "average" perception of someone on 4chan, especially the more seasoned posters. And most especially us "misunderstood geniuses" on /jp/

And so he will hate us, because we can take it....

>> No.10318459


I would not be surprised by this.

Moot is very private. He probably does a lot of things that nobody can really prove.

>> No.10318462

I can't take it

>> No.10318465


Fuck off, moot.

>> No.10318469

Then it is time for you to leave /jp/ and go to /q/ to cry with the rest of the crybabies.

>> No.10318481
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Don't worry, at least we have each other. We are in this together and can alleviate the blunt of it all.
Even moot is with us, but just Anonymously.
There is the Anonymous moot and the Time Magazine and canv.as "moot." Anonymous moot is right here with us as he always has been, as a fellow misunderstood genius.

>> No.10318503

He can't because moot never has. He has mentioned Hiroyuki as one of the founders of the whole thing, even though he wasn't either.

>> No.10318523

>Don't ask me how I know this
I ask you anyway because I'm interested. I wouldn't think he has the free time anymore.

>> No.10318545

He does it for everyone's sake. moot-kun acts so professional and business-like for US, if he didn't the government and the feminists would've had 4chan shut down ages ago.

Godspeed mootykins

>> No.10318548
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>> No.10318555


dat sarcasm

>> No.10318560 [DELETED] 

Haha I had no idea moot was a /jp/ person. I've only been browsing an hour but he seems like a total /b/ro already.

>> No.10318561

It is funny because he might have gone to the /jp/ meet up at Comiket.

>> No.10318574

>I hope I could be the one on the left

>> No.10318575

Looks legit.

>> No.10318591
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I just wish moot would stop being so cold to us all the time and show some affection. I know he has to keep up appearances, but it hurts when he says mean things about us.

>> No.10318600

I wonder if I could blow moot at a convention and get a capcode

>> No.10318608

That's how all the other mods do it.

>> No.10318673

m00t is a normalfag and he thinks he is above us now

>> No.10318681
File: 48 KB, 253x218, 1340050699725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well when moot was over in Japan getting interviewed about 4chan and he was talking about /jp/ in particular and showed a browsing of /jp/ live, a majority of the posts were "MOOT YOU ARE A FUCKING FAGGOT!"
Sure, such is typical of 4chan, but it wasn't very nice of us.
At least someone else was posting naked Alice pictures.

>> No.10318730

Fire your ESL teacher.

>> No.10318741

I don't have one.

>> No.10318842 [DELETED] 

He's one of the few people who understand that we're genuises

>> No.10319262

But moot is Catholic, not Jewish...

>> No.10319273

interview link pls

>> No.10319283

That explains the shitty grammar..

>> No.10319284

But man, does he look jewish. He is like a fucking stereotype. And I'm liberal all knowing communist.

>> No.10319294

moot actually has money now? That's nice, it would be pretty bad if 4chan ended putting him in debt for life.

>> No.10319299

Well when moot was over in Japan getting interviewed about 4chan and he was talking about /jp/ in particular and showed a browsing of /jp/ live, a majority of the posts were made by /b/tards watching the stream live and spamming every board the interviewers intented to visit.

There was just one Anon who reacted quick enough and bumped an Alice imagedump just in time for it to show up on the frontpage. Japan cheered. That was the entire /jp/-made or /jp/-related material in there.

>> No.10319297

Dec 19 08:10:14 <+WTSnacks> who the fuck is ZUN anyway?
Dec 19 08:10:32 <@moot> some game maker /jp/ worships
Dec 19 08:10:59 <@moot> i happened to meet him and thought i should get a pic taken with him
Dec 19 08:11:01 <@moot> to rustle /jp/'s jimmies
Dec 19 08:11:19 <+WTSnacks> lol
Dec 19 08:11:21 <+JDigital> Poor /jp/. You're still going to delete the board?
Dec 19 08:11:32 <@moot> yeah soon
Dec 19 08:12:21 <@moot> alright im out
Dec 19 08:12:29 <+WTSnacks> later

>> No.10319300

Nice try Trevor

>> No.10319301

omg is this real??

>> No.10319305


Seems legit

>> No.10319306

that's fake though

>> No.10319313

Dec 21 12:15:14 <+WTSnacks> So I was watching shrek earlier..
Dec 21 12:15:32 <@moot> pretty dreck huh
Dec 21 12:15:59 <@moot> did you see the part where he told donkey to shutup
Dec 21 12:16:01 <@moot> that ogre rustled that ass hard
Dec 21 12:16:19 <+WTSnacks> lel
Dec 21 12:16:21 <+Tokiko> So Moot, when are you going to make me /jp/s meido?
Dec 21 12:16:32 <@moot> uh right now hang on
Dec 21 12:17:21 <@moot> alright you're /jp/s janitor now
Dec 21 12:17:29 <+Tokiko> Awesome! I can't wait fix /jp/, while posting cute tokiko pics!
Dec 21 12:17:40 <@moot> have fun
Dec 21 12:18:20 <+TrevCella> get fucked you kissless virgen fucking faggots

>> No.10319319

/jp/ was also the only board that called out moot on his bullshit by saying fuck you

>> No.10319323

>"I'm so poor I can barely afford to run this site"
>"brb traveling the world to exotic cities"
>"hey you misspelled the captcha there's a fee for that pal"

I'm quoting moot

>> No.10319322
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>> No.10319332

The last part is bugging me a bit, too. Whenever I go to another side that uses recaptcha (you know, all these filesharing fuckers), I get it right the first time. Every single time. For some reason, captcha here is always more obscure and fucked up.

>> No.10319333

No you aren't.

>> No.10319338

The only thing that bothers me is that it checks whether or not the captcha is correct after an image finishes uploading. Makes making a post with a huge image an unnecessary pain.

>> No.10319345


/v/ and /a/ called moot a faggot, we actually didn't.

>> No.10319348

I'm pretty sure I call him faggot all the time. And AFAIK, /a/ and /v/ worship him like a god or something,

>> No.10319352

Everyone on 4chan is tsundere for moot as hell.

>> No.10319355



No, he's just a stupid motherfucker

>> No.10319357

Only idiots bite the hand that feeds them, you know.

>> No.10319359 [DELETED] 

Captcha: gookshme Ira

>> No.10319360

I would if it's some real shitty food.

>> No.10319361

Any idiot could have 4chan. He thinks we are his fucking peasants.

>> No.10319363

Haven't been on 4chan long have you?

>> No.10319365 [DELETED] 

>He thinks we are his fucking peasants.
HELL jea! How dare he... post sometimes?

>> No.10319364



Feed with what?

That guy doesn't care about 4chan, he can go fuck himself

>> No.10319370 [DELETED] 

Longer than you, I'm pretty sure about that.

>> No.10319371 [DELETED] 

I have my doubts unless you're staff.

>> No.10319378 [DELETED] 

Then again staff, as in moot, would have known how much shit people have given him since day 1.

>> No.10319398

If he didn't care, he'd have shut down this shithole years ago when he didn't make a cent of profit.

>> No.10319399

Sup moot?

>> No.10319400


He's made a ton of money on 4chan. Bandwidth costs *nothing* and adult ads pay hugely. You are a fucking idiot if you buy his bullshit about losing money on 4chan.

>> No.10319404


Go check the various boards on this site then come back and say that again if you have the balls.

>> No.10319407

nice try moot
go exiting now

>> No.10319410

Yeah, right. Ads that no one clicks (or even sees) pay hugely. And while bandwidth might not be the world, ever bought a half-decent server? Those dings run by $10000 and up. You may believe whatever you want, but ``tons of money''? Sure.

>> No.10319412

Argument instantly discredited by use of faggot quotes.

>> No.10319417
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Well fuck you too

>> No.10319419


>Ads that no one clicks (or even sees) pay hugely.

Yes, they do. Have you ever actually ran a site or are you just sitting there wiping cheeto dust off your fat-rolls and making guesses?

>> No.10319423

Second one.

>> No.10319426

I don't eat Cheetos.

>> No.10319428

The latter. So?

>> No.10319441
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