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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 319x400, young_magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10387836 No.10387836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Uproar in Japan over a photo.

The photo shows the 21 year old Kasai of AKB48 in a te-bura (or hand bra) pose, with a young, blond boy covering her breasts. This was supposed to be a promotion for her debut photo collection called Tomo no koto, suki? (“Do you like Tomo?”),


>> No.10387844
File: 28 KB, 350x400, breaking_news.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10387854

I thought this loli shit is everyday stuff in Japan.

I bet if it was a guy with a little girl they would OK it.

>> No.10387862

It's because he's white, isn't it?

>> No.10387861

I hope she wore nipple pasties. And I hope she didn't turn around during the shoot. Imagine the psychological damage that poor kid would suffer.

>> No.10387865

Watch, there is no other shota in the photo book

>> No.10387876

Then again, some mothers still breast feed their kids at that age. It's a big issue especially in the US. The mothers refuse to stop it as they say it is "mutually beneficial" or something.

>> No.10387881

So it's legal to own CP but not touch an older woman's breasts?

>> No.10387893

There are few things more rage inducing than a .gif file that is not a GIF.

>> No.10387901

That kid looks like he's either a blond 11 or a Finnish kid with downs.

>> No.10387907


I believe the kid is half Japanese and they dyed the hair blonde.

>> No.10387918
File: 151 KB, 1440x810, With all the mother-son bathing, its no wonder so many Japanese harbor incest fantasies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Japan is so against child abuse or backward sexuality in it's culture.

>> No.10387921

Yes? One is a picture, one is sexual abuse. It's the difference between rape fiction and actually raping someone.

>> No.10387922

>So it's legal to own CP
since when?

>> No.10387928
File: 72 KB, 484x750, 1358532179837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit? You can't even inspect a woman's breasts anymore?

>> No.10387935

Producing CP was outlawed in the 90's, but it's still legal to own it.

>> No.10387945

Mongoloid face and blonde, I'd bet 5 bucks he's Finnish, also why is people mad, don't half of them bathe with childs daily?

>> No.10387947

How mentally retarded are you to think that a boy touching a woman's breasts is child abuse? The first few years of their lives they sucked milk out of a woman's tits, it's not a big deal.

>> No.10387949


That's different. It's normal for Japanese to use the ofuro with family members when you're still small.

Much like in some countries using the sauna with family members. There's nothing sexual about it.

>> No.10387954

This is only harmful to the kid if people tell him it is, so why do they keep doing it?

Do they seriously think it's natural human reaction to be psychologically traumatized by breast touching or even sex? Obviously it's a product of the culture and not the action.

Anyway I've heard of children being breastfed up to six years old. Is that rape too?

>> No.10387957
File: 334 KB, 1000x1000, 1344364425282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's nothing sexual about touching your family member's warm, naked bodies

>> No.10387960


Obviously there's something sexual about it, at least in the minds of the participants, or it wouldn't be heavy-handedly included in porn.

>> No.10387962
File: 184 KB, 1440x810, tfw This is how a normal person acts when they see this. You are a normal person, arent you You musntnt be if you arent acting like this normal person. -japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing sexual about it
Read the .jpg name of that image numb nuts.

>> No.10387963

Wrong thread, the mazacon one is over there.

>> No.10387965

I always have trouble finding straight shota videos on the internet

>> No.10387973

It's not his mother, you moron. It's also suggestive and produced to be aimed at horny teenagers. It's not art, it's sex appeal.

The kid probably didn't have all this told to him, and even if he did children can't consent. Parents' consent doesn't matter.

>> No.10387975


Who said anything about touching? What the heck is going on here?

It's mostly included in porn from countries that are not comfortable with the idea of it not being sexual.

In the countries where normal people can do it without sexual thoughts, it is rather a fetish perhaps than any mainstream porn.

>> No.10387978

i llov dreamig about hard cock

i waek up every night

cum insiod diaper from hard cock dream

cannot stopping

>> No.10387982

It's fucking nasty is what it is.

>> No.10387983

Sheltered nigger.

>> No.10387987


>It's mostly included in porn from countries that are not comfortable with the idea of it not being sexual.


Are you slow?


People eating is fucking nasty too. I don't wanna watch big lumps of tendon and fat and muscle take other lumps of tendon and fat and muscle into their mouths and turn it into a big mushy unrecognizable mess. Does this mean it's OK to demonize eating because I don't like watching it?

>> No.10387989

Who gives a fuck? The idea that a bag of fat that all boys suck on at birth for years is going to scar the child is ridiculous.

>> No.10387988


Wait were you just citing the textbook pedo defense argument?

>> No.10387997


I'll keep citing it until I hear it refuted, which you seem really terrified to attempt.

>> No.10388003


>Are you slow?

No, are you?

See how much fun these kind of shit arguments are?

>> No.10388008

>It's mostly included in porn from countries that are not comfortable with the idea of it not being sexual.

Are you this unfamiliar with Japanese porn?

>> No.10388009

please stop arguing

and post more of these images

idols are otaku culture

>> No.10388011


I was asking if you made a typo or are dumb enough that your sentence was legitimate. Thanks for confirmation.

>> No.10388018


>or are dumb enough that your sentence was legitimate.

Are you slow?

>> No.10388017

Do Japanese women want westerners to touch their breasts that much? I bet she deliberately found a blonde-haired kid so she could feel the touch of a true man, however much his American power might be sealed by his age.

>> No.10388021

There are many studies that show child sex abuse leads to depression, anxiety, PTSD, suicide, and other problems. I want you to post a study that tells me these are due to "people being told about it".

>> No.10388023


I know Japanese porn is full of onsen/ofuro etc. scenes, but it does not have little kids in the bath with their moms.

>> No.10388028

>it does not have little kids in the bath with their moms


>> No.10388040

So you're saying children having sex is damaging in cultures where children are shamed for having sex? Thanks for the insight.

>> No.10388042


It's common sense. Children were obviously not traumatized by breast-touching before human culture and civility existed, while we were all naked and shameless, so any 'trauma' that happens after a fact is the result of the culture.

It's funny when dumb people think you need scientific evidence to support claims like this. Do you need to see peer-reviewed evidence that if I splatter your mother with my cum she'll become slimy? Maybe I should cite some hydrodynamics.

>> No.10388046

Most people who complain about pedophilia don't even understand why it's wrong. They're just stupid and emotional. Sexual interactions between children and adults are easily subject to abuse because children are more easily coerced and manipulated simply because children are very naive and not as smart as adults. These problems happen to stupid and naive adults too. That said, some kid cupping a woman's breasts for a picture isn't going to hurt him, even if it is in bad taste.

>> No.10388048


>Most people who complain about pedophilia don't even understand why it's wrong. They're just stupid and emotional.

They're not emotional, they're just stupid. They are riding the demonization wagon. They don't give a shit about children.

>> No.10388050

Sex is fun and feels good, what exactly is wrong with it? You're looking at it from some fundamentalist Christian perspective, "muh purity!!".

>> No.10388053


>simply because children are very naive and not as smart as adults.

It's okay to generalize children this way, but if I say "simply because niggers are very naive and not as smart as whites," it's my head?

>> No.10388055

> "muh purity!!".
please do not bring outside memes into the discsussion kudosai

>> No.10388057


Don't you mean '/a/ perspective'?

>> No.10388068

while their being emotional might not be so relevant, they definitely are. Lots of shitty laws are enacted to "protect the children", which is absolutely an appeal to people's emotion. Humans have evolved to instinctual want to protect children.
I don't know if you're trolling, stupid, or just a selfish shameless pedophile. Regardless: fuck you.
You're comparing apples and oranges. Children are naive because they're supposed to absorb as much information as they can so they can develop into intelligent adults. I don't know about niggers being naive, but there is evidence to show they aren't as smart as other races. Obviously they're going to get mad at you for saying this, because nobody likes being called stupid.

>> No.10388069

>Does this mean it's OK to demonize eating because I don't like watching it?

Yes. I hate watching people eat/listening to people eat anyways.

>> No.10388075

>I don't know if you're trolling, stupid, or just a selfish shameless pedophile. Regardless: fuck you.

Cool refutation, bitchtits.

>> No.10388081


>I don't know if you're trolling, stupid, or just a selfish shameless pedophile. Regardless: fuck you.

Here, I'll translate this out of 'dumb tumblr skank' dialect:

"I was not prepared for this argument by my social justice quarrel flowcharts so I am now bowing out gracefully with some pedophobic insults"

>> No.10388084

You strawmanned my argument with "But sex is fun!". You're the bitchtits.

>> No.10388089


Do you know what 'strawman' means? It's not just a label you desperately hurl onto opposing arguments when you're cornered, sweetheart.

>> No.10388091

I didn't strawman anything. You are looking at sex as some huge deal, when really it's just bodily pleasure. Kids start masturbating as toddlers. It feels good, for both parties.

The adult is not "taking" anything away from the child by engaging in this experience with them. If anyone, the child will learn about sexuality and be less likely to end up pregnant as a teen because she will know how it all works.

>> No.10388097


But muh tumblr posts said sex is evil and that anyone who partakes in it is satan! Why won't you listen? Fucking strawman!

>> No.10388100

I know exactly what it means. You're just upset and unable to discuss this rationally because society vilifies you for wanting to have sex with children even though it isn't your fault.

>> No.10388105

Thanks OP, but I read that, like, days ago, on Sankaku Complex (#1 Japanese news site for you nerds)

>> No.10388107


>You're just upset

Wow, you can tell stuff about me through the tubes of the internet?

Are you a... hacker???

>> No.10388118

Being a condescending prick begets you nothing. Nobody's ever going to try to help you if you're not even going to admit that what you want is wrong.

>> No.10388120

but does sankaku also have the meme-filled secondary arguments we do?

>> No.10388127

Are you upset that you lack a coherent argument?

I'm still waiting for a response. >>10388091

>> No.10388132



Some biblical terminology to go with your biblical argument. Thanks, sweetie.

>> No.10388133

I'm going to delete this thread if more pictures are not posted

>> No.10388134

You'll stop being pedos when you talk to kids.

>> No.10388137

I work at a daycare center.

>> No.10388146

Sounds neat!

>> No.10388149

Don't do something that barbaric. ``KUDASAI''

>> No.10388153

do not abuse the children please

>> No.10388161

> You are looking at sex as some huge deal
No I'm not.
>Kids start masturbating as toddlers
How many? All of them? This isn't even relevant.
>It feels good, for both parties.
It's not wrong because it doesn't feel good.
>he adult is not "taking" anything away from the child by engaging in this experience with them.
I didn't say they were.
>the child will learn about sexuality and be less likely to end up pregnant as a teen because she will know how it all works.
Children can learn about sex without having sexual interactions with adults. I managed.
You still haven't addressed >>10388021's post, nor what I said about relationships between people with significantly different physical, intellectual, emotional, and sexual development having an inordinate propensity for abuse. Even if they consent to you, it doesn't mean you aren't abusing them. Manipulating anyone into sex is a very unhealthy experience. It happens all the time, the difference is that children, who haven't had a chance to develop, deserve an extra layer of protection from this abuse.

>> No.10388164


She will do no such thing. I am the OP, and I will never delete this threat.

>> No.10388167

Why did you take something I said in the thread where that image was posted and made it into a filename, then changed the picture of the woman for that of a drawing of a bald sad guy?

>> No.10388168

I will seduce you into deleting the thread

>> No.10388192

hey idiots,think of it this way.
An advertisement with a woman of your nation, with a nigglet holding her tits.
